Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6745|Lexington, Kentucky

=ST6=SewerMaster wrote:

TV station plaza on warlord claymores on 1st and 2nd floor landings supply box on roof. one noob 12 consecutive kills.
Yeah. That's how I got Expert Explosives. Blowing away a noob who kept... walking... in.
Poor blastard also managed to become my top victim that way.

Edit: Of course, claymoring the heck out of a statpadder was fun too. Noob kept climing atop the SAS uncap buildings and ziplining down.

Last edited by Anfidurl (2006-07-21 22:03:32)

Okay seriously, any story about laying a clay and yadda yadda is very likely going to be something other people have experienced once or twice. Or a dozen times.

Here's one that might be pretty rare: I was killed by a claymore while parachuting past the flag room on Sharqi. Ticked me off no end at the time.
On Sharqi I use the to protect the TV station Put one downstairs at the doorway in from behind the building and one inside flag area..  Makes for a bloody mess and a lot of whining by people.  The way I see it its a weapon in the game if you don't like them don't use them or go looking into their eyes..  They are great for protecting stuff like your own ass, assets, flags, etc..
+3|6786|Central Coast, NSW Australia
On wake I was sniping, and zoomed out to reload, when suddenly an enemy sniper jumped in front of me and chucked a claymore down. Somehow I shot and killed him instantly, but I couldnt move or otherwise the claymore would blow. Then an enemy medic ran to revive the sniper, without killing me, and the idiot activated his friends claymore and we both blew up.
I couldnt stop laughing. I bet that sniper was pissed.
=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6654|Houston, TX

=ST6=SewerMaster wrote:

TV station plaza on warlord claymores on 1st and 2nd floor landings supply box on roof. one noob 12 consecutive kills.
Got my expert explosives this way too.  Some noob kept running in.  I'm not normally a whore with my claymores..but this guy just wouldn't stop.  I didn't even change the location of the claymore after he set it off....same spot and he comes plowing into it.  After about 6 times of this...he changed to assault and tried to grapple up to the flag on TV Station....and BAM.  He tried this a few more times before he finally gave up.  Whoever you are...thanks for my expert explosives!
+14|6721|Pwning u n00bs
I see one, try to avoid it, step back and it blows up in my face when im no where near the f**ker!!!
One of my most memorable claymore incidents went like this:

On Mashtuur, the USMC held the Mosque, and I spawned as Sniper at Hotel, then trekked across the riverbed to slip around the side.  On my journey, I realise that there's a US sniper on top of the house overlooking the bridge, so I decide to see if I can take him out, but no dice on getting a shot at him. 

So, nip around the back of the house and through the gap in the fence.  I go up the stairs really carefully, 'cause I figrue he's got to have it mined, and sure enough, just inside the door there's a claymore.  BUT.  He's positioned it really badly, it's kinda pointing the wrong way.  I decide to take the risk, and make a diagonal jump through the doorway, and the mine ignores me. 

So, I sneak up the rest of the way and get in behind the guy on the roof.  He's nicely tucked away, and merrily sniping my teammates over at Hotel.  So I pull out a claymore and put it right behind him, then I run off (parachuting off the roof, don't want to risk that mine-jump again).  I realise of course that I should have just shot/stabbed him, but this seemed funnier.  A few minutes later, I realise that that mine never went off.

I figured that he was just totally camping up there, and hadn't moved even the inch or so it takes to trigger the mine.  So, I typed into the chat something like  "Hey [insert snipers name here], don't move, I got you right in my sights!".  Sure enough, the next thing that appeared was me picking up a claymore kill. 

The guy went nuts, too.  Kept insisting that there was no way I could have gotten a claymore behind him without hacking, 'cause he'd mined the entrance. 

So remember kids, if you're going to play with explosives, make sure you don't do it wrong, or some bastard's going to sneak up behind you and blow your arsehole out through your ears.
2142th Whore
i laid 2 claymores on a ground

boom boom

i got 2 kills

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