+30|6627|Good ol' Canada
Are you sick of Team killers, crappy commanders, medics who do not revive you, etc? If not, you just might be a smacktard! The following is a list of "THE SMACKTARDS CODE OF CONDUCT"!

To be a GREAT smacktard you must abide be the following rules:

1. You will use vehicles as much as possible to kill your opponent.
2. If you decide to fly, you must be of the sniper class and hold your m95 as tight as possible to shoot those pesky teammates out of the cockpit.
3. You will kill a minimum of 3 teammates per round.
4. If commander, you will at all times make sure to artillery YOUR team!
5. The following is a minimum requirement to be a smacktard; TEAM KILLS- 1441, DAMAGE- 696, & VEHICLE DAMAGE- 389.
6. If on foot, you will always attempt to get run over by a fellow teammate.
7. If you happen to see one of your noble teammate ground pounders off to battle such as "tvmissleman", you will always put a minimum of 3 pistol shots into his body prior to him arriving to the battle zone.
8. You will wound a minimum of 15 teammates per round.
9. You must run over at least 4 teammates per round.
10. If commander, you will drop at least 4 cars on teammates waiting for planes or choppers.
11. You will never give an UAV overflight when requested; instead put it somewhere opposite of map, preferably away from battle.
12. If you are playing Wake and a little board, hang around airfield and AT rocket the newly spawned plane, or better yet, wait for a teammate to get in and then AT rocket newly spawned plane.
13. When playing US, always make sure to spawn on Essex and make a beeline for the Essex gun at start of round. Always shoot your teammates planes and choppers with Essex gun, it has incredible killing power.
14. If you are unlucky and not on a map with Essex, take a newly spawned APC and "never, I mean Never pick up other players".
15. If friendly fire is on for mines and claymores, please at all costs mine and claymore your spawn bases!
16. IF you spawn and cannot kill that pesky teammate in the plane or chopper, please make sure that they run you over at a bare minimum.
17. An excellent way to upset your team is to always have a car ready at your disposal. When you happen to notice a patiently waiting teammate finally secure a plane or chopper, it is now your job to get in the car and ram them as quickly as possible. Sadly this may not get you a team-kill, but it will definitely get them one so kudos to you for a job well done.
18. If you are a squad leader, always invite many players to your team, and then go as sniper and park your ass as far away from the battle as possible.
19. When playing US, and on maps such as Wake ( this map is a smacktards best friend ), if you get the chance, always try to pilot the black hawk, wait for a full load and head off into the middle of the ocean. Never go into battle with a black hawk as it is "nerfed". Hover nicely over the sea, and stay there for rest of map.
20. Finally, just be the best possible smacktard that you can be! There are many more ways to upset other players, just be creative.

If you wish to be a part of the Smacktard team just follow the above code of conduct and you will be very successful in your endeavors.

Yours truly,

+917|6661|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

smacktardthefirst wrote:

1. You will use vehicles as much as possible to kill your opponent.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
lol funny shizz..
If I could minus karma, I would.
*5. The following is a minimum requirement to be a smacktard; TEAM KILLS- 1441, DAMAGE- 696, & VEHICLE DAMAGE- 389.

actually 1090 / 580 / 368 ...sry

i admit i tk a lot : stupid team enjoying the sun on the carrier an not figthing
                         when i see 5-10 people waiting the same plane(cant do nothing else than throwing a nade in the middle of the noodles pack)
                         when iget tk for a plane(i kill tk'er till i get banned)

               ...on i dont talk about all forced tk when i take off with a plane and many other .
that's hilarious, if I had enough posts to +1 you I would
Lawl @ OP!!, +1
Don't make me toothpick you.
+31|6748|The beautiful hills of Sharqi
I Miss Him!
+30|6627|Good ol' Canada
Hey Bio, hows it going, long time no talk?!
Don't make me toothpick you.
+31|6748|The beautiful hills of Sharqi
I know!

i miss yoU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+30|6627|Good ol' Canada
I miss you too..................................................... lmao

smacktardthefirst wrote:

Are you sick of Team killers, crappy commanders, medics who do not revive you, etc? If not, you just might be a smacktard! The following is a list of "THE SMACKTARDS CODE OF CONDUCT"!

To be a GREAT smacktard you must abide be the following rules:

1. You will use vehicles as much as possible to kill your opponent.
2. If you decide to fly, you must be of the sniper class and hold your m95 as tight as possible to shoot those pesky teammates out of the cockpit.
3. You will kill a minimum of 3 teammates per round.
4. If commander, you will at all times make sure to artillery YOUR team!
5. The following is a minimum requirement to be a smacktard; TEAM KILLS- 1441, DAMAGE- 696, & VEHICLE DAMAGE- 389.
6. If on foot, you will always attempt to get run over by a fellow teammate.
7. If you happen to see one of your noble teammate ground pounders off to battle such as "tvmissleman", you will always put a minimum of 3 pistol shots into his body prior to him arriving to the battle zone.
8. You will wound a minimum of 15 teammates per round.
9. You must run over at least 4 teammates per round.
10. If commander, you will drop at least 4 cars on teammates waiting for planes or choppers.
11. You will never give an UAV overflight when requested; instead put it somewhere opposite of map, preferably away from battle.
12. If you are playing Wake and a little board, hang around airfield and AT rocket the newly spawned plane, or better yet, wait for a teammate to get in and then AT rocket newly spawned plane.
13. When playing US, always make sure to spawn on Essex and make a beeline for the Essex gun at start of round. Always shoot your teammates planes and choppers with Essex gun, it has incredible killing power.
14. If you are unlucky and not on a map with Essex, take a newly spawned APC and "never, I mean Never pick up other players".
15. If friendly fire is on for mines and claymores, please at all costs mine and claymore your spawn bases!
16. IF you spawn and cannot kill that pesky teammate in the plane or chopper, please make sure that they run you over at a bare minimum.
17. An excellent way to upset your team is to always have a car ready at your disposal. When you happen to notice a patiently waiting teammate finally secure a plane or chopper, it is now your job to get in the car and ram them as quickly as possible. Sadly this may not get you a team-kill, but it will definitely get them one so kudos to you for a job well done.
18. If you are a squad leader, always invite many players to your team, and then go as sniper and park your ass as far away from the battle as possible.
19. When playing US, and on maps such as Wake ( this map is a smacktards best friend ), if you get the chance, always try to pilot the black hawk, wait for a full load and head off into the middle of the ocean. Never go into battle with a black hawk as it is "nerfed". Hover nicely over the sea, and stay there for rest of map.
20. Finally, just be the best possible smacktard that you can be! There are many more ways to upset other players, just be creative.

If you wish to be a part of the Smacktard team just follow the above code of conduct and you will be very successful in your endeavors.

Yours truly,

Anyone who uses the phrase "smacktard" should have his head repeatedly thrust into a box of shattered glass. It's a nonsensical, made-up insult that is neither descriptive nor insulting.

21. Must spend at least 50% of any given Wake Island 2007 round camping, teamkilling, and TK-forcing for a vehicle.
+30|6627|Good ol' Canada
Excellent addition k30dxedle! Now you are getting the hang of it!
"15. If friendly fire is on for mines and claymores, please at all costs mine and claymore your spawn bases!"

Is this even possible with 1.3????
+30|6627|Good ol' Canada
Sadly I was hoping for more feedback on this......
+167|6662|Manitowoc, WI

The Rules wrote:

Post "stacking" or "bumping" is generally discouraged. If no one cared the first time, they probably won't care the second and third times.
Trust me, no one really cares anymore.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

smacktardthefirst wrote:

Sadly I was hoping for more feedback on this......
Im not cleaning Aisle 2
+27|6523|F-Dub, FL./ Destin, FL.

BolvisOculus wrote:

The Rules wrote:

Post "stacking" or "bumping" is generally discouraged. If no one cared the first time, they probably won't care the second and third times.
Trust me, no one really cares anymore.
I care, for funny stuff like this!!!
pwner stoner
+12|6689|dont worry about it

smacktardthefirst wrote:

Are you sick of Team killers, crappy commanders, medics who do not revive you, etc? If not, you just might be a smacktard! The following is a list of "THE SMACKTARDS CODE OF CONDUCT"!

To be a GREAT smacktard you must abide be the following rules:

1. You will use vehicles as much as possible to kill your opponent.
2. If you decide to fly, you must be of the sniper class and hold your m95 as tight as possible to shoot those pesky teammates out of the cockpit.
3. You will kill a minimum of 3 teammates per round.
4. If commander, you will at all times make sure to artillery YOUR team!
5. The following is a minimum requirement to be a smacktard; TEAM KILLS- 1441, DAMAGE- 696, & VEHICLE DAMAGE- 389.
6. If on foot, you will always attempt to get run over by a fellow teammate.
7. If you happen to see one of your noble teammate ground pounders off to battle such as "tvmissleman", you will always put a minimum of 3 pistol shots into his body prior to him arriving to the battle zone.
8. You will wound a minimum of 15 teammates per round.
9. You must run over at least 4 teammates per round.
10. If commander, you will drop at least 4 cars on teammates waiting for planes or choppers.
11. You will never give an UAV overflight when requested; instead put it somewhere opposite of map, preferably away from battle.
12. If you are playing Wake and a little board, hang around airfield and AT rocket the newly spawned plane, or better yet, wait for a teammate to get in and then AT rocket newly spawned plane.
13. When playing US, always make sure to spawn on Essex and make a beeline for the Essex gun at start of round. Always shoot your teammates planes and choppers with Essex gun, it has incredible killing power.
14. If you are unlucky and not on a map with Essex, take a newly spawned APC and "never, I mean Never pick up other players".
15. If friendly fire is on for mines and claymores, please at all costs mine and claymore your spawn bases!
16. IF you spawn and cannot kill that pesky teammate in the plane or chopper, please make sure that they run you over at a bare minimum.
17. An excellent way to upset your team is to always have a car ready at your disposal. When you happen to notice a patiently waiting teammate finally secure a plane or chopper, it is now your job to get in the car and ram them as quickly as possible. Sadly this may not get you a team-kill, but it will definitely get them one so kudos to you for a job well done.
18. If you are a squad leader, always invite many players to your team, and then go as sniper and park your ass as far away from the battle as possible.
19. When playing US, and on maps such as Wake ( this map is a smacktards best friend ), if you get the chance, always try to pilot the black hawk, wait for a full load and head off into the middle of the ocean. Never go into battle with a black hawk as it is "nerfed". Hover nicely over the sea, and stay there for rest of map.
20. Finally, just be the best possible smacktard that you can be! There are many more ways to upset other players, just be creative.

If you wish to be a part of the Smacktard team just follow the above code of conduct and you will be very successful in your endeavors.

Yours truly,

these are my guidlines that i follow on a daily basis. look at my stats i dont give a fuck

i like ruining the game for noobs.  i have fun in gettting nooobs  all red faced and hit their wife.

Last edited by johnsmokinblunts (2006-09-02 20:51:46)

+20|6543|Canberra, Australia
*sigh* smacktards never learn
+167|6662|Manitowoc, WI

RicoAtPublix wrote:

BolvisOculus wrote:

The Rules wrote:

Post "stacking" or "bumping" is generally discouraged. If no one cared the first time, they probably won't care the second and third times.
Trust me, no one really cares anymore.
I care, for funny stuff like this!!!
Maybe, but i think it's just stupid bumping up your own thread, what 14 days later.  Yes i know, don't post.  Well I did so bite me.
pwner stoner
+12|6689|dont worry about it

Arkhon wrote:

*sigh* smacktards never learn
seems like the smacktards are the better players at the game and the noobs call them smack tards cuz they dont get their way.  if im going for a chopper and i have a higher rank and u prolly never flew, hell ya im gonna snuff your ass, that kind of conduct is detrimental to the team.  i also give up vehicle if i know the guy is better i give him the tank/chop/plane for it will help my team.
+167|6662|Manitowoc, WI

johnsmokinblunts wrote:

Arkhon wrote:

*sigh* smacktards never learn
seems like the smacktards are the better players at the game and the noobs call them smack tards cuz they dont get their way.  if im going for a chopper and i have a higher rank and u prolly never flew, hell ya im gonna snuff your ass, that kind of conduct is detrimental to the team.  i also give up vehicle if i know the guy is better i give him the tank/chop/plane for it will help my team.
Ok, your a captain.  Are you saying that anyone with a lower rank than you probably doesn't know how to fly, so you are going to teamkill them?  I'm all for practicing in a local server, but you have no idea how bad a person is until you see them fly.  Give some one a chance before you teamkill them fucktard.

Teamkilling every time for a vehicle can be detrimental also.

Last edited by BolvisOculus (2006-09-02 22:21:28)

pwner stoner
+12|6689|dont worry about it

BolvisOculus wrote:

johnsmokinblunts wrote:

Arkhon wrote:

*sigh* smacktards never learn
seems like the smacktards are the better players at the game and the noobs call them smack tards cuz they dont get their way.  if im going for a chopper and i have a higher rank and u prolly never flew, hell ya im gonna snuff your ass, that kind of conduct is detrimental to the team.  i also give up vehicle if i know the guy is better i give him the tank/chop/plane for it will help my team.
Ok, your a captain.  Are you saying that anyone with a lower rank than you probably doesn't know how to fly, so you are going to teamkill them?  I'm all for practicing in a local server, but you have no idea how bad a person is until you see them fly.  Give some one a chance before you teamkill them fucktard.

Teamkilling every time for a vehicle can be detrimental also.
so if im on wake island wher i have to wait 5 min for a chopper this means i let the noob take a ride, he will prollly make it to the atry island b4 he dies.  boom another 5 min for chopper.  but if i get in the chopper with my  friend and we have communication in teamspeak  and can depend on eachother.  we can rack up atleast 30 kills before we die.

but yes there are also very good pilots and gunners who have low ranks.  thats y ea should come out with a system(ya right) similar to single player where you can take the pilot seat. but it would judged by time/kills in a chopper/tank/jet or what ever so say -rd-volx goes for a jet well some no rank can take it from him if he has mor time in a jet.

but that will never happen so if your in my server u aint flying. unless i know for a fact your better.


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