In the spirit of Fenris_GreyClaw's post, I pose this question to you: who would win in a fight? Ninjas or Pirates?
Pirates vs Ninjas
Pirates | 42% | 42% - 58 | ||||
Ninjas | 57% | 57% - 77 | ||||
Total: 135 |
Ninjas.Easily.Without a doubt.
Yar, the pirates sail mighty strong ships, what do ye ninjehs command, YAR?
Yar, then you shall suffer the same fate!jord wrote:
Ninjas.Easily.Without a doubt.
Last edited by TheCanadianTerrorist (18 years, 7 months ago)
Ninjas.....wan choppy the pirates
Null vote
oops, i clicked Ninjas, o well
oops, i clicked Ninjas, o well
NINJA'S!!!! Do pirates were 1337 black outfits.
OH MY GOD NINJAS ARE GIRLY-MEN! Stick with ye pirates yar.
Ah you forgot the PirateNinjas
And where are the penguins?
And the penguinninja nad penguinpirates and penginpirateninjas?
And where are the penguins?
And the penguinninja nad penguinpirates and penginpirateninjas?
Ninjas, nuff said.
Ninjehs are Japanese, they have small penis' yar!
Ninja are more cooler than pirates. Pirates cant do a triple backflip, or run up a wall.
No there just some fat people that are to ugly to be seen in public so they float around in a boat.
No there just some fat people that are to ugly to be seen in public so they float around in a boat.
all the pirates i've ever seen always seem to be disheveled and wearing some old dirty-ass poofy shirt.... but if thats your deffinition of 7331, to each his own.
actually pirates were known to ... well ... resort to eachother on their long ... solitary ... voyages. I think that's a bit more girly myself ...TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:
OH MY GOD NINJAS ARE GIRLY-MEN! Stick with ye pirates yar.
yes and they have a strict no women onboard unless is a pirate, and that pirates women wont have sex coz shez too busy counting the moneyz she made from being a prostitutepuckmercury wrote:
actually pirates were known to ... well ... resort to eachother on their long ... solitary ... voyages. I think that's a bit more girly myself ...TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:
OH MY GOD NINJAS ARE GIRLY-MEN! Stick with ye pirates yar.
Im the pirates captain, i say what goes on in our crew, as of now the pirates and ninjas are friends/allies. This will continue untill for some reason i get mad at Cyborg_Ninja
yeah ... pirates suck ... literally ... like I mean, eachother. A lot.
NoSgt.Davi wrote:
Ah you forgot the PirateNinjas
And where are the penguins?
And the penguinninja nad penguinpirates and penginpirateninjas?
Ninjas.Don't Get me wrong I love pirates, but ninjas would totally win.
LO-FRIGGIN-LTheCanadianTerrorist wrote:
Ninjehs are Japanese, they have small penis' yar!
funny dude, that almost deserves a +1
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pirates, will fight dirtier then gay ninjas.