Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA
Donate Yourself!!! Hahahahahahahaha!!
-=NHB=- Bananahands

Major_Spittle wrote:

What's the big deal???  All he did was not throw away tax money on medical research.  The private sector can do all the stem cell research it wants.  Donate your own damn money to a stem cell research group if you feel they are "THAT CLOSE" to a break through.  You would have to be the village idiot to get that worked up about the federal government NOT spending money.  You know other countries do research on this shit too, not like ONLY U.S. companies with ONLY U.S. grant money does this research and now science will be at a stand still.

The Person who started this thread should donate himself to stem cell research for buying into this whole NON-ISSUE created by a bunch of cry asses that are pissed that their guy didn't get elected and are inventing issues that stupid people will latch on too without an inkling of knowledge about WTF is going on.  Everyone raise their hand if you ever thought Bush banned stem cell research or wants to ban it......  If your hand is up you were lied too by the democrats and believed it, again.
Great post.
+304|6865|New York City baby.

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

What's the big deal???  All he did was not throw away tax money on medical research.  The private sector can do all the stem cell research it wants.  Donate your own damn money to a stem cell research group if you feel they are "THAT CLOSE" to a break through.  You would have to be the village idiot to get that worked up about the federal government NOT spending money.  You know other countries do research on this shit too, not like ONLY U.S. companies with ONLY U.S. grant money does this research and now science will be at a stand still.

The Person who started this thread should donate himself to stem cell research for buying into this whole NON-ISSUE created by a bunch of cry asses that are pissed that their guy didn't get elected and are inventing issues that stupid people will latch on too without an inkling of knowledge about WTF is going on.  Everyone raise their hand if you ever thought Bush banned stem cell research or wants to ban it......  If your hand is up you were lied too by the democrats and believed it, again.
Great post.
Yeah it's great considering america's debt is @ its highest at the moment. LOL
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA
damn, thought lindsey was small enough
-=NHB=- Bananahands

alpinestar wrote:

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

What's the big deal???  All he did was not throw away tax money on medical research.  The private sector can do all the stem cell research it wants.  Donate your own damn money to a stem cell research group if you feel they are "THAT CLOSE" to a break through.  You would have to be the village idiot to get that worked up about the federal government NOT spending money.  You know other countries do research on this shit too, not like ONLY U.S. companies with ONLY U.S. grant money does this research and now science will be at a stand still.

The Person who started this thread should donate himself to stem cell research for buying into this whole NON-ISSUE created by a bunch of cry asses that are pissed that their guy didn't get elected and are inventing issues that stupid people will latch on too without an inkling of knowledge about WTF is going on.  Everyone raise their hand if you ever thought Bush banned stem cell research or wants to ban it......  If your hand is up you were lied too by the democrats and believed it, again.
Great post.
Yeah it's great considering america's debt is @ its highest at the moment. LOL
Don't even get me started on the debt. Clinton rode the wave of Reganomics and during his administration started the recession which became worse with the events of 9/11. Bush has taken great strides to cut it and we are way ahead of schedule.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7075|Orlando, FL - Age 43

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

well we humans really need abortion IMO... our planet has already too many ppl... but stem cell research may save lives, fuck the embryos, how many of you actually remember ur birth let alone when u were a fetus...
That' not the point, I don't remember being 2 years old either. Are you advocating that life begins when you begin to remember it?

Another point of twisted logic is that you claim that there are to many people already, yet you want research that could possibly result in these 'too many' people living longer and potentially producing even more lives. I fail to see how that line of reasoning makes any sense. What we have here is a clear bigotry against the unborn over the living.

As a side note, I fail to see how we as a society can get all worked up over Hitler and his atrocities and yet extinguish 46,000,000 lives of unborn children a year, every year. That figure makes him look like a piker.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA
I think he missed the whole point being that we didn't add to it by wasting money for this bill
+4|6921|Victoria, Australia

Darth_Fleder wrote:

How typical, when a liberal doesn't get their way their gut response is to wish death and disease upon the opposition. This only serves to highlight the selective concern for human life that is at the center of this debate.
Deeming me a 'liberal' because I have a problem with this veto and the (well-meaning) asshole responsible is jumping the gun a little, wouldn't you say?

I shudder to think you might be serious in categorising people as either "liberals" or "conservatives" and thus prone to any particular kind of thought. Anyone with a mind of their own recognises those generalisations as stupid; akin to thinking you know anything about a person's thoughts simply because you know their gender or the colour of their skin. I have right-wing leanings on some subjects, left on others, so spare me the tiresome labels. There are more than enough people on both sides of politics to engage in that sort of crap without having to read it in here, too.

For the record, what I wrote about 'poetic justice' was in jest. I'd hardly be siding with those keen on breakthroughs in medical research if I didn't care about human life. What I was alluding to was the fact that people often fail to appreciate something like this until they're personally affected.

In an admittedly off-colour way, I was asking:

Do you think if George Bush was in a wheelchair and informed that federal funding for stem cell research might help him walk again he still would have proceeded with the veto?
Bush isnt banning Stem Cell research, he just isnt giving any taxpayer money to fund it. Embryonic stem cell research is (as of this time) not working, if it was you would have every pill maker and big money medical corporation pouring money into it. They dont see the benefits of it so they dont fund it. WHY should we? Stem cell from the umbilical cord and from adult stomach fat is far more promising and the government is funding that as well as the medical corporations and pill makers.
Flexible Stem Cells
The following summaries document the ability of adult stem cells to develop into cells outside of their original cell family.1

Baby Teeth
• Baby teeth are a rich source of stem cells. Stem cells from dental pulp can differentiate into neural, fat, and tooth-forming cells.2

• Adult stem cells taken from the blood can differentiate into liver and nerve cells.3

• White blood cells taken from patients can produce other types of stem cells; newly formed cells included red and white blood cells, nerve cells and heart muscle.4

Bone Marrow
• Bone marrow stem cells can make significant amounts of new lung tissue.5

• Bone marrow stem cells can change into epithelial cells when transplanted into the lung.6

• Bone marrow stem cells can be put into various tissues and organs. This research could provide a model for future lung stem cell work.7

• Bone marrow stem cells from men were implanted into women. They found that the women had brain cells with the Y chromosome. This shows that bone marrow stem cells can turn into brain cells.8

• A specific type of cells (multipotent adult progenitor cells – MAPCs) has been found in bone marrow. These can specialize into cells from all three germ layers. This study found that these cells can be isolated not only from bone marrow but also from brain and muscle tissue.9

• Stem cells from bone marrow have the capacity to develop into all cell types in the human body including those that make up the glands, digestive tract, hair, skin, nails, brain, nervous system, and muscle. 10

• Bone marrow stem cells can turn into nerve cells; contrary to previous belief, these bone marrow stem cells did not merely fuse with nerve cells, they changed into nerve cells without any cell fusion.11

• Pluripotent (able to change into all cell types) bone marrow stem cells can change into insulin-secreting cells.12

• Researchers in Miami once again found that bone marrow stem cells can change into all cells of the body.13

• A single bone marrow stem cell can turn into marrow, blood, liver, lung, gastrointestinal tract, skin, heart, and skeletal muscle.14

• Cells taken from the bone marrow are able to generate new egg production in the ovaries. This finding has significant implications for the long-held belief that females are born with a limited number of eggs that declines throughout life15

Cord Blood
• Cord blood cells, a type of adult (also known as non-embryonic) stem cells that come from the umbilical cords of newborns, contain mesenchymal stem cells. These mesenchymal stem cells can change into skeletal muscle cells.16

• A special type of umbilical cord blood stem cells (called unrestricted somatic stem cells – USSCs) can change into all cells from all three germ layers. This means they can specialize into all of the cells in the body including brain, bone, cartilage, liver, heart, and blood cells.17

• A recently discovered type of cord blood stem cells, cord-blood-derived embryonic-like stem cells or CBEs, have the capability of turning into any kind of body tissue 18

• Stem cells found in the outer lining of the umbilical cord have been successfully differentiated into specific cells such as skin, bone and fat.19

• Stem cells from the inner ear were able to change into the three major cell types of the body (all three germ layers).20

• Liver stem cells can specialize into pancreatic cells. This demonstrates that stem cells from one part of the body (liver) can change into cells from a completely different part of the body (pancreas).21

• A specific type of adult stem cells, human mesenchymal stem cells, have the ability to self-renew on a long-term basis. They also have the flexibility to specialize into cells from all three germ layers.22

• Muscle stem cells have the capacity to change into blood stem cells.23

• Nasal stem cells can develop into heart, liver, kidney, muscle, brain, and nerve cells.24

Neural Crest
• A specific type of early embryonic stem cells (epidermal neural crest cells – eNCSC) are found in adult hair follicles and show a high degree of flexibility.25

• Neural stem cells can change into a broad array of cells within and without the central nervous system. Two types of cells that can be formed from neural stem cells are skeletal muscle and blood cells.26

• Neural stem cells were isolated from the cerebellum region of the brain and showed the ability to renew and differentiate into several types of neural cells in the brain 27

• Pancreatic stem cells can specialize into muscle cells, neurons, and insulin-producing cells.28

• A type of stem cells found in the placenta (amniotic epithelial cells) has the potential to change into all three germ layers.29

• Stem cells in the uterus can be grown into bone, muscle, fat, and cartilage.30

• Cells from human scalp tissue are able to change into a wide variety of cells – including cells in different cell families like neural, bone, and cartilage cells.31

Sorry its long.
Lets see what these different stem cells can help cure.

Flexible Stem Cells for Treating Diseases
The recognition that adult stem cells possess the flexibility to change into all types of body cells has led to a variety of models to treat disease – treatments that are currently unattainable with embryonic stem cells.

Adult Stem Cell Treatments

Not only can adult stem cells change and specialize into all cell types, they also out-perform embryonic stem cells when it comes to treating disease. Research with adult stem cells is steadily producing positive results that demonstrate the ability to treat disease. The proven track record of adult stem cells provides a striking contrast to their embryonic counterparts which have never treated a single patient. For examples of adult stem cell treatments currently being used in human patients, see Adult Stem Cells: It's Not Pie-In-the-Sky
Bone Marrow Stem Cells to treat:

• Bone marrow stem cells transplanted into the pancreas can morph into insulin-producing beta islet cells. Insulin levels increased. This discovery may help treat people with Type 1 Diabetes by eliminating the need for daily injections of insulin.32

• The discovery that bone marrow stem cells can change into insulin secreting cells is an important step toward curing diabetes.33

Heart Damage
• Bone marrow stem cells can help repair damaged heart muscle by helping the heart develop new, functional tissue.34

• Bone marrow stem cells placed in damaged hearts (after a heart attack) improved the hearts' pumping ability by 80%.35

• Bone marrow stem cells can help regenerate damaged heart tissue.36

• Stem cells from bone marrow restored heart function and repaired damaged heart muscle by 50-75%.37

• Bone marrow stem cells were used to treat heart disease with no abnormal cell growth.38

• The process of human clinical trials is underway for patients with heart disease to be injected with bone marrow-derived stem cells during heart bypass surgery.39

Liver Damage
• Stress on the body can trigger adult stem cells to change into specialized cells that migrate to the damaged area and help repair the injury. For example, a damaged liver can send signals to bone marrow stem cells which respond by creating liver cells for the damaged liver.40

Strokes and other neurodegenerative diseases
• MAPCs can change into neuron-like cells in mice that have experienced strokes.41

Brain Stem Cells to treat:

Degenerative Conditions
• Functioning neurons produced from adult brain stem cells provide potential to treat patients with Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, and Huntington's disease.42

Cord Blood Stem Cells to treat:

Cerebral Palsy
• Injections of cold blood stem cells into 9-year-old twins with cerebral palsy increased their ability to speak, decreased their leg cramps and allowed them to sit up unassisted.43

Hepatitis and Heart Damage
• Patients suffering from hepatitis and heart injury can be treated with umbilical cord blood stem cell transplants.44

Hurler's Syndrome
• A young boy with Hurler's Syndrome was successfully treated with cord blood cells (as well as enzyme-replacement therapy).45

Liver Regeneration
• Cord blood stem cells have the capability to treat liver diseases.46

• Umbilical cord blood stem cells from humans can change into liver cells in rats with damaged livers. 47

• Human cord blood stem cells can improve liver renewal by transforming into liver cells that can aid in regeneration.48

Fat Stem Cells to treat:

Heart Damage
• Stem cells from fat, called adipose-dreived stem cells, were able to repair and minimize heart damage.49

Intestinal Stem Cells to treat:

• Adult stem cells from the intestine were converted into insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreases of diabetic mice.50

Mesenchymal Stem Cells to treat:

Acute Renal Failure
• Mesenchymal stem cells (a specific type of adult stem cells) injected into kidneys demonstrated an almost immediate improvement in kidney function and cell renewal.51

Cornea damage
• Human mesenchymal stem cells were used to reconstruct damaged corneas.52

Lung Injuries
• Stem cells derived from bone marrow were found to be important for lung repair and protection against lung injury.53

Neurodegenerative Diseases
• Stem cells derived from bone marrow developed into neural cells that hold promise to treat patients with Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and spinal cord injuries 54

Mouth Stem Cells to treat:

• 8 out of 9 patients that had mouth stem cells placed in their eyes (cornea) recovered their sight.55

Muscle Stem Cells to treat:

Heart Disease
• Muscle stem cells from thigh muscles were used to successfully treat four men with end-stage heart failure.56

• Human muscle stem cells have been used to cure urinary incontinence in animal models; human trials are now in progress.57

Neural Stem Cells to treat:

Multiple Sclerosis
• Adult neural stem cells were unexpectedly found to treat an MS-like disease by suppressing the immune attacks that damage the brain and spinal cord tissues.58

Spleen Stem Cells to treat:

• The spleen is a substantial source of stem cells and stem cell extracted from the spleen can change into insulin-producing pancreatic islet cells. This could yield a cure for Type 1 Diabetes.59

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

There is a huge difference between overthrowing a dictator that had killed hundreds of thousands of his own people and creating babies just to harvest stem cells. Its not natural. Let me say again. I am all for stem cell research but not by creating life just to end it. There are alternative methods so use them.
Thus we are left with the unanswered question:  When does life begin?  If you can answer that then you have a basis for your argument.  If you can't, you don't.
When the process begins. Do I need to give you the birds and the bees talk?
So you're saying life begins when?  You see the answer has eluded the science community thus far, you feel you have the answer.   At the splitting of the egg,  at the first heartbeat, at the first sign of consciousness, first preconceived movement, at what point do you determine it is officially life.  Enlighten me and the rest of the world.  This has been debated for many years, without a solution.  This topic will only intensify the argument.

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

What's the big deal???  All he did was not throw away tax money on medical research.  The private sector can do all the stem cell research it wants.  Donate your own damn money to a stem cell research group if you feel they are "THAT CLOSE" to a break through.  You would have to be the village idiot to get that worked up about the federal government NOT spending money.  You know other countries do research on this shit too, not like ONLY U.S. companies with ONLY U.S. grant money does this research and now science will be at a stand still.

The Person who started this thread should donate himself to stem cell research for buying into this whole NON-ISSUE created by a bunch of cry asses that are pissed that their guy didn't get elected and are inventing issues that stupid people will latch on too without an inkling of knowledge about WTF is going on.  Everyone raise their hand if you ever thought Bush banned stem cell research or wants to ban it......  If your hand is up you were lied too by the democrats and believed it, again.
Great post.
That's not quite the whole story.  He is limiting the kind of research the private sector can do by limiting the stem cell lines they are allowed to use. 

And nobody has answered the question as to why it's ok to throw embryos out with the trash but not use them for research.
When they have used embryonic stem cells in lab rats they have found that the rats contracted cancer.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA

GATOR591957 wrote:

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

Thus we are left with the unanswered question:  When does life begin?  If you can answer that then you have a basis for your argument.  If you can't, you don't.
When the process begins. Do I need to give you the birds and the bees talk?
So you're saying life begins when?  You see the answer has eluded the science community thus far, you feel you have the answer.   At the splitting of the egg,  at the first heartbeat, at the first sign of consciousness, first preconceived movement, at what point do you determine it is officially life.  Enlighten me and the rest of the world.  This has been debated for many years, without a solution.  This topic will only intensify the argument.
again i say- if you're going to make a mistake, be mistaken in favor of the possibility of life
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA

Chuckles wrote:

And nobody has answered the question as to why it's ok to throw embryos out with the trash but not use them for research.
when they are "thrown out" at the fertility clinics it is usually because they did not get fertilized, why would they introduce infertile eggs into the uterus?
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7034|Toronto Canada
i hope that bush gets a disease that would be easily dealt with with stem cells.

he might change his mind then.

what a dumbass
What is ticking these people off is that they wanted this influx of cash to start the process of human cloning. Harvesting the clones for the rich.....not like that shitty movie "the island" but close enough. And that far more evil.
+125|6847|Rochester NY USA

Stealth42o wrote:

He's a fucking idiot.  I hope he goes away soon.  I don't want to wait till we have to vote a new fucking idiot in.
Thanks for adding something intelligent to the discussion.

kessel! wrote:

i hope that bush gets a disease that would be easily dealt with with stem cells.

he might change his mind then.

what a dumbass
You make it sound like it would be an overnight cure thing. Wrong, this will take decades to sort it all out and besides Bush is not a dumbass he is erring on the side of LIFE. Which is what we all must strive for.


Major_Spittle wrote:

What's the big deal???  All he did was not throw away tax money on medical research.  The private sector can do all the stem cell research it wants.  Donate your own damn money to a stem cell research group if you feel they are "THAT CLOSE" to a break through.  You would have to be the village idiot to get that worked up about the federal government NOT spending money.  You know other countries do research on this shit too, not like ONLY U.S. companies with ONLY U.S. grant money does this research and now science will be at a stand still.

The Person who started this thread should donate himself to stem cell research for buying into this whole NON-ISSUE created by a bunch of cry asses that are pissed that their guy didn't get elected and are inventing issues that stupid people will latch on too without an inkling of knowledge about WTF is going on.  Everyone raise their hand if you ever thought Bush banned stem cell research or wants to ban it......  If your hand is up you were lied too by the democrats and believed it, again.
First of all the amount of government money that would have gone into stem cell research pales in comparison to the amount of money that is curently being alocated by this "conservative" government.  It would be a drop in the bucket.

And by "issues that stupid people will latch on too without an inkling of knowledge about WTF is going on" do you mean issues like flag buring?  Or English as the national language?
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6943|Canada Eh?

Darth_Fleder wrote:

Pinto wrote:

By your logic, how do you eat?  Plants and animals are alive and grown for our consumption.
So now we are equating unborn human life down to the level of food?
I have to agree with pinto, he wasn't comparing an unborn human to food, he was just specifying that we bassically grow animals  and kill them so we can eat, In that cow's mind he's much more important than that of a child, yet in our minds the cow is food and nothing else, How does that justify killing the cow?

I ain't a fucking vegan, I love steak, ribs and chicken with a passion, I'm just attempting to make a point.

topthrill05 wrote:

Stealth42o wrote:

He's a fucking idiot.  I hope he goes away soon.  I don't want to wait till we have to vote a new fucking idiot in.
Thanks for adding something intelligent to the discussion.
Agreed. Maybe we should wait till Hillary is in, huh? No F@#king way, that crazy Bit$h would have the flood gates open to abortion clinics where its abortion on demand. Screw that. Why did Bush use his veto and his only veto in his presidency? To save lives, embryos and taxpayers money from fruitless searches.

kr@cker wrote:

Chuckles wrote:

And nobody has answered the question as to why it's ok to throw embryos out with the trash but not use them for research.
when they are "thrown out" at the fertility clinics it is usually because they did not get fertilized, why would they introduce infertile eggs into the uterus?
They pick the best candidates for normal development.  Among the, say a dozen, embryos produced they may only implant three.

So it's cool to toss the rest, but whatever you do, don't study them to help preserve someone's life with Lou Gehrig's disease.  Their life is less important than that of an embryo that wasn't deemed to have enough potential to be implanted.

Last edited by Chuckles (18 years, 6 months ago)


captain_itchy_pants wrote:

Agreed. Maybe we should wait till Hillary is in, huh? No F@#king way, that crazy Bit$h would have the flood gates open to abortion clinics where its abortion on demand. Screw that. Why did Bush use his veto and his only veto in his presidency? To save lives, embryos and taxpayers money from fruitless searches.
Hillary Clinton is on record as saying that abortion should be safe, legal, and RARE.  She wants to implement programs to stop unwanted pregnancies before they start, such as making birth control more widely available.  Nobody with a brain wants to see abortions increase.  Lots of people believe it should be an option though.  I personally agree that it would be better to have fewer unwanted pregnancies to begin with.
Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6849|Nottingham, UK

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

Foxhoundmgw wrote:

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

You have no morals or any ability to use spell check. That "thing" would become a child. It could be a the next Mozart or just an ordinary person. Who are we to decide that we can end that life before it even begins? Thats playing God and I dont have faith in humans to be able to make that judgement.
As you are happy to fling personal insults around, you are a complete clownshoe for a couple of reasons.

1. Who are we to decide that we can end that life before it even begins?
When will Bush veto War then? War ends life before it has a chance to start.

2. You have no morals or any ability to use spell check.
What does someones spelling or grammar have to do with the topic at hand? Nothing, you are a twat.

In the future, don't belittle someones views because their 'Engrish' isn't as good as yours.
There is a huge difference between overthrowing a dictator that had killed hundreds of thousands of his own people and creating babies just to harvest stem cells. Its not natural. Let me say again. I am all for stem cell research but not by creating life just to end it. There are alternative methods so use them.
I see you avoid my second point, is that admission of guilt? Or had you noticed that you yourself made a few typos in your post pointing out someone elses failings?

And as to your 'comeback' we are advanced enough and have skilled people who can go in, take someone out, and leave, without carpet bombing an entire nation just to get at one person who it took another war to actually take down.

I repeat.... You are a clownshoe.

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