+5,233|6842|Global Command

dankassasin42o wrote:

THA wrote:

it was about 1 am here, i was watching tv and as im sure most people did i thought it was a movie. ill never forget the feeling of watching the second plane come in live as long as i live.
The 2nd plane crashing wasnt half as devistating as the HMO guy on the freeway in america, that set his car, and dog on fire on an over pass then shot him self on live tv.    That was worse.   Also the "bin laden" confession tape..... so fake.     It was digitally editing in serveral places, since when could terrorist edit video on ROCKS?
One aids infected lunatic blows off his head ( I saw it too ) and you say that was worse than 9-11???
Self-absorbtion gone wild reeferman.
     I was on the way to work just as the First tower fell.
     I cried like a fucking baby that afternoon when I saw the footage of a man and woman jumping together hand in hand.
     I said to my wife, " Tens of thousands of Muslims are going to die because of these nineteen fuckheads.  Iraq will be our next new state. "
Pop To Ster
+45|6845|Edmonds, WA
Heh well said. I'd rather nuke Iraq, but oh well.
I was at home (Ottawa Canada) and had the day off work - at first CNN said that it was a small plane but soon it became obvious that was worse than that.  Neighbours congragated in my house and we just sat and watched in stunned silence
+122|6854|Omaha, Nebraska!
Well the nuke would start WWIII IMO because all the freaking Middle Eastern countrys would blow their head off, and then everyone else would get tension and join fighting. Nukes arent always the greatest answer
I was on a Live Fire exercise in the Brecon Beacons in Wales (Sennybridge) running one of the ranges. We had 4 or 5 US National Guard with us seeing how we run things in the British Army and when the news came in on the Radio, we had to stop the Range whilst the US boys flapped around grabbing their gear to fly back to the US.

When we got back the Mess, spent the afternoon in briefings and watching the TV coverage.  Put a slight edge to the rest of the weeks exercise as we were all gearing up, too.
Dead Meat
I woke up that morning thinking to myself "what crap happened today" as I turned on cnn. At first I thought there was just a fire on one of the towers.
I got the news obviously just after the first tower was hit.
I was going to change the channel until out of the blue the other tower was hit. Then I along with the rest of the world knew what was happening kinda.

I was glued to the tv untill about 2pm when I had to work.
+2|6862|Bay Area
I was at the comm center on Camp Foster, Okinawa.  We had a typhoon overhead and I was one of the lucky ones thrown on typhoon duty.   9/11 was on the 2nd day of the typhoon.  I had just gotten off shift and went to nap in the conference room when a SSgt ran in and told us to turn on the TV and switch to CNN.  Next came the footage of the first airliner hitting the World Trade Center.  I couldn't believe it.  I thought it was a clip from some new Hollywood movie. 
i was sitting in my car trying to get on ft hood,tx.
I came home from school and saw it, I was like "holy shit"
I was in school at the time and thats when our teacher turned on the tv...and i heard a plane hit a building or something so i didnt really bother listening (i didnt know how serious it was, i thought it was just a little buisness building, and then our teacher turned up the volume and they said a second plane just hit the second tower, and thats when i started to realize how serious it was. I live about 15 minutes away from an air force base, and we heard the sonic boom from a jet taking off to go scan the area and such, and we thought it was another terriost attack and our whole city was freaking out for the next few days.
+39|6950|OREEGONE, USA
I was just arriving to my flight line watch in NAS Whidbey Island and the guy i was taking place of said that "something hit the whitehouse or something."  I didn't pay much attention till the watch officer came down and told me that a plane hit the pentagon and the WTC.  Then all hell broke loose.  Officers of every rank came down and handed me new levels of security procedures in dealing with anyone trying to get on the flight line.  When the second plane hit, i had to lock down the gate and deny everyones entrance or exit.  I was turning away Admirals.  Mind you i was very junior in rank with only a year in the Navy telling senior officers they couldn't leave or exit.  That wasn't the worst of it.  I think the screaming wives and girlfriends of those who were deployed was the worst.  I felt bad for them that i couldn't give them the answers they wanted or let them in.
My 8 hour watch turned into a 16 hour nightmare.  Fucking terrorists.
+122|6854|Omaha, Nebraska!

millhous wrote:

My 8 hour watch turned into a 16 hour nightmare.  Fucking terrorists.
I didnt go to school that day, my parents said that if i didnt it was okay. So i stayed watching it til like 3:00.

I was training a bunch of Architects how to use CAD in a warm room. I was flicking through news pages on my laptop when it appeared on CNN's front page. I wanted to rush to a TV but couldn't.
Horseman 77

WyrdNyrd wrote:

I was in the US Navy stationed onboard the USS Enterprise as an Operations Specialist. We were nearing the end of our cruise, heading to our last liberty port in South Africa. We got around the horn of Africa when that event happened. I was asleep in my rack when I was woken up to get ready to go to my watch station. The person that woke me up said something that I couldn't quite understand in my state of waking up about a plane hitting the WTC. I got out of my rack and got ready to go to watch, not thinking much of anything new. When I got up to CDC (Combat Direction Center) everyone was watching the TV. We have satellite TV access (CNN). I couldn't believe what I was watching. The second plane hadn't hit the second tower yet. I thought it was some kind of accident with the plane crashing into the tower. I relieved the watch and took my station on GCCS-M. I have an IRC chat to the other ships in our battle group. I was relaying to them the event that were taking place because they don't have satellite TV access. Later on the second plane hit. That's when everyone knew that this was no accident. Watching the towers crumble I was holding back my tears. Everyone onboard knew that we were going to war and didn't care about extending the cruise. The ship pulled a u-turn and we were the first ones on station. Fighting that war (Operation Enduring Freedom) was my most proudest moment in the Navy.
I am proud of you too. I am going to read your post to my two adopted sons  ages 6 and 9. The people who matter are still behind you.
Say wat!?
I was just about to leave school when someone told me that on the TV they were saying planes had crashed into the World Trade centre, i thought that the person was lieing until i got home and saw it myself.
+51|7087|North Hollywood
i was just gettin up to go to work. Put on the tv to see how the world was going to hell that particular day...and suddenly wished for about 2 seconds i have re-enlisted when I had the chance. The I called a friend in NY that worked near there, he was good so I went to work. Short version I know, but it really symbolizes a dark day in our countrys history.
+269|6897|Marlton, New Jersey.
new jersey :\
was in school when it happened....
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
filling customer orders, heard it on the radio, turned on the tv in the training room, as soon as I saw the footage (only one had hit), I said "that was no accident"  as I left and shut everyone in the room up, I guess cuz they all knew it and were just hoping it wasn't so
WOW, I really didnt think they would make a movie of those events.  I dont know, but MHO its too soon.  I have many family members from NYC and it was sad.  I was getting ready for work and I saw the second one hit live.  I wasnt normal for a month.  I was going to re join the military just to shave some terrorist heads, but this world we live in is fugged up and we look just as much as terrorist in their eyes, as they do in ours.

If there was some way to come to a common ground where an eye for an eye was not the answer we would all be safer and could spend more time worrying about what to wear that day, rather than is someone I know going to die today.

I still get sad thinking of the towers.  I even went there shortly after the WTC's fell.
I was at work .......marking a football field............i am near Detroit Metro Airport always planes overhead............but not after the attack.............just F-16s from our local airbase..............pretty eerie.
(UK) I was coming home from my Mums when my dad told me in the car, when we got home i watched it on BBC24.

I dont know for sure, and very few people do but from what I've seen the attacks were staged by a group other than Bin-Ladens Cell. I'm going to rty VERY hard not too insult anyone, please dont take this the wrong way. This is one of the only things which would have allowed US aggression in the middle east to such an extent, evenif these attacks WERE the result of bin-Ladens group this has been exploited by the US government in the extreme. Wasnt 9/11 a 'taken for granted but never spoken' false reason for invading Iraq?

Regardless, America, you have my sympathies for 9/11, no matter what your foreign policy is now.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
there should be a government funded tv channel that plays that footage 24/7, along with the london bombings, and the ones in madrid
I was on my way to the dentist...
I was on board a plane  to Vegas. We were there without taking off for about an hour and then the flight was cancelled.

Semper Fi!
Horseman 77
I was late for work, and heard about plane one in the subway. " NBD I had been in both and knew they were built to the balls " Then I heard it was an Airliner. At work I watched the second plane hit. I thought " attacks ".

When the first building dropped I thought " This is just the Wrong angle to see it, its still there, They mean some glass fell out of the top story, It didn't fall " than I watched the second one drop from my office window. I thought " we are at War". We will be needed. I ran tons of cable over to set up communication centers for the massive triage center that was being set up at Javits.  War planes were tearing back and forth across the sky. It scared some people I would say " those are ours ". The cops had taken the American Flags out and had them in the middle off 7th ave which everyone was staggering north on ( later no cop I talked to could remember who put them out there ) Then I headed down town to try and pitch in. By the time I got goggles and a mask it was to late. my eyes burned like hell. When I went home I walked up 7th ave and there was not one car. By the time I got walked home about 36 hours later my clothes had this funny electrical smell like a transformer that is getting to hot. People came from all over to help. Backhoes and cranes lined the streets in Que like a free rock concert was being given for heavy machinery. Some were from south Carolina, how they got there so fast I have no idea. Restaurant owners were setting up tables with portable burners making meals for workers. flat beds filled with every kind of soft drink were headed in bumper to bumper. We all acted as one. Untill Hillary came.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-07-25 13:34:02)

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