Ninja's > BF2s

HW--CHOPPER wrote:

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Your US server sucks, but the Europeans can't get enough of chuy. Must be the hidden moustache. I guarantee an Australian server would be populated though *hint* cough *hint*.
2nd that I'm sick of the noobs at internode and gamearena
3rd that.. I am sick of gamearena and internode noobs, I demand an Aus BF2S server!!
Aus has no servers, none of the aus players even play SF.. euro is 100% empty..
I can't believe the US players are asking for SF and zatar wetlands and shit,
all the australians speak is karkland language..

Karky Kark land kark kark??

Nadey mc kark nade kark!!!

....Sick of GameArena, tired of 'Node Winers.
I want a server that gives battlerecorder free without having to sign up to their f#cked ISP..
NO Aus server is decent for f#ck sake, I want a good ping.. 50+ is too high..

C'mon Chuy!! Australia needs your love.
+18|7079|Southampton, PA
A tracert tells me it's somewhere in TX....Is that the case? Also, pinging the server gives me some serious inconsistency...who's the provider, Chuy? Looks like they're hosed in the first place...See below ping:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=65ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=65ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=65ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=77ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=65ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=156ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=64ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=528ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=66ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=143ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=66ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=397ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=229ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=879ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=72ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=626ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=326ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=429ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=918ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=971ms TTL=100
Reply from bytes=32 time=88ms TTL=100

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 21, Received = 21, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 64ms, Maximum = 971ms, Average = 299ms

Anywhere from 65ms to 900+...what's the deal with that? No wonder I don't play on it....probably shows up as 700 or so when I search...hit the provider, and ask what the dealio is...IMHO.


(Security/Network Engineer, BTW...) Questions? Hit me up at

Edit - My bad...son was're good. (ignore the asshat giving bogus info...)

Last edited by Capt.CupoNoodles (18 years, 7 months ago)

BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6939|Los Angeles, California, US.
Wow!! A Game.... Finally, Started!!!!
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
Not useless, just use-impaired
+11|6872|Toledo, OH
I was on for two quick rounds earlier.  Had to stop due to the kids wanting help with their games. 

If only this activity keeps up.  I usually only play at night.
Enemy Bush Spotted!
+18|7026|asshole of the planet, NM, USA
Honestly, I don't know why this server isn't full all the damn time.  I just spent the most awesome 2 hours playing on this BAD ASS server!  No lag, squad teamwork, VOIP that works, no shit heads... in a total lack for any words to describe it, BAD FUCKING ASS!  I don't know which one I was on, the US or the Europe one, but it didn't matter, I'd play both of them.  Even though I flew with one of the best pilots EVER:  BoofSticky thanks for the points man!  I'd give you most of them if I could.

Marconius, Trigger, Robinhood, BoofSticky, Stryyker... the most awesome people I have ever played with.  I know my opinion isn't much, but from now on the bf2s servers are the only ones that I will ever play, EVER!  and if my wife lets me, I'll start donating as much money as I possibly can to help with the cost.

Wait... I just thought of another word for it!  Orgasmic!  Even if all I did was ride along with Boof and kill peeps over and over!  It was fucking awesome!


Edit: spelling

Last edited by lordgeno (18 years, 7 months ago)

A stranger in the dark

Yeah it was fun... The only thing that is missing is 1.4 hopefully that will rectify my ping issues


edit: oh and add trigger, Kimmy, Duk0r, and Chuy to your list...
Enemy Bush Spotted!
+18|7026|asshole of the planet, NM, USA
defiantly... I was in such an ecstatic mood I forgot all the names except for those!  So here's to you Trigger (even though he's in my post haha), Kimmy, Duk0r, and of course Chuy for making it all possible! 

I'm still geekin out over it.  It put me in a great mood!
+632|6928|do not disturb

[WRC]GeneralGun wrote:

Kaosdad008 wrote:

Chuy - the cool thing here is that you can try handing it over to admins, and if it doesn't work, canx it!  As for populating it - there aren't enough servers running EF & SF (IMHO - keep yer flames to yer self!).  Again - try some new things: Monday night is EF night, Wednesday is SF night, Friday is AF, the other nights are "Random Map" nights.
I think that isnt good....much people only have Battlefield 2 and no EF, SF or AF.....

If that settings done...the server going down, down, down....

The idea with Admin who are Hard but Fair is good...i like servers where always Admins Online and do there job very well....thats a reason to come back!
Quite a few people have EF and AF, serious. You would be surprised at how many units sold, but no one bothers to play because the nubs like Karkand too much.

Maybe no one has ever bothered looking in the EF forum section, but peeps are often looking for servers to play on. If it had EF, I'd be playing it all day. I'm always looking for an EF server. I'm sure the folks on the EF forums would join as well.

Last night was a blast. I love killing teh mods   

I always feel like I'm going to get a time-out or something when I kill chuy
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
+7|6959|Auckland New Zealand

JaM3z wrote:

Well my karkand 24/7 server is ALLWAYS full, so much so that i had to post that i needed admins to trim the fat away (hotel glitchers) now i have a team of admins and alot of regular players, if it crash's 99% of the people rejoin.

My advice to you make it a city maps 24/7 server, and add wake in to, i useraly play karkand or mahitur and i have joined the US server alot only to find it empty, ive messed around on my own with a group of 3 of us and no body else joined after 2hours we got bored..........

Also alot of people dont like 64 player servers either because there machines cant handle it or they just get shot every 2 seconds..... try cutting it down to a 32 size server as alot of people find them alot more enjoyable
Damm dude your grammer and spelling Suck

think you need to take a few pills from your medpack fella
+2|7156|San Jose, CA
Well I played in your US server last night.  Had a good time.

I would have gotton a gold except my Commander's points doubled... But if I didn't have a great game last night, the Commander wouldn't have won and his points wouldn't have doubled!  sigh... one of those things I guess

I'm a semi regular BF2s Euro server player. I think the difference is that B.Suss, Hellhead, Goldman, dancer, slayer, thedude and all the other BF2s Admins make the place feel like a home. They encourage ppl from the forums to wear the [BF2s] tag before their name to show they want to play team work and join a [BF2s]squad.  There is always an admin present to filter out all the TKer's etc so you end up with a good game. VOIP doesn't work so we are all on Team Speak and the chat is always good with plenty of humor. The guys warmly welcome anyone who joins the server and/or TS with the tag. Add that to the Forum section to allow us to brag/cry/shout about the previous nights killing and *BAM* you have a community. I have been in a clan before and left because it was to much work and time. The BF2s Euro server has that warm clan know everyone feel without the commitment. My hat goes off to everyone that makes it a reality. My advise would to get some committed regular, older players to build another sub-community within this flourishing community. RESPECT!!!
+68|6991|Reefersyde, CA

Nabraham wrote:

dankassasin42o wrote:

Nabraham wrote:

Special Forces map may help, and im not talking about 24/7 warlord. The night maps, hell even maybe doing Euro Forces or Armored Fury. Or you could always go the 24/7 Karkand way with like 50 rounds per map.
HELL NO, NO 24/7 KARK.      That'll keep my whole clan away.

Real BF2 players dont play 24/7 Kark.   THere ARE WAY better maps.     Chuy, if u make it kark 24/7. ill have to do u the favor of using my information security/network security skills  to put an end to it. SAY NO TO KARKAND.   On the other hand maybe 24/7 FLYING maps, or 24/7 SF.    Thatd be a million times better then crapkand
Ah, real players do play 24/7 karkand, thats why their so popular. Not saying that everyone likes it, i thing 24/7 karkand would get old, but its a decent idea if Chuy wants to fill up the Server and keep it popular.
I dont think itd stay populated if it was 24/7 kark.   kark sucks.  Id rather play mas. city.    or a map like Dragon Vally, ect.   Any of those are better then kark.     I think itd go better as a SF server then a 24/7 kark.  and real players DO NOT play 24/7,  they play DIFFERENT maps.    nOObs play 24/7 kark.   cuz its the only map they know.   and they dont need to cry about AIR units.
I'd join it more often, but it's always on kark when I look. =/
Enemy Bush Spotted!
+18|7026|asshole of the planet, NM, USA
sorry for only playin one game, had to put my daughter to sleep
+1,153|6943|Washington, DC

.:[B@tt13bo];. wrote:

Yesssss Sir Ur Server Sucks Ass!!!!!!!!! I Hope U Never Get Anybody To Come On Ur Sever Go Die!!!!!!!!!
what the fuck?
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

Damm my -1 button doesnt work
come in to the Ranked Server with me
to get some fun
Hey well look it at now, the server is actually full!
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

And the server lives happily ever after.

The End
+383|7032|The Netherlands

JahManRed wrote:

I'm a semi regular BF2s Euro server player. I think the difference is that B.Schuss, Hellhead, Goldman, dancer, slayer, thedude and all the other BF2s Admins make the place feel like a home. They encourage ppl from the forums to wear the [BF2s] tag before their name to show they want to play team work and join a [BF2s]squad.  There is always an admin present to filter out all the TKer's etc so you end up with a good game. VOIP doesn't work so we are all on Team Speak and the chat is always good with plenty of humor. The guys warmly welcome anyone who joins the server and/or TS with the tag. Add that to the Forum section to allow us to brag/cry/shout about the previous nights killing and *BAM* you have a community. I have been in a clan before and left because it was to much work and time. The BF2s Euro server has that warm clan know everyone feel without the commitment. My hat goes off to everyone that makes it a reality. My advise would to get some committed regular, older players to build another sub-community within this flourishing community. RESPECT!!!
Thanks for the nice compliment. *takes hat off back to jahmanred*

The server admins are not only there to enforce the rules on our server and take action if someone breaks them. A big part of our job is motivating forum members from europe to join us for a game and we try our best to provide them with an asshat free server. So they can have a great time, some excellent teamwork and hopefully come back for more. I tried motivating people to join myself by putting up threads like /">Who are all these guys wearing [BF2s] tags?. So you re not just playing with a bunch of ingame characters but you also get to meet the real person behind it.

We started of with just a couple of guys and it sometimes seemed impossible to get the game started. I even wrote a quick guide on how to get the game started so that other ppl with less experience could try it too. We were basically begging people of our knees to please not disconnect and stay so we could get the game started lol. Now our server is populated at the weirdest times, sometimes when i wake up at 0600cet to go to work, there's still guys playing on it. Regularly when i come back from work, the game has already started on it. We had to make a new rule so we could kick for members when the server is full and members cant get on.

I noticed the new EU and US server sub forums in bf2s servers so i guess a decision has been make to not get rid of the us server and to try and set up a community for it? Can anyone tell us more about this?

Last edited by General-Echo (18 years, 7 months ago)

I Have talk to some of the Mods/Admins and they want to keep it but get more players into it.
spreader of the herpies
+33|6843|Down under, melbourne

chuyskywalker wrote: … imezone=-7

That's a little chart of how ... erm ... "popular" the bf2s U.S. server has been over the last year. Pretty abysmal, honestly.

Meanwhile, the EU server has been doing really, really well. So well, I had to go make a sub-forum just for them to banter on with each other.

So, the decision is that I'm either going to trim the fat and get rid of it, or get a team of people like B.Schuss and his squadron of goons to run it.

What do you think?

(In other news, thank duk0r for giving you all RSS feeds of just about everything on the forums )
turn it in to an aussie server, i am sure it would be a big hit!!!
+383|7032|The Netherlands
The Australian BF2S Ranked Server will be ready in about 5 weeks. Here's the topic about it.

BF2S AU ranked server?

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