Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone

TeamZephyr wrote:

BN wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

Ok, the point of this thread is you post who you think your country's greatest leader was and why, what made them so great and what they gave your country. I'll start off.

Coming from Australia I believe that our greatest leader was Gough Whitlam. Some of the reasons I believe he was our greatest is,
- Started diplomatic relations with the People's Republic Of China
- Made university education free to all that wished to use it.
- Abolished conscription
- Introduced federal suppor for single parent families
- Reduced the voting age from 21 to 18
- Mandated equal opportunities for men and women in government positions
- Completely abolished and dismantled the "White Australia" policy and helped out the struggling native aborigines of Australia.
- Abolished the death penalty in all states

Unfortunately he was stabbed in the back by Governor General John Kerr and was dismissed from government because the opposition party blocked money supply bills meaning that Australia could not spend any federal money. The dismissal was one of the greatest politicial shakings in Australia's History.

Post Away
Gough was a legend! He went out in the most facinating circumstance.

I also like John Curtain. Tough Job during WII.
Yeah, the dismissal was the closest Australia has ever come to revolution. Just imagine that might have happened if he came out of parliament house and said "I do not accept this decision, I am still the Prime Minister Of Australia".

The Liberals (Conservatives in Australia) were bastards and Malcolm Fraser was a slimy shit who I'll never forgive for blocking the supply bills and convincing Kerr to sack Whitlam. It's a shame that one man's dream of being teh Prime Minister ruining all the great stuff that Whitlam was doing for this country after the horror peroid that was the Menzies Years.

And Curtin was a champ, keeping Australia together together during World War 2.

Harold Holt was a weird one though, most interesting death for a leader ever.
Sure he was good if you wanted to be taxed to povity.
The guy was the biggest waster of federal funds in Australia. Allot of things he did where good, but so was allot of what Hitler did. He couldn’t control his spending and if let go how he was, would have made the country broke in years. Allot of the things he introduced and wanted to introduce were good for Australia. But not much of what he did was financially long term viable and as a consequence his entire 'buy back' policy was scraped for privatization. Howard (although against popular media Belief) has been one of Australians best PM's.
Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt.

Teddy Roosevelt for improving internatinal relations, building the Panama Canal, inacting the Pure Food and Drug act etc etc etc.  Overall just a great leader.

Franklin for being a strong and dedicated leader and for bringing America out of a depression, leading us through WWII and for being elected 3 times in a row.  He was obviously a great leader as well.

We need another Roosevelt, not another Bush.
GunSlinger OIF II

Cougar wrote:

Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt.

Teddy Roosevelt for improving internatinal relations, building the Panama Canal, inacting the Pure Food and Drug act etc etc etc.  Overall just a great leader.

Franklin for being a strong and dedicated leader and for bringing America out of a depression, leading us through WWII and for being elected 3 times in a row.  He was obviously a great leader as well.

We need another Roosevelt, not another Bush.
were you reading every thought in my head just now.  Teddy was just such a bad ass. seriously.  I would march off a cliff if that guy came back to life and told me to.
The Lizzard

TeamZephyr wrote:

Harold Holt was a weird one though, most interesting death for a leader ever.
He didn't die, he sailed away in a Russian submarine.  Duh!
Horseman 77

CameronPoe wrote:

Republic of Ireland: So many to choose from... Eamonn DeValera, Pádraig Mac Piarais, 'Big Jim' Larkin, James Connolly, Countess Markiewicz, Cathal Brugha, Eamonn Ceannt, O'Donovan Rossa, Joseph Plunkett, Sean MacDiarmada, Thomas J. Clarke, Tom MacDonagh, Theobald Wolfe Tone, Charles Stuart Parnell, Brian Boru, Daniel O' Connell, Robert Emmet, etc., etc.

Personally my choice would be Pádraig Mac Piarais - pivotal figure in the Irish Republican Brotherhood and the 1916 Easter Rising. He recited the proclamation of the Irish Republic from the steps of the General Post Office and was later executed by firing squad in Kilmainham Gaol by the Brits in the aftermath of the Rising. His death was not in vain as it gave the Irish the vital impetus to finally defeat the Brits and rid them from the 26 counties. The remaining 6 counties of Northern Ireland however still remain occupied.

"IRISHMEN AND IRISHWOMEN: In the name of God and of the dead generations from which she receives her old tradition of nationhood, Ireland, through us, summons her children to her flag and strikes for her freedom.

Having organised and trained her manhood through her secret revolutionary organisation, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, and through her open military organisations, the Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army, having patiently perfected her discipline, having resolutely waited for the right moment to reveal itself, she now seizes that moment, and, supported by her exiled children in America and by gallant allies in Europe, but relying in the first on her own strength, she strikes in full confidence of victory.

We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible. The long usurption of that right by a foreign people and government has not extinguished the right, nor can it ever be extinguished except by the destruction of the Irish people. In every generation the Irish people have asserted their right to national freedom and sovereignty : six times during the past three hundred years they have asserted it in arms. Standing on that fundamental right and again asserting it in arms in the face of the world, we hereby proclaim the Irish Republic as a Sovereign Independent State, and we pledge our lives and the lives of our comrades-in-arms to the cause of its freedom, of its welfare, and its exaltation among the nations.

The Irish Republic is entitled to, and hereby claims, the allegiance of every Irishman and Irishwoman. The Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and of all its parts, cherishing all the children of the nation equally, and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past.

Until our arms have brought the opportune moment for the establishment of a permanent National Government, representative of the whole people of Ireland and elected by the suffrages of all her men and women, the Provisional Government, hereby constituted, will administer the civil and military affairs of the Republic in trust for the people.

We place the cause of the Irish Republic under the protection of the Most High God, Whose blessing we invoke upon our arms, and we pray that no one who serves that cause will dishonour it by cowardice, inhumanity, or rapine. In this supreme hour the Irish nation must, by its valour and discipline and by the readiness of its children to sacrifice themselves for the common good, prove itself worthy of the august destiny to which it is called."

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e … rse%29.png
you have to come to my old neighborhood in the Bronx, NYC. its solid Irish. very cool place.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
I say Ronald Reagan.
Damn, this is one time I'm glad that negative button doesn't work!

He was a visionary;  Berlin Wall, Missle Defense, Trust but Verify.
I just wished he would have dealt with Hezbollah when they bombed the Marine barracks. With bombs.
+783|7157|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, president of Iceland 1980-1996.

Why? Because she was the first female president in the world.

Besides, we've only had 5 presidents so far
+23|6810|Me Dad's Wilkins

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

I say Ronald Reagan.
Damn, this is one time I'm glad that negative button doesn't work!

He was a visionary;  Berlin Wall, Missle Defense, Trust but Verify.
I just wished he would have dealt with Hezbollah when they bombed the Marine barracks. With bombs.
Definately Reagan, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

+23|6810|Me Dad's Wilkins

PBAsydney wrote:

Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, president of Iceland 1980-1996.

Why? Because she was the first female president in the world.

Besides, we've only had 5 presidents so far

Congrats on the first female prez.

RaVeN.sco wrote:

william wallace.

hed have taken england if it wasnt for the traitors.
Aside from other historical inaccuracies, too bad Braveheart didn't depict him as bloodthirsty as he actually was.

As for the US...

John Wayne! The only man who could ever defeat Chuck Norris, and without removing a thumb from his belt.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-08-01 12:11:59)

+156|6941|space command ur anus
fuck you all we made the cheese slicer(the most critical innovation of all time)
+23|6810|Me Dad's Wilkins

herrr_smity cut the cheese wrote:

fuck you all we made the cheese slicer(the most critical innovation of all time)
All Hail the Cheese Cutting Capital of the World!!!!

herrr_smity wrote:

fuck you all we made the cheese slicer(the most critical innovation of all time)
Spaghetti is a more important invention.

George Bush....kidding! KIDDING! Please don't beat me w/ a stick!
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US
George W. Bush because he um, well...yeah...let me get back to you on this.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

herrr_smity wrote:

fuck you all we made the cheese slicer(the most critical innovation of all time)
Spaghetti is a more important invention.
spaghetti is actually chinese, marco polo brought it back, and yes, pizza was american, sorry italy, your other stuff's still really good
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

kr@cker wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

herrr_smity wrote:

fuck you all we made the cheese slicer(the most critical innovation of all time)
Spaghetti is a more important invention.
spaghetti is actually chinese, marco polo brought it back, and yes, pizza was american, sorry italy, your other stuff's still really good
italy stole tomatos too.
H.C. Anderson.

oh and we had the vikings.... aweeeesomee
Will fly for food.
+120|6822|Daytona Beach, FL
Dwight David Eisenhower...
without him we wouldn't have Interstates. (And we would've lost WW2.)

Others I should mention:
Washington, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson, FDR, Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan, and Bush 41.

Kennedy was definitely the last good democrat to sit in the Oval Office. (Perhaps Barack Obama might change things.. though I'm not gonna bet on it.)

The Republicans were doing alright until 2003. Though I'm gonna vote for McCain, Guiliani, Romney or whoever before I vote for another Clinton or god forbid a Kennedy. (Ted Kennedy and his son have disgraced the name.)

Last edited by USAFDude_1988 (2006-08-01 15:43:46)

Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7078|Toronto Canada

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

jean cretian
nothing big, nothing bad, just kept everything mellow and quiet for 12 years.
no news is good news.
yeah i would agree. met him once. nice guy.

unfortunately now we have stephen harper.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
Chuck Norris, the real American hero!
Big McLargehuge
Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody
+259|6916|Philadelphia, PA
Lyndon Baines Johnson - Signed the Civil Rights Act, giving minorities equal rights in the U.S.A.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

For Australia I'm going to have to nominate somebody who isn't a leader of our nation, but should be.

Steven Bradbury. That dude knows what being Australian is about.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
bullseye (+)
For the US Reagan

Big McLargehuge wrote:

Lyndon Baines Johnson - Signed the Civil Rights Act, giving minorities equal rights in the U.S.A.
Which is also the reason rednecks celebrate James Earl Ray day.

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