+0|6889|Vienna- Austria

Last edited by [FIS]-Thor (2005-11-24 09:34:13)

+0|6889|Vienna- Austria
how can there be a Spec Ops Specialist O.o??
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|6928|The Hague, Holland
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+0|6889|Vienna- Austria
just wanted to show ya ^^.. well anyways... i used the grappling hook now over 10 times... anychance u know it has to be in a single round?
+1|6936|Voice of reason
Single round for both the hook and zip line
+0|6889|Vienna- Austria
k thx.. damned 10 uses in one round.. grml..
10 uses isn't hard. Find a secluded CP that has no one around it and repeatedly use it until you've done it 10 times. After awhile, the award will come up. Sure, you sacrifice getting score by actually playing, but then again, you've got it over and done with.
pshh...these are the first vets:



[FIS]-Thor wrote:

just wanted to show ya ^^.. well anyways... i used the grappling hook now over 10 times... anychance u know it has to be in a single round?
YES it has to be IAR
+0|6889|Vienna- Austria
thx again already got my answer ^^.. but the explain for doin that 10 times after  hmm i shot grappling hook.. and it stays.. howe to use again.. or shot it one time and "jump" on it 10 times?

[FIS]-Thor wrote:

thx again already got my answer ^^.. but the explain for doin that 10 times after  hmm i shot grappling hook.. and it stays.. howe to use again.. or shot it one time and "jump" on it 10 times?
as far as i know you have to take it back "G" and throw it again
+0|6875|NYC - Queens
where can i see my BF2 SF badges ? i only see normal BF2.. =\
+4|6877|Toronto, On
If you open up BF2: SF and go to the BFHQ. At the top you'll see <-- Battlefield 2: Special Forces -->. Click the left/right arrows to switch back and forth between your BF2 and SF award pages.

Snakekilla wrote:

where can i see my BF2 SF badges ? i only see normal BF2.. =\
In ur BFHQ, go in awards, once there you can choose bf2 awards or bf2 SF awards, select bf2 SF and there you go.
"It's Recharging!"
Big deal. These are virtually the same as the basic awards in BF2 but without the time limit, or if there is a time limit, it carries it over from your current stats. No need to make a useless thread about it.

And as for the grapling hook, I belive you have to toss it, climb it, pick it up and do it again, which if you find a low roof you can jump off without getting health damage is easy enough.

But hey, congrats anyway.
+0|6889|Vienna- Austria

sHaDy6 wrote:

[FIS]-Thor wrote:

thx again already got my answer ^^.. but the explain for doin that 10 times after  hmm i shot grappling hook.. and it stays.. howe to use again.. or shot it one time and "jump" on it 10 times?
as far as i know you have to take it back "G" and throw it again
thx for that.  ^^ thats the most usefull answer i got for now here . can be closed...

and @ RYAN.. sry that i amde a thread.. was just happy..
and no they are not the same.. u need more kills to get em.

the gamng hours of BF normal count.

anyways was just happy with em.. as im only infatnry player and dont use the tank too often.. meaning got most of my kills with normal infantry fighting i AM happy when i get 22 kill in a 10-13 mins game^^

Last edited by [FIS]-Thor (2005-11-25 04:40:02)

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