
Should US get involved with Israeli/Lebanon conflict?

Yes19%19% - 20
No80%80% - 84
Total: 104
There's always been conflict in the Middle-East because of religion, oil, weapons and land
Troll has returned.
yes, they should involved against israel
+23|6811|Me Dad's Wilkins

oug wrote:

I hope Iran gets involved. Then the USA will too, they will invade Iran, bring down the current government and with the help of the expert veteran at successfully installing dictatorships Nicolas Negroponte, they will create a new pro US regime.

Same will happen to the minor Syria, Lebanon and the like.

I'm curious to see who it is they will pick on next when all the small easy countries will be out of the picture.

Nope, not Korea!!! They're crazy + they got real nukes (not like saddam's WMDs)
Maybe Trinidad & Tobago will get pissed and demolish the Empire State Building
Maybe Greece, ya silly plate smashin' SOB
+23|6811|Me Dad's Wilkins

Ottomania wrote:

yes, they should involved against israel
Yeah..... UH.... Good Luck with that!
Horseman 77

arson wrote:

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

..israel doesnt need any help yet
they kick ass and can handle this shit with ease
Killing civilians = kicking ass ?
apparently, if you use F16s
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS
To be honest, I have to question either Israel's motives or methods. They say they're destroying Hezbollah, but they (Hezbollah) don't look any worse from it.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Electonic Komando
+1|6812|War Saw Town
America should stay put ,and keep helping Israeli with 80 bln. $ a year.  Bussines is growing. USA is selling more military equipment ,Israeli test it on Palestinians and Libyans. It's great times we live in. Begining a war is way to defend yourself...Israel may need more "living space". Like half century ago some european dictator....
It'd be best to just let all of these countries blast the crap out of each other, then once the ruins of civility have stopped smoldering the US can come in a pick up the pieces, take what we want and rebuild the region to our satisfaction. If anything positive is to be achieved I can only see it coming on the tail end of a flood of bodies coming out of the region.

There's nothing about this that warrants our involvement. If Israel is so bad-assed than it shouldn't be necessary for us to put American lives on the line for an Israeli war. I'm not completely jaded against Israel but this recent spate of violence is simply the lighting of a short fuse for most of the middle eastern countries. I can only imagine that it's simply a matter of time before other Arab nations get involved and this conflict spirals out of control.

It's beyond me how anyone can think that Israel will simply walk over Syria and Iran, especially if other nations who're more removed from the conflict decide Israel has gone too far. Whether nations like Saudi Arabia will ever stand against Israel is a question I certainly can't answer. I doubt that anyone can predict exactly how this will pan out in the near future. Regardless if this conflict spills out into neighboring nations, such as Syria or Iran, there will be many Israeli casualties much less civilian deaths on both sides.

Of course Israel has a military advantage, we did too when we attacked Iraq. However at this point our military technology and capability doesn't do much against the insurgency actions taking place. Consider much of the middle east under threat of an Iraq type atmosphere where enemies and civilian popluations are one in the same.

We might be looking at a coflict that leaves much of the middle east crippled, so be it. Maybe this is what needs to happen for the region to stabilize and move on from the petty differences that have spawned violence and misery for all those involved. Let em fight, maybe they'll find that it's not worth the cost in lives and find a way to put asside thier differences.

+125|6891|Rochester NY USA

Electonic Komando wrote:

America should stay put ,and keep helping Israeli with 80 bln. $ a year.  Bussines is growing. USA is selling more military equipment ,Israeli test it on Palestinians and Libyans. It's great times we live in. Begining a war is way to defend yourself...Israel may need more "living space". Like half century ago some european dictator....
I hope you know that many other countries sell weapons to other countries as well. This has been going on for thousands of years. So it isn't the times we live in.

If Israel wanted more living space. Why would they pull out of areas that they once occupied? All of your comments are just based on pure ignorance or lack of understanding of how the world works.

By all means if I mis-read your post let me know.

  /Sigh how many times do these poor Arabs have to get their asses kicked before they realize fucking with a Western nation = getting the beat down of a lifetime? They should make a commercial about it. I mean comon how many times they going to provoke a war with Israel and get their asses handed to em before they realize that's not such a great strategy. To bad they didn't take the Camp David Accords they could be living in peace and prosperity now instead of getting yet another beatdown from Israel. No need to get into it yet Israeli forces are among the best in the world and these enemies are rock throwing AK firing rocket lighting bomb burying cowards. As long as the Jews don't accidently hit some school or somthing and stop early these terrorists are thru for a few years. Now if Syria or Iran get involved I say hell ya let's get it on. I mean really to me a terrorists is a terrorist might as well take em out now along with Bin laden and Saddam.
+125|6891|Rochester NY USA

negolien wrote:


  /Sigh how many times do these poor Arabs have to get their asses kicked before they realize fucking with a Western nation = getting the beat down of a lifetime? They should make a commercial about it. I mean comon how many times they going to provoke a war with Israel and get their asses handed to em before they realize that's not such a great strategy. To bad they didn't take the Camp David Accords they could be living in peace and prosperity now instead of getting yet another beatdown from Israel. No need to get into it yet Israeli forces are among the best in the world and these enemies are rock throwing AK firing rocket lighting bomb burying cowards. As long as the Jews don't accidently hit some school or somthing and stop early these terrorists are thru for a few years. Now if Syria or Iran get involved I say hell ya let's get it on. I mean really to me a terrorists is a terrorist might as well take em out now along with Bin laden and Saddam.
That stinks of ignorance.

If you are from the US you better be 12. If not just move far away.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

If the US did get involved (which they probably won't) I doubt it would be to help Israel get rid of terrorists.

They are more likely to provide the UN with peacekeeping troops to send, which might help matters.

But I doubt it, the US are skint at the moment due to Bush's stupid increases in spending and tax cuts, with troops in Iraq and Afghanistan they're spending enough on keeping troops in the field as it is - they'll never pay off their debts that way and if the US goes into economic collapse it's not going to help the world economy much.
+23|6811|Me Dad's Wilkins

Electonic Komando wrote:

America should stay put ,and keep helping Israeli with 80 bln. $ a year.  Bussines is growing. USA is selling more military equipment ,Israeli test it on Palestinians and Libyans. It's great times we live in. Begining a war is way to defend yourself...Israel may need more "living space". Like half century ago some european dictator....
Comparing Israel to Hitler?  Liebnestraum?  OMFG, Not funny

Closest thing to Hitler on this planet is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  The president of Iran.
Well it's all over the news now....Isreal and Lebanon are bombing the crap out of each other. Isreal bombs one day and Lebanon strikes back the next day by more bombing. Lots of inncoent lives were lost during these bombings..it's starting to get crazy.
The Lizzard

|AIA| DAS wrote:

Comparing Israel to Hitler?  Liebnestraum?  OMFG, Not funny
I don't think it was supposed to be funny.  I think it was supposed to be accurate.  Which, in some ways, it is.

|AIA| DAS wrote:

Closest thing to Hitler on this planet is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  The president of Iran.
We've had this discussion.  I don't think anyone agreed they were similar.
+23|6811|Me Dad's Wilkins

Bubbalo wrote:

|AIA| DAS wrote:

Comparing Israel to Hitler?  Liebnestraum?  OMFG, Not funny
I don't think it was supposed to be funny.  I think it was supposed to be accurate.  Which, in some ways, it is.

|AIA| DAS wrote:

Closest thing to Hitler on this planet is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  The president of Iran.
We've had this discussion.  I don't think anyone agreed they were similar.
That's the problem you don't think! JK!

Seriously, Both Ahmadinejad, and Hitler think or thought all Jews should die.

Both Ahmadinejad, and Hitler tried or trying to create Nuclear or Atomic Weapons.

Both Ahmadinejad, and Hitler made the trains run on time.

what more coinky dinks do you need?

Last edited by |AIA| DAS (2006-07-21 08:06:16)

The Lizzard
When has Ahmadinejad said he wants all Jews to die?  And I'm just going to ignore those last two............
+23|6811|Me Dad's Wilkins

Bubbalo wrote:

When has Ahmadinejad said he wants all Jews to die?  And I'm just going to ignore those last two............
Iran's president is so focused on his hatred of the Jews that his fervid exclamations have become routine and thus no longer "news."

Ahmadinejad is no fluke, no accident, and definitely not a "nutter." He is a religious fanatic of the sort the left falsely sees on the right all the time, only much, much worse. His particular brand of Islam believes in the return of the hidden "Twelfth Imam," a return that can be accelerated by human-induced chaos.
Iran supports Hezbollah, and here the campaign to eradicate Israel has its front line. While Iran pursues its nuclear ambitions, Hezbollah pursues the death of Jews on a daily basis.

Quoted from here...


Ignore whatever you want...

You can't handle the truth!
+23|6811|Me Dad's Wilkins
Oh BTW Google Ahmadinejad and find his own words, yourself!
Pop To Ster
+45|6845|Edmonds, WA
Getting involved will probably create more Bush haters and...uhhh...marches....rants....and whatnot.
+127|6971|WPB, FL. USA
Random facts and thoughts by Boom:

- We are involved by proxy. 
- We are the deterrent to Syria and Iran getting directly involved.
- The Arab world has spoken loudly about Israel defending itself from an act of war - hear the silence.
- No! It's not about the people of a country - it's about a small group within a country {extremest/terrorist}.
- Yes! The world is fucking sick of social-paths who distort others religious beliefs to live out their fantasies.

This is some very serious shit and I don't think that we, not one single damned one of us, have the knowledge or facts to do anything more than express our opinion {be it we bitch, moan, cry, piss and/or be silent} on what's happening elsewhere.  There are experts around the world that devote their lives to try and keep the peace.  We need to stand firm and support these people, despite some short term losses, because the long term consequences can and will be devastating - deal with it now because you can't wish it away!

A question for all:  What are we to do {for all human beings}? 

IMHO - If we do nothing then we will die by the millions.  If we don't take a united stand, excluding those who have already chose to do nothing because of financial or political interest such as Russia and China, then we send a message that will result in the spread of terror. 

*** Please use your brain in a constructive way rather than as a plug shoved up your ass to stop all of the rest of your opinionated and speculative shit to stop flowing freely 

Oh Yes!  I forgot, please keep reading the NY Times - Since they are so unbiased, have all the answers, are looking-out for EVERYONES best interest, and are known throughout the world as the leader in print!!!!
Hmmm - I think I just read, not in the NY Times thou, that they are laying-off 25% of their staff - "prompted partly by pressure to offset advertising losses among the company's 154 publications", cutting circulation, down sizing the size of their print, , etc. - maybe not - I must be wrong since I didn't read it in the NY Times.

Horseman 77
Its funny but in Zarqowis* last letter ( were he stated " Help we are losing and can't recuit new fighters " Etc. )
One thing he was asking for was for Bin Laden to try and open a new front in a different country.
I geuss the letter was real. opps !

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
We already are involved.  Not militarily tho.  But say hello to even more terrorists when we do.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York
No. As much as I support Israel, they don't need help. They've got enough technology from the 1) US and 2) that they've created themselves.

They're finally getting back after YEARS of terrorism on their country.

And to anyone who says they're "terrorists themselves", they told the lebanese people to get out, and they gave them plenty of fair warning. It's not like their doing it on purpose. Besides, the US has killed THOUSANDS of Iraqis in OUR war. Are you gonna say we're terrorists too? Oh wait, how about the WW2 US bombers? Since they killed citizens not on purpose, they're automatically terrorists. Yes. Totally.

Last edited by Poseidon (2006-07-21 19:29:27)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia

Ottomania wrote:

yes, they should involved against israel
Not going to happen.

Bush said that the only way there will be peace in the Middle East is if Hezbolla (sp?) is destroyed.


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