Gorgonnash PVP
+119|6997|Sacramento, Cal
Ok, I was commanding on wake Island, then out of the blue I get the message "Stand by for vehicle drop, over" over and over.  And I'm thinking this is some sort of new bug in the 1.3 patch so I continue.  Then as I'm about to arty a flag the US is taking I see this shit.


After I tell these people I'm not hacking. The game has a server problem. Note: The FMJ clan *FMJ*Bird$hit and soneone eles was on, anyone know anything about them? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! help me prove my innocents.

Last edited by eMarine (2006-07-26 03:21:35)

+540|6655|Shanghai, ethnicity=German
HHAACCKKEERR In tha BF2s house... Nah just kidding... happens to me tooooooooooo
Fantasma Parastasie
happened on warlord yesterday too. At first I thought the commander was cheating but then another guy started doing it too. And another. every commander that signed up had it. It was funny though, this huuuge swarm of pickup trucks just crushing everything
404 - Not Found
Was that on |TOC| Dedicated Wake server? Because that happened there too today. And it maybe bug but there is hack (not free) where you can drop multiple supply drops and car drops and stuff, but the guy who hacks he doesn't even have to be commander (so he's hijacking commander) and usually commander is blamed and gets banned.
Gorgonnash PVP
+119|6997|Sacramento, Cal
It was a wake insomnia server, the one thats not down from 1.3.  And anyways this is still fucked up! The last thing I need is bfroe reseting me for something I never did, but knowing EA they wont even care....

Last edited by eMarine (2006-07-26 03:33:13)

A glitch I had is people did mutiny on me, it was 6 out of 6 votes and it said I was demoted but never was, I kept commanding for that round.
Pulls out gun, Watch him run

Ryker wrote:

A glitch I had is people did mutiny on me, it was 6 out of 6 votes and it said I was demoted but never was, I kept commanding for that round.
I also get that one and sometimes it says vote successful player has left the game yet i see that message and think hmm im still in the game ah well thats 1.3 for you the biggest f'ed up patch ever released into a gaming community they definitely win an award there.
Gorgonnash PVP
+119|6997|Sacramento, Cal
Thanks, I hope this helps.
I love [fiSh]
It's a hack by www.......security.com - you got the ability to drop unlimited supplies, use an aimbot, wallhack, chameleon skins on players (eg enemy players red, friendlies green) etc.

And all not detected by punkbuster.

I've recently played against with and against one player who was able to do all this stuff. I was wondering myself about his incredible accuracy and his ability to headshot everyone no matter on which distance.

I switched teams to play with this guy and watched how he played. In an other round i was commander and he was always dropping supplies on his position. I've talked to him and he told me about this stuff.

If you want to see how it is to play with or against a cheater, stalk this guy:


Last edited by fierce (2006-07-26 03:42:30)

+68|6832|Reefersyde, CA

fierce wrote:

It's a hack by www.......security.com - you got the ability to drop unlimited supplies, use an aimbot, wallhack, chameleon skins on players (eg enemy players red, friendlies green) etc.

And all not detected by punkbuster.

I've recently played against with and against one player who was able to do all this stuff. I was wondering myself about his incredible accuracy and his ability to headshot everyone no matter on which distance.

I switched teams to play with this guy and watched how he played. In an other round i was commander and he was always dropping supplies on his position. I've talked to him and he told me about this stuff.

If you want to see how it is to play with or against a cheater, stalk this guy:

1st off:   What everyone else is talking about.  Is not a hack, its some server glitch where the vehical drop, gets constant, as well as supplies, and eventually  the artillery, well instead of shells...  there jeeps.    Its not getting killed by someone at all.  It just mutiple supplies/vehicals dropping from the sky.   It happened to me, someone was calling me a hacker, then their commander had it also happen to him.  I resigned, and the next commander has it happen to him.  Usally the server crashed afterward, prolly with an error for some code conflicted...

2nd:    I think ill kill/revive over an over, that guy if hes a cheater.  Itd be fun.   His hacks would be worthless to him...
lmao thats a cool hack
+183|6766|Newcastle UK
If you want to see how it is to play with or against a cheater, stalk this guy:

by pure chance i joined a server and he was on he had 26-1 with all at rockets all headshots.
Next round he goes svd the gun wa sgoing up and down all jerky and yet he still gets 10 headshots per clip.
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
I don't think it is a server glitch.  The server I was on had the same problem and neither side had a commander at one point during the round.  The commander on the side I was on is an admin and soon as he became commander the vehicle drops/supply drops started reappearing.
+2|6876|New Hartford, New York
I was on a server recently that did the multiple supply drop bit too. At first I thought, "Great, a hacker." Then I noticed that UAV's started dropping, FAV's, Hummers. The plus side was it as an Engineer, you could get a lot of repair points and there was enough vehicles for everyone
Seriously, fuck off.
+103|6841|"The Empire"
On warlord once the arty was going none stop from both sides at once, the usual " commander is hacking" txts came up, the commander on both sides resigned and it continued until nobody was even try to kill each other just hiding from arty, the entire server just stoped playing while people stayed in buildings the entire round!!!
its a hack... even when your not a commander you can use it. seen it done b4
+1,716|6885|St. Andrews / Oslo

Jepp, I think Gen.Bad.Snipa-day posted a vid of it...
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
I love [fiSh]

Evil-fruits|ST4R wrote:

by pure chance i joined a server and he was on he had 26-1 with all at rockets all headshots.
Next round he goes svd the gun wa sgoing up and down all jerky and yet he still gets 10 headshots per clip.
Yeah, he does it with every weapon. My clanmates and i where wondering how he's able to pull this stuff, therefore we started to "observe" it and he was regular on the server's we played on.

It's sad to see PunkBuster not detecting this hack - on the other hand i'm glad that this is the only cheater i know off i encountered in nearly 1000 hours of BF2.
Served and Out
+642|6714|Southampton, UK

Obviously a glitch , but i don't care i find that last screeny hilarious.
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|6997|United Kingdom
yeah, thats real 'cartillery' heh
+164|6918|Normal, IL
happened to me the other day too. I was commander and i started hearing a constant barrage of supply drops, none of which I had called in. I was pretty sure who it was too because all of the supply drops landed around a guy in an LAV on our team, basically rendering him invincible from everything but a couple packs of c4.......
+244|6842|arica harbour

mazerali62 wrote:

On warlord once the arty was going none stop from both sides at once, the usual " commander is hacking" txts came up, the commander on both sides resigned and it continued until nobody was even try to kill each other just hiding from arty, the entire server just stoped playing while people stayed in buildings the entire round!!!
Looks like punkbuster has not done their research... Hax in battlefield 2 have been going on for months, saw evidence of hax with Teamgod.net and that moron Godjoey . Can everyone say Counter Strike Source?
its a hack.... i already heard about it and seen the Screen Shots.  its a hack that people can by for a price.... its not a glitch at all...
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6718|Area 51
Lol, dont worry
I had it once, in a local server,
Wake Island, I was the chinese commander, and I blew up my own arty, all of the sudden like 12 supplies boxes come dropping out of the sky, when I blew one up, another one appeared, was soo funny
that happened to me too when i was commanding on Strike at Karkand, I was like wtf? Then i got kicked off of the commander spot.

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