UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France
Rationale is up.  I may or may not add you to the list if you posted late.  Thanks for participation - karma for the participants is coming...hope it was fun - Pug

Link to defining the tendencies:

Link to question rationale:

In response to Cam Poe's vilification thread: Which Camp do You Belong To?


I'm wondering about the views of those listed on the teams.  I've created a quick test, so I can stereotype you more effectively.

Either post your answers here, and I'll give your results...or PM me and I'll you PM you your results (privacy guaranteed).  If you don't want to participate...well, then don't.

If you want to have your ideology posted below, please indicate.  I'm hoping this leads to more accurate and professional name calling during our daily issue masturbation sessions.

Anyway YOU MUST answer the question with the answers provided.  No opinion = no answer.  I'll update this thread when I feel like it.


1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything?  Yes/No
2)  What do you want?  $1000 tomorrow or $3000 next year
3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.  Yes/No
4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  Yes/No
5)  I believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Thor whatever.  Yes/No/Agnostic
6)  Professor X or Magneto?
7)  I am usually rushed.  Yes/No
8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan?  Bomb / Invade
9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)?  Yes/No
10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind?  Family / Friends / Money
11) Pick your favorite one: Israel / Arabs / Neither
12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily?
13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  Yes / No
14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter?  Yes / No / Ain't it great?
15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  Yes / No
16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  Yes / No
17) I _____ my government.  mostly trust / mostly do not Trust
18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.  Yes / No.
19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  Yes / No.
20) It's not urgent.  Now or Later?

And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Leader you'd like to meet
2) Leader you admire
3) Most distinctive personality trait
4) Favorite city
5) I'd like to xxxxx before I die
6) I'd like to xxxxx in the next five years
7) Favorite thing to do.
8) My personal nemisis in this forum is:

Published Tendencies/Results of test:
Krazykarl, Sceptique, Mafia, kessel, Sarnath, Gunslinger, DesertFox, oug, Jainus, Erkut.TV, puckmerc, M1-Lightning, S3v3n, Spark, buttersIRL, Marconius

Cpt.fass, USAFdude, Seremaker, one_of_ten, Pug, Primacore, TheMobReturns, Gator, CamPoe, UnOriginalNuttah, Pubic, AlexandertheGrape, Aardfirth, Miller, ts-pulsar, Lib-Slayer, Trollmeat, deadawakeing, kr@ker, lowing, MrPredictable, DonFck, DrunkFace, PekkaA

mafia, cpt.fass, krazykarl, Sarnath, Gator, DesertFox, Janius, Pubic, M1-Lightning, S3v3n, Miller, Trollmeat

Ikarti, Sceptique, Seremaker, Spumatii, LaidBackNinja, RicardoBlanco, Erkut.TV, AlexandertheGrape, Aardfirth, Poseidon, Spearhead, MrPredictable, Spark, DonFck, buttersIRL

k30dxedle, Pug, one_of_ten, USAFdude, kessel, Primacore, CamPoe, Marconius, RicardoBlanco, puckmerc, Aardfirth, ts-pulsar, Lib-Sl@yer, kr@ker, deadawakeing, MrPredictable, Spark, DonFck, PekkaA

Paranoid tendencies:
Ikarti, Serenemaker, cpt.fass, krazykarl, Sarnath, Gator, LaidBackNinja, RicardoBlanco, Erku.TV, puckmerc, M1-Lightning, AlexandertheGrape, ts-pulsar, kr@ker, lowing, MrPredictable, DonFck, buttersIRL

WTF? factor:
Primacord, Spumantii, Gunslinger, UnOriginalNuttah, oug, Pubic, S3v3n, Spearhead, ts-pulsar, Trollmeat, kr@ker, Spark, EstebanRey

Ikarti, USAFdude, oug, Erku.TV, Trollmeat, deadawakeing, buttersIRL

k30dxedle, Serenemaker, one_of_ten, kessel, Sarnath, LaidBackNinja, UnOriginalNutta, RicardoBlanco, Aardfirth, DonFck, PekkaA

God/Allah/Thor/Zeus believer:
USAFdude, mafia, serenmaker, cpt.fass, Pug, TheMobReturns, Spumantii, laidBackNinja, DesertFox, Erkut.TV, puckmerc, Aardfirth, S3v3n, Miller, Lib-Sl@yer, Trollmeat, deadawakeing, Spark

kessel, Gator, Gunslinger, Januis, M1-Lightning, AlexandertheGrape, kr@ker, lowing, DonFck, buttersIRL, PekkaA

Ikarti, k30dxedle, krazykarl, sceptique, one_of_ten, CamPoe, Marconis, UnOriginalNuttah, Saranath, RicardoBlanco, Pubic, Poseidon, Spearhead, ts-pulsar, MrPredictable, DrunkFace

Ikarti, cpt.fass, serenmaker, sceptique, krazykarl, Sarnath, Spumantii, Erkut.TV, M1-Lightning, AlexandertheGrape, Poseidon, Miller, ts-pulsar, Trollmeat, buttersIRL

k30dxedle, mafia, one_of_ten, TheMobReturns, Gator, CamPoe, LaidBackNinja, oug, RicardoBlanco, Pubic, kr@ker

Debates More Objectively (not stubborn):
k30dxedle, mafia, one_of_ten, Pug, kessel, Primacord, TheMobReturns, Spumantii, CamPoe, LaidBackNinja, OriginalNuttah, oug, RicardoBlanco, puckmerc, AlexandertheGrape, Aardfirth, ts-pulsar, Spark, DonFck, DrunkFace, buttersIRL, PekkaA

Debates More Biased (somewhat stubborn):
Ikarti, Serenemaker, sceptique, USAFdude, Gator, Gunslinger, Pubic, Erkut.TV, M1-Lightning, S3v3n, Lib-Sl@yer, Trollmeat, deadawakeing, lowing, MrPredictable

Last edited by Pug (2006-08-04 14:26:05)

Banned - for ever.
+231|6970|Wilmington, DE, US
1)  Yes
2)  $1000 tomorrow
3)  No
4)  No
5)  No
6)  Professor X, because Patrick Stewart>Ian McKellan
7)  No
8)  Bomb
9)  No
10) Money
11) Arabs
12) I was a karma terrorist
13) Yes
14) No (wtf?)
15) Yes...
16) Yes
17) Mostly do not trust
18) Yes
19) Yes, but probably not here.
20) Later

1) Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
2) As I've said before, Ahmadinejad may be a crazy adorable midget who stirs shit up in the Middle East, but it takes balls to tell the US to shove it up their ass.
3) I really don't know
4) Baltimore
5) I'd like to defeat Eminem in the ultimate freestyle battle before I die
6) I'd like to get married in the next five years (looks like I will too)
7) Travel
8) My personal nemesis in this forum is no one. People make me laugh here.

Last edited by Ikarti (2006-08-02 15:15:22)


1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything?  No.
2)  What do you want?  $1000 tomorrow or $3000 next year? $3000 next year.
3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task. Depends on the task.
4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  No.
5)  I believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Thor whatever.  Yes/No/Agnostic No.
6)  Professor X or Magneto? Neither.
7)  I am usually rushed.  Yes/No Don't know what that means.
8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan?  Bomb / Invade Bomb.
9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)?  Yes/No No.
10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind?  Family / Friends / Money Don't know.
11) Pick your favorite one: Israel / Arabs / Neither Neither.
12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily? <1.
13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  Yes / No No.
14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter?  Yes / No / Ain't it great? No.
15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  Yes / No ?
16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  Yes / No Yes.
17) I _____ my government.  mostly trust / mostly do not Trust don't give two shits about
18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.  Yes / No. Yes.
19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  Yes / No. Depends on whether you're on the Internet or not.
20) It's not urgent.  Now or Later? Depends on what it is.

And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Leader you'd like to meet None.
2) Leader you admire Quite frankly - none.
3) Most distinctive personality trait Dunno.
4) Favorite city Haven't been to too many.
5) I'd like to xxxxx before I die Live a good life.
6) I'd like to xxxxx in the next five years Hard to say, too many things.
7) Favorite thing to do. Nothing in particular.

Published Categories:
Liberal: No.

Conservative: No.

Fascist: No.


Democratic: No.

WTF?: Yes.

Pro-Industry: Somewhat.

Pro-Environment: Somewhat.

God/Allah/Thor/Zeus believer: No.

Agnostic: No.

Atheist: Yes.

Pro-War: No. (see below)

Peaceful: No. Slightly passive-agressive. I'm like a mine. I'm harmless until you piss me off, then I explode.

More Objective: Yes.

More Biased: No.
© 2009 Jeff Minard
1000 £££ tomorrow
Professor X
none, didnt giv a shit, and sll dont.
mostly do not Trust

Peanut butter?????????????LOL

post result here.
+2,187|6829|Mountains of NC

1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything?  Yes/No
     hmmmmm Yes
2)  What do you want?  $1000 tomorrow or $3000 next year
      $3000 I got bills to pay and $3000 would be better
3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.  Yes/No
     Yes so they get the idea but tell if they know better then speak up
4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  Yes/No
      No bc I can't spell
5)  I believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Thor whatever.  Yes/No/Agnostic
      God - YEs
6)  Professor X or Magneto?
7)  I am usually rushed.  Yes/No
8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan?  Bomb / Invade
     Invade - I like infantry work
9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)?  Yes/No
     army - actually Marines
10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind?  Family / Friends / Money
     friends - money can buy me more
11) Pick your favorite one: Israel / Arabs / Neither
12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily?
13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  Yes / No
14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter?  Yes / No / Ain't it great?
      not yet
15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  Yes / No
      door - near exit
16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  Yes / No
17) I _____ my government.  mostly trust / mostly do not Trust
     mostly trust - I work for them
18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.  Yes / No.
19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  Yes / No.
      yes - i hope
20) It's not urgent.  Now or Later?

And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Leader you'd like to meet--- Pres. Bush
2) Leader you admire ---- Teddy Roosvelt
3) Most distinctive personality trait ---- humour
4) Favorite city ----- Jackson, WY
5) I'd like to xxxxx before I die ------ pilot a helio
6) I'd like to xxxxx in the next five years ------ retire
7) Favorite thing to do. ------- shoot my guns

Last edited by SEREMAKER (2006-08-02 15:03:38)

1)   Yes
2)   $1000 tomorrow
3)   Yes
4)   No
5)   No
6)   Magneto
7)   No
8)   Invade
9)   No
10) Family
11)  Israel
12) Cannot answer wasnt there
13)  No
14)  No
15)  No
16)  Yes
17)  mostly trust
18)  Yes
19)  No.
20)  Later

And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Leader you'd like to meet: None
2) Leader you admire:           None
3) Most distinctive personality trait : no anger management
4) Favorite city                             : Montreal
5) I'd like to xxxxx before I die     : Visite the world
6) I'd like to xxxxx in the next five years: Be happy in life and have finacial security
7) Favorite thing to do.   Playing video games
8) My personal nemisis in this forum is: None, not a big fan of forums

Last edited by =X=Sceptique (2006-08-02 15:32:29)

+7|6917|Brussels, Belgium
1) no
2) 3000 next year
3) yes
4) yes (if it's big, english is not my mother tongue so you should ad something for the others)
5) no
6) Prof X
7) no
8) invade
9) yes (ff)
10) money
11) neither
12) 0, I never gave negative
13) yes
14) no
15) I don't get this one ? If it's being able to see who's entering or leaving the room then yes
16) no, I'd find out why but if he really wants it then yes
17) mostly trust
18) yes
19) no
20) later

Published Categories:
Liberal: yes


Fascist: no

Socialist: yes

Democratic: yes

WTF?: no

Pro-Industry: no

Pro-Environment: yes

God/Allah/Thor/Zeus believer:no

Agnostic: no

Atheist: yes

Pro-War: no

Peaceful: no

More Objective: not all the time

More Biased: no, I'm a brain user

1) Zapatero (Spanish prime minister)
2) Zapatero
3) most of the time I give good advices
4) Dublin
5) I'd like to see a world with free schools and free hospitals at least (or a world ruled by socialism) before I die
6) I'd like to be able to pay taxes to help those who need help
7) Thinking about what left has brought (= mostly good things) and what the right has brought (only bad)
8) every neo-con zionazi etc of the forum

And yes, I want to have my ideology posted below.

Last edited by one_of_ten (2006-08-02 15:15:48)

Will fly for food.
+120|6770|Daytona Beach, FL
1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything?  No
2)  What do you want?  $1000 tomorrow
3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.  Yes
4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  No
5)  I believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Thor whatever.  Yes
6)  Professor X or Magneto? Chuck Norris
7)  I am usually rushed.  No
8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan?  Bomb
9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)?  Yes
10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind? Friends and Money
11) Pick your favorite one: Neither
12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily? I wasn't 'round then.
13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  Yes
14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter?  No
15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  No
16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  Yes
17) I _____ my government.  somewhat trust
18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.  Yes
19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  Yes
20) It's not urgent. Later

And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about).. I'm from Texas too.. I'll try to keep it simple for ya lol:

1) Leader you'd like to meet: Already met G.W. Bush.. so no one.
2) Leader you admire: Eisenhower
3) Most distinctive personality trait: I roll my eyes at stupid people.
4) Favorite city: Dallas, Texas
5) I'd like to go into space before I die.
6) I'd like to earn a pilot's license and get a job in the airlines in the next five years
7) Favorite thing to do. Fly planes.
8) My personal nemesis** in this forum is: Cougar.. he doesn't like airplanes.

Post the results on here.. I don't care.

Last edited by USAFDude_1988 (2006-08-02 16:26:10)

The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything?   YES
2)  What do you want?  $1000 tomorrow or $3000 next year. 1000 tomorrow
3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.  Yes if you want it done right
4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  No cause it's usually mine
5)  I believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Thor whatever.  YES
6)  Professor X or Magneto? Professor X
7)  I am usually rushed.  No
8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan?  Invade, we have a population problem
9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)?  No
10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind?   Money
11) Pick your favorite one:  Neither
12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily? 2
13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  no
14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter?  Jelly
15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  Yes
16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  Yes
17) I _____ my government.   mostly do not Trust
18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.  No.
19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  Yes
20) It's not urgent.  Now or Later? Now cause it will be urgent later

And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Leader you'd like to meet,  noone
2) Leader you admire,  Bush cause I like drinking beer and taking vactions too
3) Most distinctive personality trait,  Can't keep my mouth shut.
4) Favorite city  Was New York but big corperations ruined that, so I'll say Austin
5) I'd like to xxxxx before I die.. Have kids
6) I'd like to xxxxx in the next five years,  Retired at 35
7) Favorite thing to do.  Watch TV
8) My personal nemisis in this forum is:  I don't think I have one.
not always PWD, but usually.
+95|6797|Carlsbad, CA, USA

2.1000.00 tomorrow
4.no, too many, but i do notice.
15.yes, always
17.do not

1.wayne lapierre (NRA)
2.adolf hitler
3.my razor wit
4.running springs
5.get married
6.own a home
7.swim in the ocean
8.dont have one yet, but i don't like cameronpoe or bubbalo

Last edited by -=CB=-krazykarl (2006-08-02 15:38:37)

The Lizzard
What are your qualifications?
+190|6886|Home of the Escalade Herds

Pug wrote:

1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything?  Yes/No

Depends but mostly no.

2)  What do you want?  $1000 tomorrow or $3000 next year

$3000 next year

3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.  Yes/No


4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  Yes/No

Nope, not unless the person was flaming me, then i would hang him with it

5)  I believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Thor whatever.  Yes/No/Agnostic

Not really

6)  Professor X or Magneto?

In the comics, Magneto, in the shitty movies, Picard.

7)  I am usually rushed.  Yes/No

These days yes

8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan?  Bomb / Invade

I don't know enough about the details surrounding it so, null.

9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)?  Yes/No

Yes, pilot.

10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind?  Family / Friends / Money


11) Pick your favorite one: Israel / Arabs / Neither


12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily?


13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  Yes / No


14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter?  Yes / No / Ain't it great?


15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  Yes / No


16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  Yes / N


17) I _____ my government.  mostly trust / mostly do not Trust

Mostly do not trust

18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.  Yes / No.

Yes, most definetly.

19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  Yes / No.

I have my moments.

20) It's not urgent.  Now or Later?


And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Leader you'd like to meet

I would like to go drinking with Mr. Bush.

2) Leader you admire


3) Most distinctive personality trait

Huge penis.

4) Favorite city

Tough one...i'll go with Dubai for the moment.

5) I'd like to xxxxx before I die

See our planet from space.

6) I'd like to xxxxx in the next five years

Make a short film.

7) Favorite thing to do.

Spend time with family or friends with booze.

8) My personal nemisis in this forum is:


Published Categories:

Liberal: No

Conservative: No

Fascist: No

Socialist: No

Democratic: Yes

WTF?: Too often

Pro-Industry: Somewhat

Pro-Environment: Somehwat

God/Allah/Thor/Zeus believer: Not really

Agnostic: no

Atheist: on the fringe

Pro-War: no

Peaceful: yes

More Objective: yes

More Biased: no
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

Bubbalo wrote:

What are your qualifications?
I masterbate with peanut butter...who cares?  want to participate?
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I think he might have meant your answers?
Decepticons forever!
1) yes
2) 3000 next year
3) yes
4) yes
5) agnostic
6) Xavier, the movies suck long live the comics!
7) no
8) eh? i wudnt wanna do either, but invade
9) no
10) money
11) Arabs
12) 0
13) yes
14) never tried does it feel good? Oo
15) no
16) yes
17) mostly do not trust
18) yes
19) no
20) later mon

1) Leader you'd like to meet - Josef Stalin, on safe distance ofc since the man was a flippin ragin madman
2) Leader you admire - Ieyasu Tokugawa
3) Most distinctive personality trait - I tend to criticize
4) Favorite city - Stockholm
5) I'd like to xxxxx before I die - drive a Lambourghini Countash
6) I'd like to xxxxx in the next five years - bloody rich
7) Favorite thing to do - hang about with friends
8) My personal nemisis in this forum is: ye....i aint got none
1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything?  Yes
2)  What do you want?  $1000 tomorrow then 1000 the day after..  bitch
3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.  It depends on the job.  Fishing, yes, D3D no there is no exactly
4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  It depends on the content
5)  I believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Thor whatever.  I believe god exists within all of us as our conscience
6)  Professor X or Magneto?  Umm  ..     Which one's good?   X?
7)  I am usually rushed.  It depends on the job
8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan?   Invade
9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker ( fighter pilot)  Yes, Air cadet warrant officer
10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind?   Money
11) Pick your favorite one:  Neither
12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily? 1-2
13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  Only if I think it will help
14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter?  Umm ..  no.
15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  the window
16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  Yes, then apologize
17) I _____ my government.   mostly do not Trust
18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.  Yes
19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  No.
20) It's not urgent.  Now or Later?  Now

And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Leader you'd like to meet  Ahmadinejad or Bush
2) Leader you admire  Dalai Lama
3) Most distinctive personality trait  (in others?) retrospect
4) Favorite city  The one I'm in, or Deia Mallorca
5) I'd like to xxxxx before I die
6) I'd like to xxxxx in the next five years   get a house
7) Favorite thing to do.        depends on the day 
8) My personal nemisis in this forum is:   he gets no respect

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-08-02 16:07:03)

1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything?  No
2)  What do you want?  $1000 tomorrow or $3000 next year  3,000 NEXT YEAR
3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.  Yes
4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  No
5)  I believe in God Zeus/Thor  No/Agnostic
6)  Professor X
7)  I am usually rushed.  No
8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan?  Bomb
9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)?  Yes
10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind?  Money
11) Pick your favorite one: Israel
12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily? 0 DON'T BELIEVE IN IT.
13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  No
14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter? No
15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  Yes
16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  No
17) I _____ my government.   mostly do not Trust
18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.  Yes
19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  Yes
20) It's not urgent.  Now

And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Leader you'd like to meet.  Dalai Lama.
2) Leader you admire.  None at this time.
3) Most distinctive personality trait.  Humor
4) Favorite city. Myrtle Beach SC.
5) I'd like to xxxxx before I die.  Play a respectable round of golf.
6) I'd like to xxxxx in the next five years. Retire
7) Favorite thing to do.  Vacation
8) My personal nemisis in this forum is: None

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2006-08-02 16:06:47)

Pony Slaystation
+343|6970|Charlie One Alpha
1)  No
2)  3000 next year
3)  No
4)  No
5)  Yes
6)  Professor X
7)  No
8)  Invade
9)  No
10) Money
11) Israel
12) 1
13) No
14)  No
15)  Yes
16) No
17) mostly do not Trust
18) Yes
19)  Yes
20) Later

And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Bush, so I could kick him in the nuts
2) Churchill
3) Joking
4) Prague
5) I'd like to be happy before I die
6) I'd like to be happy in the next five years
7) Favorite thing to do: make other people laugh
8) My personal nemisis in this forum is: Xanthpi or whatever his name was
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
GunSlinger OIF II

Pug wrote:

1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything?  Yes/No

no, what for? its not gonna rewind the hands of times back.

2)  What do you want?  $1000 tomorrow or $3000 next year
next year

3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.  Yes/No
yes, then you could figure out a better way to do it from there.

4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  Yes/No
not usually
5)  I believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Thor whatever.  Yes/No/Agnostic
Im a nihilist, its exausting
6)  Professor X or Magneto?
7)  I am usually rushed.  Yes/No
8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan?  Bomb / Invade
the bomb

9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)?  Yes/No
10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind?  Family / Friends / Money
11) Pick your favorite one: Israel / Arabs / Neither
go israel
12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily?
13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  Yes / No
14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter?  Yes / No / Ain't it great?
15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  Yes / No
isnt the exit usually the door?
16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  Yes / No
fuck yeah
17) I _____ my government.  mostly trust / mostly do not Trust
I AM my gov't
18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.  Yes / No.
19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  Yes / No.
dont care as long as I think im funny
20) It's not urgent.  Now or Later?
And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Leader you'd like to meet
Kofi Anan
2) Leader you admire
Prime Minister of Iraq Al-Maliki....for now.
3) Most distinctive personality trait
4) Favorite city
Cairo, Egypt
5) I'd like to xxxxx before I die
fly solo across the globe
6) I'd like to xxxxx in the next five years
graduate and get a degree
7) Favorite thing to do.
8) My personal nemisis in this forum is:
gunslinger OIF II
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6955|San Francisco
*sigh* alright, I'll bite...

1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything?  No
2)  What do you want?  $3000 next year
3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.  No
4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  No
5)  I believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Thor whatever.  No
6)  Professor X or Magneto?
7)  I am usually rushed.  No
8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan? 
9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)?  No
10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind?  Money
11) Pick your favorite one: Arabs
12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily? 1 a week
13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  No
14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter?  No
15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  No
16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  Yes
17) I _____ my government.  mostly do not Trust
18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.  Yes
19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  Yes
20) It's not urgent.  Now

And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Leader you'd like to meet: Kim Jong Il
2) Leader you admire: Lincoln
3) Most distinctive personality trait: Sense of humor, wit, and candor
4) Favorite city: Toss up between San Francisco and Las Vegas
5) I'd like to go to Italy before I die
6) I'd like to be a Lead Compositor in the next five years
7) Favorite thing to do: Shoot pool, read
8) My personal nemisis in this forum is: Horseman77, lowing, xanthpi
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7026|Toronto Canada
looks like this will take a while for pug to sort out.
Junglist Massive
1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything? 
Do they look like like they are on crack or looking for a fight? ->no
Were they being excessively careless or inconsiderate -> oi! or 'careful'
Was it a true genuine slip or accident like that, or was the cause indeterminate -> sometimes
2)  What do you want?  $1000 tomorrow or $3000 next year
Give me the money now, cos you never know i might be able to turn it in to more than 3 grand next year... or just spend it on some computer upgrades.... either way it's good
3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.
What's the task?  Depends on circumstances and the level of the learner.
4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?
I try not to.  I'd use the correct spelling in my reply and hope they pick up on it, but generally don't make a big issue out of it....
5)  I believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Thor whatever. 
Well, I know I suggested worshipping the dinosaurs as gods in the dino/creation thread, but i'm actually a definite no.
6)  Professor X or Magneto?
Those are comic book characters, right?  Professor X sounds like he runs a drug lab so I'll go with him.
7)  I am usually rushed. 
No.  I am sometimes rushed would be more descripive for me.
8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan? 
9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)? 
No.  Actually, that Comanche game made me consider being a chopper pilot for a very brief period... but then I found out that you have to have floppy hair and talk in a silly voice.
10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind? 
11) Pick your favorite one:
12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily?
13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway? 
14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter? 
No.  And my wife has a nut allergy so that would probably count as murder.
15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door? 
No.  Don't care.
16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back? 
17) I _____ my government. 
mostly do not Trust
18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time. 
19) People think I'm funny almost all the time. 
20) It's not urgent. 
And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):
1) Leader you'd like to meet
Aung San Suu Kyi
2) Leader you admire
Gandhi, Aung San Suu Kyi
3) Most distinctive personality trait
Logic.  Does that count as a trait?
4) Favorite city
Brighton, it's like London with less stabbings and pollution.
5) I'd like to xxxxx before I die
list too long, don't have time..... grow old with my wife and family around me would be near the top
6) I'd like to xxxxx in the next five years
list too long, don't have time..... knock out a couple of kids (1st is due in November) near the top
7) Favorite thing to do.
Going out with my wife.
8) My personal nemisis in this forum is:
I don't really have a nemesis, I usually just feel sorry for the people who insult me or try take things to a personal level.

hmmm, conservative... thought i tended towards a bizarre and possibly slightly conflicting mix of liberal-anarchist-socialist....

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-08-03 12:31:31)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

Pug wrote:

I wanted to wait awhile before posting my own.

1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything?  No
2)  What do you want?  $3000 next year
3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.  No
4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  No
5)  I believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Thor whatever.  Yes
6)  Professor X or Magneto?
7)  I am usually rushed.  Yes
8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan?  Bomb
9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)?  Yes
10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind?  Money
11) Pick your favorite one: Neither
12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily? every other day
13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  No
14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter?  No (Peanut Butter Time takes on a new meaning)
15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  No
16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  Yes
17) I _____ my government.  mostly trust
18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.  No.
19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  No (but I think I'm funny and don't care what you think)
20) It's not urgent.  Now

And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Leader you'd like to meet - Whoever is running China these days
2) Leader you admire - Abe Lincoln
3) Most distinctive personality trait - I'm happy 24/7
4) Favorite city - Breckenridge, Colorado
5) I'd like to backpack in South America before I die
6) I'd like to teach my son to play baseball in the next five years
7) Favorite thing to do - tennis & fish
8) My personal nemisis in this forum is: undisclosed at this time - ya'll will figure it out eventually.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

cpt.fass1 wrote:

I think he might have meant your answers?
I've posted.  My answer works either way (am I a shrink or who cares about my answers).  Anyway, you're right...too much anger in the forums these days so I apologize.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6946|United States of America
Dude Pug, I do not understand why you would take on so much actual work here. This is real, actual work-work.

1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything? No
2)  What do you want?  $3000 next year
3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.  Yes
4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  No, but it sure does bother me. Grammar Police away!
5)  I believe in God.  Yes
6)  Professor X
7)  I am usually rushed.  No
8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan?  Bomb
9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)?  Yes
10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind?  Friends
11) Pick your favorite one: Israel
12) Back when there was negative karma... <1
13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  Yes
14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter?   No, what in God's name is that about?
15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  No
16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  No comment
17) I _____ my government.  mostly trust
18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.   No
19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  Yes
20) It's not urgent.  Later

And lastly some free form answers

1) Leader you'd like to meet: Gerhard Shroeder
2) Leader you admire: Tony Blair
3) Most distinctive personality trait: intelligence
4) Favorite city: Chicago
5) I'd like to go skydiving before I die.
6) I'd like to xxxxx in the next five years (undetermined)
7) Favorite thing to do: ....meh....
8) My personal nemisis in this forum is: that guy in the corner there

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