Well since I started playing BF2, I've died a lot... Too much.  I've learned everything on this game the hard way, thus making my K/D ration and win loss ratio almost insurmountable mines more like a D/K ratio.  Here are a few things I've picked up on or seen.


I was so excited to get on BF2 I just clicked the "I agree" box and away I went.  I played on a pistol knife server two weeks later.  I was thinking "this is too easy, hell I'll be a general in a week".  So I checked the forums to see how the rest of the BF2 community feels about it.  I found that not only did I violate the BF2 ROE's, I discovered that it is considered one of the lowest forms of cheating.  You can even get your stats reset.  I felt like such and ass.  What did I do?  I turned myself in to EA.  My rank was lower than it is now (still pretty low though) and I didn't want to get my rank up there only to check my stats one day and find out that they had been reset for some stupid crap I pulled when I was a noob.  EA was merciful.

2.  Find Tutorials on line to help you.

Want to snipe?  Have at it.  I did. Died a lot.  There are several aspects of bf2 which can make playing a specific kit difficult.  Some thoughtful players out there have made how to guides to help us newbies. Read up.  I watched a bunch of sniper vids (I can imagine the eye rolls from the rest of the members).  It helped on judging bullet drop and where to aim.  You want to fly a heli or jet? Cool.  However, Don't just join a full server and jump into a heli after playing single player for 5 mins thinking you can be Maverick.  I thought so, did it and immediately crashed.  It was pretty pathetic.  Then I went and searched forums & you tube for pointers.  There are a few good guides out there to get you going in the right direction.  Then....

2.  Join an empty server and practice, a lot. 

Nuff said.  Want to try something new do it on an empty server.  Sit in the Apache on a carrier and shoot some guided rockets. Practice steering em.  Do it a lot.  I still suck so I am still logging onto empty servers.

3.  Squad up. 

I've got way too much lone wolf time.  I died - yes, a lot.  Why?  Well first off, I kinda suck.  Secondly, I never had someone watching my back.  Squad up if you can with people that use a Mic.  If you don't have a Mic, get one.  It sure beats typing.  Granted high rank doesn't always mean that they are a good player, but it means that they've played the game a lot.  They probably know the in's and out's of a map and it sure beats running around blindly getting smoked.

4.  Don't team kill.

I hate team killers.  I really try to avoid doing it.  I can honestly say I have only one intentional team kill.  I was waiting on a plane and some prick ran me over with a jeep then tried to tell me that the jet spawned and killed me.  I shot him in the back of the head with the L96.  He later got kicked for TK for vehicles.  I was dumb for stooping to his level, and haven't done it since.  He stole the plane you were waiting on?  Well, it ain't the end of the world, the sun will still come up tomorrow.  Don't stand in the middle of the runway with a m95 and take it back.  Worse yet, don't C4 it.  BF2 is a team game and there are guys out ground pounding hiding from a tank waiting on air support  which is gonna be late cause you blew up the friggin plane.  It really ruins the game.  Plus TK'in will eventually earn you a nice kick/ban.  I never did it and all 5 of my kicks were from making room for and admin or high ping.  High ping brings me to my next topic.

5.  Connections.

I should have put this one higher up on the list since it is probably the most important.  I have comcast high speed cable.  When it was installed, they gave me a bum modem.  I had pings in the 200's-300's.  Subsequently, I died, allot.  Since then my modem is new and it made a world of difference in my game play.   

6.  Shut up and play.

Whine typing, "He stole my vehicle" or "you dickwad" doesn't accomplish anything except making the rest of the players think you're 12 year old.  Which I guess is fine... if you're 12.  I've been killed by the best.  I was convinced they were running some sort of cheat.  There was no way he could know where I was at.  I wanted to typin in "you cheating little bastad'" on more than one instance, only to see the enemy UAV over body. 
Lastly, spamming "enemy spotted" the entire game really pisses people off.  I'm not talking about the player who spots and enemy once or twice  when he sees them, I'm talking about the dillhole who does it for 10 mins nonstop.  Great, you see him, everyone knows it, now shut up and go kill him.

7.  Remember the servers you like to play on and avoid the ones where you seem to do poorly (Submitted by SargeV1.4). 

He's right and thanks Sarge.  I've played a few good rounds only to have BF2 crash, my wife call me for dinner, pass out -whatever.  Either due to the fact that I'm a moron or just drunk, I didn't remember what server I was on... Got a pen?  Better yet, there is a way to add the server to your ingame favorite server list it will even show how many times you've played the map.  Re-read your directions and find out how!

8.  Don't try to overthrow the commander mid game (unless he really sucks).

You've only played for 10 hours.  I doubt you could do better... I didn't.  Wait until the end of the game then apply.  If your team is winning don't try and steal his points he earned them.

9.  Not having fun anymore? 

Don't go into a Noobmurder TK mode, spam or whine.  Change servers or turn it off.  It's a friggin' game.  Have fun.

-For all of you good experienced players I would appreciate and bow to any add on's or corrections.

Last edited by DBBrinson1 (2006-08-18 22:19:23)

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+136|6829|Minnesota eh
good guide for the noobies +1
Junkers Ju 87
+58|6898|Phoenix, AZ
Wow, played 100+ hours and only 6k points?

EDIT: Is title supposed to be "Dan's guide to Newbiedom"?

Last edited by [BBF*EF]Stuka (2006-08-03 07:48:11)

+718|6841|Austin, Texas

[BBF*EF]Stuka wrote:

Wow, played 100+ hours and only 6k points?

EDIT: Is title supposed to be "Dan's guide to Newbiedom"?
Did you even read his post? He got reset. And what the hell do his stats have anything to do with what he wrote?
Ha.  I know my stats suck.  I just enjoy the game.  I've spent too much time sniping.. just laying somewhere waiting for some one to run by.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Well done Dan.  Don't listen to the asshats that will flame you for as you said "kind of sucking".
I'm terrible too but love the game.
Ambitious but Rubbish
Good post mate +1
+149|6868|USA bitches!
Very informative. I sort of ran into it all when I started too and it took me awhile to get into the swing of things. Now that I've learned how to use the chopper, I'm doing much better. Also, I can groundpound pretty decently. Hint, unlock the G36E on your next unlock and become a medic whore, it'll help you alot.
Emtpy server tip: so true. If u are sad enough to play in a server with 3 ppl for hours and then u fly/chopper pilot like meee
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7126|Orlando, FL - Age 43
Thread moved.
I live for the 306
Really impressed +1
thank you, rather sadly I am guilty of a round of P&K only. I didnt realise it was not allowed. I will stay away from now on.
Fantasma Parastasie
I would add a point about finding a favourite server. I did when I was new and played on it for my first 2 months of BF2. Great folks, great admins, lots of different maps, and I learnt quickly.
+26|6788|New York!
Good tips! +1
Excellent post
+9|6921|Massachusetts, USA
Very good post, good points as well. +1 for you!

DBBrinson1 wrote:

6.  Shut up and play.

Lastly, spamming "enemy spotted" the entire game really pisses people off.  I'm not talking about the player who spots and enemy once or twice  when he sees them, I'm talking about the dillhole who does it for 10 mins nonstop.  Great, you see him, everyone knows it, now shut up and go kill him.
I agree with pretty much everything in your post except for this.  Q spotting is something that is extremely important, and imo is not done enough on pubs.  I briefly played competitively with bf2combat, and one of the things that the vets drilled into our heads was to q spot everything first, then shoot it.  Eventually you tune out the annoying "enemy forces spotted" and just look for the red dots on your minimap.
Aaron Lira
+1 so true
Philosopher King
+16|6915|New York State, USA
You turned yourself in?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
WTF.  You deserve your score w/  less than 1 spm. I think EA or Dice or whoever has bigger fish to fry that you for a few K & P only.  Like this guy  AtZeN_BuNkEr_EW  if he is getting away w/ his cheating... you would be fine.   HA... turned himself in. LMAO!

pasngr wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

6.  Shut up and play.

Lastly, spamming "enemy spotted" the entire game really pisses people off.  I'm not talking about the player who spots and enemy once or twice  when he sees them, I'm talking about the dillhole who does it for 10 mins nonstop.  Great, you see him, everyone knows it, now shut up and go kill him.
I agree with pretty much everything in your post except for this.  Q spotting is something that is extremely important, and imo is not done enough on pubs.  I briefly played competitively with bf2combat, and one of the things that the vets drilled into our heads was to q spot everything first, then shoot it.  Eventually you tune out the annoying "enemy forces spotted" and just look for the red dots on your minimap.
I understand and agree with you.  What I meant was that players find it annoying when the same guy repeatly keeps spotting the same enemy unit over and over again for five minuites straight.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

Diogenese wrote:

You turned yourself in?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
WTF.  You deserve your score w/  less than 1 spm. I think EA or Dice or whoever has bigger fish to fry that you for a few K & P only.  Like this guy  AtZeN_BuNkEr_EW  if he is getting away w/ his cheating... you would be fine.   HA... turned himself in. LMAO!
Yea, I was a new player and my conscience got to me... Morals, values and such.  I'd like to think of myself as an honest abiding person who plays by the rules.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Diogenese wrote:

You turned yourself in?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
WTF.  You deserve your score w/  less than 1 spm. I think EA or Dice or whoever has bigger fish to fry that you for a few K & P only.  Like this guy  AtZeN_BuNkEr_EW  if he is getting away w/ his cheating... you would be fine.   HA... turned himself in. LMAO!
Yea, I was a new player and my conscience got to me... Morals, values and such.  I'd like to think of myself as an honest abiding person who plays by the rules.
Not only was this the right thing to do, it was the smart thing.  I think you mentioned before that it would have sucked to play honestly for another few months and then get wiped for something you did unwittingly a long time ago.
+385|6811|Northern California
About the spotting topic, it may be that someone is trying to find someone they can't really see.  So if they're looking down their scope and "spotting" they may be waiting for "enemy sniper" or "enemy armor" and a solid red dot instead of the red question mark.  I've been playing on a sniper map in Oman and that is a tactic to find out where other snipers are since you can't UAV or Sat Scan.  But yes, it's annoying hearing that over and over and seeing little red question marks all over your map.

As for the overzealous commanders spotting a big crowd of badguys flanking your squads' positions...it can be annoying..especially if you're waiting to see other text pertinent to your condition, etc..flag captures, neutrals, other enemy vehicles spotted, arty coming, etc...
+3,611|6941|London, England
Don't go into a Noobmurder TK mode
I'm guilty of that.
hell i liked it ,good post

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