conversation is combat
We all know the blessed feeling that comes with laying down some ownage on a full 64 player map. You know what I mean, you're 48 and 2 and high on adrenaline....

I personally like to encourage players who are doing well and will defer to them if they come to pick up their vehicle of choice.

If we can all agree that when you're on a run it's a good thing can I please ask of some of you the following...


Let someone have their glory. If they have three or four good rounds in a row, then feel free to hop in as their pilot and RAMKILL A GODDAMNED JEEP .. WHAT... WHY.. DID SOMEONE CUT YOUR BRAKES? FUCK!

Thank you from XRogerMellieX.

Last edited by XstrangerdangerX (2006-07-29 07:45:00)

YOUR mom goes to college
OMFG!!  +1 to you!!  Me and a friend of mine play quite a bit and actually work as a team.  Whether it's just the two of us or a squad of six, or one commander and one a squad leader...we have two main goals:

1. Have a good round with positive k/d.
2. Win the round.

But one of our favorite ways to do this is in the attack choppers.  If we're getting totally owned in the skies than we'll ground pound and take flags.  But a few days ago, I was gunning my friend was flying.  I went 23/0 (k/d) and my friend was 12/0.  Our team won in large part to us taking out every chopper we saw and any armor rolling into our flags.  We got a bunch of ground troops as well, but our main targets are choppers and armor.  Next round, I was still gunning, got 7 kills and finally we got shot down.  Someone else got the chopper before us and I tracked thier progress out of curiosity.  They had the chopper for about 5 minutes and had only gotten 3 kills...the gunner had two kills and the pilot had one.  They were shot down and got the chopper again.  The rest of the round continued like this and by the end of the round between the two of them they had only gotten 11 kills.

I've got no problem sharing, queing, taking turns or whatever.  But it's aggrivating to be so dead on, and see this powerful asset essentially go to waste on someone that can't use it to it's full potential.
The Power of Two
+188|6536|Sydney, Australia
And another common courtesy point: don't get into the drivers seat of a tank when the driver is fixing it. Happened to me on Sharqi while I was fixing the tank, it took so much restraint not to teach that guy a lesson in the hard way. I just let it roll over and let the guy drive it, and I continued to sit in the gunner seat and fix the tank whenever it got hit by the enemy. Seriously, a bit of leniency and forgiveness actually made my evening!
2142th Whore
i think armor whoring is better than letting noobs drive the armor without doing any shit
tbh if any noob gets in the chopper whilst i have been piloting it half the round with someone and were both top of the leader board then im going to noobeject you, and if i get in and my gunner doesnt and your a nub your going to get red zoned.

Some dude early as me and criminal where owning it up on dragon decided to take the chopper, criminal got in as the gunner and he wasnt doing shit, not lining up for TV shots not doing anything, so we ask him nicely over VOIP to get out, then we got nasty then he hopped out.

But i had to noobejet this guy twice afterwards, if there is already 2 people doing really well in a chopper with 100+ scores and KDR's of like 70 - 1 dont get in the chopper.

MastersMom wrote:

OMFG!!  +1 to you!!  Me and a friend of mine play quite a bit and actually work as a team.  Whether it's just the two of us or a squad of six, or one commander and one a squad leader...we have two main goals:

1. Have a good round with positive k/d.
2. Win the round.

But one of our favorite ways to do this is in the attack choppers.  If we're getting totally owned in the skies than we'll ground pound and take flags.  But a few days ago, I was gunning my friend was flying.  I went 23/0 (k/d) and my friend was 12/0.  Our team won in large part to us taking out every chopper we saw and any armor rolling into our flags.  We got a bunch of ground troops as well, but our main targets are choppers and armor.  Next round, I was still gunning, got 7 kills and finally we got shot down.  Someone else got the chopper before us and I tracked thier progress out of curiosity.  They had the chopper for about 5 minutes and had only gotten 3 kills...the gunner had two kills and the pilot had one.  They were shot down and got the chopper again.  The rest of the round continued like this and by the end of the round between the two of them they had only gotten 11 kills.

I've got no problem sharing, queing, taking turns or whatever.  But it's aggrivating to be so dead on, and see this powerful asset essentially go to waste on someone that can't use it to it's full potential.
I utterly agree there I regularly fly attack choopers as gunner with one of 2 mates that are shit hot pilots, and many many times we have owned maps to the point of turning a game around for a win. How many times has a MUPPET jumped in to the seats either to fly or gun, well they MEAN well but end up just have to be taken to the edge of the map and shown whats what.
2142th Whore

JaM3z wrote:

tbh if any noob gets in the chopper whilst i have been piloting it half the round with someone and were both top of the leader board then im going to noobeject you, and if i get in and my gunner doesnt and your a nub your going to get red zoned.

Some dude early as me and criminal where owning it up on dragon decided to take the chopper, criminal got in as the gunner and he wasnt doing shit, not lining up for TV shots not doing anything, so we ask him nicely over VOIP to get out, then we got nasty then he hopped out.

But i had to noobejet this guy twice afterwards, if there is already 2 people doing really well in a chopper with 100+ scores and KDR's of like 70 - 1 dont get in the chopper.
wtf is noobeject?
Always the same bullsh*t - you have a great round in the attack heli,crash only one time and then you have to fight off the idiots who are already on the helipad when you spawn.
Then either the noobs take over the heli completely(and crash it in about 30 seconds) or you have to deal with a noobgunner/pilot.

I can't count the rounds anymore I nearly reached over 100 points but then somebody thought he's doing this job better than me and hijacks the heli just to s*ck in it for the rest of the round.And sometimes these guys are willing to teamkill you because they think they are better pilots,despite the scoreboard proving them wrong.
2142th Whore
wassup with the censoring?

jkohlc wrote:

wassup with the censoring?
Force of habit from playing on servers with language filter,I guess...
A stabbing fatality
I posted a thread like this a while back and I got a karma streak of -25 for it.

Some people.

Anyway. I agree with you Jam3z. I'll be packin m95 if some noob is waiting for chopper and im on 50-0 or something.

Talk about common courtesy, the other day on wake I was waiting for the j-10 to spawn all by myself, a guy in my squad comes along at the last second and takes the jet. Now I'd of let him have it if he was there before me. I shot the bastard out, called him a twat on squad talk and left the squad.
+2,382|6720|The North, beyond the wall.
I stole i guys tank on Karkand ,i laughed for a while.
conversation is combat

Vub wrote:

And another common courtesy point: don't get into the drivers seat of a tank when the driver is fixing it. Happened to me on Sharqi while I was fixing the tank, it took so much restraint not to teach that guy a lesson in the hard way. I just let it roll over and let the guy drive it, and I continued to sit in the gunner seat and fix the tank whenever it got hit by the enemy. Seriously, a bit of leniency and forgiveness actually made my evening!
Totally agree with this. I have a strategy for that.. firstly, I repair away from other players. Secondly, if someone comes near the tank I hop in and drive off. Thirdly, if someone has NOT tried to steal your tank and repairs you, I squad up with them and thank them profusely for not being a thieving twat (and simple psychology means this person will follow you around all map just to get the repair points).

MastersMom wrote:

OMFG!!  +1 to you!!  Me and a friend of mine play quite a bit and actually work as a team.  Whether it's just the two of us or a squad of six, or one commander and one a squad leader...we have two main goals:

1. Have a good round with positive k/d.
2. Win the round.

But one of our favorite ways to do this is in the attack choppers.  If we're getting totally owned in the skies than we'll ground pound and take flags.  But a few days ago, I was gunning my friend was flying.  I went 23/0 (k/d) and my friend was 12/0.  Our team won in large part to us taking out every chopper we saw and any armor rolling into our flags.  We got a bunch of ground troops as well, but our main targets are choppers and armor.  Next round, I was still gunning, got 7 kills and finally we got shot down.  Someone else got the chopper before us and I tracked thier progress out of curiosity.  They had the chopper for about 5 minutes and had only gotten 3 kills...the gunner had two kills and the pilot had one.  They were shot down and got the chopper again.  The rest of the round continued like this and by the end of the round between the two of them they had only gotten 11 kills.

I've got no problem sharing, queing, taking turns or whatever.  But it's aggrivating to be so dead on, and see this powerful asset essentially go to waste on someone that can't use it to it's full potential.
Absolutely! What is their problem? It's simple common courtesy to let the high-scorers continue to high score. I laugh a lot when people tell me to stop hogging the chopper... what the fuck? How else do people get 50+ kills and 100+ points? By stopping a winning streak to give the chopper to someone WHO CAN'T FUCKING USE IT. Actually, I don't even care if they CAN use it, clearly I have a high score, try again next round. And yes, many a tide have I turned with the attack chopper so I know exactly what you mean.

I get tk'd a fair bit for the chopper though because on my second account I'm only a sergeant so captains and above think I can't fly. CAN'T USE THE CHOPPER HUH ?!? I GOT 58 and 8 and a 42 and 3 LAST NIGHT, ALL SOLO, MOTHERFUCKERS.

Even just now on Kubra, some noob hops in and goes to cap a flag (wtf? it was not the time). So anyway, He's on power station (at top right side of dam from US perspective) I hook a TV shot out of the gap between building and power-pole, curve it up left and take out a chopper. Take another shot, hook it left and down and take out the mobile AA. Then the pilot decides to go driving in the chopper by following the roadways(oooh, I'm so impressed with your flying) and then (here comes the winner).....

.... he lines up a shot for me into... guess.. THIN AIR. he's screaming enemy spotted so I check the gun and sure enough a chopper is lining us up from on high. Still he's screaming. So anyway, AFTER WE DIED he hit's 'k' (for kokknocker I expect) and starts to tell me I'm a shit gunner and I should stay out of the chopper if I can't use it... this after the previous rounds solo effort of 23 and 1. I hate people.

Sorry for the long story and all the capital letters.

Last edited by XstrangerdangerX (2006-07-29 07:57:44)


Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Always the same bullsh*t - you have a great round in the attack heli,crash only one time and then you have to fight off the idiots who are already on the helipad when you spawn.
Then either the noobs take over the heli completely(and crash it in about 30 seconds) or you have to deal with a noobgunner/pilot.

I can't count the rounds anymore I nearly reached over 100 points but then somebody thought he's doing this job better than me and hijacks the heli just to s*ck in it for the rest of the round.And sometimes these guys are willing to teamkill you because they think they are better pilots,despite the scoreboard proving them wrong.
lol at nearly reached over 100 points, don't you get over 100 every round in the chopper?

hutchy52 wrote:

lol at nearly reached over 100 points, don't you get over 100 every round in the chopper?
I probably would if there weren't 20 other people who wanna get the heli at all costs.
I got the heliribbon a few days ago,there weren't many people on the server and I had a great pilot.
This guy actually picked me up to fly with me.
I didn't start right at the beginning of the round - so it ended with 98 points.
If I would camp on the helipad for the whole round I'd probably fly more often and then get 100+ points every time,but I'm usually only taking a chopper when nobody else wants it.

From my stats it seems that the thing I do best is sniping - so I usually stick to that and let the flyboys have their 1337 heli.
conversation is combat

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

hutchy52 wrote:

lol at nearly reached over 100 points, don't you get over 100 every round in the chopper?
taking a chopper when nobody else wants it.

From my stats it seems that the thing I do best is sniping - so I usually stick to that and let the flyboys have their 1337 heli.
Agreed, you aren't that strong in the helo.

Here's another thing though, people who like to gun. I have one thing to say...


I started out as a gunner and couldn't fly for beans. I would hop in the chopper and go straight to the gunners seat and wait for a pilot. I was a good gunner then but that's not the point. After enough people flying me around to get a decent score I started to feel bad about not giving something back.

So I went into single player and learnt how to fly. Nowadays, if I fly some guy to a 50+/2 death round then by christ after a while I want the roles to be swapped. But no, very rarely do I find someone skilled in both.

XstrangerdangerX wrote:

We all know the blessed feeling that comes with laying down some ownage on a full 64 player map. You know what I mean, you're 48 and 2 and high on adrenaline....

I personally like to encourage players who are doing well and will defer to them if they come to pick up their vehicle of choice.
I don't use vehicles much but what you're saying here makes perfect sense to me. Course 'makes sense' and BF2 tend to be mutually exclusive terms to most folks playing BF2 but hey, that's the average round for you.

hutchy52 wrote:

lol at nearly reached over 100 points, don't you get over 100 every round in the chopper?
In all fairness I play Sharqi a lot; it's one of the chopper maps I think anyone would agree, but rarely do I see the MEC chopper team top 100 if the server is full. 

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Always the same bullsh*t - you have a great round in the attack heli,crash only one time and then you have to fight off the idiots who are already on the helipad when you spawn.
Then either the noobs take over the heli completely(and crash it in about 30 seconds) or you have to deal with a noobgunner/pilot.
This is so true. I was playing Oman yesterday and without a word of exaggeration a guy who loaded the map really quickly takes off in the Cobra and manages to crash it into the ocean in about ten seconds. JESUS CHRIST, practice on your own time if you're THAT MUCH of a noob!!!

If there had been a J-10 zooming in on us with missile lock blaring in his ears yeah, you can be forgiven, but there wasn't a goddamn MEC jet off the runways yet!
My favorite kind of noob is the noob that sits in our uncap flag with a tank defending it.  This is done often as PLA on Dalian Plant - 1 out of 5 rounds I'm sure to see it.

Typing "Please do not sit in the tank... Do something with it" usually doesn't work.
+17|6742|Raleigh, North Carolina
I tend to give up a jet or helo to someone when I know that they would be more effective than me.  It's pretty annoying to have noobs run up to your chopper to gun and only have them to sit there.  I invite them to my squad to help them out a bit and I tell them on the VOIP, "POINT AND CLICK," none doing there so I tell them to hop out or act like I am about to cap a base.  You know the routine.  You learn to fly on singleplayer or an empty server, not on Wake Island as US with a full blackhawk.
Vehicle drama as I like to call it can be both hilarious as hell and annoying as all fuck.

I'm commanding on Sharqi and this Nublet erynx's our own chopper out of the air. I was like WTF?, our chopper was on a crazy rampage of like 45-0/ and 12/0. The noob's reply? It was his turn to chopper. When chopper spawns, he manages to snag the gunner seat. The pilot is spamming the "bail out" command, but the noob won't scoot.  I decide to do the right thing and M95 the nooblet out. -_-
Dead Meat
haha ok! those of you who complain that you have over 100pts IAR then have to fight to get the helo back after crashing... my god... share the damn points!!!!!!!!!
As I have said in other posts... I leave a good helo team alone because I suck but It should be no prob if someone else wants a go at it. Besides... you got good points already... oh wait... that's why you play the game. You'd never just play to have fun. Common courtesy would be for people to take turns.
conversation is combat

spacebandit72 wrote:

haha ok! those of you who complain that you have over 100pts IAR then have to fight to get the helo back after crashing... my god... share the damn points!!!!!!!!!
As I have said in other posts... I leave a good helo team alone because I suck but It should be no prob if someone else wants a go at it. Besides... you got good points already... oh wait... that's why you play the game. You'd never just play to have fun. Common courtesy would be for people to take turns.
Have you ever experienced a round where your kills approached the 50+ mark and you have less than 5 deaths? Can you imagine how you would feel if with just 30 tickets to go someone else got in the chopper with you and they couldn't use it properly (either gunning or flying)?

I can tell you, I feel pretty fucking annoyed. Common courtesy dictates that you show some EMPATHY by putting yourself in my shoes... "hmm, how would I feel about this.. this guy has massive kills and may be about to get his best score for this map or his expert medal for a kit, should I jump in the chopper knowing full well I'm not as good as him or should I STOP BEING SUCH A SELFISH LITTLE BITCH AND WAIT UNTIL NEXT ROUND".

Where taking turns comes into it is the next round.. if there are sufficient people waiting for the chopper I'll go do something else. Or, if I just piloted someone else around for the entire last round, it is then time for them to fly me for the whole map.

You say we never have fun and it's all about points? Incorrect. Fun to me is getting an insanely high amount of kills in the chopper and if I'm not solo then it's about having a really good partnership in the chopper. My leaderboard is filled with people who have teamed up and performed/behaved well with me. THAT'S what fun is to me in bf2.
mostly afk
+480|6592|CH/BR - in UK

I'm a decent pilot and a decent gunner: I gun people down, I hit tanks 100% and choppers 50% (both with TV, of course). It's ok, I survive... If, however, I find a guy who's better than me by a lot, sure, take my seat, I'll change from pilot to gunner or vice versa...
I rarely, however, bail out, as the pride of an attack-heli-pilot remains: never bail out, even if death is upon you
I agree that crap pilots should learn to pilot/gun offline, but I would like to learn to become a better pilot that the bots allow me: online, as there is no other way...
Dead Meat

XstrangerdangerX wrote:

spacebandit72 wrote:

haha ok! those of you who complain that you have over 100pts IAR then have to fight to get the helo back after crashing... my god... share the damn points!!!!!!!!!
As I have said in other posts... I leave a good helo team alone because I suck but It should be no prob if someone else wants a go at it. Besides... you got good points already... oh wait... that's why you play the game. You'd never just play to have fun. Common courtesy would be for people to take turns.
Have you ever experienced a round where your kills approached the 50+ mark and you have less than 5 deaths? Can you imagine how you would feel if with just 30 tickets to go someone else got in the chopper with you and they couldn't use it properly (either gunning or flying)?

I can tell you, I feel pretty fucking annoyed. Common courtesy dictates that you show some EMPATHY by putting yourself in my shoes... "hmm, how would I feel about this.. this guy has massive kills and may be about to get his best score for this map or his expert medal for a kit, should I jump in the chopper knowing full well I'm not as good as him or should I STOP BEING SUCH A SELFISH LITTLE BITCH AND WAIT UNTIL NEXT ROUND".

Where taking turns comes into it is the next round.. if there are sufficient people waiting for the chopper I'll go do something else. Or, if I just piloted someone else around for the entire last round, it is then time for them to fly me for the whole map.

You say we never have fun and it's all about points? Incorrect. Fun to me is getting an insanely high amount of kills in the chopper and if I'm not solo then it's about having a really good partnership in the chopper. My leaderboard is filled with people who have teamed up and performed/behaved well with me. THAT'S what fun is to me in bf2.
First of all... If I had 50+ points IAR in the helo... I'd be fricking surprised as I suck in helo. If someone jumped in that sucked... I'd be happy regardles and laugh every time he/she crashed!

Why should I care about your points? As long as I don't TK you, what's the big deal? Why should I show empathy? Do I know you? Why should I care if you are about to get an award or best round? Does it change the fact that I have 2kills and 40 deaths?

Sorry being a bit sarcastic but my point is... While I hardly ever take a helo when I notice someone doing great in it, (almost never taking in account that I may not notice and unknowingly take it) It should not matter how well you or anyone else is doing. We all paid for the game.
I agree that it only makes since for a good team to keep up what they are doing but it's just a game.

I do also understand the frustration you may feel but... it's just a game.
I'm pretty good about being generous.

I'll see how that person is doing that round, or just give it to them if their rank is higher than mine. 

If I'm gunning with a great pilot over and over one round and someone happens to jump in my seat i tell the pilot to take off anyway.


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