Cursed You

Reject_Wolf wrote:

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

I'd like to see you guys get in front of millions of people and see if you don't stumble on your words.
We aren't saying we are better than him, just we can find someone who is, regardless of political stance.
Yes, but there just isnt any great possible presidents out there.  Wait until 08
An Enlarged Liver
+35|6787|Backward Ass Kansas

Cursed You wrote:

dankassasin42o wrote:

president bush is a fucking fag.

an lol at the title bush at his best.   he dont have a best, hes a fucking retard.    Id  rather have a president that gets head from inturns and lies about it, then a president who would blow up the WTC  and kill thousands of americans SO he could goto war for OIL

So tell me what you would have done as a president.  There's a lot of facts supporting arabs blowing up the WTC, and theres a lot of facts that might show government involvement.  But, what would you have done if you were president and the nation was under attack?

Tell me how you can be a better president than him.

Can't resist easy one's.  I'll focus on one thing and the consequences of Failing to accomplish it.
  Bush had the right idea on the going after the Taleban after 9/11 but what he failed to do and what I, stressing I, would have done differently, to quote our Commander in Chief, would have been to "FINISH THE JOB". I witnessed a news program this evening which stated the the US is going to 'take back' some southern towns in Afghanistan that were recently lost to the Taleban.  70,000 Taleban fighter have some how emerged from their trenches and are now, with the convenient distraction of Iraq, re-establishing power all over Afghanistan.  Huh? 
  One effect of the invasion of Iraq was to give the Taleban time to regroup, rearm, and reassert control over the citizens of Afg. So now we are fighting two wars.  Both are going very shabby.  When you throw in Israel and the Palestinian thing that just flared up, you start to see that perhaps our military should not be spread so thinly. 
  Bush jumped the gun, at best, when invading Iraq, and, at worst, he has pointed our view straight down the barrel of World War III.
Horseman 77
Seems like a basic case of having the balls to tell it as it is. 1. A.

Its just my guess but do you have Access to the Satellite photos and Intel that they do in Washington?
    kinda doubt it, Am I right ?

You make reference to Wake Island, Did the average Arm chair Commando, Wanna be potus, Foaming at the Mouth about FDR know we were reading the Japanese Military codes before the Japanese commanders were getting them?

Have some sense of history for a reference Or get out their and show us how its done, but hurry and do it while you still know everything.

PS they never really sent that Message from Wake, it was propaganda.

Don't you feel like railing about it? You were lied to in an effort to win a War tsk tsk !

He's an ass, but right on this subject.
+1,175|6606|British Columbia, Canada
And this is the reason i'm proud to be Canadian.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6708|NT, like Mick Dundee

Cursed You wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Why is it that just about every other world leader can do it then? Public speaking is a part of his job, he should prepare himself better for it.
Yeah, thats not exactly a brilliant argument. For one, none of us are politicians, whose job is pretty much talking to the public, and second, most other leaders manage quite well.
Maybe because everyone in the world is waiting for Bush to slip up and miss a letter in one of his words?  Maybe THAT is why the other world leaders seem a little bit more "brighter" than Bush, because theyre not under as much pressure as Bush is.

Honestly, I did debate for 2 years, and even speaking in front of 1 or 2 people at a time is kind of hard.  Of course if any of you guys did debate you would know what Im talking about when it comes to round points.  And thats not a "Im snootier than you" statement, its just a simple "well there ya go".

I hate how everyone rags on Bush because he's fudges up his sentences sometimes.  Hi, Im president Bush, I cant speak properly sometimes but Ive made something out of my life by becoming the president of an entire country.

Voter apathy was like what 75%?  But as soon as he gets into office 90% of that 75% is outraged.  Like royally pissed.  Why does everyone hate Bush?  Because he's effin Bush.  I'll be completely honest and say that I have no clue what half of his policies do/say.  But I dont care.  Im not gonna hate him because he makes bad decisions.  Even because he misses a word and forgets what he's saying.  Uh oh! Lets forget our own personal problems and point out someone elses.  You've done it to, and if you havent, youre a liar.


EDIT:  For some spelling and grammar.
The problem isn't public speaking or the occasional bad decisions he makes. Well, the bad decisions are a problem because...

a) He is the President of your country...
b) The decisions he makes affect US ALL... Just about everybody on earth can/will be affected by his decisions... This is why we care about him messing up, some of us also have relatives in the US of A.

In response to voter apathy, make voting in elections for office of government a legal responsibility and everybody has to vote. No more apathy.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+125|6621|Rochester NY USA

elite wrote:

what a prick
Nice, very intelligent.
+304|6639|New York City baby.

TeamZephyr wrote:

Wasder wrote:

Rofl video. I still can't believe he got re-elected.
It's called electoral fraud mate
Yup, too bad americans are too blind to believe it.... seems like they are too busy with getting up to senior at their UNION jobs lol.
Cursed You

An Enlarged Liver wrote:

Cursed You wrote:

dankassasin42o wrote:

president bush is a fucking fag.

an lol at the title bush at his best.   he dont have a best, hes a fucking retard.    Id  rather have a president that gets head from inturns and lies about it, then a president who would blow up the WTC  and kill thousands of americans SO he could goto war for OIL

So tell me what you would have done as a president.  There's a lot of facts supporting arabs blowing up the WTC, and theres a lot of facts that might show government involvement.  But, what would you have done if you were president and the nation was under attack?

Tell me how you can be a better president than him.

Can't resist easy one's.  I'll focus on one thing and the consequences of Failing to accomplish it.
  Bush had the right idea on the going after the Taleban after 9/11 but what he failed to do and what I, stressing I, would have done differently, to quote our Commander in Chief, would have been to "FINISH THE JOB". I witnessed a news program this evening which stated the the US is going to 'take back' some southern towns in Afghanistan that were recently lost to the Taleban.  70,000 Taleban fighter have some how emerged from their trenches and are now, with the convenient distraction of Iraq, re-establishing power all over Afghanistan.  Huh? 
  One effect of the invasion of Iraq was to give the Taleban time to regroup, rearm, and reassert control over the citizens of Afg. So now we are fighting two wars.  Both are going very shabby.  When you throw in Israel and the Palestinian thing that just flared up, you start to see that perhaps our military should not be spread so thinly. 
  Bush jumped the gun, at best, when invading Iraq, and, at worst, he has pointed our view straight down the barrel of World War III.
Theres a case like that in debate, its called military overstretch.  Its pretty much saying that spreading out our army is bad for some reason I really dont know I hated to run it because it was such a crap case.  Now Im not saying stretching out our troops is a stupid argument, its just a fun fact that what youre talking about is a legit argument. 

I agree with you that we should have stuck to Afghanistan.  Finish off our mission there rather than jumping so fast into Iraq.  You cant hit a boxer once in a fight and then go to the next match.  You didnt win, get back in the ring right?  I have a weird mixed feeling about Iraq.  I supported us going in there and liberating it.  I just dont think we should stand on the street and be cannon fodder.  But I really dont know what our troops do over there, as well as in Afghanistan.  Would the same thing happen?  Did we have a better foothold in Afghanistan?  Its a lot of hypothetical questions that no one could answer, but a follow through punch to Afghanistan would have been a little bit more reasonable.  Bush made a bad decision in stretching our military out and letting a power retake their country.  I dont think, at least I hope he wont, stretch our military into Israel.

Quite frankly I think the barrel of World War III can be obtained by messing with North Korea.  Thats just my opinion though.  +1 for putting up a legit argument

Flecco wrote:

The problem isn't public speaking or the occasional bad decisions he makes. Well, the bad decisions are a problem because...

a) He is the President of your country...
b) The decisions he makes affect US ALL... Just about everybody on earth can/will be affected by his decisions... This is why we care about him messing up, some of us also have relatives in the US of A.

In response to voter apathy, make voting in elections for office of government a legal responsibility and everybody has to vote. No more apathy.
Although his decisions affect us all, there is in no way that 1 decision can satisfy everyone in the country itself.  Purely an example, he could make a policy to help group 1, which outrages group 2.  He then revises it to help group 2, but then group 3 feels unjust favoritism.  Further revision to satisfy group 2 and group 3 eventually leads to the disatisification of group 1, the group he originally set out to please.

However I cannot justify my statement with a warrent to my claim, but it is a very plausible scenario.

+127|6701|WPB, FL. USA
Lot's of ignorance being shown here {if you are offended then you didn't look the word up}.
The poor guy is wired 24/7,  lives under a microscope,  and is not afraid to stand firm with conviction.
I rather have a leader with nads who is willing to laugh at himself as well as have others laugh with him.

The only ones laughing at him are the ones that are still whining because their horse lost the race.
Oh, please! "electoral fraud" give us a fucking break.  Get over it and the excuses.  This is the guy we brought to the dance, whether you personally like it or not, and if everyone would just show some courtesy, respect, and restraint we will all come out of this just fine - then go vote and shut the fuck up. 

Also, you might just want to stop and think for a moment because if you Bush bashing, undisciplined, ignorant, second guessers get your man/woman in the White House he/she might get it back a lot worse than you are dishing it out now - you may just get what you are asking for - just keep escalating it, right!

No ones perfect and if I recall Clinton's outtakes were just as funny.  Not everyone is going to agree on one person or on any one thing.  SO PLEASE PULL YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR COLLECTIVE ASSES, SUCK IN SOME OXYGEN, AND TRY TO BE FUCKING CIVIL - OKAY 

+4|6739|monastery of funk
im new to all this but was he laughing at himself or with others while he sent his troops over to iraq to kill some "terrorists" with invisible WMD's as well as taking a whole stack of oil while he was over there?

Last edited by kiries (2006-07-19 02:36:54)

+4|6739|monastery of funk
hehe i found another one bush and blair singing dont know if this has been played before
Will fly for food.
+120|6552|Daytona Beach, FL

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

Lot's of ignorance being shown here {if you are offended then you didn't look the word up}.
The poor guy is wired 24/7,  lives under a microscope,  and is not afraid to stand firm with conviction.
I rather have a leader with nads who is willing to laugh at himself as well as have others laugh with him.

The only ones laughing at him are the ones that are still whining because their horse lost the race.
Oh, please! "electoral fraud" give us a fucking break.  Get over it and the excuses.  This is the guy we brought to the dance, whether you personally like it or not, and if everyone would just show some courtesy, respect, and restraint we will all come out of this just fine - then go vote and shut the fuck up. 

Also, you might just want to stop and think for a moment because if you Bush bashing, undisciplined, ignorant, second guessers get your man/woman in the White House he/she might get it back a lot worse than you are dishing it out now - you may just get what you are asking for - just keep escalating it, right!

No ones perfect and if I recall Clinton's outtakes were just as funny.  Not everyone is going to agree on one person or on any one thing.  SO PLEASE PULL YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR COLLECTIVE ASSES, SUCK IN SOME OXYGEN, AND TRY TO BE FUCKING CIVIL - OKAY 

Bingo! Although I'm a conservative and I agree with you, I must stand up for my liberal buddies. It might be hard to believe, but many liberals are tired of hearing the trash about how Gore should've won the 2000 election and that Bush stole Ohio in 2004. Not all Libs are like the childish morons you see on TV... there's actually a few that are capable of getting over things and moving on.

dankassasin42o wrote:

president bush is a fucking fag.

an lol at the title bush at his best.   he dont have a best, hes a fucking retard.    Id  rather have a president that gets head from inturns and lies about it, then a president who would blow up the WTC  and kill thousands of americans SO he could goto war for OIL
Unbelievable, you're a moron. Simple as that.

Last edited by USAFDude_1988 (2006-07-19 09:25:37)

Don't touch the pom-pom!
Lesbians Against Bush!
The Lizzard
I've spoken in front of several hundred people, it's not that hard.
Don't touch the pom-pom!
i've acted in front of several hundred people. So fun.

Bubbalo wrote:

I've spoken in front of several hundred people, it's not that hard.
And everyone has the same exact feelings on public speaking as you? Or am I missing the point here.
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6635|Scarborough Yorkshire England
I have to turn the tv off when he comes on, I can't bear to listen to him
Cursed You

Jinto-sk wrote:

I have to turn the tv off when he comes on, I can't bear to listen to him
I'd reply to that... but your sig prevented me from doing so. XD

Sorry but you totally set yourself up for that one.

Ive lost a lot of faith in liberals, seeing how they reacted to a defeat and although that it was heavily debated, Bush won.  I mean instead of yelling about it until the next election, they could have spent that time looking for a possible person to put up to run for president who was a little bit more on the issues rather than the "flip flopping" Kerry.  If Kerry wasnt clear on his own goals as president, I honestly would not have liked to see him in office.

I think the circumstances of public speaking can be its twice as nerve racking given the amount of people, but four times as nerve racking given your position.  Youre the president of a country, whole nation watching you ready to react to your news.  I think thats just a little bit more pressure than speaking in front of your graduating class.  Wouldnt you say? 
Real Хорошо
+826|6563|Adelaide, South Australia

shouldnt this be in Debate and Serious Talk, seeing the posts that have been jammed up here?

as for the real post reason, LOL yeah, that was funny
Cursed You

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

shouldnt this be in Debate and Serious Talk, seeing the posts that have been jammed up here?

as for the real post reason, LOL yeah, that was funny
I think I took this into the "debate and serious talk" area :p

Im an opinionated asshole what can I say?
There is.
+1,380|6734|Devon, England
how do you have -1?
+125|6621|Rochester NY USA
Hey let's keep bashing Bush.

If you base a good leader an public speaking, you might be as dumb as the Germans when they listened to Hitler.......
Here's another one. LINK Not as amusing as previous ones, but maybe more powerful proof of his decreasing brain capacity. Anyways, soon there'll be truckloads of people travelling to Canada to get treatment, because US is going back to dark ages..

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