
Accuracy Vs Kill To Death Ratio

Accuracy12%12% - 18
Kill To Death Ratio59%59% - 83
I dont care.8%8% - 12
I want cake and cookies.18%18% - 26
Total: 139
Which is more important to you?
As a improving player I try to raise my k/d ratio. I figure I can score more points when I am alive. I had a discussion with a clan mate last night who was all about the accuracy. He claimed that you’ll kill more the more you hit. Which is a good argument.
Does anyone ever just lay down cover fire?
I get a lot of kills from covering fire. (Most people are dumb and run into alleys of PKM fire without looking, same ones who punish for being road kill because they didn’t look both ways).

What say you ?

Don’t care either way? Cool, up your post count and tell me Im dumb.

Last edited by BADHEAD (2006-08-02 11:33:13)


I want cake and cookies, seriously man don't put a stupid answer in a poll because everyone and their aunt edna will take that because they think they're being cool.  Aaaaanyway I care about neither because mine are shit.
Bash.org Junkie
Infantry kill death.  I could care less about vehicle kill death, because killing infantry while in a tank isn't really a challenge.
back in my n00b days I spammed 6 clips while waiting for the chopper at sharqi. aww yes my 9% acc. then i started think ''omg what im i doin! '' and 10% up from like 5 months -.-

Neither. (read: I could care less about stats, the only thing they will do for me is get me unlocks after 5000 more points)
There is.
+1,380|6732|Devon, England
yeh accurcy dunt mean shit, as most people im guessing have at some point in their bf2 careers, shot at nothing.

or mayb if they havent shot at nothing randomly, then theyv shot at an explosive barrel to kill enemies. you get kills but lose out on accuracy points. plus u get to laugh.
Jet Rammer
+4|6768|Debris From Space
personally my k:d ratio has always been an issue. i've finally managed to get it to be a whole number. that was when i used to play this 6 hours a day. lol
Cal players > BF2s
+40|6626|Columbus,Ohio-THE Ohio State U
K/D ratio, because if u kill them, who cares how many shots it takes?

Or the rare person whose BF2 kills entirely comprise of roadkills, kamikazes, artillery, and landing on people's heads and thus has kills but no accuracy.

I should make another account sometime and do that then watch the cries of omghax.
Teh strogg!
+205|6520|Trondheim, Norway
I give the f*** in my accuracy
Kick His Ass!
+371|6735|Howell, Mi USA
I want some cake & cookies. I care more about an in game KDR not overall KDR. Accuracy doesn't mean anything to me.
Both of mine suck, but I'm working hard on K/D, so I gotta go with that.
Ambitious but Rubbish
Couldnt care less about Accuracy, when I first started playing I shoot everything in sight, be it walls, buildings, Oil drums, fences, windows, doors, the grass, ground, sky, sea, rivers, anything really.

As for kd yep I care about it and am happy to get over 2.00kd.
I'm fairly sure that these two will go hand in hand, often I see new players spamming about 986349826 bullents out of an support gun and all you have to do it hop prone and shoot. If you have a good k/d ratio cahnces are you will most likely have a good accuracy rating.
I thought the "cake and cookies" meant both. Both are important to me... although I guess K/D is a little more important, accuracy is just a sign of efficiency, I suppose.

BTW, I'm in the top 1,000 in accuracy and the top 10,000 in K/D.
+783|6884|Reykjavík, Iceland.

Mouse315 wrote:

Infantry kill death.  I could care less about vehicle kill death, because killing infantry while in a tank isn't really a challenge.
Killing tanks in a tank can be fun, and that's what tanking as all about since those pesky infantry can hide everywhere.
I wanna be on you
+116|6568|So Cal
i voted accuracy, but for sniper rifles.  K/D is also important to me in the sniping kit department.
+14|6558|South Africa
k/d for me 2 I am aiming for 3
Fantasma Parastasie

DoNER90 wrote:

k/d for me 2 I am aiming for 3
you're waaay to far behind IMO, it goes up slower and slower. I'm already at 2.8, and not that far ahead of you scorewise. It'll take you a while to get up to 3.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6606|Area 51
Cake and cookies FTW!!! Forget stupid stats!! I want cookies!!!!!!!

BTW about the infantry, I sometimes when I fire my M249 Saw at a MEC and he starts doing his acrobatic things and hops around the corner, I keep blasting at the corner, he keeps poking his head out, and a clan mate comes in and takes the kill

Last edited by RDMC(2) (2006-08-02 12:25:24)

my kdr infantry!!!
+14|6558|South Africa
Is this another one of those " I am better then you " threads ??
bullseye (+)
my accuracy is impotant because i know i cant ever raise my KDR score it is horrible.

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

back in my n00b days I spammed 6 clips while waiting for the chopper at sharqi. aww yes my 9% acc. then i started think ''omg what im i doin! '' and 10% up from like 5 months -.-
i did this also i just wasted ammo and didnt care, my acc is now like 18% where as it shuold be like 50%, i just like the sound of the M95 and DAO so i let of a few round when ever.

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