no but prolly twice the president as bush. So anwser me this. how can bush say NO to stem cell research. cuz it takes a life to save a life or what ever. but he allowed 747s to crash into the WTC. Killing 1,000s. BUSH DID THAT. Then he SENT our military to IRAQ for his OIL battle, and has gotten numours of american military members killed. How could Bin Laden be responsible when he was in a hospital under AMERICAN care. (No he wasnt in the states, but he had americans caring for him, and CIA watching over him, WHILE 9/11 was HAPPENING) So lets hear how you can explain this...... Whats the difference of killing a stem cell or 1,000 of americans WHO WERE ALREADY LIVING LIVES??-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:
I dont think Clinton was a very religous president lol.
and for those of you WHO still think Bin Laden caused 9/11. PROVE IT. Look at everytime HE DID try. HE FAILED. So since i see Laden as a failure, just about as much as a failure as Geroge W Bush. How does a terrorist whos failed over an over, pull off something like 9/11 with military PROFESSION. Your really telling me that all the BS about 9/11 that bush or the white house has told you, you believe?