Please tell me what he has done to warrant my respect and I will give it, not expecting anything in return.PuckMercury wrote:
something tells me regardless of what he's done to deserve or warrant any degree of respect that simply repeating it to you will warrant precious little in return. You're obviously of the same school as BN and simply wish to hate. In the same post as asking when Americans get treated like shit you manage to treat an American pretty much like shit yet have no presence of mind to actually realize that. Not to mention you take two obvious typos and jump on them like a rabid squirrel and sidestep any and all valid content.
Lastly, before your entire post is dismissed as complete ignorant dribble, what aspect of WWII do you think you're still paying for?
I do not simply wish to hate, I hate no one. Hate is a very strong word.
I have nothing against America or Americans. I did not intentionally treat anyone like shit.
The typos were in brackets at the end of the post, I didn't "jump on them like a rabid squirrel and sidestep any and all valid content"
The aspect we are still paying for is money.
The UK government pays the US government annually for debts accrued during WWII.
If you check (I can't be bothered to) you will find that we have already payed back more than we owed.