Horseman 77
This is what is So tough about talking to people about Guns.

An Assault Rifle is not for Sale here in the U.S.A.

In the U.S.A. You can only buy a gun that looks like an assault rifle.

Its like putting a stripe on your Car, it only fools the chicks. It doesn't make it faster.

Most Assault Rifles are NOT Powerful They are barely adequate for game. There are places where hunting deer with the .223 ( M 16 ) round is Illegal. It only wounds game.

the 7.62x 39 ( AK 47 ) is marginal at best.

The only thing Sportsman do with the .50 BMG is long range target.
The paper doesn't feel a thing.

The other .50 cal ( Desert Eagle ) is a pistol cartridge and you must by really close ( Skilled stalker ) Because the Ballistics really drop off fast at Ranges and The Trajectory is like a Rainbow.

You cannot hunt with more than a 5 round magazine. You change it. Or be Arrested ( 3 in some places )

You can change the capacity of almost any Weapon.

The Sights are crude in comparison to Hunting Rifles so you would be give the animal a better chance.

Any Hunting Cartridge will do Horrorific Damage compared to a military Round.

If you have the means to Modify a rifle to Full Auto, You have the means to make a Full Auto From Scratch.

About 30 hours worth of work Rifling the Barrel and all.

The Pseudo Assault Rifles you see for sale here in the USA have been Altered By the Manufactures to make conversion more Difficult.

Hunting Rifles are merely sold as Not Full Auto. Most are Less work to convert. They are aware of this.

Sorry about use of caps.

No I do not hunt.
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7073|The Netherlands
so what is your problem i don't get it
Horseman 77
Some people think its REALLY BAD ~ !
To be honest I've never been hunting, though I can't see why one would even bother hunting with an automatic rifle. For starters going auto or even burst while hunting would seem detrimental to the goal since you're likely to scare away any additional targets and pump too many rounds into whatever you're shooting.

Besides, firing a bolt action rifle at a target a quarter mile away is so much more satisfying.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7083|Toronto Canada
why did you even bring this up? are you retarded?
Horseman 77
the " Assault Rifles " for Sale in the USA are not full Auto, Can you not read.
Horseman 77

kessel! wrote:

why did you even bring this up? are you retarded?
It was creeping into others Posts thats why.
You picked a safe place to Sound like a man.
Mass Media Casualty

As Lenny on The Simpsons said;
"Assault Rifles get a bad rap. What people don't realise is that you use them to hunt the modern Super-Animals, like the Flying Squirrel, or the Electric Eel."
[Blinking eyes thing]
ArmChair Warrior
+4|7073|NH - USA
They may not be for sale here legally as of present, but there are many around from previous years, some are imported, some are modified, and some are manufactured by companies that evade the laws. Bottom line, they are here.

Granted that on auto they (the assault guns) would kill a deer rather easily if in range…but if your going to eat the animal (which any decent hunter should do if they are going to kill an animal) getting the “lead out” would be time consuming and lead to much waste of the edible meat. (I imagine people that do this are named Billy Bob or Capt Surge from the NW commando underground)

I think hunting with assault weapons, (regardless of the means they are obtained), is less of a problem in the U.S. than is the use of them for armed robbery and such. Ex: the bank robbery in California with the guys in body armor suits a few years ago.

Also the assault law does not keep paramilitary groups in the U.S. from having them, but it does give the government grounds to prosecute them and all that jazz.

Last edited by VirtuaLResistancE (2005-11-23 00:51:47)

Horseman 77

VirtuaLResistancE wrote:

They may not be for sale here legally as of present, but there are many around from previous years, some are imported, some are modified, and some are manufactured by companies that evade the laws. Bottom line, they are here.

Granted that on auto they (the assault guns) would kill a deer rather easily if in range…but if your going to eat the animal (which any decent hunter should do if they are going to kill an animal) getting the “lead out” would be time consuming and lead to much waste of the edible meat. (I imagine people that do this are named Billy Bob or Capt Surge from the NW commando underground)

I think hunting with assault weapons, (regardless of the means they are obtained), is less of a problem in the U.S. than is the use of them for armed robbery and such. Ex: the bank robbery in California with the guys in body armor suits a few years ago.

Also the assault law does not keep paramilitary groups in the U.S. from having them, but it does give the government grounds to prosecute them and all that jazz.
They Evaded the Law by taking the bayonet lugs of them, So you cant turn it into a pike.
The horror of a pointy stick !
the gun mfr's removed the bayonet lug, flash hider,and folding stocks from guns to make them legal under the ban of socalled assault weapons. there is no problem and never has been a problem with assault rifles used in crime. the most common crime guns are 9mm and 22's. i think the trend is bryco jennings hipoint and other 100 dollar guns. no one is going to go out and drop 900-3000 dollars on a rifle to commit a crime. regardless the ban has been removed with no ill effect on crime.
hunting with those rifles is done on a fairly regular basis and they do a fine job. no one is going out and blasting 30 rounds at bambi's mom or crap like that. they make 5 round mags for ar15s and aks for hunting.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7161|Bryan/College Station, TX
When I go hunting I don't want to have someone with an assault rifle anywhere near me.

1. It scares away all the animals with just a single burst.
2. It damages the meat and is less accurate.
3. It unsportsman like to use a semi-auto or auto weapon while hunting. One shot, one kill is the motto.
4. Good hunters are like a good sniper. They enjoy the silence and the terrain and when they are fairly certain of a kill then they go for it. It takes patience not some yahoo with an assault weapon. Save it for the militia training.
5. Most importantly, assault weapons are dangerous to other hunters. More bullets down range means a higher chance of accidentallty shooting someone else. There are other hunters in the woods you aren't alone.

There are plenty of assault rifles in Texas. All you need is a certificate from the country sheriff to own more than one. The number you can own varies from county to county and state to state. Yes they can be semi-auto or full auto once in your possession. They sell kits to make them full auto only a few tables down at the trade gun shows they just can't sell them to you already capable of full auto.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

kilroy0097 wrote:

When I go hunting I don't want to have someone with an assault rifle anywhere near me.

1. It scares away all the animals with just a single burst.
2. It damages the meat and is less accurate.
3. It unsportsman like to use a semi-auto or auto weapon while hunting. One shot, one kill is the motto.
4. Good hunters are like a good sniper. They enjoy the silence and the terrain and when they are fairly certain of a kill then they go for it. It takes patience not some yahoo with an assault weapon. Save it for the militia training.
5. Most importantly, assault weapons are dangerous to other hunters. More bullets down range means a higher chance of accidentallty shooting someone else. There are other hunters in the woods you aren't alone.

There are plenty of assault rifles in Texas. All you need is a certificate from the country sheriff to own more than one. The number you can own varies from county to county and state to state. Yes they can be semi-auto or full auto once in your possession. They sell kits to make them full auto only a few tables down at the trade gun shows they just can't sell them to you already capable of full auto.
i agree one shot one kill is always the goal, but here in aus i do alot of hunting in thick scrub and alot of the time the animals are moving through it at pace so semi auto is great for that.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7161|Bryan/College Station, TX

the_heart_attack wrote:

i agree one shot one kill is always the goal, but here in aus i do alot of hunting in thick scrub and alot of the time the animals are moving through it at pace so semi auto is great for that.
I have nothing against 4 shot semi-auto Deer hunting rifles. Remington Model 7400 and the Ruger Model 99/44 Deerfield are very popular for heavy brush and wooded areas. After all having to reload that bolt action might be a little hard to do and get another shot off before the deer is gone. So yea I have nothing again a rifle like those that have 4 to 6 shots.

What I don't want to see is an assault rifle.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

FeloniousMonk wrote:

To be honest I've never been hunting, though I can't see why one would even bother hunting with an automatic rifle. For starters going auto or even burst while hunting would seem detrimental to the goal since you're likely to scare away any additional targets and pump too many rounds into whatever you're shooting.

Besides, firing a bolt action rifle at a target a quarter mile away is so much more satisfying.
I am a hunter, and i can tell you, you hit the exact reason why you should never do it. Kilroy simply explained more in depth.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

kilroy0097 wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

i agree one shot one kill is always the goal, but here in aus i do alot of hunting in thick scrub and alot of the time the animals are moving through it at pace so semi auto is great for that.
I have nothing against 4 shot semi-auto Deer hunting rifles. Remington Model 7400 and the Ruger Model 99/44 Deerfield are very popular for heavy brush and wooded areas. After all having to reload that bolt action might be a little hard to do and get another shot off before the deer is gone. So yea I have nothing again a rifle like those that have 4 to 6 shots.

What I don't want to see is an assault rifle.
well semi auto rifles are ilegal in Aus so most of the ones you see are ex military ones bought years ago or on the black market and are not registered.

the one i used most is a mates springfield m14 semi auto .308 with 20 round mag and its the best rifle iv ever used.
noob on tour

Horseman 77 wrote:

An Assault Rifle is not for Sale here in the U.S.A.
But machineguns and MPs are.
But carrying an MG42 into the forrest just to give an animal a lead filling would be pretty insane (but a lot of fun ^^)
+447|7166|Seattle, Washington, USA

"OK Dad, I think we're set for deer hunting! We got the F2000, the AK-101, and the M16!"

"Don't forget the M203 son!"

"Oops! Just a sec, I'll go get it!"
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7063|Houston, TX
The thought of using more than 3 bullets to take down your prey seems alittle like overkill.  Although it might satisfy some fist-clenching adrenaline urge, hunting with full auto is (in my opinion) not necessary.
I've been a hunter since I was young.  I've retired my rifle (30-30) and become a stalk-and-kill bowhunter.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7161|Bryan/College Station, TX

Kung Jew wrote:

I've retired my rifle (30-30) and become a stalk-and-kill bowhunter.
Amazing stealth, patience and skill to do bow hunting. My hat is off to you sir.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7063|Houston, TX
Thanks, and a Whoop! to you sir.  What year?
(I spent my time in CS in the training/expansion division of Freebird's, 5 1/2 year's)

Last edited by Kung Jew (2005-11-28 08:17:50)

+3|7049|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)
I never go anywhere without my mutated anthrax. For duckhunting.
Member since 2005
+44|7094|Kansas, USA
There's a lot of misunderstanding here as to what an assault riffle really is.

By definition an assault riffle is "A military rifle intended purely for one-man operation and equipped to provide both semiautomatic or full-automatic fire by means of a selector switch or other fire-control device."

Fully automatic weapons have been quasi illegal in the US since the 1950's. They can only be owned with certain licenses that are difficult to get.

In the 1990's Pres. Clinton pushed for the Assault Weapon ban. But, it was not a ban on assault weapons, it was a ban on weapons that LOOKED liked assault weapons since real assault weapons were already illegal. The ban worked by identifying about a dozen characteristics. If a gun had more than 5 (I think) of those characteristics, then it was declared an assault weapon. Again, fully automatic (or burst mode) was not one of those characteristics since it was already illegal. Some of those characteristics were: detachable magazine, pistol grip, bayonette lug, flash suppressors, etc.

Now, I am all for intelligent gun legislatioin, but this particular law was a joke. If someone is shooting a gun at you, do you really care if it has a bayonette lug? As the original poster stated a hunting rifle is a much more deadly weapon than these so-called assault rifle immitators. The law was pushed through as Clinton's big "accomplishment". But, in the end it didn't do squat. In fact, about 6 months ago that law expired and wa not renewed.

Last edited by Psycho (2005-11-28 13:05:12)

noob on tour

Nehil wrote:

I never go anywhere without my mutated anthrax. For duckhunting.
RPGs are much better for duckhunting.
Horseman 77

Psycho wrote:

There's a lot of misunderstanding here as to what an assault riffle really is.

By definition an assault riffle is "A military rifle intended purely for one-man operation and equipped to provide both semiautomatic or full-automatic fire by means of a selector switch or other fire-control device."

Fully automatic weapons have been quasi illegal in the US since the 1950's. They can only be owned with certain licenses that are difficult to get.

In the 1990's Pres. Clinton pushed for the Assault Weapon ban. But, it was not a ban on assault weapons, it was a ban on weapons that LOOKED liked assault weapons since real assault weapons were already illegal. The ban worked by identifying about a dozen characteristics. If a gun had more than 5 (I think) of those characteristics, then it was declared an assault weapon. Again, fully automatic (or burst mode) was not one of those characteristics since it was already illegal. Some of those characteristics were: detachable magazine, pistol grip, bayonette lug, flash suppressors, etc.

Now, I am all for intelligent gun legislatioin, but this particular law was a joke. If someone is shooting a gun at you, do you really care if it has a bayonette lug? As the original poster stated a hunting rifle is a much more deadly weapon than these so-called assault rifle immitators. The law was pushed through as Clinton's big "accomplishment". But, in the end it didn't do squat. In fact, about 6 months ago that law expired and wa not renewed.
Someone can read and think !

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