just out of no where srry but i noticed that people around my points and higer dont have shit for awards just throwing that out there
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|6784|Mexico City
I´m with you man. Too many pathetic morons that are afraid to a real challenge.

This has happened to me a lot:
When facing a guy 1 on 1 i always show my knife and a dare him, they usually start shooting gun, then pistol (meanwhile im doing a great bunny-dolphing dancing), when they have no more ammo they decide to go for the knife....i stand up, pull out pistol and go for a headshot....THEY HAVE THE NERVE TO INSULT ME FOR NOT BEING FAIR !!!!!

CreepingDeath wrote:

My $00.02 worth.

Its the generation of people now days . I would say anyone from 25 on down years of age have no honor.
They are so scared to get a ass whoooooopin. When I was in high schoool so many years ago, it was honorable to when someone challenged you to a fight  man to man you went into the bathroom kicked his ass or not. Either way it it was fist to fist. Head in toilet . .
  Now days if most are challenged to a fight,  they usially bail and come back later with a knife, gun or whatever. Scared to get that ass whoooopin.
All I can say here is  they are all sissy ass PUNKS. Which carrries on to video games as well.
I have had everything up above happen to me while playing so far.
   I was on the CFH server the other night playing. I was in the top 4 scores or higher for so many rounds.Getting bored of the newbs I was playing against. Just pwning them over and over. So the last few rounds. with I being the smartass I am . I told them each time where I was heading, what flag I WAS GOING TO CAP and do it with a KNIFE ONLY . SAYING after that, if your any good and not scared you will come here and take me with your knife if you dare and if you can.
  Most of the time I was shot or NOOBed tubed. Again sissy ass punks. Scared to get a ass whooooopin.
So you all younger generation grow some balls, learn some honor and a little self respect. Next time someone comes at you with a knife or you see a enemy with a knife after a teammate in game, take yours out.
  If not just  know you will always be that sissy ass punk that you are.
Don't care if people think a gun is a n00b tube. If I see an enemy running at me, I'd be too busy laying bullets into him to see what weapon they're donning.

IE: I don't care.
+0|6770|New York Capital Region
WE have knives?
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6790|Toronto, ON
Alpha as fuck.
Yellow 13
+2|6772|Plano Texas
EVERYONE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP SPELLING OWN WITH A P (PWNING). If you use this u are gay as the day is long. SO ALL YOU McFaggots out there stop saying PWNING becuase you a big gay homo 6 year old boy and also because i said so bitch
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6769|Uhh... erm...
And how does putting P in PWN make us gay homos exactly? Just curious, please clarify.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet, your actions are very noob-ish, quite frankly because it is cheap.

THat being said, I have been in a one on one knife fight only once.  Usually I will blast em with a rifle...why not?
This particular time happened on Sharqi, and I looked to my side to see an enemy coming to knife me by suprise.  I sprinted forward to avoid the sneak attack and decided to pull out my knife as well.  We both duked it out for a few moments before I inserted cold steel into his appendix a couple of times.  I have to say I enjoyed the fight quite abit, though Im sure it will never happen again...mainly because I have a gun for a reason, and that is for shooting the enemy.
i take a evident pleasure killing people by knife :  275 yet and of course the gold that goes with this score
no hesitation knife all times i can !!! knife rules and if u do a clanfight with knife i would be very happy to help anybody heehee

Don't Flame
+20|6782|St. Paul, MN

Tetrino wrote:

And how does putting P in PWN make us gay homos exactly? Just curious, please clarify.
well you see, as a wise friend once told me: "If we took everything that everyone said as a fact, we'd all be motherfucker-vaginaface-faggot-niggers."
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
I personally pull out my shock paddles if Im a medic
hahah shoot them, you know it will piss them off so much

Last edited by bmyerz85 (2005-12-03 19:22:58)


FoodNipple101 wrote:

I think. Ha what a fool. This is a war not a PB&J competition.
Then, when I get shot by people like you, I think: "Pfft, what a killjoy-bastard. This is a game, not a real war..."
I've occassionally had a few instances, where other people will notice our knife fight, but instead of shooting or attacking the other watchers, they just continue to watch. Funny stuff. BD
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

There's this other guy who's in a clan which has a sort of unspoken alliance with mine, and although we all speak different languages we had the most awesome knife fight. They're some of the only honest players in Thailand, the moment I whip out my knife he takes his out too, without any words, and we battled it out from then on everytime we met with 'em.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6790|Toronto, ON
Even if they don't whip out their knife, I still kill them with mine.
Alpha as fuck.
Basically, unless you're in a knife-only server or something, THERE IS NO UNFAIR TACTIC unless it involves some cheat or exploit.  If somebody kills you point-blank with a grenade launcher, it's just as fair as if they pulled out their knife.  Although it shows no skill at all, it is a completely legal tactic.  As for me, I think that you should keep out your rifle or whatever unless the enemy is near point-blank.  At that point, it's a toss-up of knife or gun (or for unskilled noobs, grenade launchers).  Sometimes, I would go straight for the knife, but sometimes I'd finish the clip off on the guy, or (I really, really like doing this) pop them in the head with a single pistol shot.  If someone called me dishonorable for shooting a guy with a knife, well, then I'd purposely hunt him out and wait till he had his knife out before killing him again.  Why risk dying in a knife fight when you've got a perfectly good gun?
Im always a sniper, well almost always..and to be a good sniper, you need to know how to use the knife, for close comabt, i use my knife 10x more than i use my pistol, im not a big fan of it...but yea, if i see someone coming at me with a knife i always pull out mine and give him a good fight, most of the time i can win em, sometimes i lose, but i always enjoy the experience...props to anyone who uses the knife when in combat..but the one thing i hate is someone who comes at you with a knife, realizes they'll probably lose and pulls out their gun...cowards
actually i just pop them two in the chest and one in the head. Needless to say i only knife snipers and commanders because a knife has nothing on a pistol.
Run at me with a knife and expect for me to just stand up and say take your best shot?
I must say though i have only ever once ran into and acctual knife fight two snipers where duking it out behind a building. Oddly enough the enemy sniper saw me and came after me!
It was humerous to see my SAW open up at point blank standing up, i think 50 bullets where fired and 6 hit.

CreepingDeath wrote:

My $00.02 worth.

Its the generation of people now days . I would say anyone from 25 on down years of age have no honor.
They are so scared to get a ass whoooooopin. When I was in high schoool so many years ago, it was honorable to when someone challenged you to a fight  man to man you went into the bathroom kicked his ass or not. Either way it it was fist to fist. Head in toilet . .
  Now days if most are challenged to a fight,  they usially bail and come back later with a knife, gun or whatever. Scared to get that ass whoooopin.
All I can say here is  they are all sissy ass PUNKS. Which carrries on to video games as well.
I have had everything up above happen to me while playing so far.
   I was on the CFH server the other night playing. I was in the top 4 scores or higher for so many rounds.Getting bored of the newbs I was playing against. Just pwning them over and over. So the last few rounds. with I being the smartass I am . I told them each time where I was heading, what flag I WAS GOING TO CAP and do it with a KNIFE ONLY . SAYING after that, if your any good and not scared you will come here and take me with your knife if you dare and if you can.
  Most of the time I was shot or NOOBed tubed. Again sissy ass punks. Scared to get a ass whooooopin.
So you all younger generation grow some balls, learn some honor and a little self respect. Next time someone comes at you with a knife or you see a enemy with a knife after a teammate in game, take yours out.
  If not just  know you will always be that sissy ass punk that you are.
I couldnt say that better myself!!!
+1|6767|Eindhoven, Netherlands
If i see him in time i take out the knife aswell for a nice fight, i dont care if i win or lose then its just fun, however you got these sneaky persons who sneak up to you for a knife fight when they do they scare me and i blast them with what ever gun..oops
+1,716|6770|St. Andrews / Oslo

of course i pull the knife... It is loads of fun when you fight knife vs. knife!!!!!!!!
I like grapes.
BOTH RFK AND THE DEATH GUY ARE LOSERS. OOO im better then you, NO IM BETTER THEN YOU AT THIS VIRTUAL GAME WHERE IF YOU DIE YOU RESPAWN IN 15 seconds. OOOOOO your a little girl not wanting to die in this video game. OOO you must be a kid or something not wanting to be stabbed by coding on a folder. grow up its a fucking game jesus christ
+0|6774|Almere, Holland

Kkookie wrote:

what do you do when some1 comes up to you and starts fighting you with a knife? do you pump him full of lead? do you blow him away with your noobtube? This is assuming that you're not in a blazing firefight and he comes alone.
I always take my knife out and fight like a man.
I blew someone up with c4 .. then he started saying hey man we were knife fighting.. while i was busy blowing people to hell
Δ > x > ¥

Kkookie wrote:

what do you do when some1 comes up to you and starts fighting you with a knife? do you pump him full of lead? do you blow him away with your noobtube? This is assuming that you're not in a blazing firefight and he comes alone.
I always take my knife out and fight like a man.
It's never happened to me but if it happened, I'd shoot them and thank God for a cheap kill.

However, if there were a knife only server, I'd happily join and whip out my blade.

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