Wanna cookie?GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
thanks for winning my argument for ME buddy.....RicardoBlanco wrote:
So you're a hypocrite then...GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
Ive said numerous times I was against the invasion of Iraq, but thats not gonna stop me from killing and capturing the enemies that my nation sees fit to paint as enemies.
but honestly, it never was one. I feel like im addressing a 5 year old so yeah ok Im hypocrate (L O FUCKING L)
I dont even think YOU believe in the logic that you are displaying here in this forum, honestly man, you got a hamster running in a wheel in that cranium of yours instead of a brain, or maybe its a nome chopping down a tiny little tree.
I need another laugh, please respond my good man.
the other blanco meat
maybe he has a hamster wrapped in tape up his assJohnnyBlanco wrote:
Wanna cookie?GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
thanks for winning my argument for ME buddy.....RicardoBlanco wrote:
So you're a hypocrite then...
but honestly, it never was one. I feel like im addressing a 5 year old so yeah ok Im hypocrate (L O FUCKING L)
I dont even think YOU believe in the logic that you are displaying here in this forum, honestly man, you got a hamster running in a wheel in that cranium of yours instead of a brain, or maybe its a nome chopping down a tiny little tree.
I need another laugh, please respond my good man.
Ricardo you ought to be very happy. I mean being the internet makes anything you say anonymous. Because if you WALKED into a place with this many people who support american troops. YOU WOULD NOT WALK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
Not like you would understand, what you done for your country lately fuckwad?RicardoBlanco wrote:
What the fuck did you expect, you joined the bloody army??!!? Last time I checked killing people is what armies do...sounds like you were pretty un-fucking-informed when you went to war but glad to know the penny's dropped...congrats!warum wrote:
I don't know how many of you have relatives who have fought in a war but it is really hard for them to talk about it.I now understand why.First of all a little history about me and my family. My great grandfather fought in world war 1 but un fortunately he died at beaumont hamel.My grand father fought in world war 2 but luckily he survived.My father was in the military but never went to war.I served in Iraq. It was one of the worst things i've ever gone through.I lost a lot of buddies and saw a lot of atrocities from both sides.I still have nightmares but i've been told that they never go away.I got back about six months ago but i don't think i will ever be able to tell anyone what happened.Not even the guys who served with me talk about what happened. We talk about all the good times,the few we had,but never about the bad stuff. So now i understand why my grandfather couldn't talk about the war, but he always tells me about all the trouble he got into while in england. My grandfather was a ladies man and i'am sure i have some relatives in england.haha. Anyway i'am writing this because i think people need to hear about the people who fight these wars so they are more informed when they post to war threads.
GunSlinger....Thank you
I have never served but my sister-in-law's father has done four tours. He was in Afghanistan when we went there and his unit took the Baghdad airport in the first days there. His unit has done 2 other tours in Irag since then. His unit is so well recognized that they have bounties on their heads. They are not allowed to go back and they are all training new people to go over. My brother has really good collection or war "booty" from him. He has knives, guns, clothes, ect. To me he is "The Man".
These guys are doing there job. With them doing their job they have at least secured the next few years of the anti-war idiots to continute to live in their fantasy world. When the shit hits the fan, it will become the survival of the fitest.....ricardo you sir will we among the first elminated. Your Daddy will not be able to buy the trash can you are trying to get food out of.
I have never served but my sister-in-law's father has done four tours. He was in Afghanistan when we went there and his unit took the Baghdad airport in the first days there. His unit has done 2 other tours in Irag since then. His unit is so well recognized that they have bounties on their heads. They are not allowed to go back and they are all training new people to go over. My brother has really good collection or war "booty" from him. He has knives, guns, clothes, ect. To me he is "The Man".
These guys are doing there job. With them doing their job they have at least secured the next few years of the anti-war idiots to continute to live in their fantasy world. When the shit hits the fan, it will become the survival of the fitest.....ricardo you sir will we among the first elminated. Your Daddy will not be able to buy the trash can you are trying to get food out of.
haha, the widdle bwothaJohnnyBlanco wrote:
Wanna cookie?GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
thanks for winning my argument for ME buddy.....RicardoBlanco wrote:
So you're a hypocrite then...
but honestly, it never was one. I feel like im addressing a 5 year old so yeah ok Im hypocrate (L O FUCKING L)
I dont even think YOU believe in the logic that you are displaying here in this forum, honestly man, you got a hamster running in a wheel in that cranium of yours instead of a brain, or maybe its a nome chopping down a tiny little tree.
I need another laugh, please respond my good man.
He is not worthy to address the GS.
You know nothing about World politics if you truly belive the invasion of Iraq has done anything to affect our freedom? It has be proven there were no WMDs in iraq and that Saddam hated Bin Laden. Give me evidence that this invasion has secured our lives?taxi2you wrote:
GunSlinger....Thank you
I have never served but my sister-in-law's father has done four tours. He was in Afghanistan when we went there and his unit took the Baghdad airport in the first days there. His unit has done 2 other tours in Irag since then. His unit is so well recognized that they have bounties on their heads. They are not allowed to go back and they are all training new people to go over. My brother has really good collection or war "booty" from him. He has knives, guns, clothes, ect. To me he is "The Man".
These guys are doing there job. With them doing their job they have at least secured the next few years of the anti-war idiots to continute to live in their fantasy world. When the shit hits the fan, it will become the survival of the fitest.....ricardo you sir will we among the first elminated. Your Daddy will not be able to buy the trash can you are trying to get food out of.
Actually, I would be pretty pissed off if I was sent to fight a pointless war so maybe you should continue using your psycological placebo.......
yet another civilian that sees only the half truths that CNN puts in his brain... ^
hey I give estebanreybitch a +1 karma for being a dumbshit everyone oughta do the same
Confused tenses (either "I gave" or "I'll give"), and there ought be punctuation. Who's the dumb shit (two words), again?
you understand.. GO FUCK YOURSELF??????????Bubbalo wrote:
Confused tenses (either "I gave" or "I'll give"), and there ought be punctuation. Who's the dumb shit (two words), again?
You're either missing a "Do", or making a statement not asking a question
Im sorry I thought this was a forum, not my fucking english class in high school.
If you want to knitpick my grammer, I expect to see your editorials every where on this website. If you are not up to it then SHUT THE FUCK UP.
If you want to knitpick my grammer, I expect to see your editorials every where on this website. If you are not up to it then SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Last edited by redhawk454 (2006-07-28 01:49:21)
It is. Restrain from pointless insults, and I'll refrain from pointing out that any English class you pass is a sad little show.
my point exactly you fucking pussy.
Still missing those capitalisations. I presume I have you to thank for that thoughtful message in my karma? Just be glad I don't give a damn, because the mods would likely find that awfully interesting.
is that a threat?Bubbalo wrote:
Still missing those capitalisations. I presume I have you to thank for that thoughtful message in my karma? Just be glad I don't give a damn, because the mods would likely find that awfully interesting.
go fuck your goat.
No, it's a warning: continue to act as you have been and mods will notice, either of their own accord or because somebody can be assed reporting you. At that time, you'll probably be banned.
So hang on, you're going to give me plus one even though you disagree with me? If anyone's a "dumb shit" then it's certainly not me!redhawk454 wrote:
hey I give estebanreybitch a +1 karma for being a dumbshit everyone oughta do the same
Also, instead of throwing around pathetic (not to mentioned severly unwitty) insults around, why not look at what I've written and then reply with facts and evidence that prove me wrong. Unlike some people, I am willing to be shown to be incorrect if it means me learning more but retorting with childish insults does nothing but reveal you have the debating skills of microwaved frog (even I'm stooping to your level now!)
If the mods feel that I no longer need to post in the forums, then so be it. If I feel that americans are being insulted and speak my mind, so be it. Do not , I repeat DO NOT insult or belittle an American soldier. If you cant handle someone harrasing you then dont harrass someone else. As far as pointless insults, that wasnt a pointless insult. I was stating the truth I gave him a +1 for being a dumbass.
Debate and Serious Talk
Please, if you can't keep a level head, this isn't for you.
.....calm down
Please, if you can't keep a level head, this isn't for you.
.....calm down
really i would hate to be banned. I will still be here, so if you ever feel froggy(dont understand?) just let someone from the US know and we will bring you here and show you what is really going on(not what the Brittish Boys Club wants to show you). Then maybe you wont be so condesending(sic).Bubbalo wrote:
No, it's a warning: continue to act as you have been and mods will notice, either of their own accord or because somebody can be assed reporting you. At that time, you'll probably be banned.
Mate you're looking like a fraud. No one insulted American troops as far as I'm aware and if you actually read my posts you'd see that I included our British troops in the criticisms as well. The trouble with people like you is you can't take criticism or being questioned; you blow it up into some major insult and because you lack debating skills resort to crap mother or animal shagging based come backs. Mate you are a teenager right?redhawk454 wrote:
If the mods feel that I no longer need to post in the forums, then so be it. If I feel that americans are being insulted and speak my mind, so be it. Do not , I repeat DO NOT insult or belittle an American soldier. If you cant handle someone harrasing you then dont harrass someone else. As far as pointless insults, that wasnt a pointless insult. I was stating the truth I gave him a +1 for being a dumbass.
P.S It is possible to support soldiers as people but not support their job motives you know!