Marlboroman82 wrote:
RichyCizzo wrote:
Yes. I made a 500 mile shot with a Desert Eagle with an acog sight. ZOMG WTF?!
What the fuck asshole. If you don't have anything posative to contribute stfu.
QFE, especially if you're a member with all of ten seconds under your belt.
=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:
"In 2003 Royal Marines sniper Corporal Matt Hughes killed an Iraqi gunman from 900 yards with a “wonder shot” in which he aimed 56ft to the left and 35ft high to allow for wind.
The bullet’s trajectory was calculated by his spotter after he studied the movement of dust in the breeze."
Luck or skill d'reckon?
that much wind? Any good shot should tell you: a little of the first and a lot of the second. Just knowing where to aim to get the bullet to land on target is most of it; the rifle and ammo take care of the bulk of the remainder; how to squeeeeze off the shot is most of what's left and luck accounts for the last little bit.
EntertaineR_06 wrote:
Imagine putting your head behind a sniper rifle going off... you'd get knocked out by the recoil ^^
Well it depends on the head, don't it?
Meatloaf once won a bet he wouldn't let a VW van drive over his!
Seriously though, though the kick from a powerful round is quite fierce a punch can exert more force. See post #42 on this page: