

908741059871059781 wrote:

Ok buddy, you really need a history lesson. Start with this... (from here )

More on "Palestinian Nationalism
and the
Real War Against Israel...

The Middle East war is not now and never was a conflict between Israelis/Jews on the one hand and Palestinians on the other. In fact, the Arab-"Palestinians", while currently the perpetrators of most of the anti-Jewish atrocities, were never a very important part of the conflict. In fact, before about 1970, virtually no one in the world considered the Middle East conflict to be one between Israelis and Palestinians.
The term "Palestinian" itself had referred to Israeli Jews back in the 1940s, and had been slowly deconstructed and redefined to refer to the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza. The Middle East Conflict was always a war by Arabs against Jews, not a conflict between Israelis and "Palestinians." The war was repackaged as a conflict between Jews and Palestinians as a public relations gimmick by the Arab fascist regimes. These regimes had never had any interest in "Palestinians," in creating a "Palestinian" state, or in "Palestinian nationalism" before 1967. That is because Palestinian nationalism did not and DOES NOT exist. The Palestinians were a regional group of Arabs having virtually no cultural nor national distinctive traits separating them from Syrians, Lebanese, and Jordanians. They are all basically Arabs!.
Taken from Wiki - "Masada2000 is a far right-wing Zionist website, maintained by five people from the U.S.A., Israel, Brazil, Switzerland, and Australia"

Taken from site - "Presenting an Israeli perspective on regional history, advocating the forcible expulsion of all Palestinians from the region."

Great site you picked there chap!  This is one of the most hate-filled and biased sites I have ever seen.  Yes, Palestinians were a regional group of Arabs, that is fact.  That's about it as far as this little blurb.

908741059871059781 wrote:

This is a small portion of the information that you can find on the history of this holy war. Thats right, it is and always will be a holy war. They are fighting over a piece of shit desert because it is a holy land. If it wasn't, nobody would give a shit.  Both sides just look for excuses to attack each other. Explained enough for you?
Ok, since you call it a holy war, despite all the evidence to the contrary, its a holy war.  For Fucks sake mate!  They (Israel) are fighting for what they believe is their holy land, and their divine mandate to live there.  The Arabs are fighting for the land that was forcibly taken from them years ago.  Quite a difference.  Yes, it has religious significance for Muslims too.  Same with Christians, and Mandeists.

908741059871059781 wrote:

Terrorism is about people attacking to cause fear in their enemys. This is not an attack to cause fear. It is an attack to wipe out a recognized military force.

The only people that would call them civilians, are people who are against the war.

By your logic, any army force that causes civilian casualties is a terrorist. Lets see, that is every military force that has ever existed. I'll say it one more time. They are not targeting civilians, they are targeting a military force that is trying to use cover in civilian population.  I'm not a big fan of the Bush administration ,but to answer your question about people calling them "civilains" (I say question because you don't know what you are talking about,) certain governments or politicians call them civilians (against the attacks) and certain one (bush) call them terrorists. The truth is, as with any war, is that both are getting killed.
Just so we are on the same page, the definition of terrorism is -The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by an organized group (Israel) against people or property (Lebanese civilians and non-strategic targets) with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments.  Do you not understand?  Once more, yes, terrorists are attacking Israel, without a doubt.  And they should be punished.  Lebanese civilians, no.

Humans rights NGOs (Nongovernmental Organizations) as well as most everyone in the world recognizes citizens of Lebanon as civilians.  Sure, there are terrorists there without a doubt, but not every person living in Lebanon is a terrorist.  Look at the facts - Over 300 (and counting) Lebanese civilians dead.  Quite possibly, there could be a few terrorists in there that they have counted.  Reports from CNN are using a 10-1 civilian/terrorist death ratio,  GG and GJ Israel.  This isn't about the definition of a terrorist.  This is about Israel's wanton and indiscriminate use of force.

908741059871059781 wrote:

Hey, have a difference of opinion. I couldn't care less. But,  I recommend that you read the link carefully that I've provided. I also strongly recommend not quoting the news as "fact." The UN building got destroyed...don't go around flinging bullshit like you, the news, or any politician knows what happend.  The UN buiding got blown up...fact. Thats the only fact regaurding this paticular incident that is 100 percent correct.
I read the link, and it is insulting to me as a human that people believe that bullshit.  How about this..Israel blew up the UN building, fact.  Israel bombed the UN building multiple times, fact.  Israel is trying to say the terrorist group Hezbollah bombed it, fact.

Debating differences of opinion is a great thing, because you get to hear firsthand why people believe in the things they do.  We can have differing opinions, in fact, I would hope that everyone has their own opinions on this subject.  Just don't use ridiculous, Zionist websites to get your information, that's all I ask.
Comprehensive and excellent retort as usual from Jennings. Masada2000 - LOL - now I'm beginning to understand why the two factions will never get on. Misinformation and hate-indoctrination seems to be order of the day in sandland.
I think Ripley had the right idea:

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure."

Sorry I have a "I'm sick to death of humans doing this shit to each other" kinda head on me.

Another quote:

"There is just enough religion in the world to make Man hate one another, but there will never be enough to make Man love one another"

Any how there are at least three major prophecies telling of armageddon starting in the Middle East, fuck hurry up, get it sorted blow the hell outta Jerusalem, and we can go on from there, with noone fighting over a big sand pit. BUT oh I'm sure we'll find something else to keep chucking rocks at each other about, once it's over.

Fuck 'em, fuck 'em all.

(actually I'm quite a nice guy, just well fucked off with what is happening there, and elsewhere)

OK flame on....................
The Lizzard

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Ah little bubbalo and his fictional little canadien world. I know youre filled with hatred for the us and it causes you to lash out on the interwebs with your mommys computer but thats no reason to be delusional.. Keep wishing maybe try clicking your heels or something.
Oh, wow.  Your personal attack was very convincing, how could I possibly disagree with you?  Whatever will I do?  Except maybe to point out:

1)  Proper nouns get capital letters (Bubbalo, US etc.).  Also, mummy's, not mummys, that's, not thats.  Keep should not have a capital.

2)  Canadian, not Canadien

3)  I'm Australian

4)  I don't own any worlds.  And my world is only fictional if my whole life so far has been some sort of dream, which I cannot believe to be true as it would defeat the purpose of existing.  Further, it would make you a creation of my consciousness, and as dumb or dumber than me.

5)  If I'm delusional, wouldn't that be causing my hate for the US, rather than my hate for the US causing delusions as that would mean that there is reason to hate the US, and everyone knows the US invented happiness.

6)  I'm already home and have no ruby slippers, clicking my heels would be at best redundant, and at worst useless.

7)  Congratulations, my mother did pay for the computer I'm using.  She also paid my shool fees, and over here we're taught critical reasoning, and how to analyze complex issues.  For example, the fact that terrorists kill civilians doesn't mean Israel and (since you introduced it) the US doesn't.

But hey, that's only a few reasons.  And your post was totally better than actually making input into the conversation, huh?

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-07-26 18:33:50)


TheFlipTop wrote:

I think Ripley had the right idea:

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure."

Sorry I have a "I'm sick to death of humans doing this shit to each other" kinda head on me.

Another quote:

"There is just enough religion in the world to make Man hate one another, but there will never be enough to make Man love one another"

Any how there are at least three major prophecies telling of armageddon starting in the Middle East, fuck hurry up, get it sorted blow the hell outta Jerusalem, and we can go on from there, with noone fighting over a big sand pit. BUT oh I'm sure we'll find something else to keep chucking rocks at each other about, once it's over.

Fuck 'em, fuck 'em all.

(actually I'm quite a nice guy, just well fucked off with what is happening there, and elsewhere)

OK flame on....................
I've actually been to Armageddon (Har Megiddo in Hebrew), it's quite eerie.....

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-07-26 15:43:06)

I am all that is MOD!

CameronPoe wrote:

By the way - I've been to Armageddon (Har Megiddo in Hebrew), it's quite eerie..... … on1st7.jpg
Been there myself.  Interesting to think that early scribes may have been dictating a war or foreseeing a war in the region, and now we look back and use this as our fear of Judgement Day.
Sheep of War
+40|6918 … 00260.html

Here seems to be a report about rockets flying into israel as well as airstrikes in Lebanon. From what I gather the airstrikes seemed to be a counter attack from missles launched in that area.  14 at once  is the number reported here. Although people are seemingly set in the way they were deliberate attacks on the building itself...most of them landed around that area not on top of the actual building.

This article goes on with statements of Israel targeting GUERILLA MILITANTS, not civilians. The fighting in a city environment obviously will kill civilians...lots of them.

I just disagree with the israelis being called terrorist here. Leading up to this war there was suicide attacks (the most since the last cease fire,)a  kidnapping, and a government that placed known terrorist militants in charge of security positions, as well as arab countries that called for the descruction of Israel. "Terrorist" is being overused here. Your description seems to fit any war, army, and military operation that has ever existed. Which by definition, is true. At least by your view on it.

You say that there is strong evidence that this is not a holy war, then go on to note the religious signifigance within both parties involved. Denying the existence of the underlining and most significant factors is very short-sighted, IMO. All of the finger pointing, cease fires, and "new" wars are all minor factors and part of somthing much greater that will cease and re-emerge time and time again. In reality, the rest of the world is putting religion in more of a back seat position.  Now it becomes a focal point to go back and forth about politics. Meanwhile the underlining factor (reglion,) is still feeding the war machine here. You can say "oh; well, it started because of 1 captured solider, or 1 suicide bombing, but its all just an excuse to fight over land. Why is it that both sides have not, and never will, give up the fight for this area? Why can a defeat not be a defeat in this area? Its because this area is the land of many gods and its sacred to those that fight for it.

Land is taken through war...its been like that forever. Somtimes it takes and act of "terrorism" (through your eyes), to fully win a war. Take Japan,  for example. We went in there like some "terrorists" dropping A-bombs, killing civilians. It was the only possible way to win a war against a culture with so much pride.  This is the exact same situation. We killed all of those people, but because most of the world was in fear at the time, it was self defense. Even though it clearly fits the definition of terrorism.  Honestly, there isn't much fighting that doesnt. You scare the shit out of people by killing their families hence you win the war.

In my little world, I think of terroism as an offensive tatic. Using the short sighted version, suicide bombings, kiddnapping, and a government willing to support and harbor terrorists (even hire them in government postisions) was the first and foremost act of terrorism. The Israelis are simply responding to that threat that was brought to the frontline, not by them, but by actual terrorists that initiated the fighting. They are protecting themselves against it. In arieal, city fighting, civilian casualties are enourmous. Had the Leboneese government taken warning and made an effort to continue the peace, instead of cripple it, this particular battle in a never ending war would not have started.

Now in the far sighted version, nobody here is correct. Then again nobody ever was or ever will be when it comes to war. Take America for example. The British took it from the Indians, americans and french took it from the brits. However, the differences are evident in the fact that the included religions, races, or whatever decided to admit defeat and recoginze. So yes, land throughout time is stolen from different people.  Before the Brits, American Indians fought amongst themselves for territory.  I believe that defeat in this current case cannot ever be admitted from either side due to the deep routed religious significance that defines this area of otherwise worthless land.
Tactical Specialist
like i said before...Nuke the entire middle east
Horseman 77


PuckMercury wrote:

I am entirely aware that gun manufacturers have been proven guilty of crimes, however those were exceptions and not the rule and had extenuating circumstances.  If a gun is used in the manner in which it was intended and manufactured and not by utilizing an obvious exploit, the manufacturer is guilty of nothing.  I further this by saying a woman successfully sued McDonalds for pouring coffee on her lap, PMS has been ruled a valid defense against felonous acts, twinkies have been used to acquit for murder, and OJ was judged innocent.
This is off topic, but how do you feel about assualt weapons such as AR-15's being legal?

edit: And, my point was, it was a mistake as far as I am concerned.  I have a hard time believing that Israel knowingly hit the UN outpost, but I have no problem attributing the blame to Israel.  I further believe this shows that Israel is showing no restraint in lobbing and dropping bombs over the border.

Also, the fact that the Chinese Embassy was on soveriegn soil has no weight in this argument.
please Ken not you too ! the AR15 isnt an assualt rifle. the closest parralel I can think of is to try putting a number and stickers all over your ( new ) car and then try and enter it in the Daytona 500.

ps sorry about your car.

the dark side bekons I am your father Luke !
Horseman 77

Bubbalo wrote:

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Ah little bubbalo and his fictional little canadien world. I know youre filled with hatred for the us and it causes you to lash out on the interwebs with your mommys computer but thats no reason to be delusional.. Keep wishing maybe try clicking your heels or something.
Oh, wow.  Your personal attack was very convincing, how could I possibly disagree with you?  Whatever will I do?  Except maybe to point out:

1)  Proper nouns get capital letters (Bubbalo, US etc.).  Also, mummy's, not mummys, that's, not thats.  Keep should not have a capital.

2)  Canadian, not Canadien

3)  I'm Australian

4)  I don't own any worlds.  And my world is only fictional if my whole life so far has been some sort of dream, which I cannot believe to be true as it would defeat the purpose of existing.  Further, it would make you a creation of my consciousness, and as dumb or dumber than me.

5)  If I'm delusional, wouldn't that be causing my hate for the US, rather than my hate for the US causing delusions as that would mean that there is reason to hate the US, and everyone knows the US invented happiness.

6)  I'm already home and have no ruby slippers, clicking my heels would be at best redundant, and at worst useless.

7)  Congratulations, my mother did pay for the computer I'm using.  She also paid my shool fees, and over here we're taught critical reasoning, and how to analyze complex issues.  For example, the fact that terrorists kill civilians doesn't mean Israel and (since you introduced it) the US doesn't.

But hey, that's only a few reasons.  And your post was totally better than actually making input into the conversation, huh?
typos lol
Yeah make sure you stay in junior high till you graduate cuz if this is the critical reason you attained youll need to keep at it. Through your extensive critical training you seem to think a grouping of countries (the EU) whose army is NATO (which includes the United States) *and thier equipment is mostly outdated american* poses as some sort of threat makes you egregiously misinformed. Coupled with you wishfull thinking that china *just beyond a third world country* whos military is starkly underprepared for any fictional invasion of America.

I know I cant expect much from some little boy playing on his mommys computer who peruses the interweb looking for anti-American rhetoric and conspiracy theory babble. Qualifying yourself by saying your mommy pays for your "shool fees" smells about as relevant as Cameron saying "I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany". Noones impressed, noone gives a shit, and none of this makes you any kind of expert or someone that anyone should give a flying shit about your opinions.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6950|Canberra, AUS

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Yeah make sure you stay in junior high till you graduate cuz if this is the critical reason you attained youll need to keep at it. Through your extensive critical training you seem to think a grouping of countries (the EU) whose army is NATO (which includes the United States) *and thier equipment is mostly outdated american* poses as some sort of threat makes you egregiously misinformed. Coupled with you wishfull thinking that china *just beyond a third world country* whos military is starkly underprepared for any fictional invasion of America.

I know I cant expect much from some little boy playing on his mommys computer who peruses the interweb looking for anti-American rhetoric and conspiracy theory babble. Qualifying yourself by saying your mommy pays for your "shool fees" smells about as relevant as Cameron saying "I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany". Noones impressed, noone gives a shit, and none of this makes you any kind of expert or someone that anyone should give a flying shit about your opinions.
Oh, so we measure power by the size of their army, now? Who gives a shit about what would happen if there was a war? I give more of a shit about what will happen in twenty years time when the world is forced to fall back to China, the EU and Australia (not joking - we have the world's largest uranium and some of the largest coal deposits, and a few days ago all real opposition to the uranium industry's growth was removed).

And I'm not sure quite what to expect from you, after all, you haven't acutally answered his arguments, just made a nice big personal attack...

But, then again, why should you listen to me, I'm just a fourteen year old kid. Never mind the fact that many of MY posts and his have been far more intelligent...

Back on topic.

I reckon that Israel's intentions over the whole thing are looking VERY, VERY suspect. Blowing up a UN observer posts, after repeated calls by high-ranking UN officials is a little suspect.

What seems MORE suspect, and almost totally ignored (the only thing I know about it is a twety-second sound-bit on one of the news programs) is the fact that Israel just destroyed a CHRISTIAN, ANTI-HEZBOLLAH TV transmitter in an air strike. Very, very suspicious. What is Israel trying to cover up, another repeat of the Qana massacre?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
GunSlinger OIF II
the lebanese media is calling this the "July War"
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7116|Cologne, Germany

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Yeah make sure you stay in junior high till you graduate cuz if this is the critical reason you attained youll need to keep at it. Through your extensive critical training you seem to think a grouping of countries (the EU) whose army is NATO (which includes the United States) *and thier equipment is mostly outdated american* poses as some sort of threat makes you egregiously misinformed. Coupled with you wishfull thinking that china *just beyond a third world country* whos military is starkly underprepared for any fictional invasion of America.

I know I cant expect much from some little boy playing on his mommys computer who peruses the interweb looking for anti-American rhetoric and conspiracy theory babble. Qualifying yourself by saying your mommy pays for your "shool fees" smells about as relevant as Cameron saying "I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany". Noones impressed, noone gives a shit, and none of this makes you any kind of expert or someone that anyone should give a flying shit about your opinions.
alright, whatever your name is, I have had enough of your constant personal attacks on other forum members. You either decide to participate in the debate and present either your opinion or facts
that contribute in some way to this discussion, or you will be removed from it.
I hope I have made myself clear. consider yourself warned.

+572|6934|BC, Canada

PuckMercury wrote:

oooh, NPR ... that clarifies it

Think of it this way - what the hell would Israel have to gain from blasting a UN outpost?

alpinestar wrote:

I bet america regrets bomb deliveries to Israel now.
do you punish the manufacturer of the gun in murder trials?  A tool is neither good nor evil, neither it its manufacturer.  The morality lies in they who impliment it.
so theres no resposibility on the supplier? if i am a gun salesman and i sell a gun to a known serial killer, am i not in someway resposible for they deaths that result as well.
edit: sorry to everyone in the current debate, i just saw this on the first page and had to respond, but keep it up there is some interesting stuff here.

Last edited by Nicholas Langdon (2006-07-27 01:58:50)

Spark wrote:

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Yeah make sure you stay in junior high till you graduate cuz if this is the critical reason you attained youll need to keep at it. Through your extensive critical training you seem to think a grouping of countries (the EU) whose army is NATO (which includes the United States) *and thier equipment is mostly outdated american* poses as some sort of threat makes you egregiously misinformed. Coupled with you wishfull thinking that china *just beyond a third world country* whos military is starkly underprepared for any fictional invasion of America.

I know I cant expect much from some little boy playing on his mommys computer who peruses the interweb looking for anti-American rhetoric and conspiracy theory babble. Qualifying yourself by saying your mommy pays for your "shool fees" smells about as relevant as Cameron saying "I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany". Noones impressed, noone gives a shit, and none of this makes you any kind of expert or someone that anyone should give a flying shit about your opinions.
Oh, so we measure power by the size of their army, now? Who gives a shit about what would happen if there was a war? I give more of a shit about what will happen in twenty years time when the world is forced to fall back to China, the EU and Australia (not joking - we have the world's largest uranium and some of the largest coal deposits, and a few days ago all real opposition to the uranium industry's growth was removed).

And I'm not sure quite what to expect from you, after all, you haven't acutally answered his arguments, just made a nice big personal attack...

But, then again, why should you listen to me, I'm just a fourteen year old kid. Never mind the fact that many of MY posts and his have been far more intelligent...

Back on topic.

I reckon that Israel's intentions over the whole thing are looking VERY, VERY suspect. Blowing up a UN observer posts, after repeated calls by high-ranking UN officials is a little suspect.

What seems MORE suspect, and almost totally ignored (the only thing I know about it is a twety-second sound-bit on one of the news programs) is the fact that Israel just destroyed a CHRISTIAN, ANTI-HEZBOLLAH TV transmitter in an air strike. Very, very suspicious. What is Israel trying to cover up, another repeat of the Qana massacre?
Yeah your posts are just too intelligent... just a little thing for you to note. Youve barely been out of your mommys womb, you know little to nothing of the real world as youve never worked a day in your life or stepped more than a few feet from your mommys house. Having no life experience and little education your opinions are invalid and not worthy of recognition unless your name is Dougie Howser.

I also enjoy the fact that you allready exalt China and *halarious* Australia? aha.. and the EU *more fun*
Firstly youre not a psychic theres no telling what will happen with China secondly if China EVER became more powerfull than the United States then they will be dominating and stealing whatever resources your country has.

Spark wrote:

Oh, so we measure power by the size of their army, now?
No its the effectiveness of the military not the size. As to "who cares" powerfull countries not dictated by 14 year old boys dreaming him and his country are relevant do. Go ask Lebanon and Iraq. Why would we be "falling back" to China ? Military power is a direct result of the strength of thier respective economy. So the who cares is every relevant power in the world which doesnt include countries like Canada and Austrailia.
GunSlinger OIF II

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Spark wrote:

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Yeah make sure you stay in junior high till you graduate cuz if this is the critical reason you attained youll need to keep at it. Through your extensive critical training you seem to think a grouping of countries (the EU) whose army is NATO (which includes the United States) *and thier equipment is mostly outdated american* poses as some sort of threat makes you egregiously misinformed. Coupled with you wishfull thinking that china *just beyond a third world country* whos military is starkly underprepared for any fictional invasion of America.

I know I cant expect much from some little boy playing on his mommys computer who peruses the interweb looking for anti-American rhetoric and conspiracy theory babble. Qualifying yourself by saying your mommy pays for your "shool fees" smells about as relevant as Cameron saying "I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany". Noones impressed, noone gives a shit, and none of this makes you any kind of expert or someone that anyone should give a flying shit about your opinions.
Oh, so we measure power by the size of their army, now? Who gives a shit about what would happen if there was a war? I give more of a shit about what will happen in twenty years time when the world is forced to fall back to China, the EU and Australia (not joking - we have the world's largest uranium and some of the largest coal deposits, and a few days ago all real opposition to the uranium industry's growth was removed).

And I'm not sure quite what to expect from you, after all, you haven't acutally answered his arguments, just made a nice big personal attack...

But, then again, why should you listen to me, I'm just a fourteen year old kid. Never mind the fact that many of MY posts and his have been far more intelligent...

Back on topic.

I reckon that Israel's intentions over the whole thing are looking VERY, VERY suspect. Blowing up a UN observer posts, after repeated calls by high-ranking UN officials is a little suspect.

What seems MORE suspect, and almost totally ignored (the only thing I know about it is a twety-second sound-bit on one of the news programs) is the fact that Israel just destroyed a CHRISTIAN, ANTI-HEZBOLLAH TV transmitter in an air strike. Very, very suspicious. What is Israel trying to cover up, another repeat of the Qana massacre?
Yeah your posts are just too intelligent... just a little thing for you to note. Youve barely been out of your mommys womb, you know little to nothing of the real world as youve never worked a day in your life or stepped more than a few feet from your mommys house. Having no life experience and little education your opinions are invalid and not worthy of recognition unless your name is Dougie Howser.

I also enjoy the fact that you allready exalt China and *halarious* Australia? aha.. and the EU *more fun*
Firstly youre not a psychic theres no telling what will happen with China secondly if China EVER became more powerfull than the United States then they will be dominating and stealing whatever resources your country has.

Spark wrote:

Oh, so we measure power by the size of their army, now?
No its the effectiveness of the military not the size. As to "who cares" powerfull countries not dictated by 14 year old boys dreaming him and his country are relevant do. Go ask Lebanon and Iraq. Why would we be "falling back" to China ? Military power is a direct result of the strength of thier respective economy. So the who cares is every relevant power in the world which doesnt include countries like Canada and Austrailia.
I really agree with a majority of your posts but you aint gotta bad mouth the Aussies or Canadians.  I saw more Aussies in Iraq then any other one of our allies and Canadians are just so canadian, eh.  there out there in afghanistan, ill give em that.
my only point was him alluding that austrailia was a burgeoning superpower.. which is honestly laughable

although i cant help but notice the amount of Canadian preteens on here bashing America i really dont stereotype an entire country
GunSlinger OIF II
how about we all Iran bash instead
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7116|Cologne, Germany

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

my only point was him alluding that austrailia was a burgeoning superpower.. which is honestly laughable

although i cant help but notice the amount of Canadian preteens on here bashing America i really dont stereotype an entire country
what is it with you ? Are you not capable to write anything here, let alone present an argument without some sort of personal attack ? If you are as mature as you claim to be, I suggest you act like it.

Let me be absolutely clear: If I see one further derogatory comment on someone's mother, age, level of intelligence or any other personal attack, your ass will be banned.
The Lizzard

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Yeah make sure you stay in junior high till you graduate cuz if this is the critical reason you attained youll need to keep at it.
Because your post was a brilliant example of how to participate constructively in a conversation.  And what's junior high?

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Through your extensive critical training you seem to think a grouping of countries (the EU)
A grouping of countries who have turned themselves into a semi-joint state (whilst the countries are still seperate, some interactions are similar to those you would see inside a nation)

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

whose army is NATO (which includes the United States)
Ah, no.  Their armies contribute to NATO.  They also operate as seperate entities.  And I'm the one with a problem?

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

*and thier equipment is mostly outdated american*
Their equipment is being updated, and besides which some of the best tanks in the world come out of Europe, along with the best guns.  On a one to one basis, you really only beat them in the air (one of things they're concentrating on) and possibly at sea (I don't know enough to comment).  Other than that, their technology is fine.  They just have smaller forces.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

poses as some sort of threat makes you egregiously misinformed.
Which is exactly not what I said.  I said that they could, in future, be the UN's muscle, at which point the US would likely see economic and diplomatic sanctions.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Coupled with you wishfull thinking that china *just beyond a third world country*
I love how people say that, and pay no attention to the fact that the reason people live in such squalor is because the government keeps it and distributes it as it sees fit.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

whos military is starkly underprepared
The Chinese military is rapidly modernising.  Many believe that this year, for the first time, they have a good chance of successfully invading Taiwan.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

for any fictional invasion of America.
Again, not what I said.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

I know I cant expect much from some little boy playing on his mommys computer
Well, this is a BF2 site, you would expect to find people who play games.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

who peruses the interweb looking for anti-American rhetoric
But I thought I was already the be-all and end-all of anti-Americanism?  Why would I need to look for anything?

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

and conspiracy theory babble.
What conspiracies, where?

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Qualifying yourself by saying your mommy pays for your "shool fees"
No, I was merely pointing out that the fact that my mother paid for this computer has about as much relevance as the fact that I dance like a lame horse.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

smells about as relevant as Cameron saying "I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany".
Or you saying that I live in a fictional world without actually commenting on what's been said.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Noones impressed, noone gives a shit,
I don't expect anyone to be impressed.  I ask that they post a reasoned argument or thought which can be discussed.  This isn't the "Tell people you're right just because" section, you know.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

and none of this makes you any kind of expert
Where have I claimed to be an expert?

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

or someone that anyone should give a flying shit about your opinions.
Well clearly you give a shit, given your response.  Now who's being stupid?
you should really go ahead and ban me cuz im not gona censor myself to pg

im not sure if its a language barrier were having here but callin what i just said a personal attack is way off base

saying canadien pretteens come on here bashing america is a simple observation. be real mr shuss did the EU comment offend you or something ? germans are at the top of my euro list right next to the dutch.

commence with the banning
+572|6934|BC, Canada
wow, thats how its done!
a much more solid argument.
he didnt say to censor yourself, just to present an argument, not a long paragraph thats basicly a "your mom bash."
find a real retort to his argument and you might get a bit more respect from your response, and maybe even convice him of your side.

Last edited by Nicholas Langdon (2006-07-27 02:43:38)

The Lizzard

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

saying canadien pretteens come on here bashing america is a simple observation.
Name one.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

be real mr shuss did the EU comment offend you or something ? germans are at the top of my euro list right next to the dutch.
Yeah, sucking up isn't gonna help a whole lot.  IIRC, there are 2 or 3 Aussie mods, try backpedalling your Oz comments.  Go ahead.
rofl ...yeah im sucking up...

read where i said BAN ME ? i was just saying i wasnt meaning to offend shuss and i like germans ..and dutchies

i coudlnt care less about where any mod is from or that anyone is a mod for that matter
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6996|Sydney, Australia

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Yeah make sure you stay in junior high till you graduate cuz if this is the critical reason you attained youll need to keep at it. Through your extensive critical training you seem to think a grouping of countries (the EU) whose army is NATO (which includes the United States) *and thier equipment is mostly outdated american* poses as some sort of threat makes you egregiously misinformed. Coupled with you wishfull thinking that china *just beyond a third world country* whos military is starkly underprepared for any fictional invasion of America.

I know I cant expect much from some little boy playing on his mommys computer who peruses the interweb looking for anti-American rhetoric and conspiracy theory babble. Qualifying yourself by saying your mommy pays for your "shool fees" smells about as relevant as Cameron saying "I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany". Noones impressed, noone gives a shit, and none of this makes you any kind of expert or someone that anyone should give a flying shit about your opinions.
The thing that strikes me most about your brand of 'quote', Debate, 'unquote' (or what ever the you call it), is that you attack the person, not the arguement.

As a general courtesy, try reading the Debate and Serious Talk Sticky.


Last edited by mcminty (2006-07-27 03:23:29)

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