GunSlinger OIF II
sand fleas is not as bad as the sand N***** term.  I dont see racism in that comment, and I love hajis.
The Lizzard
Fine, it isn't racist.  I still object to any term which characterises anyone as less than human.
GunSlinger OIF II

Bubbalo wrote:

Fine, it isn't racist.  I still object to any term which characterises anyone as less than human.
i could definatly agree with that, but keep in mind bubbalo a target down a reticle/ironsight ceases to be human in a combat situation.  thats a soldiers point of view and its the nature of the beast.
The Lizzard
Sure, I can accept temporarily de-humanising oneself to take the shot, but he's now back home, outside the firefight.
+72|7035|Indianapolis, IN
Military is definitely not the last option.  Currently that is my first option as to my future.  I know for a fact that I could be a lawyer or doctor but that would push me the same way the military would.

Every time I read stories like it makes me want to join the military out of high school (2 more years).  The only thing currently holding me back from joining in the future is my eye sight (20/400) and a persistent ankle injury. 

I want to say thank you to all who have served to protect my freedom and our countries freedom.
The English

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

dick white:

this is the song that doesnt end, yes it goes on and on my friends......

My grandad was called Dick White and worked for MI5, I suggest you look him up before taking the piss out of a name, which probably isn't the best debate technique to start with.
GunSlinger OIF II

RicardoBlanco wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

dick white:

this is the song that doesnt end, yes it goes on and on my friends......

My grandad was called Dick White and worked for MI5, I suggest you look him up before taking the piss out of a name, which probably isn't the best debate technique to start with.
look whos talking dipshit. you are a shame.

Dick Fucking white

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-07-27 09:09:35)


GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

RicardoBlanco wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

dick white:

this is the song that doesnt end, yes it goes on and on my friends......

My grandad was called Dick White and worked for MI5, I suggest you look him up before taking the piss out of a name, which probably isn't the best debate technique to start with.
look whos talking dipshit. you are a shame.

Dick Fucking white
he has been pwnzorized
The English

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

RicardoBlanco wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

dick white:

this is the song that doesnt end, yes it goes on and on my friends......

My grandad was called Dick White and worked for MI5, I suggest you look him up before taking the piss out of a name, which probably isn't the best debate technique to start with.
look whos talking dipshit. you are a shame.

Dick Fucking white
Clever and even had to edit it, lol.

Anyway, back on topic. I still maintain the OP should have known what he was going in for, or don't they tell you what goes on in the army when you join over there?..
GunSlinger OIF II
i edited to add the dick fucking white part, ask a mod if you dont believe.  I dont care about you or anything your family did asshole, dont try to give me sob stories about your family history. rich boy, enjoy your wealth.


oooooooooh i edited again, lets see what you gotta say about that one "lol"....what a punk.

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-07-27 09:29:42)

The English

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

i edited to add the dick fucking white part, ask a mod if you dont believe.  I dont care about you or anything your family did asshole, dont try to give me sob stories about your family history. rich boy, enjoy your wealth.


oooooooooh i edited again, lets see what you gotta say about that one "lol"....what a punk.
Jeez..., I'm beginning to think all american soldiers have anger issues now! And your government gives you a gun to play with?...scary stuff!

What are these 'sob stories' you speak of too?
+276|6968|United States of America

Bubbalo wrote:

Sure, I can accept temporarily de-humanising oneself to take the shot, but he's now back home, outside the firefight.
The people he killed in battle can be whatever he wants them to be, he pwns them.  They are dead, cause They tryed to kill Americans.  Dead people are not a race.  He didn't call Muslims, Iraqis, or Arabs anything, he clearly referred to Iraqi soldiers he fought against in 1991.  (is that a race???)

I think all mailmen are dicks, does that make me racists against the Mailman race????

Stupid liberals.  Can't even get political correctness right, and they invented it.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6864|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
I don't doubt that Army life can be traumatic but come on guys, why join if you don't want or expect to go to war???  That's like me working for McDonald's and then acting surprised when they ask me to make a burger.  I'm sick and tired of hearing soldiers whining and whining when they're sent to war.  Too many people join the army to enjoy the benefits and don't want to actually have to do the job.

What Ricardo said about the military being a last resort is bang on and is only proven further by the defensive comments that were fired back at him.  I'm sorry but unless you can post me evidence that the US army require a high level of education to join (which I know they don't) then how can you argue against it?  Granted, they guys who are guarding the White House and the President are well educated, well trained balanced individuals but they aren't the ones being sent to Iraq to take the bullets.  People with degrees don't join the regular army, sorry but it's the truth.....

The people who join the army are usually high school drop outs who see it as an easy way to get a good wage which is fair enough but don't start moaning when you're sent to war.  Besides, if the war has left you psychologically messed up, shouldn't you be addressing your anger at George Bush?  He sent you there and please don't retort with how the terrorists forced you to go over there because we all know (and has been proven) that this is bull'.

Some people have commentated on how grateful we should be for the "service" these guys have given to the US and the world.  Personally I find that deeply offensive to the soldiers of the World Wars that genuinely died for our lives.  You know as well as I do that my freedom would not have been affected one iota whether we have go to war with Iraq or not and the soldiers that are fishing for respect on this basis are fooling no body.  Although I respect the things you do on tour, I'm also able to realise the difference to my life that the military is doing, which is nothing!

The only real heroes of war are the guys who fought for our countries by defending us against an opposing force that was directly attacking us on our own land, not the ones that subscribe to this "preemtive" bullshit.

Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (2006-07-27 12:14:46)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

[1FR]S3v3N wrote:

i served in Afghanistan and Iraq.
My Father served in Vietnam
His Father served in WW2 and Korea
My mother's father served in WW2 and Korea
And i've had family serve in WW1, The American Indian Wars and the American Revolution.. the funny thing is, i was the first Marine in the family. My Mother's side had Navy traditions, my father's side was pure Army.. i guess i broke tradition....
evidence that testicular fortitude is hereditary

RicardoBlanco wrote:

My grandad was called Dick White and worked for MI5, I suggest you look him up before taking the piss out of a name, which probably isn't the best debate technique to start with.
evidence to the contrary
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
and esteban, the military academies of any nation have some of the most stringent requirements around, much easier to pay your way into a school like say......oxford......than to earn your way onto your state senator's or the vice presidents admission nominations, as for the regular service, it is also a place of ongoing education and the opportuninty to improve upon yourself, you know, for those that aren't content to rely on what their parents provide for them
GunSlinger OIF II

kr@cker wrote:

.......for those that aren't content to rely on what their parents provide for them
not to mention, i come from the innecity of greater los angeles where the highest achievment a person is a expected to have is a high school diploma.  I didnt join the army to go school, i joined to serve my country but the things that I have seen while i was in service let me know that my whole way life and thinking prior to that was dead fucking wrong.  Im grateful to be a born american citizen and I am grateful to be living in these modern times in our country where a person like me, who pretty much had their life already planned out for them by the standards of city life, is able to elevate their class level and go beyond what is expected of a  typical hispanic male from los angeles. god damn it, the army saved my life and its my mission to remember that everyday and do what I can do to help my country moreso in the future, not next year but 15 years from now when im finally where i wanna be.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6864|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

.......for those that aren't content to rely on what their parents provide for them
not to mention, i come from the innecity of greater los angeles where the highest achievment a person is a expected to have is a high school diploma.  I didnt join the army to go school, i joined to serve my country but the things that I have seen while i was in service let me know that my whole way life and thinking prior to that was dead fucking wrong.  Im grateful to be a born american citizen and I am grateful to be living in these modern times in our country where a person like me, who pretty much had their life already planned out for them by the standards of city life, is able to elevate their class level and go beyond what is expected of a  typical hispanic male from los angeles. god damn it, the army saved my life and its my mission to remember that everyday and do what I can do to help my country moreso in the future, not next year but 15 years from now when im finally where i wanna be.
Sorry to burst your bubble but eventually you'll realise that what we're doing in Iraq is NOTHING compared to what our forefathers did in WW2 and other just wars.  Gunslinger, answer me this, do you seriously think that what you and youir buddies in Iraq has had a noticeable effect of the safety or way of life that your compartriots enjoy back home? I would argue that you've worsened the situation........
GunSlinger OIF II

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

.......for those that aren't content to rely on what their parents provide for them
not to mention, i come from the innecity of greater los angeles where the highest achievment a person is a expected to have is a high school diploma.  I didnt join the army to go school, i joined to serve my country but the things that I have seen while i was in service let me know that my whole way life and thinking prior to that was dead fucking wrong.  Im grateful to be a born american citizen and I am grateful to be living in these modern times in our country where a person like me, who pretty much had their life already planned out for them by the standards of city life, is able to elevate their class level and go beyond what is expected of a  typical hispanic male from los angeles. god damn it, the army saved my life and its my mission to remember that everyday and do what I can do to help my country moreso in the future, not next year but 15 years from now when im finally where i wanna be.
Sorry to burst your bubble but eventually you'll realise that what we're doing in Iraq is NOTHING compared to what our forefathers did in WW2 and other just wars.  Gunslinger, answer me this, do you seriously think that what you and youir buddies in Iraq has had a noticeable effect of the safety or way of life that your compartriots enjoy back home? I would argue that you've worsened the situation........
its not my position to decide whether or not thats the case.  a soldiers duty is for country, regardless of what kind of agenda our administration has.  i dont think you could understand that unless you have been in the military.  put it this way, Ive been a civiliand and a soldier.  I have seen the world through both sides.  You have not.  you cant possibly under stand a soldiers philosophy.  Ive said numerous times I was against the invasion of Iraq, but thats not gonna stop me from killing and capturing the enemies that my nation sees fit to paint as enemies.  I promise to uphold the constititution and defend my nations freedoms from any kind of enemy, foreign or domestic.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
try asking a few kurd's whether slinger's service is noble, in fact try "", or it might be .org
The English

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Ive said numerous times I was against the invasion of Iraq, but thats not gonna stop me from killing and capturing the enemies that my nation sees fit to paint as enemies.
So you're a hypocrite then...

RicardoBlanco wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Ive said numerous times I was against the invasion of Iraq, but thats not gonna stop me from killing and capturing the enemies that my nation sees fit to paint as enemies.
So you're a hypocrite then...
hes a soldier, hes given an order.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

RicardoBlanco wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Ive said numerous times I was against the invasion of Iraq, but thats not gonna stop me from killing and capturing the enemies that my nation sees fit to paint as enemies.
So you're a hypocrite then...
not at all. 

Is the United States Army called the Republican Party Army?  No, every soldier has the right to believe what they want.  If they aren't willing to carry out legal and practical orders by their superiors, than they shouldn't be soldiers.

RicardoBlanco wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Ive said numerous times I was against the invasion of Iraq, but thats not gonna stop me from killing and capturing the enemies that my nation sees fit to paint as enemies.
So you're a hypocrite then...
People like you make people like me glad we kicked your ass out way back when. While I like the "stand on your head and pack rocks" quote I think I'll stick with the oldie but goodie of "too bad you're not wearing jackboots and slinging sieg heils around". You'd probably fit in perfectly seeing as your so overwhelming naive and blatantly ignorant of duty to god and country, ripe for the picking by an egomanical jackass.

I bet you'd love to greet some of the body bags coming back from Iraq, teabagging each one and singing glory to the Queen because you're so goddamned smart. Besides being a complete waste of human geneology what else do you like to do in your free time?

It's good that "your group of peers" demean soldiers so much. Is that Kermit the frog, miss piggy and big bird? Or are you more of a power rangers doll fan? I bet you and your "peers" have many prissy tea parties together.

No offense to any of the intelligent Englishmen, or in this case boys, out there. Props to the Original Poster for talking about his experience and humanizing what's going on Iraq. Much respect to those that serve for a higher purpose and perservere under even the most gruelling conditions or mistaken circumstances. I've heard time and again that being a soldier isn't so much about killing your enemies, sometimes that simply what it takes to make sure the guys next to you come back alive.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Thank you for service.  Hooah.

You continue to impress me on how much of an angry and ignorant a-hole you are.

The guy starts a thread with "I fought in a war and it sucks".  You being so anti-war and you FLAME him?

A guy joins the you NOT think he doesn't know what he's getting into?

Your granddad was in MI5 - you disrespect your own grandfather by taking it out on a soldier and NOT government policy.  Gee, the MI5 shared info with the CIA re: Iraq, so I guess your own grandfather was a scumbag for having MI5's organization that was associated the Iraq war.  He's retired?  Well, I guess its okay...since I'm sure that the MI5 values have completely changed and NEVER did anything wrong when he worked for them.

"What are the sob stories you speak of?" - what do you want to on their graves?  or better yet "teabag the bodybags while singing glory to the Queen" (thank you -F8-Scotch)?  What you don't believe him that war is bad?  I thought you were antiwar?

Think you're better than a soldier? fight then.  Think you're better than a fireman or policeman? do it.  Oh right, you don't have to...they are providing social service so you can follow your dreams.

And that why you are a suck bag.

Fuck you very much,

GunSlinger OIF II

RicardoBlanco wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Ive said numerous times I was against the invasion of Iraq, but thats not gonna stop me from killing and capturing the enemies that my nation sees fit to paint as enemies.
So you're a hypocrite then...
thanks for winning my argument for ME buddy.....

but honestly, it never was one.  I feel like im addressing a 5 year old so yeah ok Im hypocrate (L O FUCKING L)

I dont even think YOU believe in the logic that you are displaying here in this forum, honestly man, you got a hamster running in a wheel in that cranium of yours instead of a brain, or maybe its a nome chopping down a tiny little tree.

I need another laugh, please respond my good man.

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-07-27 17:20:10)

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