The Japanese government (not necessarily the people) at that time was a bloodthirsty enemy that needed to be quelled. Given the chance they would've exterminated the Chinese just as Hitler would've exterminated the Jews.
to bad they were dis armed, they might have spared themselves a Nuke'n if they threw of their Emperor on their ownFeloniousMonk wrote:
The Japanese government (not necessarily the people) at that time was a bloodthirsty enemy that needed to be quelled. Given the chance they would've exterminated the Chinese just as Hitler would've exterminated the Jews.
The Japanese mind is a very different one from the rest of the world. They tend to enjoy living in police states and subjecting to harsh authority. While I'm not saying that any one of those innocent civilians deserved to die or in any way suffer for the actions of their government, they really did bring it upon themselves. At the very least no one can deny that the Japanese government deserved the devastation it was given for commiting such a cowardly act as the Pearl Harbor attack.
Hey, they started it. :p
Hey, they started it. :p
Well, I think that no matter how coward an attack is you can never counter attack civilians (well you didn't kill civilians for the Pearl Harbor, Im aware of that). You can't really blame the civilians either becuse Japan was not a democracy during the war therefor not everyone was pro war. Altho Japanese people were fucked in the head on an average during the WWII.FeloniousMonk wrote:
The Japanese mind is a very different one from the rest of the world. They tend to enjoy living in police states and subjecting to harsh authority. While I'm not saying that any one of those innocent civilians deserved to die or in any way suffer for the actions of their government, they really did bring it upon themselves. At the very least no one can deny that the Japanese government deserved the devastation it was given for commiting such a cowardly act as the Pearl Harbor attack.
Hey, they started it. :p
What orifice are you spewing this crap from? Please take some Immodium AD.*ToRRo*cT| wrote:
America? i,m not impressed by there tactics in war. American Way of war is the AMOUNT of weapons, soldiers etc etc. but strategies? nah! i have seen them blowing the most amounts of bombs on a german line in italy in WW2 and still they were having problems getting that cathedral LOL! No Tactics No Victory For You.
Indeed.(Radio Noise) Fuckerrrrrrr Out
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
I would like to urge you to remember that the actions of a country do not necessary relate the opinions of the public esspecially when those in power do not fully inform the public, whom they supposedly represent, of their decisions and actions. So when "you" is used in a sentence when refering to Americans, do be careful on how you word things.Nehil wrote:
When, did I say that I hate America? I just disagree with the way you act. If that is hate nowdays then ok, if not I don't hate America. Please read the whole thread. You should care tho, we are the mirror that reflects the things you do so you can see it. If others say you are doing wrong there must be some reason, stop to think about it.atlvolunteer wrote:
1234BGD and Nehil: Wow, you guys really hate America. Well, I can't speak for other Americans, but, personally, I could care less. We'll see what you think if you ever need our help.
Everyone else: There is no point continuing this argument. These guys will never quit hating us, so why waste the time.
This message goes out to anyone who put the all possessive "you" in their arguments.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
I won't flame you. Just point out some of the small details you forgot that makes your argument null and void.Nehil wrote:
That's what the Almighty USA, Canada and (Not so) Great Britan fought against in Normandy. While over
40 FUCKING DIVISIONS fought the Russians. That's over 80%.
I'm not trying to ignore the war efforts mabe by the USA. But the WAR WOULD HAVE BEEN WON WITHOUT USA. It would have lasted 2 or 3 years more and more live would have been lost, that's for sure. But do you really think you KILLED EVERY GERMAN YOURSELVES? Fuck no I say. Russia was the no.1 nation in most lives lost during WWII, second was Poland. PLEASE DONT EXAGGERATE THE US WAR EFFORT. Now flame me.
US had two forces. Africa and W.Europe.
Nazi troops were pulled off the Russian front to the Western front.
Germans could not complete their attack on the Russian front due to strategic bombing against their fuel depots and supply lines from US bombers out of England.
Tell me again how Europe would have won? Esspecially if Russia had to fight a two front war itself against Japan? Oh did you forget about Japan and how the US kept them occupied? Don't worry many seem to forget that very important part of WWII and how it effected the war in Europe.
I'll forgive you this time now go read some more history books.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Alright after reading everything finally to the end I have to say something that I don't think many of our friends outside the US, who posted on this thread, realize.
By stating the US contributed siginificantly to WWII and by stating that it was the industrial power and the man power of the US that turned the tide in the war, does not means that all the other countries in the world are shit. Stop thinking that it means that. I'm sorry if stating these facts seem to hurt a few egos but its simply a matter of fact.
But let me state that WWII in the end was won by a combined effort of all Allies.
I would like to leave it at that and hope that everyone participating in this thread and our friends in other parts of the world on this thread would also leave it at that.
And to a few of you who responded in this thread with absolute bullshit and crap you call information and rebuttle. Please... there is a reason this entire section of the forums needed approval to join. If you can't even attempt to maintain an adult like banter then please leave. Honestly your wasting my time and the time of everyone else on this forum and in this thread that actually wants to participate in an intelligent debate.
Please take your toys and go home.
By stating the US contributed siginificantly to WWII and by stating that it was the industrial power and the man power of the US that turned the tide in the war, does not means that all the other countries in the world are shit. Stop thinking that it means that. I'm sorry if stating these facts seem to hurt a few egos but its simply a matter of fact.
But let me state that WWII in the end was won by a combined effort of all Allies.
I would like to leave it at that and hope that everyone participating in this thread and our friends in other parts of the world on this thread would also leave it at that.
And to a few of you who responded in this thread with absolute bullshit and crap you call information and rebuttle. Please... there is a reason this entire section of the forums needed approval to join. If you can't even attempt to maintain an adult like banter then please leave. Honestly your wasting my time and the time of everyone else on this forum and in this thread that actually wants to participate in an intelligent debate.
Please take your toys and go home.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
These two posts irk me so much on such a huge level I can't even fathom replying to this for my own sanity!Nehil wrote:
Well, I think that no matter how coward an attack is you can never counter attack civilians (well you didn't kill civilians for the Pearl Harbor, Im aware of that). You can't really blame the civilians either becuse Japan was not a democracy during the war therefor not everyone was pro war. Altho Japanese people were fucked in the head on an average during the WWII.FeloniousMonk wrote:
The Japanese mind is a very different one from the rest of the world. They tend to enjoy living in police states and subjecting to harsh authority. While I'm not saying that any one of those innocent civilians deserved to die or in any way suffer for the actions of their government, they really did bring it upon themselves. At the very least no one can deny that the Japanese government deserved the devastation it was given for commiting such a cowardly act as the Pearl Harbor attack.
Hey, they started it. :p
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
I think we are somewhat of the modern day “Rome”. We too, may fall someday. Then again Im guessing the next threat will be a global one - we are all screwed.Horseman 77 wrote:
Someone said this to me in a thread.
" the U.S. have been the greatest military aggressors of the last century, going for the title again this century"
how many people have this opinion. ?? in the U.S.A. - Else where ?
That is probably true, but then again, who knows what goes on behind closed doors. We dont always know what Big Brother does.Horseman 77 wrote:
Lately it seems to me if They have a good air defense we talk and bargain if they don't we bomb.
I think WWII was necessary and wise. If anything, I would have thought Korea and Nam would have swayed us from going to war where we are nowadays. Im biting my tounge on this gets political but some aspects of the Iraq thing remind me of Korea and Nam.Horseman 77 wrote:
I don't pretend to know the Answers but it seems the Children of the people our Grandfathers, fathers and uncles fought and sacrificed for just hate us anyway.
I think if we stayed out of World War Two life in the states wouldn't have been that much different for U.S. citizens and we wouldn't be fighting this war now.
I would go for WWII but Korea and Nam – no way. WWI - eh, meh....nah.Horseman 77 wrote:
How many American men would fight WWII Again?. WWI? Korea? Nam?
Seems we are not stopping the war crimes/genocides of many countries that have recently occured or are happening right now - but they somehow escape the attention of the media and the U.S.Horseman 77 wrote:
Would you try to stop the Holocaust if it happened again or Send your sons and Daughters ?
That would be too easy. Sorry.Horseman 77 wrote:
Check in and call me names.
Last edited by VirtuaLResistancE (2005-11-23 00:18:08)
Yes the U.S. Has been in alot of wars in its short history but most of them have not been a war of aggressionFeloniousMonk wrote:
Yes, the US has been a major aggressor in the past century, moreso than any other nation. We average a war every few years in our short history. Some justified, some not so much.
Aggression being : The act of initiating hostilities or invasion.
Besides the current war in Iraq what other wars of aggresion has the U.S. been involved in? bay of pigs, that mexican Pancho Villa thing in 1917. I'm sure there is one or 2 more but most of the wars have been defending countries from invasion, or part of a U.N. or a N.A.T.O mission.
Basically what I'm saying is the U.S. does go to war but being the Worlds only superpower it could be a hell of alot more aggresive. Probably one of the benfits of being one of the few dominating powers in history that is a democracy.
As for dropping the atomic bombs on Japan, I'm pretty sure that combatant, and non-combatant casulaties would of been alot higher if the Allies would of had to invade Japan to end the war.
Good morning, my dear debating friends. I have noticed that since yesterday many of you did not listen to my advice to enjoy safe and protected intercourse with multiple partners and had too much coffeine instead.
Have read all three pages that came up after I left yesterday and still few things to notice:
After wannabe claimed that Russia imported oil from Iraq, it reached the limits of my tolerance. I am afraid I refuse to discuss with wannabe any more issues, since the only thing worse than his logics are his manners.
I think it is important to mention that I do not have anything against americans as people, but I rather disagree with the politics of the government. I happen to know way too many americans that have more realistic view of their nation and are rationally aware of all the positive and negative sides. Evrey nation and country has its good and bad sides, I just wonder how come I never meet on forums people like that?!
Have read all three pages that came up after I left yesterday and still few things to notice:
After wannabe claimed that Russia imported oil from Iraq, it reached the limits of my tolerance. I am afraid I refuse to discuss with wannabe any more issues, since the only thing worse than his logics are his manners.
I think it is important to mention that I do not have anything against americans as people, but I rather disagree with the politics of the government. I happen to know way too many americans that have more realistic view of their nation and are rationally aware of all the positive and negative sides. Evrey nation and country has its good and bad sides, I just wonder how come I never meet on forums people like that?!
The Japanese do not, from what I last read, live in a police state. They have a Parliament and they have a democratic system. Word is Constitutional Monarchy and this was instituted post WW2. The Emperor remains an important figure-head in the Japanese society, similar to the way the King of Thailand is worshipped. While Emperor Hirohito had a role to play in Japan's entry to WW2, eventually he paved the way for the surrender. Whether dropping the two atomic bombs were justified, its open to debate. Someone would have done it, whether it was the Germans or the Americans, only a question of timing and target.
Just my 2 cents:
America's involvement in WW2 isn't an act of aggresion. They supplied food and ammo to GB and Russia while counterattacking the Japanese. The supplies helped GB and Russia end the war much sooner than if they had done nothing.
However, their actions in Iraq cannot be justified. Bush claimed that Iraq was producing WMDs but there is no evidence that supports this. Not even Saddam killed over 10 million people during his rule. From my POV, they wanted to control oil sources in Iraq but masked it under the statements of 'WMDs. Locate. Destroy.'
BTW, the Internet was created by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, in Europe.
America's involvement in WW2 isn't an act of aggresion. They supplied food and ammo to GB and Russia while counterattacking the Japanese. The supplies helped GB and Russia end the war much sooner than if they had done nothing.
However, their actions in Iraq cannot be justified. Bush claimed that Iraq was producing WMDs but there is no evidence that supports this. Not even Saddam killed over 10 million people during his rule. From my POV, they wanted to control oil sources in Iraq but masked it under the statements of 'WMDs. Locate. Destroy.'
BTW, the Internet was created by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, in Europe.
Well I can agree to that, but some Americans seem to think that the US did everything and saved all our asses by themselves. That's not the case, but they sure as hell helped alot. I hope no one deny this, and I'm glad the US helped out in WWII but not to happy about dropping bombs on Hirshima and Nagasaki. But the Great Britan did some stuff like that to, like in Dresden.kilroy0097 wrote:
Alright after reading everything finally to the end I have to say something that I don't think many of our friends outside the US, who posted on this thread, realize.
By stating the US contributed siginificantly to WWII and by stating that it was the industrial power and the man power of the US that turned the tide in the war, does not means that all the other countries in the world are shit. Stop thinking that it means that. I'm sorry if stating these facts seem to hurt a few egos but its simply a matter of fact.
But let me state that WWII in the end was won by a combined effort of all Allies.
To quote a previous post
"Back on topic -- I feel that the perseption of the US being a huge aggressor recently comes from the ability to blow up anything, anywhere, anytime with devistating effects and because of media coverage you can watch the news and all you see is troop and death that the hands of those troops."
No, a lot of countries have the ability to do this (Britain, France, any other European nations anyone??), its just that the US are the only ones that are arrogant and dumb enough to do it.
They say that they are spreading peace, defending themselves from terrorists, when really the terrorists would not be intersted in them if they just minded their own business.
But hey, what do you expect from a country that has a multi thousand nuke armoury for "self defence".
"Back on topic -- I feel that the perseption of the US being a huge aggressor recently comes from the ability to blow up anything, anywhere, anytime with devistating effects and because of media coverage you can watch the news and all you see is troop and death that the hands of those troops."
No, a lot of countries have the ability to do this (Britain, France, any other European nations anyone??), its just that the US are the only ones that are arrogant and dumb enough to do it.
They say that they are spreading peace, defending themselves from terrorists, when really the terrorists would not be intersted in them if they just minded their own business.
But hey, what do you expect from a country that has a multi thousand nuke armoury for "self defence".
Back on topic...
Bottom line is that the U.S. has never tried to take over the world, nor India, nor South Africa, nor Europe. When that happens you can call the United States the aggressors.
Bottom line is that the U.S. has never tried to take over the world, nor India, nor South Africa, nor Europe. When that happens you can call the United States the aggressors.
Last edited by j-bass (2005-11-23 03:35:55)
I agree with j-bass and CBRacky. But to whomever supported the damn They had Panzers parked outside the Eiffel Tower and still couldn't figure out what happened.
"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me."
-General George S. Patton
"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me."
-General George S. Patton
Hey RC,rc-combat wrote:
Yes I live in the US, I have a I have a degree in History and a Minor in Military History. While the German Nuclear Program was not a total success by 1945, given more time the conclusion by most professionals is the Germans would have developed a Nuclear weapon.SlartyBartFast wrote:
RC-combat...let me guess you reside in th US? Interesting speculation. I understood that many German scientist went to the US (by thier choiceor not I don't know) to work on the US space program (later to become NASA). These guys were working on jet planes, with some limited sucess, in order to reclaim the skies, by gaining dominance in the air for the Luftwaffe. Whilst they did have a nuclear program I don't remember any great success. I just can't see your connection to the Germans developing and using Nuclear weapons had the US not been involved in WWII, but you may be able to educate me
So here is how it goes if the US had stayed Neutral.
1. There would have been no Lend-Lease Program between the US and UK/Russia. Without this supply of munitions, medical supplies, petrol, airplanes, and armor the UK and Russia would not have been able to hold on until the arrival of the US.
2. While Russia may have been able to counter-attack, the Germans would have been able to shift more resources to that front eventaully it most likely have stalemated into a trench warfare situation. The UK would have been under siege and slowly starved to death without ever mounting the resources or man power to invade.
3. The French, Viche France had already capitulated and while the french resistance was a thorn in the Germans side, that is all it was as they could never mount a true offensive versus the Nazi War Machine.
4. German Scientists, would have had years longer to advance Air, Armor, Rocket, and Nuclear Research. And Hitler has proven he would have employed any new weapon that he believed would hurt his enemies.
5. The 8th Air Force would not have pounded the most industrialized country in Europe into dust, therefore allowing the Germans to continued
The US provided the means of supply for the UK from 1939 until after the end of the War. Without this the islands under siege would have fell there is no doubt. Russia would most likely have survived but it's Eastern Provinces most likely including Moscow would have fell.
Through the use of Lend-Lease and the Supply of troops, the timeline for reasearch the Nazi's had was drastically shortened. Without it the US would have never developed our own Nuclear Program. People ask whay about the Japs, we still would have a Nuclear Program because of them. While this is an opinion most likely it would not be a true one. The US Nuclear Weapon Program was spurred on by Intelligence gathered on the German Program. Also if the US shifted its full resources to the War in the Pacific, Nuclear arms would not have been needed as the Japs could not have fought the US successfully for long. The Japs were almost positive if they attacked us we would get involved in the war in Europe, many of their Admirals and Generals warned Tojo that if we did not get involved in Europe that their Empire was surely doomed.
Excellent stuff I have been educated! My Degree is in IT and ITIL systems management. Much more boring crap than this I should have taken history...oh Well (I always did well in history at high school). Glad you used the terms "most likely", etc as we are talking about things we can only surmize from what was happening at the time. At one point back there someone was quoting as facts events in history that never occured...scary stuff:) As to your point 3. re: the French agreed in most part. I did comment on the French as someone said it was a token effort (was that you, couldn't be bothered looking back throught he thread). My opinon is that when ordinary citizens (not soldiers) died to provide information that saved the lives of thousands of soldiers (US ones too) that would then go on to win more victories is far from token.
By the way I am no US basher. The Australian foriegn policy is very much in line with the US. I think our govement does often follow the US to stay in the "good books". Our economy has a large dependance on wheat, and the US government's wheat subsidy to US farmers was hard on us. So our government likes to get points so we can use them to get your government to make the decesion that will favour our economy. I will tell you when I think hard about it I am very happy we follow your lead.
We are right next to Indonesia they have an army of I think some 13 million soldiers, this is very close to Australia's entire polpulataion!!! (by having such a small populous we will never be anything of a power, so we need to be buddies with you guy's...but well let come on down when the rest of the world is a radioactive glass bowl, and it's still nice and fresh down here). Australia has a history of pissing the Indonesians off. The last time was a few years back when we politically forced them out of occupied Timor (another Aussie nieghbor) and then provided miltary policing during the democratic voting to quell the rebel forces that opposed Timor's independance. If they ever decide "it's Time" and send the 13 mill soldiers over here, it's nice to know we have our "American Buddies" to back us up. And I know you'll come Pine Gap is here..the little US miltary installation out in the desert monotoring all the emails and coomuunications that fly around the world..too much to loose!!
Given all the talk has been about the US, I'm gonna fly my proud Australian flag. We might not have the industrial might, population or machinary to be the deciding factor in any conflict, but I'll tall ya, any ditry, shitty crappy job that'll probably get your head blown off and our Diggers of WWI & WWI were up for it. In WWI the British wanted us, the New Zealanders (and I think some Canadians too, or maybe they bailed at the last minute) to make bayonet charges on Turkish Machine gun nest at Gillipoli. We said shit yeah! and losses were high. We had to spread our recources pretty thin too. The British were taking our troops to support and protect the "Mother Country" England, and mean while we had to fight the Japanese in the tropical jungles of New Guinnea to stop them reaching Northern Australia. Not wanting to sound callous or anything, but thank god they pissed you off too, or our arse (Aussie for ass) was grass. With out your big arse fleet of ships smacking them all around the pacific and taking most of thier attention we were gunna be the next island of the Empire of Japan
Incidently do you know that US-Australian relations became very strained during WWII? Whilst fighting in the Pacific many US forces were either stationed or visited here. Apparently the US soldiers, marines, whatever had much better pay and more money than the Aussie Diggers (sorry slang for Soldiers). The uniforms were nice cotton, whereas ours were sctrcthy ugly wool. The US soldiers could afford to take girls on better dates, buy gifts, smokes and booze for the girls. The Aussie Diggers couldn't. So all the Aussie chicks dated US soldiers. Now this really pissed off the Diggers and the male civilians. US soldiers were being bashed by groups of "Men" (I use the term loosely). Riots started to break out. A US based was actually attacked by rioters (both civilian and miltary) and shots were fired. There were casualties but I need to check if there were any deaths. Anyway not a proud moment in our history, but you know how men get when it comes to their women!!
There was a mention of vegetarians...and Hitler being one. I think I am correct in saying Charles Manson was also a vegetarian. I think that pretty much sums up what happens when you don't get protien.
Those discussing Japan. It is not a police state. I was there in 2000 during thier democratic elections. They do have an emporer but it works pretty much like the English Royal Family. The country is governed by an elected government. I was acutaly amazed that I could wander around Tokyo, own my own at all hours of the night and day and not have any hassles or see any cops. THere people were so humble, polite and friendly and tiny (compared to my frame anyway) I could hardly relate them to Japan of World War II. I just kept thinking the last thing you wanna do is piss these guys off!! My limited exposure (about 3 weeks in Tokyo) I found it to be a great place with great people and would loc\ve to go back with my wife. I'd even like to try living and working there for an extended period....and my old man hates 'em cause they sunk his Patrol Boat!!
Forgive any spelling or gramatical errors it's late here and I'm tired
By the way 1234gbd I did take your advice and went and had sex with multiple partners. My left hand, right hand and right foot. Then I laid on my right hand until it went numb, and had sex with it again and it felt like someon elses hand cause it was numb, so that's four partners
Hey DeadRead,
I mentioned the French and no one seems to get it. Some said their effort was token. I disagreed. I am not talking about thier government our pussy military. I'm talking people, the ordinary folk. The ones I think a country should judged on. These Civilians died under torture withholding infomartion saving many allied forces lives. These Forces in turn went on to kick more German but. They gatherred information for allied bombers (yep the US ones) giving targets of Military value to destroy, further crippling the Nazi machine. To me a country who now has no military, whose civilians are fighting and dying, is making a far bigger contribution & sacrifice than any still able to provide miltary might. Honor, sacrifice, patriotism, bravery, courage, contribution and effort and not measured by how fast you saw the tanks coming or how many you have yourself.
I'm no French lover, never been there, never meet a nice one. I'm just try to point out I feel the effort of the French people during WWII in my view was far from token. They say information is power and by supplying information to allies and withholding from Nazi's they made a huge contribution to the allied effort
Hey DeadRead,
I mentioned the French and no one seems to get it. Some said their effort was token. I disagreed. I am not talking about thier government our pussy military. I'm talking people, the ordinary folk. The ones I think a country should judged on. These Civilians died under torture withholding infomartion saving many allied forces lives. These Forces in turn went on to kick more German but. They gatherred information for allied bombers (yep the US ones) giving targets of Military value to destroy, further crippling the Nazi machine. To me a country who now has no military, whose civilians are fighting and dying, is making a far bigger contribution & sacrifice than any still able to provide miltary might. Honor, sacrifice, patriotism, bravery, courage, contribution and effort and not measured by how fast you saw the tanks coming or how many you have yourself.
I'm no French lover, never been there, never meet a nice one. I'm just try to point out I feel the effort of the French people during WWII in my view was far from token. They say information is power and by supplying information to allies and withholding from Nazi's they made a huge contribution to the allied effort
Last edited by SlartyBartFast (2005-11-23 04:49:41)
You know, we killed more people in Tokyo in a single night with B-29 fire bombing than those killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both nuclear sites were legitimate military targets being headquarters to two major armies and industrial plants. So, what was the difference between a 1000 plane B-29 raid and a single B-29 raid besides the method of releasing energy? None. Also, those damned nukes that hung like an umbrella over Europe for 40 years after 1946 kept those commie amigos of yours from invading anywhere past Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, etc. Maybe you sing the Soviet national anthem in your own home - thats your right - but the rest of Europe did not want to sing along with you.Nehil wrote:
So I guess 100.000 dead civilians aren't a big deal? But nearly 3.000 dead in 9-11 is? Sorry Sir but you seem to have your head up your ass. Should I get a life? Sure I'll get another one when you admit that Almighty America Inc. has fucked up sometimes and will fuck up again. I'll bash back tomorrow, I gotta go now cuse Polar bears are attacking my town (not really dumbass)
You always forget to mention with that selective amnesia of yours and the dangerous tilt you have to Poppa Stalin (read commie in Sweden) that after seeing the level of resistance in Okinawa that the planners knew their launch on the main Japanese islands in 1946 would have been a total bloodbath for both Japan and the Allies. Civilians with sticks charging the beaches against armor, the allies being killed by exploding children. Bushido amigo, what a mind set.
One more thing you neutral pussy, think Hitler would have let you stay neutral after swalling the whole of Europe? Nope, you whimps and the Swiss would have been invaded and your'd be singing to the Fatherland like everyone else. Problem is that after everyone is gone, who would have stepped up and defended you? Those damned Yankees across the ocean in the United States of America.
So, for myself and the rest of the millions of Americans that have served and are still serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, especially Strategic Air Command, I accept your thanks for being able to spew and rant. Without us still today you'd be under a communist boot and you'd not have this change to display your cowardice and total lack of intelligent thought.
You did not have an ass to save as your folks stayed nautral and cowered under your bedsheets. The Nazis fought the ALLIES, Sweden not being a part of that group.Nehil wrote:
Well I can agree to that, but some Americans seem to think that the US did everything and saved all our asses by themselves. That's not the case, but they sure as hell helped alot. I hope no one deny this, and I'm glad the US helped out in WWII but not to happy about dropping bombs on Hirshima and Nagasaki. But the Great Britan did some stuff like that to, like in Dresden.kilroy0097 wrote:
Alright after reading everything finally to the end I have to say something that I don't think many of our friends outside the US, who posted on this thread, realize.
By stating the US contributed siginificantly to WWII and by stating that it was the industrial power and the man power of the US that turned the tide in the war, does not means that all the other countries in the world are shit. Stop thinking that it means that. I'm sorry if stating these facts seem to hurt a few egos but its simply a matter of fact.
But let me state that WWII in the end was won by a combined effort of all Allies.
What the US did then was atrocious, just to recap what they did for you:
They blew up TWO Japanese cities, whilst the Japanese were on their way to surrender. HOW IS THAT RIGHT YOU FOOLS!!
America: Land of the amazingly stupid and patriotic
What the US did then was atrocious, just to recap what they did for you:
They blew up TWO Japanese cities, whilst the Japanese were on their way to surrender. HOW IS THAT RIGHT YOU FOOLS!!
America: Land of the amazingly stupid and patriotic
Nehil wrote:
That's what the Almighty USA, Canada and (Not so) Great Britan fought against in Normandy. While over
40 FUCKING DIVISIONS fought the Russians. That's over 80%.
Horseman 77 responds
They were " ATTACKING the USSR " they were defending from U.S.
did you notice the English Channle dim wit, that little obstical has been worth 200 divisions.
They Fact that The only USA had the Atomic Bomb and the means to Deliver it for a few years yet didnt turn our enemys into ash says a lot about our " aggresion "
Also when we were done with Germany and Japan we Rebuilt them with our own money instead of sending over Buffalo and letting you start from scratch.
Pearl Harbor was the Very least of Japans atrocites and the Former USSR eclipsed every other nation for Horror.
That's what the Almighty USA, Canada and (Not so) Great Britan fought against in Normandy. While over
40 FUCKING DIVISIONS fought the Russians. That's over 80%.
Horseman 77 responds
They were " ATTACKING the USSR " they were defending from U.S.
did you notice the English Channle dim wit, that little obstical has been worth 200 divisions.
They Fact that The only USA had the Atomic Bomb and the means to Deliver it for a few years yet didnt turn our enemys into ash says a lot about our " aggresion "
Also when we were done with Germany and Japan we Rebuilt them with our own money instead of sending over Buffalo and letting you start from scratch.
Pearl Harbor was the Very least of Japans atrocites and the Former USSR eclipsed every other nation for Horror.
That is gross! very gross! the foot?! lolSlartyBartFast wrote:
By the way 1234gbd I did take your advice and went and had sex with multiple partners. My left hand, right hand and right foot. Then I laid on my right hand until it went numb, and had sex with it again and it felt like someon elses hand cause it was numb, so that's four partners