Hey i'm Israeli and this is what i think of this all conflict.
First i'm sick of everyone saying Israel is overracting and Israel is just as bad as the Hezballoh well i'll start of by saying this.
Collective pusnishment not very nice and no one likes it being done to him or doing but in this case it's the only way. (can u think of any other way if yes post i would love to hear it)
I know it cruel that we are bombing civillians and civillians building and i do feel very sorry for those people losing their faimly (i know whats it's like i lost my sister about 2 years ago) but what else are we (israel) supose to do i mean the Hezballoh are hiding in the civillians and it's not like we aren't trying to bomb Hezballoh staff, just 2 days ago we bombed 3 Hezballoh taining camps and that bunker thing we bombed. We do hope that maybe this will teach Hezballoh and furture civillians thinking of joining Hezballoh that if they bomb us soon or later we will have enough and it wont end up pretty i sure do hope they've learnt and that we want see another conflict for at least 10 years.
O and btw i swear if someone says that bombing their airfield was pointless i will go nutes because it wasent pointless it was stop Syria and Iran from suppling Hezballoh (and same thing with the roads and bridges)

ozzi92 wrote:

Hey i'm Israeli and this is what i think of this all conflict.
First i'm sick of everyone saying Israel is overracting and Israel is just as bad as the Hezballoh well i'll start of by saying this.
Collective pusnishment not very nice and no one likes it being done to him or doing but in this case it's the only way. (can u think of any other way if yes post i would love to hear it)
I know it cruel that we are bombing civillians and civillians building and i do feel very sorry for those people losing their faimly (i know whats it's like i lost my sister about 2 years ago) but what else are we (israel) supose to do i mean the Hezballoh are hiding in the civillians and it's not like we aren't trying to bomb Hezballoh staff, just 2 days ago we bombed 3 Hezballoh taining camps and that bunker thing we bombed. We do hope that maybe this will teach Hezballoh and furture civillians thinking of joining Hezballoh that if they bomb us soon or later we will have enough and it wont end up pretty i sure do hope they've learnt and that we want see another conflict for at least 10 years.
O and btw i swear if someone says that bombing their airfield was pointless i will go nutes because it wasent pointless it was stop Syria and Iran from suppling Hezballoh (and same thing with the roads and bridges)
Israel are in a tough spot, that is true. I don't believe their current tactics are going to be very effective against Hezbollah or in general. The Lebanese are not going to be alienated against Hezbollah by the actions of Israel, in fact the opposite may be true. When innocent people find themselves being collectively punished for crimes they themselves did not commit they generally view the entity that is collectively punishing them as the primary evildoer. While many are annoyed with Hezbollah for dragging Lebanon into this situation anger towards Israel seems to have overtaken the disgruntlement with Hezbollah. Unfortunately for Israel it means that Lebanese civilians will be further alienated against Israel and Hezbollah may be bolstered. The actions of Israel have brought the entire nation of Lebanon to a standstill with a bombardment many times more ferocious than anything Hezbollah could possibly muster. I think it would have been far more wise to engage Hezbollah directly in ground combat, both from an effectiveness point of view and from a PR point of view. I think anger blinded Israel to reason, which also accounts for the speed of their response without even issuing an ultimatum.

PS I think that attacking Syria might have been a better option, given that that is where the command and supply comes from.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-07-21 03:21:20)

+15|6907|Apeldoorn, Holland
I think it's a big problem in Israel and it wil never be solved. I do hope it, but there a too many people/countries who hate the existence of Israel. How would you if you're poor guy from the south of Palestina or any other country and suddenly you see a big city risen up from the desert. All this with money from the western countries. I think to ship all jews to Australia or Canada and your problem is solved. But that's too eay and the choice was the promised land for changing all that it's too late. So now, how to solve this problem; start talking, exchange those prisoners, inform the civilians of Lebonan. If not, they'll create a lot more Hezbollah-soldiers or future Bin-ladens. This is just a sober view from a Dutchman who has never had expirienced violence, but only has seen on tv. So there's no anger from my point of view, but there's too much anger in Israel i think. You can't eliminate the thoughts of the people, but you can prevent them for taking actions with weapons. So shortcut all lines for weapons. But the hate will stay and i think that's the major problem.
Bombing the crap out of Lebanese civlians just won't have a lasting effect, sure it'll fuck Hezbollah in the short term, but will also serve to motivate Lebanese people against Israel in the future; it'll make stuff worse in the long term.  A lot of people believe that if Israel isn't careful then this mess will be the start of WW3; thats something NOBODY wants.  I sure as hell don't want to be conscripted and sent halfway across the world to fight somebody elses war in what will likely be one big radioactive dusbowl!  Fuck that for a joke!
you know a lot of people say the bombing civillians isn't going to work but only make them join Hezballoh but i think that's wrong because if they dont learn the lesson after this and do join Hezballoh and piss off really bad like they just did we will level their country and i think now that they've seen what pissed of Israelis can do they will learn to leave us alone and not join/supporot Hezballoh. About attacking Syria that would of been very stupid and then the world will go to Israel saying wtf are u doing but we did blow up the roads and Airports so not a lot of supply can get to Hezballoh (btw we have destroyed 50% of their rockets so this wont last long). About going in with ground units is just a no, no because last time we were in their people called it the Vietnam for Israel and we just dont want to lose so many soilders again, we rather them then us (then again which human been doesn't). But i sure as hell hope there wont be a WW3 and i really doubt i mean look no one is supporting Lebanon just giving a few weapons to Hezballoh and i think Iran is to scared because the seconed they join the war America will just go in and do what it does best and that's get the oil and wont stop at nothing. And if one rocket from Iran will fire into Israel we will just nuke them and i bet the world wont mind

ozzi92 wrote:

you know a lot of people say the bombing civillians isn't going to work but only make them join Hezballoh but i think that's wrong because if they dont learn the lesson after this and do join Hezballoh and piss off really bad like they just did we will level their country and i think now that they've seen what pissed of Israelis can do they will learn to leave us alone and not join/supporot Hezballoh. About attacking Syria that would of been very stupid and then the world will go to Israel saying wtf are u doing but we did blow up the roads and Airports so not a lot of supply can get to Hezballoh (btw we have destroyed 50% of their rockets so this wont last long). About going in with ground units is just a no, no because last time we were in their people called it the Vietnam for Israel and we just dont want to lose so many soilders again, we rather them then us (then again which human been doesn't). But i sure as hell hope there wont be a WW3 and i really doubt i mean look no one is supporting Lebanon just giving a few weapons to Hezballoh and i think Iran is to scared because the seconed they join the war America will just go in and do what it does best and that's get the oil and wont stop at nothing. And if one rocket from Iran will fire into Israel we will just nuke them and i bet the world wont mind
War is tough - the death of soldiers on both sides of a conflict are inevitable in ground combat. It is a necessary sacrifice in my opinion if Israel wishes to restore any kind of respectable reputation in the western world. With respect to your comments about the bombing of Lebanese civilians making them reluctant to join Hezbollah: the British Army killed 13 innocent Irish civilians on Bloody Sunday, 13th January 1972, in Derry City. The effect of this was to create a massive influx of Irishmen and women into the IRA, so that they might defend their communities against any further acts of oppression. The same thing I fear is happening in Lebanon as we speak.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6802|Texas - Bigger than France

CameronPoe wrote:

War is tough - the death of soldiers on both sides of a conflict are inevitable in ground combat. It is a necessary sacrifice in my opinion if Israel wishes to restore any kind of respectable reputation in the western world. With respect to your comments about the bombing of Lebanese civilians making them reluctant to join Hezbollah: the British Army killed 13 innocent Irish civilians on Bloody Sunday, 13th January 1972, in Derry City. The effect of this was to create a massive influx of Irishmen and women into the IRA, so that they might defend their communities against any further acts of oppression. The same thing I fear is happening in Lebanon as we speak.
Oh noes - the IRA is forming in Lebanon!


Pug wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

War is tough - the death of soldiers on both sides of a conflict are inevitable in ground combat. It is a necessary sacrifice in my opinion if Israel wishes to restore any kind of respectable reputation in the western world. With respect to your comments about the bombing of Lebanese civilians making them reluctant to join Hezbollah: the British Army killed 13 innocent Irish civilians on Bloody Sunday, 13th January 1972, in Derry City. The effect of this was to create a massive influx of Irishmen and women into the IRA, so that they might defend their communities against any further acts of oppression. The same thing I fear is happening in Lebanon as we speak.
Oh noes - the IRA is forming in Lebanon!

lmao, they were just offered cheap beer... =P

Actually, you are correct Poe (I know..  scurry). Syria should've been reduced to rubble before Lebanon. Cut the head off the snake. Maybe hit an Iranian reactor while they are at it. They did it to Iraq, and people were pissed for a while, but it went away.

What might happen now is a combined for of Hezbinizzlenezbollah and the Lebanese Army. Israel will still stomp them, but it will be more costly to Israeli and Lebanese life.
yeah btw i forgot to post this (a bit of the subject but meh)
you know Israel was afforod to make it's county in Australia but we said no at first i though idiots like sif you wouldnt australia great country no arabs what can be better but then i thought about and realised how bad it would of been, i've lived in both Israel and Australia and i must tell you i like Israeli life still much better and lets not forget the religous staff we have there. O and imagine if that area was just Arab countries they could of easily become the next super power and this world would of been destroyed by know and America couldn't invade and Arab countries without Israel there, why do u think they give as so much money.
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6789|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

Sandriatinhi wrote:

I think to ship all jews to Australia or Canada
Or Holland
I think you'd find a lot of people would be quite pissed if anyone dropped a nuke on anyone else: fallout.

If Israel had been created in Australia you'd still be reasonably close to a large Muslim population (Indonesia, 200 million), but that said you'd likely not have as many problems as you're having now.  But of course theres none of the "big" religious stuff there...
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6789|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
Not to mention that Australia would be pretty pissed off if the United Nations decided to give the jews a part of our land, just like they did in Palestine. We'd have just gotten over World War 2 and the Japs trying to invade us and then we have our country divided...

Gee, I think i'm starting to realise how the Palestinians feel.
Aspiring Objectivist
Hopefully loss of life can be contained with all the evacuations, we shall see.
I think Israel is screwed. Their military commander (the airforce general) failed with his air superiority and special ops. Now that Israel is invading on land, they are in the same loosing battle as the US in Iraq, except their citizens are just across the border and are rushed into bomb shelters every night. Israel can't pull out until they accomplish something political, which isn't bound to happen.

jonsimon wrote:

I think Israel is screwed. Their military commander (the airforce general) failed with his air superiority and special ops. Now that Israel is invading on land, they are in the same loosing battle as the US in Iraq, except their citizens are just across the border and are rushed into bomb shelters every night. Israel can't pull out until they accomplish something political, which isn't bound to happen.
explain to me what you mean by failing to secure air superiority... i dont see lebonese jets flying anywhere..

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

I think Israel is screwed. Their military commander (the airforce general) failed with his air superiority and special ops. Now that Israel is invading on land, they are in the same loosing battle as the US in Iraq, except their citizens are just across the border and are rushed into bomb shelters every night. Israel can't pull out until they accomplish something political, which isn't bound to happen.
explain to me what you mean by failing to secure air superiority... i dont see lebonese jets flying anywhere..
No, he has air superiority, but it hasn't stopped rockets falling on Haifa. I.E. he hasn't accomplished anything politically with the bombings.
+276|6915|United States of America
The truth of the matter is that the civilians that allow the terrorists safe haven are to blame for the attacks on Israel as much as Hezbollah.  Screw them, they are not innocent and they are not civilians.  Just like the German and Japanesse People/Citizens during WWII, they HAVE the power to end this, not the Israelis.

I SUPPORT BOMBING THE CITIZENS, this is the only way to stop the terrorists.  I do feel sorry for the truely innocent, children and people who are trying to do something against the terrorists.  With that said, any deaths in Lebanon are the result of Hezbollah's actions and the people's inaction against them in Palestine and Lebanon.
+276|6915|United States of America

jonsimon wrote:

I think Israel is screwed. Their military commander (the airforce general) failed with his air superiority and special ops. Now that Israel is invading on land, they are in the same loosing battle as the US in Iraq, except their citizens are just across the border and are rushed into bomb shelters every night. Israel can't pull out until they accomplish something political, which isn't bound to happen.
This may be the dumbest post ever written.

Gee, I hope Israel's army loses as bad as the US army is.  WTF, Sadam's party was out of power the moment US troops stepped foot in Iraq, they have never regained power, and the country has a new government and Iraqi troops hunting down these war criminals. 

Yep, a great big loss for the US.  Would your country like to defeat the US army like Iraqi did......  didn't think so you shit stain.
Ozzi - i dont think you really know why america gives israel so much money...

However i do support israel i believe they have the right to defend themselves against anyone firing rockets everyday for months and months.  I believe the U.N. needs to be for israel and not against it.  I also wish Iran wasn't so retarted, i dont want to see a war with iran or more countries but i sure am getting tired of seeing him on t.v. saying death to israel (or whatever he says)

Major_Spittle wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

I think Israel is screwed. Their military commander (the airforce general) failed with his air superiority and special ops. Now that Israel is invading on land, they are in the same loosing battle as the US in Iraq, except their citizens are just across the border and are rushed into bomb shelters every night. Israel can't pull out until they accomplish something political, which isn't bound to happen.
This may be the dumbest post ever written.

Gee, I hope Israel's army loses as bad as the US army is.  WTF, Sadam's party was out of power the moment US troops stepped foot in Iraq, they have never regained power, and the country has a new government and Iraqi troops hunting down these war criminals. 

Yep, a great big loss for the US.  Would your country like to defeat the US army like Iraqi did......  didn't think so you shit stain.
I'd respond and correct your poor assumptions about me, but you're obviously too stupid to care.

Last edited by jonsimon (2006-07-21 19:26:20)

+5,233|6789|Global Command

ozzi92 wrote:

Hey i'm Israeli and this is what i think of this all conflict.
First i'm sick of everyone saying Israel is overracting and Israel is just as bad as the Hezballoh well i'll start of by saying this.
Collective pusnishment not very nice and no one likes it being done to him or doing but in this case it's the only way. (can u think of any other way if yes post i would love to hear it)
I know it cruel that we are bombing civillians and civillians building and i do feel very sorry for those people losing their faimly (i know whats it's like i lost my sister about 2 years ago) but what else are we (israel) supose to do i mean the Hezballoh are hiding in the civillians and it's not like we aren't trying to bomb Hezballoh staff, just 2 days ago we bombed 3 Hezballoh taining camps and that bunker thing we bombed. We do hope that maybe this will teach Hezballoh and furture civillians thinking of joining Hezballoh that if they bomb us soon or later we will have enough and it wont end up pretty i sure do hope they've learnt and that we want see another conflict for at least 10 years.
O and btw i swear if someone says that bombing their airfield was pointless i will go nutes because it wasent pointless it was stop Syria and Iran from suppling Hezballoh (and same thing with the roads and bridges)
I support the crushing of hezbolla once and for all.
Fuck Iran, Syria and whoever else supports suicide bombings as good politics.
They can do whatever they want but they should know that the West is making ready the dogs of war.
WTF? Do you think we are going to let the brainless mullahs get nukes?
pfft. We will bomb their asses when they appear to be close.
Lets do it now before it's too late.

jonsimon wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

I think Israel is screwed. Their military commander (the airforce general) failed with his air superiority and special ops. Now that Israel is invading on land, they are in the same loosing battle as the US in Iraq, except their citizens are just across the border and are rushed into bomb shelters every night. Israel can't pull out until they accomplish something political, which isn't bound to happen.
This may be the dumbest post ever written.

Gee, I hope Israel's army loses as bad as the US army is.  WTF, Sadam's party was out of power the moment US troops stepped foot in Iraq, they have never regained power, and the country has a new government and Iraqi troops hunting down these war criminals. 

Yep, a great big loss for the US.  Would your country like to defeat the US army like Iraqi did......  didn't think so you shit stain.
I'd respond and correct your poor assumptions about me, but you're obviously to stupid to care.
Your the one whos ignorant, kr@ckers got it going on.

TeamZephyr wrote:

Not to mention that Australia would be pretty pissed off if the United Nations decided to give the jews a part of our land, just like they did in Palestine. We'd have just gotten over World War 2 and the Japs trying to invade us and then we have our country divided...

Gee, I think i'm starting to realise how the Palestinians feel.
Dude first Autsralia offered it seconed it as to be in some shit hole of land that you dont even use and itsn't like you dont have a lot of Jews in Australia now and that you running out of land.

Btw major_spittle i fully agree with ur first paragrpah but aren't u a little cold hearted i mean i'm Israeli and fully supporot Israel but i dont like civillians dying (maybe coz i lost a sis before so i know what's it's like)

And to all you other Pro-israel very nice posts and i'm not sure who said that the UN is against Israel but they're doing that coz of the media but almost every UN memeber is saying "About time hopre Israel crashes them" in their heart. Because i duno of any non Arab countries that like the Arab/terrorists i mean almost every country in this world has had a terrorists attack or almost had, even Australia.

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