Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6858|Southeastern USA

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

I personally don't see any reason for someone to own a semi-auto M16
Its just like any other rifle, it just has a larger carrying capacity than say a Remington semi-auto rifle.  Refer to my last post, Hobby....some firearms are nice to have because they are a part of history (M1 Garand, AK's, etc)

I personally don't see any reason why it should matter...unless someone wants to hurt someone.
alot of times the hunting rifles are deadlier, packing higher muzzle velocities (an advantage of manually ejecting your cartridge) and using more lethal rounds, the chambering allows for the use of magnum cartridges, and the bullets themselves are designed to damage as much tissue with a single round as possible, as opposed to the military's commonly used full metal jacket, which, excepting tumble, tends to make one uniform wound straight through the target, this is why sniper rifles more closely resemble hunting rifles

I've never seen anything require more than one shot from my browning .308

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-27 14:22:24)

+302|7045|Salt Lake City

kr@cker wrote:

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

I personally don't see any reason for someone to own a semi-auto M16
Its just like any other rifle, it just has a larger carrying capacity than say a Remington semi-auto rifle.  Refer to my last post, Hobby....some firearms are nice to have because they are a part of history (M1 Garand, AK's, etc)

I personally don't see any reason why it should matter...unless someone wants to hurt someone.
alot of times the hunting rifles are deadlier, packing higher muzzle velocities (an advantage of manually ejecting your cartridge) and using more lethal rounds, the chambering allows for the use of magnum cartridges, and the bullets themselves are designed to damage as much tissue with a single round as possible, as opposed to the military's commonly used full metal jacket, which, excepting tumble, tends to make one uniform wound straight through the target, this is why sniper rifles more closely resemble hunting rifles

I've never seen anything require more than one shot from my browning .308
Have you ever hunted large animals like moose or bear?  You wouldn't want to try hunting them with a .308, and I wouldn't even recommend it for animals like Elk.

Spearhead wrote:

I personally don't see any reason for someone to own a semi-auto M16
I don't either, why would I want an underpowered rifle like the M16?  Most people don't realize this, but the M16, and the round it shoots are not designed to kill.  It's designed to wound.  The idea being that killing an enemy soldier removes one combatant, but wounding the soldier can remove two or three, as his fellow soldiers have to help him. 

But there is a really cool thing about the M16 (or the AR-15 as civilian model is called), it can be made to shoot any ammo you want it to shoot.  It has tons of aftermarket parts and is very customizable.  I think a good anology would be, that it's the honda civic of the gun world.  It's underpowered and lightweight, but can be turned into a monster.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6858|Southeastern USA

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Its just like any other rifle, it just has a larger carrying capacity than say a Remington semi-auto rifle.  Refer to my last post, Hobby....some firearms are nice to have because they are a part of history (M1 Garand, AK's, etc)

I personally don't see any reason why it should matter...unless someone wants to hurt someone.
alot of times the hunting rifles are deadlier, packing higher muzzle velocities (an advantage of manually ejecting your cartridge) and using more lethal rounds, the chambering allows for the use of magnum cartridges, and the bullets themselves are designed to damage as much tissue with a single round as possible, as opposed to the military's commonly used full metal jacket, which, excepting tumble, tends to make one uniform wound straight through the target, this is why sniper rifles more closely resemble hunting rifles

I've never seen anything require more than one shot from my browning .308
Have you ever hunted large animals like moose or bear?  You wouldn't want to try hunting them with a .308, and I wouldn't even recommend it for animals like Elk.
no, my browning has just played with white tail and boar, naturally when you approach the half ton mark you up to a magnum or similar, but your arsenal is a toolbox, you use the tool that fits the job, never hunted anything bigger (yet) so I haven't purchased anything bigger (yet), but considering that I can reload fairly quickly with the lever action, I think I may have a fair chance with an elk, maybe then only one shot provided I can get clean straight through lungshot and have big enough wound to make a trackable blood trail, damn hard to believe I haven't been hunting in the past decade, this is giving me the urge to go
Not Human Anymore
+144|6953|Seattle, WA


No one blames the car when the drunk driver slams into a minivan killing

I wonder how much tax money they made and how much they will make since sales are steadly going up

a ban on guns would only take the guns away from the lawful citizens

instead of a ban how about stricter laws and harsher prisons, alot of people go to prisons to get away from the life they are living on the streets and actual using the death sentence would be a good curb agaist violence
OMFG I love you!!!!!!!!! Finally someone who is not braindead 
not always PWD, but usually.
+95|6845|Carlsbad, CA, USA

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:


No one blames the car when the drunk driver slams into a minivan killing

I wonder how much tax money they made and how much they will make since sales are steadily going up

a ban on guns would only take the guns away from the lawful citizens

instead of a ban how about stricter laws and harsher prisons, a lot of people go to prisons to get away from the life they are living on the streets and actual using the death sentence would be a good curb against violence
OMFG I love you!!!!!!!!! Finally someone who is not braindead 
i agree with most, but instead of stricter laws, stricter enforcement of existing laws. blame the lenient prosecutors and judges, and the corrupt prisons where inmates can still get drugs, and live comfortable, decent lives, there is where the problem lies.

Last edited by -=CB=-krazykarl (2006-07-27 15:26:33)


Spearhead wrote:

Obey_m0rph3us wrote:

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

America is out of place with them though. Children have guns there. Children my cousin's age. That's fucking 6!
What's wrong with that?  Teach a child from an early age that guns are tools, not toys, and misusing them can carry deadly consequences.
Yeah, but the whole point of guns is to kill in the first place.  What a stupid pic, whoever made it has no f*ckin clue what their talking about.  That's like saying Microwaves aren't used for burning, they're used to cook stuff
Microwaves are used to cook stuff, but they don't crawl across your countertop, snatch a cheese brick, and melt it inside all by their lonesome.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-07-27 16:55:21)

+276|6964|United States of America
Maybe we could start a thread about Europe's obsession with child pornography?  The Pedophilia Culture.

Just because in America we don't drop guns and run away from them, as has been rumored to be the case with some European nationals, does not make us "obsessed" with guns.  No more than we are "obsessed" with sissors just because we own them and use them.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6953|Seattle, WA

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Microwaves are used to cook stuff, but they don't crawl across your countertop, snatch a cheese brick, and melt it inside all by their lonesome.
And guns don't crawl out of your holster/safe/hand/table/whatever, snatch a magazine/round, and shoot someone all by their lonesome.

Refer to my post about personal responsiblity for one's ACTIONS not their EQUIPMENT.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6858|Southeastern USA

Major_Spittle wrote:

Maybe we could start a thread about Europe's obsession with child pornography?  The Pedophilia Culture.

Just because in America we don't drop guns and run away from them, as has been rumored to be the case with some European nationals, does not make us "obsessed" with guns.  No more than we are "obsessed" with sissors just because we own them and use them.
following the successful british knife ban, the great family pastime "running with scissors" is next on the slate
Combat medic

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Microwaves are used to cook stuff, but they don't crawl across your countertop, snatch a cheese brick, and melt it inside all by their lonesome.
And guns don't crawl out of your holster/safe/hand/table/whatever, snatch a magazine/round, and shoot someone all by their lonesome.

Refer to my post about personal responsiblity for one's ACTIONS not their EQUIPMENT.
Funnt story, my roommate brought home a girl he met last night while I was just finishing cleaning my 1911 (I was at the range that morning) and she was like Why do you have a gun!  Guns kill people!

So I loaded it and put it in condition one (loaded with one in the chamber, safety on), put it on the table and said Go ahead kill.

She left all pissed off with my roommate laughing, guess she didn't know the guy she was with was CCWing a Glock 27....
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6858|Southeastern USA
gonna have to try that one, i have many many lib friends
+276|6964|United States of America
The only gun I had that tried to kill someone was a Browning Buckmark II.  I was sitting in the drivers side rear seat of a Suburban shooting gophers out the window when I went to put the safety on and it discharged.  Good thing I still had it pointed in a safe direction out the window and not at the back of the drivers head.  The plasic grip plate that holds the safety Mechanism in place was warped from it sitting in the sun and a spring popped out of place and actually caused it to fire.  What a POS pistol. Will never buy a Browning again.  I still have the pistol, fixed, but have never trusted it and don't use it often.  I have to lock it up so it won't crawl out of my closet and kill me.
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6969|The darkside of Denver

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Its just like any other rifle, it just has a larger carrying capacity than say a Remington semi-auto rifle.  Refer to my last post, Hobby....some firearms are nice to have because they are a part of history (M1 Garand, AK's, etc)

I personally don't see any reason why it should matter...unless someone wants to hurt someone.
alot of times the hunting rifles are deadlier, packing higher muzzle velocities (an advantage of manually ejecting your cartridge) and using more lethal rounds, the chambering allows for the use of magnum cartridges, and the bullets themselves are designed to damage as much tissue with a single round as possible, as opposed to the military's commonly used full metal jacket, which, excepting tumble, tends to make one uniform wound straight through the target, this is why sniper rifles more closely resemble hunting rifles

I've never seen anything require more than one shot from my browning .308
Have you ever hunted large animals like moose or bear?  You wouldn't want to try hunting them with a .308, and I wouldn't even recommend it for animals like Elk.
dude i live in Colorado and i have taken three bull elk in my day with my savage .270...
+276|6964|United States of America
7mm Remmington Mag. .284 cal. - Elk, Muley, White Tail.  A .270 is getting light past 400yrds for elk, but it is all in the shot.  If you hit a shoulder it is nice to have a .300 cal. or larger but with todays rounds, ie Barnes X and such, a .270 can stay together better than the older 30-06 rounds.  On terrorists nothing beats a .50 cal. 750 grain ball round, it is the gift that keeps on giving.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6858|Southeastern USA
I've always wanted to give my dad's .50 cal muzzle loader a shot

Major_Spittle wrote:

The only gun I had that tried to kill someone was a Browning Buckmark II.  I was sitting in the drivers side rear seat of a Suburban shooting gophers out the window when I went to put the safety on and it discharged.  Good thing I still had it pointed in a safe direction out the window and not at the back of the drivers head.  The plasic grip plate that holds the safety Mechanism in place was warped from it sitting in the sun and a spring popped out of place and actually caused it to fire.  What a POS pistol. Will never buy a Browning again.  I still have the pistol, fixed, but have never trusted it and don't use it often.  I have to lock it up so it won't crawl out of my closet and kill me.
Just another reason I don't like plastic and polymers in my guns, I've always had a natural aversion to em, they just don't feel right.

But please, don't think all brownings are like that.  The 1911 and the hi-power were both designed by John Browning.  Both are excellent guns.  And the Browning A5 is one of the nicest shotguns to shoot, that recoil operation just removes all the kick to your shoulder.  Every gun company has duds (and I mean, EVERY comany).  It's a good idea to research a gun before you purchase it.
Mista Smokes
o rly? thats intresting, i prefer plastic guns
Not Human Anymore
+144|6953|Seattle, WA

ts-pulsar wrote:

Just another reason I don't like plastic and polymers in my guns

But please, don't think all brownings are like that.
Yeah and all polymer guns are NOT like that, in the buckmark the plastic piece is not the same polymer as say Glock or HK frames.  Your ignorance shines through, its ok not to dislike polymer guns for other reasons.  Subjecting any firearm to higher than normal temperatures can cause it to fail.  1911's too and other steel framed pistols.  Treat your guns better, and they will respond appropriately.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6953|Seattle, WA

The_Fighting_69th wrote:

So I loaded it and put it in condition one (loaded with one in the chamber, safety on), put it on the table and said Go ahead kill.
Well, maybe next time just say "To protect my loved ones from those that would cause harm, etc, etc, ad nauseam."

Don't have to be an ass....

But it is funny.
Combat medic
I usually explain it nicely, but she said it real bitchy and I didn't feel like dealing with it, besides I though it would be funny as hell...

I still think the best part was my roommate had his G27 in a IWB holster the whole day with her, if only she!

Last edited by The_Fighting_69th (2006-07-28 02:18:50)


AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

ts-pulsar wrote:

Just another reason I don't like plastic and polymers in my guns

But please, don't think all brownings are like that.
Yeah and all polymer guns are NOT like that, in the buckmark the plastic piece is not the same polymer as say Glock or HK frames.  Your ignorance shines through, its ok not to dislike polymer guns for other reasons.  Subjecting any firearm to higher than normal temperatures can cause it to fail.  1911's too and other steel framed pistols.  Treat your guns better, and they will respond appropriately.
I know not all polymer guns are like that, I never said ALL polymer guns did that, but it is another nail in the coffin for me, it's just personal preference.  But polymers can be weakend quite a bit due to exposure to some every day chemicals and solvents.  But to be honest, the real reason I don't like polymers is cause they just throw the ballance of the gun off for me.  Always feels like the gun is to front heavy and can't point shoot it as well.  There are other reasons I don't like polymer frames, but they are all just personal preference more than anything.  I know they are strong and reliable under damn near any conditions I would put em through, but I've never liked em.  To be honest I'm not even sure if it's the polymer frame I don't like, just all the polymer frame gun's I've handled have never felt comfortable to me.

Of course, I only say this for handguns, for rifles, I love synthetics and fiberglass.  They don't warp like wood does, are exceedingly easy to bed a rifle in to, and if you mess up making a fiberglass stock and take off to much material, it's easy to just add more fiberglass.  Any rifle I'm building for my self get's a fiberglass stock, or if I've got a customer who wants the most accurate rifle they can get.
Modified Luck Soldier
+10|6846|Grand Forks, ND

ts-pulsar wrote:

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

ts-pulsar wrote:

Just another reason I don't like plastic and polymers in my guns

But please, don't think all brownings are like that.
Yeah and all polymer guns are NOT like that, in the buckmark the plastic piece is not the same polymer as say Glock or HK frames.  Your ignorance shines through, its ok not to dislike polymer guns for other reasons.  Subjecting any firearm to higher than normal temperatures can cause it to fail.  1911's too and other steel framed pistols.  Treat your guns better, and they will respond appropriately.
I know not all polymer guns are like that, I never said ALL polymer guns did that, but it is another nail in the coffin for me, it's just personal preference.  But polymers can be weakend quite a bit due to exposure to some every day chemicals and solvents.  But to be honest, the real reason I don't like polymers is cause they just throw the ballance of the gun off for me.  Always feels like the gun is to front heavy and can't point shoot it as well.  There are other reasons I don't like polymer frames, but they are all just personal preference more than anything.  I know they are strong and reliable under damn near any conditions I would put em through, but I've never liked em.  To be honest I'm not even sure if it's the polymer frame I don't like, just all the polymer frame gun's I've handled have never felt comfortable to me.

Of course, I only say this for handguns, for rifles, I love synthetics and fiberglass.  They don't warp like wood does, are exceedingly easy to bed a rifle in to, and if you mess up making a fiberglass stock and take off to much material, it's easy to just add more fiberglass.  Any rifle I'm building for my self get's a fiberglass stock, or if I've got a customer who wants the most accurate rifle they can get.
Yeah, the fron heavy thing is why I don't like them either.  If the firearm isn't comfortable to shoot, you wont shoot it as often and likely will never be as accurate as you could be if it did feel comfortable.

If you aren't comfortable and proficient with your weapon, what good will it be when you really need it?
Not Human Anymore
+144|6953|Seattle, WA

ts-pulsar wrote:

I know not all polymer guns are like that, I never said ALL polymer guns did that

it's just personal preference.

But to be honest, the real reason I don't like polymers is cause they just throw the ballance of the gun off for me.  Always feels like the gun is to front heavy and can't point shoot it as well.
Good to know that you are very knowledgeable, glad you pointed out the front heavy balance point, sometimes I hear people talking trash (not that you were) about Glocks/HK/etc when I have seen so many 1911's fail for some similiar and different reasons.  It makes sense if you object to something for a good reason.  Yayyy Good convo man.  I tend to like receiver heavy guns a bit more, but some of the glocks don't feel front heavy at all too me, pretty well balanced.  But damn are 1911's just dead sexy. Mmmm.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6953|Seattle, WA

Blizzard36 wrote:

If you aren't comfortable and proficient with your weapon, what good will it be when you really need it?

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