Unfortunately my friend, "USA: and "right in the world" don't go well together. Take at look at your Post-World War 2 history when you decided to meddle in the sovereignty of democratic nations simply because they wanted to help out their own people. Countries that nationalized their oil and gas and fruits and mines because they wanted the profits to go to their citizens not the american corporations.-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:
You can keep your cocoon. Unlike you we arent afraid to stand up for whats right in the world. If there is ever an earthquake or natural disaster we are the first ones there. If any country, Kuwait for example, is invaded and seeks our help we usually help them to the best of our ability. People hate us because they see that we are powerful. No matter how much good we do in the world there will still be those that hate us. If we want to give democracy a chance in the middle east or support our allies when they are attacked by Hezbollah, then let them hate us. I would hate to ever see the day when we become a "cocoon" full of people scared of their own shadow.
Take Guatemala for example, the ousted Jacobo Arbenz because he nationalised the fruit plantations which hurt an american fruit company so the USA ousted a DEMOCRATICALLY elected progessive government in the name of american profit.
Fact: America gives the least percentage of its GDP to countries in foreign aid out of all the countries in the world. You don't help people out as much as you think you do, you help yourselves out and wish to dominate the little guy so you can have a few extra bucks.
The reason the rest of the world hates you isn't because you are powerful, ("oh look we have power, arent we special, too bad we dont have health care for all our citizens and a large percentage of our population lives below the poverty line") it's because you match round like you own the entire world and enforce so much suffering in the lives of innocent people.
Ireland doesn't care about terrorist attacks for one reason, and that reason is that they arent a target. Ireland doesn't march around the world trying to enforce capitalism onto people. Ireland respects other nations sovereignty and because of this, they will never be attacked by terrorists. The USA brought 9-11 on itself by interfering too much in the way the whole world is run.
The USA has never given democracy a chance, heck in your last 2 democratic elections there has been massive amounts of evidence that electoral fraud was commited, there is evidence you have been involved in tampering with the recent Mexican election and ousted the democratically elected leader of Venezuela. You've been responsible for countries going down the toilet. You've interfered in Italy, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Guatemala, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Nicaragua, Cuba, Panama, Grenada.........the list goes on and on.
The USA needs to take a hard look at itself and realise that its unjust actions bear serious consequences.