+151|6693|Forest Lake, Australia
I'll do the next person that posts...
Eh...just try to keep in mind that my name is truthful, Battelfield 2 is my first PC first person shooter.  First real PC game at all, really.

PCShooterNoob wrote:

Eh...just try to keep in mind that my name is truthful, Battelfield 2 is my first PC first person shooter.  First real PC game at all, really.
Nice SPM, K/D, and a positive WLR (not that this matters at all). Your inf stats are okay but your an armor whore. Try and get that vet transport and for gods sakes get your vet command, engy, medic, and support already at your rank you should already have them.
+519|6779|Gold coast, Aus.

N)!(NDarkDragon wrote:

PCShooterNoob wrote:

Eh...just try to keep in mind that my name is truthful, Battelfield 2 is my first PC first person shooter.  First real PC game at all, really.
Nice SPM, K/D, and a positive WLR (not that this matters at all). Your inf stats are okay but your an armor whore. Try and get that vet transport and for gods sakes get your vet command, engy, medic, and support already at your rank you should already have them.
KD:R could improve, SPM is average. But as a medic, you should be out there dying to ressurect your fallen teammates
Nade Spammers Must Die
Average stats but i've played with you and your quite good.
BUt to rate your stats poor KDR, SPM, and Inf KDR. But like i said not an accurate portrayal of you.

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

Average stats but i've played with you and your quite good.
BUt to rate your stats poor KDR, SPM, and Inf KDR. But like i said not an accurate portrayal of you.
You whore everything.

lol had to

ok what is there to say? U mastered this game.
conversation is combat

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

Average stats but i've played with you and your quite good.
BUt to rate your stats poor KDR, SPM, and Inf KDR. But like i said not an accurate portrayal of you.
You whore everything.

lol had to

ok what is there to say? U mastered this game.
You're a shock paddle magnet

Other than that though mate, extremely fucking impressive. I hope that my account looks like yours one day.

Mind you, start wearing your sniper and assault kits when in the chopper to get your time up. They should be gold by now.

These are my stats to rate:http://www.bf2player.com/index.php?page=stats&account=74116563
Mr. Bigglesworth
To soon to tell about yours XstrangerdangerX. Your off to a good start though. Nice KDR on Infantry and vehicles. Nice accuracy. You should be looking good after 300 hours of play.
Now my turn:
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6782|Birmingham, UK

Good SPM and K/D.
Maybe a bit too dependant on vehicles...
Nice balance of badges, medals and ribbons.
Bit too much of Karkand (I can relate... - but I like the other maps, I know my way around them but can't find good servers...)!
Overall, pretty good!
Jealous of your SPM.

A Karkand non-tank whore which is nice to see.

Good assortment of medals, play Wake a bit and you should get the People's Medallion
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6782|Birmingham, UK

dontfeedthenerd wrote:

Jealous of your SPM.

A Karkand non-tank whore which is nice to see.

Good assortment of medals, play Wake a bit and you should get the People's Medallion
Ta. I like the bit about 'non-whore'! And the medals...


Pretty good SPM and K/D.
Holy crap - get some teamwork in!
I'd work on infantry weapons other than the snipe rrifle and the knife, if I were you - XD !
Just keep practising with the pistol and you'll have a great back-up weapon.
Nice to see a good percentage-time on Mashtuur.
Nice balance of vehicle and infantry kills.
The death streak - ouch!
Have you ever explored the possibility of not being sniper - !
Overall a bit bland, but I suppose you could say play to your strengths!
Missing, Presumed Dead

@ Darkraven

Nice SPM and K/D ratios. W/L is also a good one, but not that thats relevant anymore
Kit times arent exactly balanced and got a lot of time on karkand there. Maybe try the other maps some more? Then the AT and engineer come into use
Also, I note you done seem to like the booster packs!

Keep it up
+783|7001|Reykjavík, Iceland.
@ Snake

- Accuracy better than mine
- Good WLR
- Good SPM
- Might want to balance a few kits
- Big time EF player
- Other maps not balanced at all
- Lacking a few awards, and has a purple heart

Overall 6/10


Shotguns as fav weapon. Don't see much of that.
Balanced between vehicles and infantry. I like that.
No EF or AF, kinda like me.
70 days till First Lt.
Maps not that balanced, but better than most.
No bans. Good job.
Nice KDR, kill streak, and SPM.

Nice stats.

you need more practice.. change your strats you die to much lol..

bobroonie.bda wrote:


you need more practice.. change your strats you die to much lol..
Fav kit is anti-tank, it's not like I've perfected some evasion method that keeps tanks, APCs, and attack helicopters from killing me. (check my AT/AA KDR)

Anyway, about your stats:

Nice KDR and SPM.
Nice accuracy for a non-sniper. I think even a medium-skilled sniper would be proud to have that acc.
Big list of victims.
All unlocks.
Sucks that you didn't get the general ranks. :/
Infantry mostly. Cool.
Fairly balanced team choices.
Fairly balanced map choices.
History shows mostly upward trends.
Will fly for food.
+120|6667|Daytona Beach, FL
Nice stats.. same rank as me, higher score, along with more silver medals than me.

Last edited by USAFDude_1988 (2006-07-18 15:07:48)

hum...i am happy with my stats...i won too rounds and i kill too!

but...say me what do you think about me ^^

High rank, high SPM, high KDR, low lone-wolf time, very nice victims list, nice kill streak, but other than that fairly..."stereotypical" stats (assault rifles, armor, medic, Karkand...don't get me wrong that's not neccisarily bad)
+33|6884|wales. uk
keep up the good work.
psss...now i hate the medic....i called the fvking nurse...
now i prefer my RPK-74....and now i am as all the kits....for the experts badges...it is too difficult to made 70 hours as sniper with 4 spm...

thanx for the rate ^^
Hogwarts: Great K/D ratio, excellent armor ratio, and win/loss ratio is sexcellent.  If not for over half your play time being at Sharqi and Karkland I'd give you 10/10... Instead you get 9.5 out of 10. 
+917|6776|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Crawdaddy79 wrote:

Hogwarts: Great K/D ratio, excellent armor ratio, and win/loss ratio is sexcellent.  If not for over half your play time being at Sharqi and Karkland I'd give you 10/10... Instead you get 9.5 out of 10. 
love ur accuracy.

nice kit selection

almost a tank whore.

Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Fantasma Parastasie
kmal, bring your average weapon K : D up to 1:1 dude, shouldn't be too hard.
arrivederci frog
sarge u pwn. That is all

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