The Forum Alien
+89|6960|The planet Tophet
oh one question how do we lvl up?

*TS*tphai wrote:

oh one question how do we lvl up?
now that is the tricky part, it will be decided by the brass or me, i will post how when i wake up, 3 am here
+5,233|6683|Global Command

*TS*tphai wrote:

oh one question how do we lvl up?
You can start by paying a tribute of one karma point per brass per day.
+2,382|6832|The North, beyond the wall.

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

*TS*tphai wrote:

oh one question how do we lvl up?
You can start by paying a tribute of one karma point per brass per day.
Don't turn this into cult.
+3,135|6892|The Hague, Netherlands

The Forum Alien
+89|6960|The planet Tophet

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

The Ninja Training Video:

http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid= … mp;q=Funny
lol thats great
The Forum Alien
+89|6960|The planet Tophet
ok i found a ninja for hire hes great check it out
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … mp;q=ninja

hes amazing
Like I fucking care
Can i be a ninja?  can i can i can i?


fuckin noobs with moobs
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6681|Portland, OR USA

*TS*tphai wrote:

HI all  cyborg already told you im a new member in the ninja family
i can be your link to airplanes and helos because i know a lot about aircraft civilian or millitary....
as cyborg has said "thank you for ur knowledge about airplanes, you can be our aviation expert "
so dont pick a fight with me about aircraft lol
I'll keep that in mind.  I'm an aerospace engineer.  ;-)

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

*TS*tphai wrote:

oh one question how do we lvl up?
now that is the tricky part, it will be decided by the brass or me, i will post how when i wake up, 3 am here
Huh ... could lead to Ninja stat padding.  Careful, less they try to nerf the ninja ...

Last edited by puckmercury (2006-07-20 15:08:18)


Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Kimmies back online.
Everybody be quiet.
Cool... people try to avoid me now lol

Hmmm. Handheld ninja. Does that mean I'm like some sorta uber midget? Interesting.
Arrr, this a fine crew ye got thar, ninjes! But yer no match for the wrath of the Caribbean Pirates, YAR!!

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

Arrr, this a fine crew ye got thar, ninjes! But yer no match for the wrath of the Caribbean Pirates, YAR!!
Umm...No. You see. Pirates have rusty cutlasses, the occasional blunderbust, and daggers. Ninjas get throwing stars / throwing daggers. The stars are also on fire. So is the katana....

PspRpg-7 wrote:

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

Arrr, this a fine crew ye got thar, ninjes! But yer no match for the wrath of the Caribbean Pirates, YAR!!
Umm...No. You see. Pirates have rusty cutlasses, the occasional blunderbust, and daggers. Ninjas get throwing stars / throwing daggers. The stars are also on fire. So is the katana....
Not to mention stealth and the ability to blend into the shadows silently......like an old school Sam Fisher....
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"

haffeysucks wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

Arrr, this a fine crew ye got thar, ninjes! But yer no match for the wrath of the Caribbean Pirates, YAR!!
Umm...No. You see. Pirates have rusty cutlasses, the occasional blunderbust, and daggers. Ninjas get throwing stars / throwing daggers. The stars are also on fire. So is the katana....
Not to mention stealth and the ability to blend into the shadows silently......like an old school Sam Fisher....
Pirates can fly noobs.
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6885|Uhh... erm...
Cannons pwn puny shuriken.

What shadows are there on a pirate vessel under the blazing sun?

We could bomb your ninja schools with mortars before you've even assembled a boarding crew.

All of my crew are equipped with laser rifles I stole from Homeschtar and melee weapons of their choice. My first mate wields a broadsword.

Katanas are highly overrated. You only get one quick swing. Scythes are better.

Ninja women aren't much fun to flirt with. Code of discipline and all that.

^^^That's why pirates pwn ninjas.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6948|Idaho, USA / Age 30
PFCStenzel , would love to be worthy to be BF2s Ninja.....
+271|6910|United States of America
Now to watch Kung Pow! Training like that should be easy. Pfff, I'll be the ubertastic thingy before I know how to throw stars.
+5,233|6683|Global Command

PFCStenzel wrote:

PFCStenzel , would love to be worthy to be BF2s Ninja.....
You are granted level 2 status.
Wtf Padders!! Padders!!!
+18|6775|Boston, Massachusetts
ok ok 1st of all pirates own all except threads that are closed by kim
2nd bad sniper no level twelve crap we have to seperate ourselves from the ninjas in some way
3rd of all pirates win cause we have ships,cannons,guns,rum,women,beards,parrots(penguins too apparently??)
4th whats with all the rascism at pirates here.
5th My pirate ace board which is in roghu alpha alpha stages
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6681|Portland, OR USA

PspRpg-7 wrote:

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

Arrr, this a fine crew ye got thar, ninjes! But yer no match for the wrath of the Caribbean Pirates, YAR!!
Umm...No. You see. Pirates have rusty cutlasses, the occasional blunderbust, and daggers. Ninjas get throwing stars / throwing daggers. The stars are also on fire. So is the katana....
well, as the Flaming Ninja all my arsenal burns with a fierce firey flame.  I'll just blow you the hell up with your rum.

Tetrino wrote:

We could bomb your ninja schools with mortars before you've even assembled a boarding crew.
Again, as the Flaming Ninja I am fully trained in the use ... and misuse of the flame.  In fact, I was paid to purchase, wire, and ignite over 300 mortars a little over 2 weeks ago ...

Last edited by puckmercury (2006-07-20 20:16:18)

Check your AA alarm...
+82|6948|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Wow how did i pass up level 1 status?
+5,233|6683|Global Command
Based primarily on your karma score.
The Forum Alien
+89|6960|The planet Tophet

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Based primarily on your karma score.
oh  : (
What's so special about titles anyway?
+40|6901|Minnesota, USA
Ninjas are sweet..... but so are pirates......
It's the one, the only, The Dreaded Pirate Ninja!!!!

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