+304|6916|New York City baby.
internet invented by americans is a very wrong statement, you cannot contribute to iinvention of internet by compiling one technology. There is millions of stuff that make the internet what it is today. Just my 2 ¢

Last edited by alpinestar (2006-07-28 14:14:51)

+23|6817|Me Dad's Wilkins

kr@cker wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

How about not employing Nazis?  Taking on the Japanese single handed, as well as holding El Alamein?  Or creating a gun which comes with a coded ring, so that unauthorised users can't fire?

Regardless, it's irrelevant.
hmmm.....australia is irrelevant, interesting
Been there, numerous times... Agreed.
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6951|New Hampshire, USA
+23|6817|Me Dad's Wilkins

Shem wrote:

All I really can be bothered to reply is:

Lol America.
Don't bother at all, Tosser
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6885|Area 51
My Turn


Now its ur turn,
+304|6916|New York City baby.

RDMC(2) wrote:

My Turn


Now its ur turn,
good one
Resident Emo Hater
+139|6995|Moscow, Russia

RU Grmbl wrote:


Oh, by the way, we may add new item now to the list of USA "helping" other countries: aiding Israel in bombing shit out of Lebanese civilians
Вот именно, их госсекретарша Кондолиза Райс только призвала стороны конфликта прекратить огонь, а америкосы сразу же продали евреям ещё высокоточных бомб (хотя какие они нахер высокоточные, когда летят на жилые кварталы) в срочном порядке. Грёбаная практика двойных стандартов, идиотская политкорректность, Республиканская партия - вот что я не уважаю в Америке. А люди там в основной массе хорошие.

Тебе +1, добро пожаловать на форум. Всегда приятно видеть ещё одного чела из России, нас тут не так много.

Last edited by Wasder (2006-07-28 14:27:53)


Actually, whilst ARPANET, the predesesor to the internet, was developed by the military, the invention of the internet is attributed to Tim Berners Lee, a British scientist.

This may have already been posted, however I only read about the first 5 comments, as this thread sucks more cock that a Thai brothel.
+122|6861|Omaha, Nebraska!

Bubbalo wrote:

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

If there is ever a disaster who is there to help first? Thats right, America.
Oh, really, then how come you were shamed by the international response to the South East Asian tsunami.
to let you know person, Americans donated 325 BILLION dollars to the tsunami. Britian and America are great allies, lets not puncture that relationship. America is a great country and there are also other great countries, but why fight about whos country is better. We all love our countrys and we would do much to defend them.
Say wat!?

SoC./Omega wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

If there is ever a disaster who is there to help first? Thats right, America.
Oh, really, then how come you were shamed by the international response to the South East Asian tsunami.
to let you know person, Americans donated 325 BILLION dollars to the tsunami. Britian and America are great allies, lets not puncture that relationship. America is a great country and there are also other great countries, but why fight about whos country is better. We all love our countrys and we would do much to defend them.
yes america donated a huge amount of money which is a good thing. But in compairson to your GDP your contribution was one of the lowest in the list of countries that donated.
+276|6975|United States of America

mavrick 3399 wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

#1  The US was not attacked by the Nazis, sure a few ships going to England with supplies, but the US was not attacked.

#2  How much help did Europe give the US when attacked by Japan??? 

1. as it has already been mentioned in this thread it was a WORLD war!! how do you know Hitler was going to stop with Europe he could then attacked the GREAT USA.

2. Europe was on the fucking front lines fighting the other countries in the axis of evil. i mean OK we have an under strength RAF with mostly polish pilots (because we weren't ready for war) trying there best to fight over Europe and you get pissed off that we dint send any to japan?????

also wasn't pearl harbor the day the USA officially joined the war!! so were the fuck was all the help from the USA before that???? oh thats right supplies and weapons and stuff (which Europe had to fucking pay for)

always there to make a quick buck...
#1 Hitler would have died of old age before he could have built a Navy that would have been able to get past the US Navy.  He was years from winning the 2 front war he started (even without US intervention) and did not have resources to fight that war and be able to build war ships faster than the US.  Also, travel half way around the world and form a beach head in the US with no allies over here, WTF are you smoking????  The US could have easily just defeated the Japanesse and stayed out of the EUROPEAN WAR,  When the US joined Europe to fight Hitler he already had conquered everything except England and Half of the USSR.  The US could have had as good of trade with the NEW Germany as it did with Europe, or better trade because the USSR would have no longer been communist.

2.  NO SHIT, thanks for making my point.  Europe already had its ass kicked by the Nazis and was loosing THEIR war.  So obviously it was US intervention that SAVED EUROPES ASS.  The US was also fighting Japan at the same time, but was still willing to take resources need to SAVE AMERICA from its ONLY THREAT AT THE TIME WHICH WAS JAPAN. 

As far as Europe paying for supplies from the US, how did Europe pay for all the dead US soldiers???  Which countries paid for what???  When has Europe EVER given American anything for free????  You are talking out your ASSHAT.

You say the US is always there to make a "quick buck". You are a stupid turd.  Iraq is costing the US BILLIONS.  Rebuilding Japan cost the US Millions.  I'm sure the US made Billions in Korea, Vietnam, and the first Iraq war too.  Your so dumb you must sit on the TV and watch the couch all day.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|7114|Idaho, USA / Age 30

Wasder wrote:

RU Grmbl wrote:


Oh, by the way, we may add new item now to the list of USA "helping" other countries: aiding Israel in bombing shit out of Lebanese civilians
Вот именно, их госсекретарша Кондолиза Райс только призвала стороны конфликта прекратить огонь, а америкосы сразу же продали евреям ещё высокоточных бомб (хотя какие они нахер высокоточные, когда летят на жилые кварталы) в срочном порядке. Грёбаная практика двойных стандартов, идиотская политкорректность, Республиканская партия - вот что я не уважаю в Америке. А люди там в основной массе хорошие.

Тебе +1, добро пожаловать на форум. Всегда приятно видеть ещё одного чела из России, нас тут не так много.
Well first of all how those that don't know Russian or what ever ever language that is are suppose to translate it.  Can we please Close this thread.
Say wat!?

Major_Spittle wrote:

#1 Hitler would have died of old age before he could have built a Navy that would have been able to get past the US Navy.  He was years from winning the 2 front war he started (even without US intervention) and did not have resources to fight that war and be able to build war ships faster than the US.  Also, travel half way around the world and form a beach head in the US with no allies over here, WTF are you smoking????  The US could have easily just defeated the Japanesse and stayed out of the EUROPEAN WAR,  When the US joined Europe to fight Hitler he already had conquered everything except England and Half of the USSR.  The US could have had as good of trade with the NEW Germany as it did with Europe, or better trade because the USSR would have no longer been communist.
Please dont claim to be an expert on Counterfactual history of the first order. The real experts of counterfactual history all agree that if there hadnt been a 2nd front in europe Stalin would have been forced to reenter a pact based on the original Ribentrop-Molotov pact of 1939. This would have meant a united Europe, N.Africa and Asia in the Axis powers, this would have changed the world as we know it, it is then unknown if the axis would have been able to mount an attack on America but it is believed the Axis would have mounted the invasion from countries in their control in S.America. Even if the Axis powers didnt invade america you sure as hell wouldnt be the worlds super power you are today.
+276|6975|United States of America

alpinestar wrote:

internet invented by americans is a very wrong statement, you cannot contribute to iinvention of internet by compiling one technology. There is millions of stuff that make the internet what it is today. Just my 2 ¢
The US military created the internet, get educated.  And WWW is not the internet, it is the WWW.  WWW could not exist without the invention of the internet, just ask Al Gore.  He knows all about it. 

What you are saying is something like: because Germay invented the DVD drive, the computer could not exist with out Germay's contribution due to the computer being an assortment of technologies.

Just my $.03.  <---- dammit how did you get a cent sign and I didn't???  See how these Europeans condecend us with their cent signs.  Oh look at me, I'm so good I have a cent sign key.  Well screw you cause I have a ~ key.
Say wat!?

Major_Spittle wrote:

alpinestar wrote:

internet invented by americans is a very wrong statement, you cannot contribute to iinvention of internet by compiling one technology. There is millions of stuff that make the internet what it is today. Just my 2 ¢
The US military created the internet, get educated.  And WWW is not the internet, it is the WWW.  WWW could not exist without the invention of the internet, just ask Al Gore.  He knows all about it. 

What you are saying is something like: because Germay invented the DVD drive, the computer could not exist with out Germay's contribution due to the computer being an assortment of technologies.

Just my $.03.  <---- dammit how did you get a cent sign and I didn't???  See how these Europeans condecend us with their cent signs.  Oh look at me, I'm so good I have a cent sign key.  Well screw you cause I have a ~ key.
The American Military didnt invent the "internet" they invented the first real WAN, that would have happened elsewhere anywhere, and for your information the www is very important indeed, its just as important as the http protocol.
+276|6975|United States of America

Vilham wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

#1 Hitler would have died of old age before he could have built a Navy that would have been able to get past the US Navy.  He was years from winning the 2 front war he started (even without US intervention) and did not have resources to fight that war and be able to build war ships faster than the US.  Also, travel half way around the world and form a beach head in the US with no allies over here, WTF are you smoking????  The US could have easily just defeated the Japanesse and stayed out of the EUROPEAN WAR,  When the US joined Europe to fight Hitler he already had conquered everything except England and Half of the USSR.  The US could have had as good of trade with the NEW Germany as it did with Europe, or better trade because the USSR would have no longer been communist.
Please dont claim to be an expert on Counterfactual history of the first order. The real experts of counterfactual history all agree that if there hadnt been a 2nd front in europe Stalin would have been forced to reenter a pact based on the original Ribentrop-Molotov pact of 1939. This would have meant a united Europe, N.Africa and Asia in the Axis powers, this would have changed the world as we know it, it is then unknown if the axis would have been able to mount an attack on America but it is believed the Axis would have mounted the invasion from countries in their control in S.America. Even if the Axis powers didnt invade america you sure as hell wouldnt be the worlds super power you are today.
Well yeh, but if you really want to talk about Counterfactual history, talk about Conterfactual history of the third order in which it is obvious that Hitler would have discovered the A-Bomb and blew up Germany while test detonating the first proto-type.  This of course would have caused the creation of and the export of the V.W. bug to have never come to frutition.  This in turn would have set back the peace movement of the '60s allowing the US to have defeated Vietnam and go on to world dominance due to likes of great war heros such as John Kerry, who personally wet himself at the battle of Hanoy and spent 3hrs locked in combat with General Taos Chicken during the Tet Offensive.
Say wat!?

Major_Spittle wrote:

Well yeh, but if you really want to talk about Counterfactual history, talk about Conterfactual history of the third order in which it is obvious that Hitler would have discovered the A-Bomb and blew up Germany while test detonating the first proto-type.  This of course would have caused the creation of and the export of the V.W. bug to have never come to frutition.  This in turn would have set back the peace movement of the '60s allowing the US to have defeated Vietnam and go on to world dominance due to likes of great war heros such as John Kerry, who personally wet himself at the battle of Hanoy and spent 3hrs locked in combat with General Taos Chicken during the Tet Offensive.
lol nice. As you show past the first order the history is completely made up. However the first order is based highly on the facts that we know.
+276|6975|United States of America

Vilham wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

alpinestar wrote:

internet invented by americans is a very wrong statement, you cannot contribute to iinvention of internet by compiling one technology. There is millions of stuff that make the internet what it is today. Just my 2 ¢
The US military created the internet, get educated.  And WWW is not the internet, it is the WWW.  WWW could not exist without the invention of the internet, just ask Al Gore.  He knows all about it. 

What you are saying is something like: because Germay invented the DVD drive, the computer could not exist with out Germay's contribution due to the computer being an assortment of technologies.

Just my $.03.  <---- dammit how did you get a cent sign and I didn't???  See how these Europeans condecend us with their cent signs.  Oh look at me, I'm so good I have a cent sign key.  Well screw you cause I have a ~ key.
The American Military didnt invent the "internet" they invented the first real WAN, that would have happened elsewhere anywhere, and for your information the www is very important indeed, its just as important as the http protocol.
The US would have continued developing the Internet it invented, Al Gore was just hours away from developing Evironmentally Friendly Web before it was anounce that the World Wide Web was invented, thus making his discoveries obsolette. 

Just my common cents.
I invented bf2

then I sold it to dice for shitloads, I qwn all of you

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-07-28 15:51:18)

Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|7003|The Lou

Spumantiii wrote:

I invented bf2

then I sold it to dice for shitloads, I qwn all of you
just like that other canadian that sold the patent to the light bulb to Thomas Edison? ahaha

redhawk454 wrote:

[RU]Grmbl wrote:

venom6 wrote:

OIL = Money,Power...and thats in Iraq

Oh, by the way, we may add new item now to the list of USA "helping" other countries: aiding Israel in bombing shit out of Lebanese civilians.
why didnt the lebanese government get rid of hizbolla? I am sure they wanted them there. By the way how many American civilians died on Sept. 11?
1. Just following US logic on this: lets bomb the shit out of New York - there may be terrorists somewhere on the streets and USA failed to get rid of them!

2. So whats the point? Boohoo. Get over it already. Really, who cares about 9/11 now outside US? We've had in Russia Chechen terrorists take _schoolchildren_ (in the school itself) hostages and fucking slaughter 5-6 years old kids.  During WWII in my home country (Belarus) around 20% of population was destroyed (including some of my relatives and grandparents), so fucking what? Does it gives us the right then to plan and execute attacks on other countries without war declaration?

P.S. Shall we also mention Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Last edited by [RU]Grmbl (2006-07-28 16:01:42)

Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|7003|The Lou

the past is the past, no matter how much you all fucking argue, it wont change.

so stfu!

seriously, worry about the present, but when ever someone brings up the present someone always has to hijack the thread and talk shit about the past. STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HURLEY wrote:

the past is the past, no matter how much you all fucking argue, it wont change.

so stfu!

seriously, worry about the present, but when ever someone brings up the present someone always has to hijack the thread and talk shit about the past. STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agreed. But actually currently USA is continuing its policy of screwing everyone in the world (apart from pet contries like Israel, UK (hey, Tony!) etc.). So it's not completely in the past.
I am all that is MOD!

redhawk454 wrote:

I guess most of the other nations were fans of Adolf Hitler, he wanted complete gun control, so his subject couldn't resist, (he wasnt much different than Saddam Hussein). Oh I am sorry that was supposed to be about WMD's actually it was about human rights. Then again America entered WWII because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, what did that have to do with the Nazi's and Europe? Ok Japan and Germany And Italy were the Axis powers. Still only Japan attacked us so why did we care if some other country was being controlled against their will? Because this is America. Afghanistan held Osama Bin Ladin. Saddam Hussein was no different than Adolph Hitler. No matter what I put here, there will be but this, but that, but its. I Invite other PATRIOTIC Americans to put their 2Bits worth in here. Just because its about time we told the world WTF.
I am a patriot, in that I stand up for the values the people who wrote the constitution had.  I agree, our country is great, the best on the planet as far as I'm concerned.  However, get a few things straight here.  Iraq was not about humans rights.  There are a good 50 countries in this world who have worse human rights atrocities than Iraq does, and the U.S. doesn't do a thing.  How does that work my friend?  I would argue that we (American citizens) are being controlled against our will.  Have you seen the approval ratings for the president lately?

HURLEY wrote:

Spumantiii wrote:

I invented bf2

then I sold it to dice for shitloads, I qwn all of you
just like that other canadian that sold the patent to the light bulb to Thomas Edison? ahaha
Yeah just the same, I sold it to some simple folk who only needed to mass produce it, all the good ideas were mine then I passed it on to the workshops where they botched it (dice then EA).    Meanwhile I'm rich and they look like noobs.   PWNT

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-07-28 16:15:27)

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