Sheep of War
Sniper doubters look to the medic sniper match.

Dude we were TKing and whatnot

sharpshot19 wrote:

yeah worthless my ass....dont cap flags my ass.....fuck the haters

http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n79/ … 043751.png

and according to poidloid my score must be shit.........
19 kills, 59 points.  Is that all you did, just sniper rifle?  Nothing else?

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2006-07-16 18:14:09)

Copenhage master
and cap flags...duh

Last edited by sharpshot19 (2006-07-16 18:13:10)


Impressive.  But you are in the minority.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Chikyuu Shoujo Arujuna wrote:

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

.....a K/D-ratio of 1.8 with the sniper rifle doesn't sound like kicking ass to me.
but a KPM of 0.97 sounds kick ass to me.
Well said. It's even higher if you check recent activity (1.30 for the last month).

Mj.Blindfisch, for roughly equal periods your infantry KPM is 0.69 to Nyte's 1.39. Chiky's is 1.3, BushViper's is 1.49, Volx's is 3.01.
First of all:I don't play like Nyte,Chiky,BushViper or Volx does.

Nyte is assaulting with the sniper kit and thinks he's sniper jesus,Chiky does medium range stuff on city maps,BushViper is a vehiclewhore and Volx is a Karkand-nadespammer - I shoot long range on Wake Island...and now what exactly to you want to tell me with your nice comparison?

You want to tell me that because my KPM is not so high as theirs I'm not qualified to post stuff here?

I think I'm doing quite well with the sniper kit,all the other classes,players or player stats I don't really give a f*ck about.So your harsh criticism doesn't bother me at all.

EDIT:Btw,your KPM:0.572 , DPM:0.461 , Sniper Kit ratio 1.788 and Sniper Rifle ratio 1.3652 (LOL!)!
Quite a loudmouth for such shitty stats....

Last edited by Mj.Blindfisch (2006-07-16 18:48:07)

+312|6641|selby, n. yorkshire, UK
i cap maybe 1 flag a week, i know thats not good for the team, but sureley killing dozens of infantry is? Also if i am USMC i wait on the island for some noobs in the fav's, i'll try to pick off as many of them as possible to help our teams boats to get accross, sure i can't do anything to destroy a tank but i can spot it for my teams f35b or chopper. If thats not helping the team out, what is?

ShotYourSix wrote:

The sniper class may OR may not be useful.  The answer to the sniper question on the table is not inherently based upon the class, but on the particular person and how he uses it.
Yes, obviously. Any reasonable person can see this.

ShotYourSix wrote:

My question here is why is this topic so hotly debated?
Good question. Speaking for myself if someone is going to outright condemn the class I play the most as useless (no ifs, ands or buts; just "useless") then I'm going to do my bit to prove them wrong as many times, and as loudly, as necessary.

Anyone who blindly criticises snipers as useless is at best mistaken and at worst an idiot. And here, lest there be any doubt, offence is intended; if you don't like it TS, see me on the battlefield.

Dirtracer90 wrote:

^^^ he has a point think ppl hate snipers so much because some NOT ALL tend to be very arrogant and are about ME ME ME and they dont show modesty at all
Granted. However it's no reason to tar all players with the same brush, any more than one should say that all pilots kick ass or all armour users own etc. etc.

TrueArchon wrote:

As a part time sniper, I think I compare with ig88 in usefulness.
Anyways, let's do a comparison to an obviously skilled player.... With the exception of WLR, our flag capturing/defending stats are very comparable.

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

First of all:I don't play like Nyte,Chiky,BushViper or Volx does.
Fair enough. But as you'll see I was making a point about effectiveness on foot...

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Nyte is assaulting with the sniper kit and thinks he's sniper jesus,Chiky does medium range stuff on city maps,BushViper is a vehiclewhore and Volx is a Karkand-nadespammer - I shoot long range on Wake Island...and now what exactly to you want to tell me with your nice comparison?
I'm sorry, perhaps I wasn't clear enough: those are their infantry KPMs. Infantry. You criticised Nyte for his KDR and Chiky brought up KPM so I was just illustrating the point.

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

You want to tell me that because my KPM is not so high as theirs I'm not qualified to post stuff here?
Not in the least. Did I say that? If I'd meant that I would have said it

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

I think I'm doing quite well with the sniper kit,all the other classes,players or player stats I don't really give a f*ck about.So your harsh criticism doesn't bother me at all.
I wasn't being critical: I was posted stats, nothing more.

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

EDIT:Btw,your KPM:0.572 , DPM:0.461 , Sniper Kit ratio 1.788 and Sniper Rifle ratio 1.3652 (LOL!)!
Quite a loudmouth for such shitty stats....
Tsk tsk, that was beneath you. Now that I believe was being critical. Did I ever say I was great? No. Even good? No.

I was a total nub when I started this game, played ranked from day one and I have at least three or four Purple Hearts to show for it. It wasn't until I got more serious and started looking online for tips that I even scraped up to average and only since I started sniping almost exclusively have I become halfway decent. You've been playing since November of last year and have 827.5 hours under your belt, I've been playing since mid-February and have roughly 430 hours between all my accounts, so somewhere around half as much experience...

Now since you brought it up, for roughly the same period let's compare:
Global - 9,918
Wins/Loss Ratio - 1.12

Score/Min - 1.61
Overall K/D Ratio - 1.78
Infantry Summary K/D Ratio - 1.80
Total kills - 3,702
Team points - 2,223
Combat points - 7,404
Score/Death Ratio - 4.76
Overall KPM - 0.60
Infantry KPM - 0.69
Kill Assist - 556

Flag caps - 77
Flag assists - 49
Flag defends - 369
Flag Points/Min - 0.08

The numbers in my figures (not the ratios) are calculated, to account for the different amount of time we've played since April, but in every case I rounded downwards.
Global - 11,400
Wins/Loss Ratio - 1.6

Score/Min - 1.86
Overall K/D Ratio - 1.81
Infantry Summary K/D Ratio - 1.64
Total kills - 4,370
Team points - 1,880
Combat Points - 8,740
Score/Death Ratio - 4.71
Overall KPM - 0.71
Infantry KPM - 0.71
Kill Assist - 970

Flag caps - 390
Flag assists - 270
Flag defends - 420
Flag Points/Min - 0.18

Now remind me, who's got the "shitty" stats again?

Oh Noes!  They whipped out the E-Penis.

not to shabby

usmarine2005 wrote:

Oh Noes!  They whipped out the E-Penis.
Er, maybe. But I only did it to show him what size his actually is

TheNaziPredator wrote:

http://img457.imageshack.us/img457/9287 … hh6.th.jpg

not to shabby
Not too shabby indeed; best KDR for anyone not inside an armoured box.
yeh i wasnt in an armour all round

Todd_Angelo wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Oh Noes!  They whipped out the E-Penis.
Er, maybe. But I only did it to show him what size his actually is
Lol,that's what you think.
First of all you have to come up with rounded numbers because of the time difference and omit Sniper stats...that's cute.
Why don't you bring up the stats that I was talking about: Sniper kit KDR,Sniper rifle KDR.

Actually very interesting,you bring up one littlebit of criticism and the person starts crunching numbers,rounding stats and does a whole lot of research and comparing his stats to yours to prove that his e-penis isn't that shabby.Kinda ridiculous,don't you think?
well i wasnt saying all are arrogant just some ive noticed on these forums (maybe they are kidding i dunno) and in game if this is what u were getting at

Last edited by Dirtracer90 (2006-07-17 15:36:07)


I don't mind snipers, but Entertainer, you're full of shit with this post.

Look at the guy in first. 73 teamwork points. Dozens of kills and not too many deaths. Since he's engie, I'm willing to bet he was tanking. Well even tankers can get loads of TW points!

Snipers on the other hand, get zip. You got 13 points, and the guy below you just over 21. From KDAs mainly and one or two flag caps.

And you think killing people really helps? Bullshit. < 15 seconds later your efforts are wasted, right when they respawn.

Kills mean nothing. Half the time, I see a losing team getting more kills then the winning team. Doesn't always go through as you think right?

And this shows in your stats in the MEC and USMC WLR. I'm going to completely ignore the PLA WLR because your favorite map is Wake and the PLA on Wake hardly ever have to do anything, especially if there's a good pilot on the team.

But congrats, it's the only thing keeping your global WLR above 1.

Snipers barely help the team. They help about as much as assault, clearing a few people for the forward troops, but a good sniper will never beat a good spec ops, tanker or even support.

I'm not even going to talk about medics because we already know the outcome to that

And no, I'm not a medi whore or a tank whore, my favorite kit is a sniper. I can come to terms that I don't help the team very much If I go for a good KDR for the round, or go in, kill a few, respawn and do it again to cap the flag. It's either KDR or helping the team.

If you think snipers help the team, get 72+ TW points IAR as a sniper.

If you do, you've beaten my record as a sniper.

Last edited by Defiance (2006-07-17 16:00:16)


Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Oh Noes!  They whipped out the E-Penis.
Er, maybe. But I only did it to show him what size his actually is
Lol,that's what you think.
Yes, that is what I think.

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

First of all you have to come up with rounded numbers because of the time difference and omit Sniper stats...that's cute.
Achem, Herr Blindfisch, you said, and I quote "Quite a loudmouth for such shitty stats.... "

Well my stats sure ain't great, because I ain't great. But if you're going to point that kind of finger you should have stats that are better, so I compared a full range of them, and you'll notice I didn't conveniently choose to ignore those where yours are higher than mine. On the non-ratio figures I also rounded downward because that makes the numbers smaller (in case it's not clear, that is to your benefit). I did both of these so that there wouldn't be even a hint that I was attempting to stack results that were only in my favour.

I made the point about our times for a good reason; once I have around the same number of hours as you my stats will more accurately reflect my actual level of play. You can't simply compare stats as they stand for two players with 827.5 hours and 309.5 hours respectively, but that's what you tried to do.

To even this effect out you just look at stats over a recent period, which is what I then did. You and I both play almost nothing but the sniper kit now, yes? So our stats for recent play will reflect how we do as snipers, yes?

As a fairly traditional sniper your stats look about typical and you chose to focus on KPM, DPM and KDRs, because yours are higher than mine? I don't play the conventional sniper role, as I'm sure you know, so my overall KDR and sniper-rifle KDR will reflect this; and yes, by normal sniper standards they both suck. I have no problem with this because I play for effectiveness, the good of the team's goal (with accuracy along the way, as much as I can). This thread is all about that: effectiveness, with a certain focus on those areas that snipers are supposed to suck at. There are many ways of gauging that, but one way you don't do it is by looking at just a few stats in isolation. So again, that's why I looked at a broad range of things.

For the period I could check your DPM and KDR (both for the kit and for the sniper rifle) are better than mine, no surprise there to either of us. But my KPM is higher, sorry. The rest of the stats speak for themselves, so there's no need to belabour that point
Copenhage master
oh oh oh.....since were whippin out our e- penis' heres mine
Sniper      203:57:56      5,658      3,976      1.4230
Total                240:22:28       6,666   5,461       –

Kill Assist      1,304
Team      3,190
Combat     13,332                                                                                                                                      Captured CP      683
Capture Assist     606
Defended CP     286

just the important ones ...........i hope ur not actually taking this seriously btw

Last edited by sharpshot19 (2006-07-17 17:49:48)

Back from the Dead.
Time to brag! This is from my sniper only account.

Kit:          Time:     Kills: Deaths: K/D Ratio
Sniper    24:59:39    978    496       1.9718

And this is a pic from a Co-op round I played, all as a sniper. (The points got so high, it stopped counting correctly). 48 Bots vs 1 sniper.  Bot difficulty was at 50, but still, it was a lot of sniping.

Also, it was all on foot.

Last edited by BigmacK192 (2006-07-17 17:59:01)

Copenhage master
lmao ^^^
this is kinda what i meant
Copenhage master
yeah yeah....whats the fun in not being arrogant every now and then? it is just a video game after all... *hands dirtracer90 a "dunce" hat* now go sit in the corner and twiddle ur thumbs while the big boys talk
well it IS just a game its up to ur big boy brain to figure out whatim saying
Copenhage master
well what i was getting at was STFU.....can you comprehend that???
can u comprehend what i just said and no i cant comprehend big boy talk
Copenhage master
dude light the fuck up....kick back and have a damn beer.....im just fucking around with you...but then again you did admit you cant tell if someone is kidding or not.............

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