I think you can on a Special Forces Server 'The_49er_Kid' But the game isnt out til Friday over here, so its difficult to say, especialy as there arent a lot of BF2:SF servers up yet either.
+0|7032|San Rafael, CA

BlackJackBob wrote:

suprisingly.. i really don't. I've spent a lot of money and time on EA.. and if this is how they want to do business, then so be it. I'm fed up with the fact that they just don't care about known issues.
I feel the same way.  This is standard practice for EA.  Did y'all play BF1942?  Four words: Secret Weapons of WWII

I'm not buying any more expansion packs until they fix the core product.

wendigo wrote:

BlackJackBob wrote:

suprisingly.. i really don't. I've spent a lot of money and time on EA.. and if this is how they want to do business, then so be it. I'm fed up with the fact that they just don't care about known issues.
I feel the same way.  This is standard practice for EA.  Did y'all play BF1942?  Four words: Secret Weapons of WWII

I'm not buying any more expansion packs until they fix the core product.
The Jet packs were great... that expansion had great potential...

BF:V how about BF1942,Road to Rome,Secret Weapons,Motor City Online just to name a few... amazing games that had amazing potential.. granted ... they had thier run. bf1942 in particular.. they did great.. although i haven't seen any kind of update past 1.61
... why? because bf2 came out...

edit: Just look at The Sims for example...expansion after expansion
They brag and brag over quality.. and yet thier online customer service is retarded...the only way you can get a straight answer about a conflict is by calling them... even then it's hard to understand them (no offense). All i see is a quality game with alot of problems still...it's just sad they'd rather release a new game than mildly fix the old one.


The red teammate glitch still exsists with this new 1.12 patch..
gg ea.

Last edited by BlackJackBob (2005-11-23 12:05:13)

Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7082|The Hague, Holland

BlackJackBob wrote:

wendigo wrote:

BlackJackBob wrote:


The red teammate glitch still exsists with this new 1.12 patch..
gg ea.
Wauw, your shitting me right?
NO I'm NOT.... I was playing Sharqi and I could see a BLUE name over an enemy soldier. It said my gunner TK'd him, but i got the driver assist for it.

We later went on to kill him another 3 times in the round.

It's ridiculous really.. sometimes a guy on your team will appear red. Somtimes a guy on the other team will appear blue.
AND sometimes... a dude on the other team will appear GREEN because he got switched from your team/squad.

I've seen all of this. as have some of my clanmates.

THAT is what annoys me about EA.

Ontop of that... the fact that if you update your server list with filters selected it STILL makes your list completely disappear. YES there's a way around it... by unselecting ALL your filters and updating the list again.. but WTF.. if you can't get something as simple as a SERVER BROWSER right.. then i certainly don't see why i should buy thier expansion.
Don't even get me started on the "Play Now" feature.

I seriously wonder how a lot of people would've even connected to servers...At one point the "Play Now" completely didn't work.. and the server list has been disappearing since day 1...The ONLY way i've been able to connect to servers at times... is by physically or verbally getting an IP from a friend over vent or TS, who's list hadn't gone retarded on them.

...Honestly...these are things that should've been nailed out in the first patch.

Last edited by BlackJackBob (2005-11-23 12:14:13)

Out of Nowhere
+0|7037|Helsinki, Finland
*mumbles* No new sniper unlock! *stops mumbling*

Ontop of that... the fact that if you update your server list with filters selected it STILL makes your list completely disappear. YES there's a way around it... by unselecting ALL your filters and updating the list again.. but WTF.. if you can't get something as simple as a SERVER BROWSER right.. then i certainly don't see why i should buy thier expansion.
Strange! I had the problem in the earlier version but now it works for me, at least.

But, about those weapons. All the new unlockables look really good and there is something to that carbon fiber coloured w/ little red detailes that just melts my heart.
Bah!! That's exactly what i'm talking about! The shmorgus board of programming that's going on.. it's terrible! Practically every system has its own set of problems. Some people don't have problems at all...and some crash to desktop everytime they try to load a server even though the systems are the same. BF2's been more unstable than BF:V ever was...you may have lagged like you were on a 12kbs dialup...but at least you didn't crash to desktop..

Last edited by BlackJackBob (2005-11-23 12:33:30)

One think i dont get, Why on earth can't u use your SF unlocks in SF?? I unlocked the Spec Ops weapon beliving that i could use it whenever i want. Ex. i'm Spetznaz and want to use the Spec Ops weapon with a dot scope. But i cant use it´. i go back to Bf2 and ther it's no problem to use it, there i have three weapons to choose. This is the stupidest thing in SF U cant use your SF unlocks in SF. What were Dice thinking??

Oh and one more thing. What's up with the small sidearm unlock for the medic? does it replace your ordinary pistol or what?

Last edited by McCullough (2005-11-23 13:01:57)

+0|7032|San Rafael, CA
As long as you keep buying up their shovelware expansion packs on the first day they have absolutely no incentive to spend any money supporting their products after release.  Why pay an entire team to fix shipping bugs when you can have them work on a $30 expansion that adds "ziplines" and "grappling hooks".

I'll pass.

wendigo wrote:

I'll pass.
Me too.

Last edited by BlackJackBob (2005-11-23 13:40:07)

me three.

it's almost like a subscription fee, if you want to keep playing, you have to pay again.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7071|AUS, Canberra

McCullough wrote:

One think i dont get, Why on earth can't u use your SF unlocks in SF?? I unlocked the Spec Ops weapon beliving that i could use it whenever i want. Ex. i'm Spetznaz and want to use the Spec Ops weapon with a dot scope. But i cant use it´. i go back to Bf2 and ther it's no problem to use it, there i have three weapons to choose. This is the stupidest thing in SF U cant use your SF unlocks in SF. What were Dice thinking??

Oh and one more thing. What's up with the small sidearm unlock for the medic? does it replace your ordinary pistol or what?
the spec ops unlocks in bf are the standard weapons in SF
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Hmph. I'm twiddling my thumbs on whether I wanna bust my wallet to buy SF and go hungry till my next paycheck.

Damn Command and Conquer Generals...
+62|7030|Rochester, NY
How do acquire the new SF unlocks in BF2? Like do you have to wait towards the next rank to get it or what. I wanted to unlock the G36E since the LA5A1 sucks like hell, do I have to be promoted to get it or what. I am a Corporal btw...
+45|7043|Toronto, Canada
I just hated playing tonight after awhile.  The performance issues were crazy! On vanilla BF2 I usually run at 31 to 45 frames per second.  On Special Forces, especially the iron gator map i was going at a crawl of 15 fps...

I lowered my shadows setting to low and it boosted performance a bit to between 17 and 24 fps. Dammit what the hell DICE/EA!  I didn't have a high ping, it's just too much geometry and lighting effects I guess.  On some other maps I was running fine.

I am going through the same growing pains of adjusting to playing in the dark/night as I did when I first started playing Splinter Cell.  I loved using the ziplines and grappling hooks and it opens up an awesome amount of gameplay possibilities.

I then played a round of Karkand and realized that I missed the BF2 style of gameplay, daylight, and knowing exactly where to go and what to do. I know I'll get to know the SF maps, but I was left with a bad taste in my mouth regarding the performance issues.  Good thing I didn't pay full price for this game, I got it at a $10 CDN discount at Future Shop up here in Canada (one day sale)

the_heart_attack wrote:

McCullough wrote:

One think i dont get, Why on earth can't u use your SF unlocks in SF?? I unlocked the Spec Ops weapon beliving that i could use it whenever i want. Ex. i'm Spetznaz and want to use the Spec Ops weapon with a dot scope. But i cant use it´. i go back to Bf2 and ther it's no problem to use it, there i have three weapons to choose. This is the stupidest thing in SF U cant use your SF unlocks in SF. What were Dice thinking??

Oh and one more thing. What's up with the small sidearm unlock for the medic? does it replace your ordinary pistol or what?
the spec ops unlocks in bf are the standard weapons in SF
I thought by unlocking  a gun you could use it whenever you want in witch army or spec ops team you want.

BlackJackBob wrote:

this is retarded if you ask me.. so the people who don't buy SF won't be able to unlock the latest weapons?

why doesn't EA just say "if you want to play the game you already bought to the full.. buy MORE!"

well fuck that, i say. and Fuck EA.
I completely agree, EA are basically forcing us to buy the expansion or we will be at a disadvantage.

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7141|Cologne, Germany

BlackLegion42 wrote:

How do acquire the new SF unlocks in BF2? Like do you have to wait towards the next rank to get it or what. I wanted to unlock the G36E since the LA5A1 sucks like hell, do I have to be promoted to get it or what. I am a Corporal btw...
after having played SF for the first time and logging into BFHQ after that, the game will figure out ( by looking at your global Score ) if you are elligible for a SF unlock. If that is the case, you an choose the respective number of unlocks. players with a high rank might get all SF unlocks at the same time.

I don't know what the requirements for unlocks in SF are, but I figure at Corporal you should at least get one.

Once you have selected your unlock, you should be able to pick that weapon when playing BF2 too...
Death StatPadder
+228|7069|Human Meat Shield

RKF77 wrote:

Duramen1 wrote:

ok I don't have SF but it was clear some of the people playing did and the weapons, true, are new but i couldn't see that they were any better
They aren't any better, really...at least, they don't seem like they are. 

The SEAL and SAS SpecOps unlocks (The SCAR-H and G36K, I believe) seem no worse or better than the M4, AK-47U or the G36C. 
The SEAL Assault unlock (SCAR-L) is about equal with the G3, maybe a bit less powerful. 
The SAS unlock (the F2000) is probably the best of the bunch, because it brings a good scope, a 30-round magazine AND a grenade launcher to the party.
The MG36 for the Support class is actually worse than the PKM.
Medics may like the SF Medic unlock (G36E) more than the M-16 or AK-101, but it doesn't seem to be better than the L85A1.
The SAS Engineer gun, the MP7, is nice, but is wildly inaccurate and chews through ammo like crazy.  Short, controlled bursts at close range are the key with this gun, but seemingly low damage means that it's certainly no better than the MK3A1.

Keep in mind, these observations are simply based on what I noticed playing with the new weapons last night...there are no damage numbers or other stats involved.  YMMV.  So far, it would seem that the new weapons aren't necessarily any better, just different...and that's fine, especially seeing as how they're going to allow people to use them in BF2.

Bottom line?  If you didn't plan on buying SF, don't worry, you are not missing anything BETTER with the new weapons, just something different.
I agree with your statements. It does seem like getting new stuff, new hardware, but really it is nothing different from the original unlocks. I do like the F2000 (don't have it on BF2 unlocks) though, it just seems to have that extra punch.  I unlocked the G3 (because I needed it) and find myself using this monster alot, it's not bad actually. I've read alot about unlocks and found out its not the gun -- it's the person wielding it. Like I suck at --well everything -- but I am more comfortable with the support and assault. Just unlock whatever is in you comfort zone. I should've done the G3,F2000 and the Flash Bang in that order, but I didn't. I wonder what the dmg/recoil are for these unlocks.
I've got so much bitching about them not fixing BF2 vanilla too...

But why the hell are we (non-suckers, oops I mean non-expansion-buyers) FORCED to play on a uneven field now with SF payers?

WTF? I bought a game that clearly said BF2 on the box. I have my right to play BF2 ONLY. EA/DiCE really up the level of unscrupulous business practice.
Damn Command and Conquer Generals...
+62|7030|Rochester, NY

CackNBallz wrote:

I just hated playing tonight after awhile.  The performance issues were crazy! On vanilla BF2 I usually run at 31 to 45 frames per second.  On Special Forces, especially the iron gator map i was going at a crawl of 15 fps...

I lowered my shadows setting to low and it boosted performance a bit to between 17 and 24 fps. Dammit what the hell DICE/EA!  I didn't have a high ping, it's just too much geometry and lighting effects I guess.  On some other maps I was running fine.

I am going through the same growing pains of adjusting to playing in the dark/night as I did when I first started playing Splinter Cell.  I loved using the ziplines and grappling hooks and it opens up an awesome amount of gameplay possibilities.

I then played a round of Karkand and realized that I missed the BF2 style of gameplay, daylight, and knowing exactly where to go and what to do. I know I'll get to know the SF maps, but I was left with a bad taste in my mouth regarding the performance issues.  Good thing I didn't pay full price for this game, I got it at a $10 CDN discount at Future Shop up here in Canada (one day sale)
Even playing on a normal BF2 server, the patch lags the game even on normal ping! Guess I won't play it until most servers for the core and expansion are updated to 1.12.

Last edited by BlackLegion42 (2005-11-25 07:28:29)

+2|7042|United Kingdom
Damn I'm annoyed..

I had those nice three unlocks waiting for me after patching..then installing SF...then patching again...

Got me the Medic G36E - Pure genius this gun. Looks good, fires good, kills good.
Also got the PKM, been wanting this, and I'm planning on being support a bit more now...
And I got the Spec Ops SCAR-L. Why did I get this one?! Why did I not play the damn game before unlocking it?!! I HATE THIS GUN!

Well, okay, it's a nice gun - but it's not the G36 Support gun...

Aside from that - EA/DICE: Stop pissing about and bring out a patch that solves more problems that it creates!
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7065|Toronto Canada
everyone should get the medic upgrade, it owns! its so much better than that god awful normal upgrade for medic.
Death StatPadder
+228|7069|Human Meat Shield
Yeah, after I got used to it -- it's really good, you're basically a Medic with a Spec Ops gun with great accuracy, just watch the 3 shot bursts. Didn't like it at first though, was getting killed alot but found out it was me -- not the weapon, it's pretty hard running to heal someone and hafta take fire also because you know the dudes dead but where did that fire come from. Spec Ops unlock is a waste. Definately get the F2000.

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