yeah I've had a few of them. my favorite ones are
1) u turn a corner and run straight into a tank or apc.
2)your on your own with no enemy to b seen when the arty starts to land and u think you've run far enough but the last round kills u
3) you manage to sneak up on a squad of enemy soldiers u start shooting with the pkm to hear that dreaded click after only 10 rounds you try and reload but the turn around and frag u
4) you use someone Else's zip line only for them to take it away as your half way down and above loads of enemy troops
5) my favorite. your in a f35b when u get a lock on u go to drop flares but u realize you haven't got any left  u try to turn away but you know u have no chance of out running that j10 thats behind you. This is punctuated by the words "oh shit" just as the missiles slam up the arse of your plane
The Power of Two
+188|6529|Sydney, Australia
You are swimming from the peninsula on Wake Island to the US Artillery Island and half way there your health meter suddenly goes down to having two bars left.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6580|Doncaster, UK
Haven't done this for ages, but when I first started playing, shooting the MEC guy cos he must be the enemy, oh wait, what's a teamkill? OH SHIT!
bomber in the face when u siting at mounted AA! OH SHIT!
Part-time Owner
LOL, sneaking up on somone with a PKM to knife him and just as you reach him he turns around and spots you. "Oh Shit"
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6720|Hell's prison
Thinking things are all good, shooting at some guy, then you see him chuck a nade right at you.  Instead of exploding you hear a "TINK!" and youre dead, a second or two later, the nade explodes, sending you from critically wounded to "you were killed".  This happened to me twice, and ive done it once.
I was driving a humvee on sharqi up a ramp and as soon as I get up from the hotel to constuction site thing I see a tank sitting right there aimed at me. I managed to escape only to be splatted by a bunch of guys with aks.
+9|6873|6,000 ft & falling......weeeee
my "Oh shit " moment would be everytime i join a map and see my commander flying a plane or chopper!!!
The Power of Two
+188|6529|Sydney, Australia
Clicking "Join game", the spawn screen appears, no sound comes out, the tickets just flash but don't decrease, non of the flags have a clickable box, there is no movement, there is no commander saying "enemy forces spotted". Then I see my mouse cursor, and my beautiful desktop.

OK, I'll wait another 10 minutes then.
I remember being on wake and I (USMC) was going from north base to airfield with 3 teammates while most of the team were at north base still defending/attacking. So we continue moving along, half way to the airfield we encountered a few guys and we managed to killed them and then two-thirds of the way to the airfield, the 3 teammates with me got killed but luckily, I managed to kill off the 2 or so attackers. And after that attack I pick up a medic kit but it was too late to revive any of them so I decided to hide somewhere and revive myself. I then called for back-up and see the rest of the team making their way to the airfield and I was so happy - I wasn't going to die! (should of seen the smile on my face). But then several seconds later, my commander does a UAV scan in my area and guess what I see....practically the fking entire PLA team just in front of me with tanks as well. At this momemt I just said my prayers...and "Oh Shit"...

Last edited by BeNt1 (2006-07-19 07:02:50)

+8|6805|Virginia, United States
when u see a tank not lookin at u and u r engineer or spec ops thinkn u can lay down mines or put c4 on the tank, then when u r close enough they turn and look at u and kill u.  its like they have a 6th sense and it always happens. im always like oh shit the sixth sense.

Tyferra wrote:

Many many times my fatalistic "Oh Shit" moments have led me to stand dead still as something kills me. When a tank spots me with no cover in sight when I'm a Sniper for example I generally just stand still and wait for the inevidable. honestly it can be quite funny though waiting until they kill you as sometimes they take ages to hit you.
so like an opposum...pretending that if you stand still long enough they wont see you!

i have done that a few times,  but only in grass...sometimes i wonder what people are looking at when they drive by and im standing there plain as day...
Troll has returned.
if an aa stays locked on me more than 3 seconds I say oh shit.
+3|6532|Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
My 'Oh Shit' moment is when you are trying to cap a flag in either a tank or an APC and you turn your turret around just in time to see a Spec-Ops diving behind cover with the detonator in his hands. I just grip the keyboard and mouse tightly and BOOM!
+72|6756|Indianapolis, IN
I just had my first true 'Oh Shit' moment.

I was playing ghost town and had my sniper rifle zoomed in and watched for a split second an eryx come straight at me and hit me square in the head.  That was kind of freaky.
one time i was playing strike at karkand and driving the tank i had an enemy in sight that couldn't hide. then he started throwing medic packs on my tank over and over and over again. i started laughing out loud. he knew he was finished but when he started throwing those packs and i started to laugh he managed to slip away.....   oh shit...
Served and Out
+642|6595|Southampton, UK

Jump form building and parachute onto a claymore , just been layed.

If you move one inch our dead , if you stay still your dead.

God i wish i was in SF then.. (grappling hook )
Internet Poon
Just arrived at a flag and i hear the terrifying 'Eeeeeeuiew' of artillery raining down on my head

2m from the helipad i get the annoying 'Rrrt rrt rrt' missle lock on signal..

After falling in the water at wake (my heli was shot down) i get the 'crippled legs' bug that makes you swim at 0.005 feet/hour. After 5 minutes of that (im against suicide) im 1m away from the shore and an enemy spots me
+5|6859|United States
I was in a fully loaded boat on some map, going towards the mainland, and we were all shooting out of the boat/throwing grenades, whatever.  I got the brilliant idea to throw a grenade...straight up...not thinking that it would follow the boat.  Well the entire squad of people in the boat watched me do it, and we all watched it fall back into the middle of the boat...yeah my score dropped into the negatives, and then I got kicked from the server...that sucked.
Over the line!
+70|6783|Mark it zero.
something that made my friend say "oh shit".....
i changed my friends settings in choppers and planes so he would bail out instead of use flairs. lol
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6580|Doncaster, UK
ROFL, that's just so dispicable it's genius!
Will fly for food.
+120|6543|Daytona Beach, FL
I just drove in into an MEC beach base in Oman in my APC.. as I turn my turret around looking towards the construction site.. I see the drag bombs of an SU-34 slowly gliding down in my general direction... oh shit...

Kamikaze17 wrote:

something that made my friend say "oh shit".....
i changed my friends settings in choppers and planes so he would bail out instead of use flairs. lol
lmao you dirty bastard

Last edited by USAFDude_1988 (2006-07-19 14:40:51)

Pusher of sausages Down Hallways
F-35 on wake.

They have someone on EVERY IGLA, both J-10s and one F-18. All are getting lock on. I lasted a solid 2 minutes before i hit a tree but jesus all that rattling makes me brick myself

I <3 my joystick.
at the begginning of karkand 64/64 wen u spwan hotel alleyway all u hear us clunk, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM lol 32 nades heading ur way
Will fly for food.
+120|6543|Daytona Beach, FL

137twozerosniper wrote:

at the begginning of karkand 64/64 wen u spwan hotel alleyway all u hear us clunk, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM lol 32 nades heading ur way
LOL.. When I'm MEC and hear "Grenade!" or "Frag out!" I know there's trouble.

When I'm USMC and hear "Ooogula Coogula!" I laugh my ass off.. I'm sorry it just sounds funny.

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