Ok, I had a wierd issue last night. I took a BF2 1.3 directory and tried to run the bf2 patch 1.4.exe full install patch. Whenever I executed the patch though, the game would launch. I tried the incrimental and downloading several different copies of the full patch from different download sites including EA. The same issue happened every time. Not once did the patch screen come up. I might as well have been launching BF2.EXE

Finally, here is what wound up working for me:
Go to the Battlefield 2 directory
rename BF2.EXE to BF2.EXE.OLD (or something like that)
launch the patch file and wait till you are at the screen where you have to click on next.
toggle back to your explorer window
rename BF2.EXE.OLD to BF2.EXE (or something like that)
go back to the patcher and click on next to start the actual patch process.

That wound up working fine for me. Hopefully this will help someone else keep from wasting almost 2 hours just to try a patch