+20|6661|Canberra, Australia
You have very similar stats to what I had at your rank and play-time. Over-all you are progressing pretty well you just need to play the game a bit more in general.
+630|6805|The Netherlands

you like karkand, nice infantry stats except the medic.
dangerous when in an tank. keep it up
Missing, Presumed Dead

@ Terror

Nice KD and SPM, although accuracy seems a little low (tends to be at 20). No problem though, cos your KD rocks
A death streak of 75?!?!?!? WOAH?!?
Nice collection of medals...almost there on Sharpshooter. Definitly a vehicle whore with 78% of kills in vehicles But nice KD's with all of them, including a 6 for aviator.

Keep up the good work pal
You have a good SPM for your rank and a good kill streak too.
I also like you medals collection, very good for your rank, first account?
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6785|Birmingham, UK

Sweet SPM and K/D! A lot of that K/D (and SPM) comes from armour, but hey, everyone has their vice (I hate you! ).
Try to mix up your kits, though. Making Lieutenant Colonel without Veteran Assault OR Anti-Tank? You've hardly used them!
And I know I may be criticised for this myself (I do it similarly) but LAY OFF THE KARKAND! Find a good Mashtuur server - please! Good accuracy, nice win/loss, insane killer enginner (I suspect you go after infantry rather than other armour - no offence, it's just a suspicion).

Overall, a bit of a 'whore' - but what else do you have to do to get to that rank?
zulu soldier

nice score dint take you that long to get that ,
it looks like your not really interested in the badges /awards scene,
there are a few easy ones to get , it would make the stats look better if you ask me a little gold of and exp badge would hurt

and I must say that you are a bit of a armore whore and do love karkand at 515 hours and your runner up is sharqi witch you have played for 11 hours whats up with that ??

nice W/L ratio

overall good stats accept for the 515 hours of karkand witch is a bit sick
+783|7004|Reykjavík, Iceland.

Accuracy, SPM, KDR and WLR all above average.
Good kit balance
Bad map balance
Lots of victims and enemies
Award hunter like me.
Only 1 ban.

+153|6909|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
PBAsydney: good spm and kd ratio. Nice infantry stats, but could get your shotgun ratio up to at least 1. I think you will. Nice WLR as well.
Good ratio on vehicles, and you have no one in your more enemies list. Good good!
No bans and very few kicks. Play harder... hehe

Fra Island. Hvor gammel?

Last edited by SteikeTa (2006-07-30 06:15:12)

Platinum Star whore
+365|6839|Middle of nowhere
@ steiketa:

-nice SPM
-great KD ratio
-awesome kill streak
-seems you like Sharqi and Wake, cool
-sick Aviator stats man! i wish i could go 25:1 in one round, much less all the time
-i'm jealous of all your victims, lol
-nice to see your not a complete vehicle whore, and can hold your own on the ground, nice job
-nice amount of badges, pretty sweet
-get to work on Anti-tank and Support!! Sharpshooter medal FTW!!

overall awesome stats, keep it up, and good luck on getting Major!!!
+122|6702|Omaha, Nebraska!
love your golds 7/10 your pretty good. btw your from lincoln, ne and im from Omaha! Yay for Nebraskans (we pwn you all)
Platinum Star whore
+365|6839|Middle of nowhere
@ SoC./Omega: hell yeah we do!! Nebraskans ftw!!

-nice SPM
-decent KD ratio
-nice kill streak
-good win-loss ratio, i'm getting there, lol
-Support FTW!! hell yeah!
-come on now, you can get that LMG ratio up to 1, just use da PKM
-wow, you really like knife kills, holy christ man!
-nice bunch of awards! but i know you can get vet repair
-your not too far away from the Marksman medal, nice job
-good luck on getting Sergeant Major, the 30k is a bitch

overall good stats, just work on that LMG ratio
^ Low kdr, low spm, low number of golds and points, tank whore with bad kdr in a tank and low number of kills.

Edit: low accuracy and bad w/l ratio

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-08-01 20:27:25)


^^^ huh? ^^^
No place like
+76|6857|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
50% kills in vehicles 50 infantry, nice

could try and get that spm and kdr up since your fav map is karkand, fairly good accuracy for a support player, now that i look, you have your time varied over diff maps, nice

do more to make your team win, and no complaints about how you don't join winning teams...players that know how to win attract other winning minded players.  and 3 winning minded players can defeat 32 point whores.
+69|6735|Fountain Valley,CA
starkingdoms, nice k/d ratio and accuracy could work on your spm though
good k/d ration
nice plane  k/d ratio
you play 3 maps that ok i do the same
your a shitty infantry player no suprise since you plane whore wake
overall 6/10

Last edited by CHroNo (2006-08-01 23:06:44)

+69|6735|Fountain Valley,CA

CHroNo wrote:

good k/d ration
nice plane  k/d ratio
you play 3 maps that ok i do the same
your a shitty infantry player no suprise since you plane whore wake
overall 6/10
you replied to his a little late buddy

={OGC}=HK-47 wrote:

CHroNo wrote:

good k/d ration
nice plane  k/d ratio
you play 3 maps that ok i do the same
your a shitty infantry player no suprise since you plane whore wake
overall 6/10
you replied to his a little late buddy
lol you want to get rate it sorry

Last edited by CHroNo (2006-08-01 23:10:11)


={OGC}=HK-47 wrote:

CHroNo wrote:

good k/d ration
nice plane  k/d ratio
you play 3 maps that ok i do the same
your a shitty infantry player no suprise since you plane whore wake
overall 6/10
you replied to his a little late buddy
your stats no much to said
your a private with Lmg???
nice stats!
high SPM and K/D
Got a lot of experts as well
Get off my lawn, whippersnapper!!

Good stats.  Even though you have less than 1 for k/d ratio and w/l ratio, you are a dedicated team player.  You play a lot of smaller city maps, so dont be afraid to tank whore as an engineer every-so-often to build up your k/d ratio.  You tank k/d is pretty high.  I like the fact that you use every kit pretty evenly.  You are a lone wolf a lot of the time.  If you prefer this, just create a squad and lock it, that way you can still request assests.

Real Horrorshow
Nice stats.  I like that Wake is your most played map and you're an Armor guy.  Shows me that you know how to adapt instead of giving up.


For the guy who reads my stats, not the KDR history
Well heres mine.


Pretty good. Your K/D ratio isn't above 1 but i can deal seeing as your kill streak is 53.

Overall. 8/10
No place like
+76|6857|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
@ chipmunk2510,

fairly new account, ok inf stats for a new account too, spm is good, just keep workijng on that kdr son, please dont become a karkand whore


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