Assuming BF2S weapon stats are correct, it's a fact:  the M95 sucks.

The M95 was only put in the game for baseraping, but since no server has enough balls to allow baseraping it makes the M95 worthless.  Don't believe me?  Compare it to the snipers you don't have to waste an unlock on...

If you're playing USMC, you have no other reason to use the M95.  The M24 does just as much damage as the M95, but has much better accuracy and the sights aren't like 435236542 metres wide.  Sure, you might say "but the M95 takes armored fools down to 5 health so I can pistol them", but honestly how many times have you seen a sniper with an M95 bother with a pistol kill?  I don't even care if they do pistol them, you should be getting headshots as a sniper.  In case you haven't noticed, the M24 can kill with headshots too.

Okay, okay, what if you're MEC or PLA?  I'll group the Type 88 and SVD together on this one:  according to BF2S they have the same accuracy as the M95, no better, no worse.  In all my experience as a sniper in BF2, I'd have to agree.  I can hear the flames start now..."the M95 has a higher zoom level than the SVD or Type 88, and I'm worthless and can't place shots without a 5x zoom".  Believe it or not, the SVD can kill with headshots.  I know, I know, it's only 7.62mm (.308 calibre), nothing like the brain-splattering .50 calibre M95, but a kill's a kill, right?  The 10 round magazine that you can fire semi automatically can't hurt either...what's better than taking out several snipers before they can even put another round in the chamber?

Another reason to not use the M95:  the whole map can hear you fire.  Every time you fire that cannon you tell me exactly where you are, and that muzzle flash is nothing more than a glowing "kick me" sign.  But for some reason, round after round, in every server, I have to deal with (and get a good laugh out of) smacktards using nothing but the M95.
The Cereal Killer
+201|6976| United States of America
no it is a good gun so STFU
+152|6845|London (At Heart)

I think the M95 is better than the L96, because I have a feel for the gun, simple as.

I shoot, you die, you don't have a chance to shoot back.

Now quit ya whining
Cheeky Keen
+329|6874|Kent, UK't%20Give%20A%20Shit%20Large.jpg
Yeah, the M95 sucks major ballz. EVery time I get killed by one, I feel sorry for the idiot that killed me because he isn't smart enough to use a better gun. M95 goes through bullet proof glass, that's the only reason to use it, and I sware if you don't shoot me out of a cockpit then I will called you a retarded moron.

There's only one other good thing about the M95, it lets you get the L96A1.
Germans did 911
+427|6999|Disaster Free Zone
Its the "ohhh look someones in my chopper" gun.

tvmissleman wrote:

no it is a good gun so STFU
Oh I'm sorry for starting this thread.  I agree with your compelling argument.

@Shem:  If you have a feel for the gun, I can understand that, but with any other sniper I shoot, you die, and you don't get a chance to shoot back.
+3|7013|London, UK
I used to like the M95 until one of the patches came into force. Then I stopped being able to hit a bloody thing with it. I did once get three heli-cockpit kills in a row with it, so it's not all bad. But that is bloody rare.

I stick with the L96A1 now, because I don't have the cojones to play with the SVD.

tvmissleman wrote:

no it is a good gun so STFU
I love your argument here, "it's a good gun". Wow where are some fact moron? How about, its NOT a good gun, every stat says that is is STATISTICLY WORSE THAN THE M42 L96A1. That's a fact, don't give me shit like "oh, it shoot good an does a lot of damage". No, it sucks, it is stupid and not a good gun.

Sham wrote:

I think the M95 is better than the L96, because I have a feel for the gun, simple as.

I shoot, you die, you don't have a chance to shoot back.
Oh yeah, just about as smart as your friend above you. Some nice evidence you have, "I have a better feal for it". Fuck that, the gun is worse, everything says it is, just because you "think" it is better doesn't mean it is. I KNOW it is worse, there is FACTS telling it just isn't as good as the L96 or the M42 or the SVD or the Type 88.

If I ever see either of you using a M95 on a server with out a jet or helicopter, I will call you an idiot.

Last edited by EvilJebus (2006-08-01 09:09:57)


Arkanon wrote:

because I don't have the cojones to play with the SVD.
Headshots are headshots, and you can get the 3 shots off with the SVD before the L96A1 can get off two.
+3|7013|London, UK
Actually, I reckon they should make the M95 a one-shot kill. Anyone who wants to announce their position with the noise that thing gives off *deserves* to kill instantly.

In real life, the bloody thing can destroy the engine block of a helicopter at several kilometres, so a bit of personnel splattering is not unreasonable.

Chuzuki wrote:

Assuming BF2S weapon stats are correct, it's a fact:  the M95 sucks.

The M95 was only put in the game for baseraping, but since no server has enough balls to allow baseraping it makes the M95 worthless.  Don't believe me?  Compare it to the snipers you don't have to waste an unlock on...

If you're playing USMC, you have no other reason to use the M95.  The M24 does just as much damage as the M95, but has much better accuracy and the sights aren't like 435236542 metres wide.  Sure, you might say "but the M95 takes armored fools down to 5 health so I can pistol them", but honestly how many times have you seen a sniper with an M95 bother with a pistol kill?  I don't even care if they do pistol them, you should be getting headshots as a sniper.  In case you haven't noticed, the M24 can kill with headshots too.

Okay, okay, what if you're MEC or PLA?  I'll group the Type 88 and SVD together on this one:  according to BF2S they have the same accuracy as the M95, no better, no worse.  In all my experience as a sniper in BF2, I'd have to agree.  I can hear the flames start now..."the M95 has a higher zoom level than the SVD or Type 88, and I'm worthless and can't place shots without a 5x zoom".  Believe it or not, the SVD can kill with headshots.  I know, I know, it's only 7.62mm (.308 calibre), nothing like the brain-splattering .50 calibre M95, but a kill's a kill, right?  The 10 round magazine that you can fire semi automatically can't hurt either...what's better than taking out several snipers before they can even put another round in the chamber?

Another reason to not use the M95:  the whole map can hear you fire.  Every time you fire that cannon you tell me exactly where you are, and that muzzle flash is nothing more than a glowing "kick me" sign.  But for some reason, round after round, in every server, I have to deal with (and get a good laugh out of) smacktards using nothing but the M95.
our clan servers encuorage base raping , try them out
The Cereal Killer
+201|6976| United States of America
just cause u don't got the balls to accept the fact that it is a very big gun and a good one at that, and one good shot will put u down doesn't mean u have to bitch about it
+3|7013|London, UK
Chuzuki, you do make the SVD sound tempting. Maybe I'll have to play with that rifle sometime soon.

tvmissleman wrote:

just cause u don't got the balls to accept the fact that it is a very big gun and a good one at that, and one good shot will put u down doesn't mean u have to bitch about it
Do you just flame without reading?  A good shot will put you down with ANY sniper.

@Widow_Warrior:  I'm not the biggest fan of base raping, but I probably will try it out, thank you.

@Arkanon:  I suggest turning up your texture filtering if you haven't, makes the SVD scope a little clearer.

Last edited by Chuzuki (2006-08-01 09:14:27)


tvmissleman wrote:

just cause u don't got the balls to accept the fact that it is a very big gun and a good one at that, and one good shot will put u down doesn't mean u have to bitch about it
WoooHooo another retard with a stupid argument! Congrats! It's a big gun! Yes it is, it also has bad accuracy compared to the 24 and the 96, and it does THE SAME DAMAGE as both of them. One shot from ANY sniper in the head will "put u down". When you think of a real argument try and post again.

Arkanon wrote:

Chuzuki, you do make the SVD sound tempting. Maybe I'll have to play with that rifle sometime soon.
Woohoo somebody that can learn, adapt, and evolve congrats for you. There's nothing better than being able to score 10 head shots and 10 kills in a single clip while that M95 noob next to you is still switching to his pistol to finish off the guy he couldn't get a headshot on.
+2,382|6996|The North, beyond the wall.
I used to absolutely hate the SVD.

I thought it was the worst Piece of shit gun and would -1 karma anyone that said it was good.

I hated the sights,i would moan about not having a half decent crosshair.

Lately i've been using it on warlord,it's a great gun really.I get into the action up close and can win close combat.

Last edited by jord (2006-08-01 09:17:06)

Canada's French Frog
+123|6943|Quebec city, Canada
I dont know why, but it happens so much time that I click on the ennemy, and no dammage at all.. I should make a vid of that to prove you.

I had a game of ghost town a while ago and I tried to snipe a bit.. man that was ridiculous, 2 times out of 3, when I clicked on the target, no dammage at all.. dont tell me I suck, I was actually shooting at them but dont know why, the gun was just innacurate...

edt : yeah it was with the m95

Last edited by -=raska=- (2006-08-01 09:22:30)

+50|6922|Cambridge UK
I've not touched the M95 since i unlocked the L96... the SVD/Type 88 have their uses though, Karkand for example. I should probably give the M24 another run, but i don't think it does anything the L96 can't.
woo hoo +1 to jord and Kontrolfreq for not being stupid!

Raska: it was probably lag, a bad shot, a slight miss, who knows but it happens to all of us, it just happens more with the 95 because it sucks.

Last edited by EvilJebus (2006-08-01 09:23:00)

+1,128|6959|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
M95 = noob ejector.


M95 = good.

Kontrolfreq wrote:

I've not touched the M95 since i unlocked the L96... the SVD/Type 88 have their uses though, Karkand for example. I should probably give the M24 another run, but i don't think it does anything the L96 can't.
M24 and L96A1 are statistically the same weapon in every way that matters.  The sight on the L96 is thinner, but I guess it's a matter of preference.  I like to use the M24 because I'm hoping someone I kill will feel even worse that they have the unlock (read "upgrade") but got killed by a standard weapon.

spawnofthemist wrote:

M95 = noob ejector.


M95 = good.
I'm assuming you mean either "get the noob out of my chopper" gun, or they give themselves away for free points?

Last edited by Chuzuki (2006-08-01 09:25:35)


Chuzuki wrote:

Arkanon wrote:

because I don't have the cojones to play with the SVD.
Headshots are headshots, and you can get the 3 shots off with the SVD before the L96A1 can get off two.

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