Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

BN wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

Ok, the point of this thread is you post who you think your country's greatest leader was and why, what made them so great and what they gave your country. I'll start off.

Coming from Australia I believe that our greatest leader was Gough Whitlam. Some of the reasons I believe he was our greatest is,
- Started diplomatic relations with the People's Republic Of China
- Made university education free to all that wished to use it.
- Abolished conscription
- Introduced federal suppor for single parent families
- Reduced the voting age from 21 to 18
- Mandated equal opportunities for men and women in government positions
- Completely abolished and dismantled the "White Australia" policy and helped out the struggling native aborigines of Australia.
- Abolished the death penalty in all states

Unfortunately he was stabbed in the back by Governor General John Kerr and was dismissed from government because the opposition party blocked money supply bills meaning that Australia could not spend any federal money. The dismissal was one of the greatest politicial shakings in Australia's History.

Post Away
Gough was a legend! He went out in the most facinating circumstance.

I also like John Curtain. Tough Job during WII.
Yeah, the dismissal was the closest Australia has ever come to revolution. Just imagine that might have happened if he came out of parliament house and said "I do not accept this decision, I am still the Prime Minister Of Australia".

The Liberals (Conservatives in Australia) were bastards and Malcolm Fraser was a slimy shit who I'll never forgive for blocking the supply bills and convincing Kerr to sack Whitlam. It's a shame that one man's dream of being teh Prime Minister ruining all the great stuff that Whitlam was doing for this country after the horror peroid that was the Menzies Years.

And Curtin was a champ, keeping Australia together together during World War 2.

Harold Holt was a weird one though, most interesting death for a leader ever.
George Washington. He was the first, hardest to hate. Had some good ideas, not too many bad ones. Everyone since has been shit.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

RaVeN.sco wrote:

william wallace.

hed have taken england if it wasnt for the traitors.
William Wallace - are you nuts!!!!

William Wallace did very little - except in a film directed by Mel Gibson (which whilst completely factually inaccurate, I quite liked).

Robert the Bruce did much more in reality, including smashing an axe into the top of a top English knights head in a well publicised duel.

Best English Leader in my opinion, maybe Henry V (did a lot of French bashing - like at Agincourt) Henry VIII was quite a joker as well.

Best British Prime Minister, probably Clement Attlee, who founded the NHS, nationalised utilities and created the wellfare state. Everything that the current Labour Government is trying to pull apart - bloody privatisation. He also decolonised a large part of the British Empire and was instrumental in the creation of NATO to counter the increasing soviet threat.

Worst PM - Neville Chamberlain, probably. He gave Hitler permission to have (invade) Czechoslovakia so long as he promised to leave everything else alone. He should have crushed the German uprising before it got out of hand and saved everyone in the world a LOT of money *edit* and lives.

Last edited by Bertster7 (2006-07-31 09:39:12)

Pierre Trudeau

Spumantiii wrote:

Pierre Trudeau
that guy fucking pwns

quote: if you do that again, i will kick your ass
quote: eat shit (to truck drivers)
GunSlinger OIF II
Teddy Roosevelt or Franklin Delano
Abraham Linclon.   A simple man who was self taught and went with decisions from the heart, nomatter who tried to push him in other directions.  Although he made many mistakes through the years, the emancipation proclomation helped to drive a spike into the heart of slavery.  He was a simple man to the end and had a bitch of a wife to boot.  Anybody with that much tollerance has to be great, lol.

howler_27 wrote:

Abraham Linclon.   A simple man who was self taught and went with decisions from the heart, nomatter who tried to push him in other directions.  Although he made many mistakes through the years, the emancipation proclomation helped to drive a spike into the heart of slavery.  He was a simple man to the end and had a bitch of a wife to boot.  Anybody with that much tollerance has to be great, lol.
If I was American I'd go for Abe too. A legend.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I would say Theodore Roosevelt. He pulled the country out of the Great Deppression in the 30's.


George Bush Jr. Without his assanine judgment we would not have a war to base our beloved game on .
Phorum Phantom
Richard Nixon. Dont deny he did some good stuff to, ended Vietnam, Did some stuff with the USSR, ha ha who am i kidding, Watergate.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

I would say Benjamin Franklin.

- Great inventer
- First Postmaster General
- Ardent supporter of the free press
- A political mastermind in the founding of this country
+32|7026|Wherever the F**k i feel like
1. Gorge Washington --- Rufused to be a king for the good of our nation
2. Ronald Regan --- Led the Nation agianst the Soviet Union and helped to take down the berlin wall. Also created a new neoconservative movement (Regan fun fact #47-- Did you know at first Ronald Regan was a Liberal Democrat?)
GunSlinger OIF II
and hillary clinton was a conservative republican.  I am a bit shaky on Ronald Reagan.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6864|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
Henry 8th, because he had six bitches, lots of bling, abolished religion to suit his needs (sort of) and is slang for a measure of Mary Jo, what a man..........

...shame he was ginger

Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (2006-07-31 14:47:59)

The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

I would say Benjamin Franklin.

- Great inventer
- First Postmaster General
- Ardent supporter of the free press
- A political mastermind in the founding of this country
That's where the party at. He beat all those people who were actually president onto the $100 bill.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

he's right slinger,

Sam Donaldson- "are you saying you have nothing to do with the poor state of the nation's economy?" (referrring to carternomics)

Reagan- "Well, no, you see, for many years, I too was a democrat"

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-31 18:16:42)

Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

Superior Mind wrote:

I would say Theodore Roosevelt. He pulled the country out of the Great Deppression in the 30's.
Ummm, maybe its a typo, but Theodore or Teddy Roosevelt President of the United States Of America 1901–1909.

I hardly doubt he pulled us out of the depression.  I think you meant FDR.
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6840|Portland, OR USA
and even then, make no mistake - WWII pulled us out of the Great Depression.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

jonsimon wrote:

George Washington. He was the first, hardest to hate. Had some good ideas, not too many bad ones. Everyone since has been shit.
You just continue to spew out biased crap.  Every president after Washington was shit??? Jefferson was horrible, FDR, Truman, Kennedy?, Nixon at least opened trade with China, Reagan, Clinton did some good stuff too.  Bush Sr. and Jr. (I can understand why libs like you would say GW Bush is shit) but every single one? Wow You continue to amaze me with your complete lack of understanding of many issues.

I hope you were being sarcastic.

Stay safe.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

PuckMercury wrote:

and even then, make no mistake - WWII pulled us out of the Great Depression.
+1, that and the economics of the time, It wasn't JUST the war, but it certainly did contribute a GREAT GREAT deal.
+4|7044|Toronto, On
Canada: Prime Minister: Jean Chretien

-3 straight government majorities (could have made it 4 in a row)
-paid down our national debt (each canadian now owes $25k-30k less then when he took over power)
-talked out of the side of his mouth with a pompous French-Canadian accent
-a demonstrator once tried to hit him, Jean proceeded to place the fool in a HEADLOCK and beat him down while his entire security team looked on dumbfounded that he was doing their job for them (gotta love a leader who can lay the smack down on his own)
-called George W. Bush Jr. a "moron" (FTW!!) <-- classic

I rest my case.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

Jester.retseJ wrote:

Canada: Prime Minister: Jean Chretien
-paid down our national debt (each canadian now owes $25k-30k less then when he took over power)
United States of America
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 01 Aug 2006 at 01:33:35 AM GMT is:

The estimated population of the United States is 299,213,500
so each citizen's share of this debt is $28,162.49.

Current estimated debt of individual Canadian citizens: ~25k.

Wow, so he made it go lower, not too far away where we are NOW.  And how is that amazing (other than the fact that it was much higher).  I like how people say our economy is bad (not saying you did), usually they have never taken an economics class, ever.  Or the last one they took was in 1981.

Last edited by AlbertWesker[RE] (2006-07-31 18:38:44)

+4|7044|Toronto, On

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

United States of America
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 01 Aug 2006 at 01:33:35 AM GMT is:

The estimated population of the United States is 299,213,500
so each citizen's share of this debt is $28,162.49.

Current estimated debt of individual Canadian citizens: ~25k.

Wow, so he made it go lower, not too far away where we are NOW.  And how is that amazing (other than the fact that it was much higher).  I like how people say our economy is bad (not saying you did), usually they have never taken an economics class, ever.  Or the last one they took was in 1981.
Congrats but i wasn't referring to you or your country's debt. Yes he made it go lower which i appreciate. This as opposed to your leader's ability to only inflate debt.

Considering Canada is the only G8 country to post a surplus for several years in a row now (7-8 i think) that's pretty darn good.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

Jester.retseJ wrote:

1) This as opposed to your leader's ability to only inflate debt.

2) Considering Canada is the only G8 country to post a surplus for several years in a row now (7-8 i think) that's pretty darn good.
1) Your just flat out wrong right there, please try and even come up with a CREDIBLE source.  It is certainly less of GW's fault as it is the economy and the way it works.  You really need to take an econ class.

2) Cool actually, good job.
slow as you go
+124|6873|Canaduhhh.. West Toast
Lester Pearson ---- Prime Minister, diplomat, Nobel Prize winner, world kickboxing champion.... probably not the actual greatest Canadian but damn his stats kickass lol

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