+40|6699|Germany - Bavaria

Jenspm wrote:

You could say... well... His "z" and "ctrl" keys are pretty worn out...
Nice words man! + for you für this!
I doesnt matter how he plays! He plays not that much as others, but if he has no friends....... I think its a bad playing if you always jump, crouch, lie, .........
I'm your pusher
+9|6887|yorkshire penisula
i dont understand why he doesent give kark a rest and go get his General and learn to do different things in bf2.but gg to him anyway.
+7|6643|Little Rock, Arkansas bitches
yeah, most of the people in the top 10 don't really impress me, they just do the same shit over and over.  bushviper would be an exception to that, he's really well-rounded.

kuntpunch_37 wrote:

yeah, most of the people in the top 10 don't really impress me, they just do the same shit over and over.  bushviper would be an exception to that, he's really well-rounded.
I agree..)
I was on Straferight this morning with Volx........all he does is bunnyhop and NOW I AM 100% POSITIVE he uses some sort of aimbot.NO ONE is THAT accurate in the middle of 3 bunnyhops in a row...not to mention his uncanny ability to be able to shoot thru solid steel(I was on top of a railcar near the bridge and was killed in 2 shots thru solid steel by VOLX.......he even tried to bunnyhop THRU the opening in the fence for crying out loud)......NICE to know the top guy in BF2 is a 100% cheating little puke.
AND I had a full MED rating when he got me too I may add.

Last edited by Snakeyezzz (2006-07-22 16:07:47)

Will fly for food.
+120|6659|Daytona Beach, FL

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

I don't know why we're celebrating a guy with no life... but ok! Where are the pie and chips?
How many of us arent working for high points? A couple of hours a day isnt much either. If he was disabled and stayed home all day, that isnt much at all. I have an ebay buisness and i have 4 hours a day to play easy ( play maybe 1-4 ),  i live with my girlfriend in a area all my friends can come over and play bf2 all the time. Not because we have no life but because we love bf2 at the moment- even through the patches and the lost connection and the tk'ing noob/ general morons in games. Lets not get tall poppy syndrome, hes good. Hes not shit - and hes about to get 500,000 - i say big up. All the people who found the z ctrl key joke funny need to see who the geeks rly r.Imagine all the keyboards hes gone through BWAHAHAHA - o thats comic genius.
Why dont you give kark a rest , use a shit keyboard thats old and fuked up , and just loose games all the time ( like i do lol now that i think about it ) thats what we play for, im sure.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6731|Melbourne, Australia.
Goodluck to him in 1.4, with the dolphin diving/prone spamming/c4 throwing taken away
+30|6792|Puyallup, WA
From what ive asked him he has a MX510, he uses the mouse buttons for prone spam, and his spm isnt near impossible to achieve.  He dolphin dives not to be shot as do anyone else who does it. Why not do something that makes you a harder target to hit? "because its cheap!!!" "because umm I suck at shooting!!" Learn to aim because it really isnt that hard to shoot people like that. Suck it up nubs..
+917|6768|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

/c4 throwing taken away
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
I hate Volx i have more/beta range of awards than that twat and Im 2nd Lt.
Want to know what's more pathetic than the amount time Volx plays BF2? The people in this thread who give a shit.

ionescualex wrote:

Want to know what's more pathetic than the amount time Volx plays BF2? The people in this thread who give a shit.
but he hasnt got half of the badges look at some1 like 3rd placed ECR.RC he has nearly every badge and medal i think he is clearly a far better player because he has shown his ability to use all the kits and vehicles Vox is a Karkand Armourwhore whats good about that??????????

HeimdalX wrote:

ionescualex wrote:

Want to know what's more pathetic than the amount time Volx plays BF2? The people in this thread who give a shit.
I agree.  Isn't there a thread that Trigger started for all this mindless drivel about these top 10 guys?
Over the line!
+70|6899|Mark it zero.

Chuckles wrote:

HeimdalX wrote:

ionescualex wrote:

Want to know what's more pathetic than the amount time Volx plays BF2? The people in this thread who give a shit.
I agree.  Isn't there a thread that Trigger started for all this mindless drivel about these top 10 guys?
+165|6785|South Jersey
choo-choo train
sorry x my english
VOLX is a cheaters
it use a macro whit
logitec G15
it´´sure !!!!!!!!!
Nade Spammers Must Die

fadedsteve wrote:

And in all actuality I am a geek for playing cpu games anyway!! WE ALL ARE!! lol
Thats where you are wrong. Computer games are for anyone who wants to play them. Some one calls me a geek for playing games i just threaten them. They back off fairly quickly. They think they're so cool because they go on msn instead of games. Still sitting infront of comp so whats the difference? Still talking to poeple. People that don't play games are just to insecure to realize how much fun they are.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6731|Melbourne, Australia.

uk-anubis-uk wrote:

but he hasnt got half of the badges look at some1 like 3rd placed ECR.RC he has nearly every badge and medal i think he is clearly a far better player because he has shown his ability to use all the kits and vehicles Vox is a Karkand Armourwhore whats good about that??????????
ERC using all kits? HA!
+1,153|6780|Washington, DC

ECR is an armor whore, a shitty one at that.

It seems noone got my Geico quote =/

"Everyone wants a free Geico quote. Askin if they want a free Geico quote is like askin if they want, erm, free pie and chips! Everyone wants free pie and chips... it's pie, with chips, for free! But pie and chips, ya can get em anywhere. Geico quotes, made from scratch, just for you."
+24|6690|GREAT Britain

LawJik wrote:

Volx is playing right now, and is only 2000 points away from hitting half a million, with a 5.6 SPM and a 3.1 K/D he is straight RAPIN. Grats to Volx, GL to anyone trying to catch up to him.
OMG, NO WAY!!!!!!! THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!!! .................................
I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings
*monotone* cool cool
+4|6731|Reefersyde, CA
Where the beer and the weed for this party?

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

And in all actuality I am a geek for playing cpu games anyway!! WE ALL ARE!! lol
Some one calls me a geek for playing games i just threaten them. They back off fairly quickly

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