dual core/proc/anycase ur crippling that proc @# least 2 gigs, fire gl = bad for gaming, u want a gaming card not a workstation card, also it doesn't appear this is a gaming rig, if not excuse my comments and sounds good
EVEREST Ultimate Edition 2006 © 2003-2006 Lavalys, Inc.
Version EVEREST v2.80.534
Benchmark Module
Homepage http://www.lavalys.com/
CPU Queen
CPU CPU Clock Motherboard Chipset Memory CL-RCD-RP-RAS Score
2x Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2000 MHz Asus A8N-E nForce4-Ultra Dual DDR400 3-3-3-8 CR1 3883
>>> 2x Xeon HT 2800 MHz Unknown iE7525 Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-? 3449
2x Pentium D 820 2800 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 2998
P4EE HT 3733 MHz Abit AW8 i955X Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 2680
8x PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 2242
P4 530 HT 3000 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 2161
Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 2124
AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR1 2002
Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2-2-3-5 CR1 1926
P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 1629
Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 CR1 1547
Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Ext. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 1460
Celeron D 330J 2666 MHz MSI 915G Combo-FR i915G Int. Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 1430
Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 1352
AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1274
Pentium M 730J 1600 MHz Acer TravelMate 4150 i915PM Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 1242
Athlon 1333 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 1218
Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 1182
2x PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1109
Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1028
Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 1022
2x PIII-E 667 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 1009
P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 948
2x PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 2-3-3-? 760
Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 685
C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 CR2 601
Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 548
Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 530
2x PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 501
PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 344
C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 339
K6-III 450 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC100 SDRAM 3-3-2-6 336
2x PentiumPro 200 MHz Intel PR440FX i440FX Dual EDO - 301
K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 298
2x PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 265
K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 254
Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B ApolloPro PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 202
MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 110
CPU PhotoWorxx
CPU CPU Clock Motherboard Chipset Memory CL-RCD-RP-RAS Score
2x Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2000 MHz Asus A8N-E nForce4-Ultra Dual DDR400 3-3-3-8 CR1 17314
P4EE HT 3733 MHz Abit AW8 i955X Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 16086
P4 530 HT 3000 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 12174
Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2-2-3-5 CR1 11675
2x Pentium D 820 2800 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 10770
Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 10492
Celeron D 330J 2666 MHz MSI 915G Combo-FR i915G Int. Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 9809
Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 CR1 9341
AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR1 7594
Pentium M 730J 1600 MHz Acer TravelMate 4150 i915PM Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 7569
Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 7042
>>> 2x Xeon HT 2800 MHz Unknown iE7525 Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-? 6940
P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 5708
Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 5523
Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 4709
Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Ext. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 4630
P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 4102
2x PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 3413
2x PIII-E 667 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 3397
8x PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 3201
Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 3155
AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 2937
2x PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 2-3-3-? 2607
Athlon 1333 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 2457
Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 1962
C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 CR2 1886
Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1804
PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 1607
2x PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 1573
K6-III 450 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC100 SDRAM 3-3-2-6 1190
K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 1066
C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 995
Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B ApolloPro PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 942
Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 827
2x PentiumPro 200 MHz Intel PR440FX i440FX Dual EDO - 781
K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 718
2x PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 685
MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 435
CPU CPU Clock Motherboard Chipset Memory CL-RCD-RP-RAS Score
2x Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2000 MHz Asus A8N-E nForce4-Ultra Dual DDR400 3-3-3-8 CR1 23853 KB/s
>>> 2x Xeon HT 2800 MHz Unknown iE7525 Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-? 22194 KB/s
8x PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 22011 KB/s
2x Pentium D 820 2800 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 20604 KB/s
P4EE HT 3733 MHz Abit AW8 i955X Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 15574 KB/s
P4 530 HT 3000 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 12696 KB/s
Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 12678 KB/s
AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR1 12483 KB/s
Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2-2-3-5 CR1 11929 KB/s
P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 11250 KB/s
Pentium M 730J 1600 MHz Acer TravelMate 4150 i915PM Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 10065 KB/s
Celeron D 330J 2666 MHz MSI 915G Combo-FR i915G Int. Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 9611 KB/s
Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 8911 KB/s
Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 CR1 8394 KB/s
Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 8212 KB/s
2x PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 7415 KB/s
AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 7370 KB/s
Athlon 1333 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 7036 KB/s
2x PIII-E 667 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 6864 KB/s
P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 6187 KB/s
2x PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 2-3-3-? 4843 KB/s
Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 4442 KB/s
Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Ext. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 3947 KB/s
Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 3629 KB/s
Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 3325 KB/s
2x PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 3046 KB/s
Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 2357 KB/s
K6-III 450 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC100 SDRAM 3-3-2-6 2258 KB/s
PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 2206 KB/s
C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 CR2 2171 KB/s
2x PentiumPro 200 MHz Intel PR440FX i440FX Dual EDO - 2065 KB/s
K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 2011 KB/s
C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1434 KB/s
Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1284 KB/s
2x PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 1033 KB/s
K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 835 KB/s
Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B ApolloPro PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 691 KB/s
MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 409 KB/s
FPU Julia
CPU CPU Clock Motherboard Chipset Memory CL-RCD-RP-RAS Score
>>> 2x Xeon HT 2800 MHz Unknown iE7525 Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-? 2985
2x Pentium D 820 2800 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 2602
2x Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2000 MHz Asus A8N-E nForce4-Ultra Dual DDR400 3-3-3-8 CR1 2281
P4EE HT 3733 MHz Abit AW8 i955X Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 2054
P4 530 HT 3000 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 1654
8x PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 1564
P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 1340
Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 1254
Celeron D 330J 2666 MHz MSI 915G Combo-FR i915G Int. Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 1245
AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR1 1197
Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 1181
Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2-2-3-5 CR1 1141
Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 966
Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 CR1 914
Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Ext. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 871
Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 804
AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 762
P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 755
Athlon 1333 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 726
Pentium M 730J 1600 MHz Acer TravelMate 4150 i915PM Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 660
2x PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 578
Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 547
2x PIII-E 667 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 527
Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 409
2x PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 2-3-3-? 397
Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 329
C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 CR2 319
Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 266
PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 180
C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 133
2x PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 131
K6-III 450 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC100 SDRAM 3-3-2-6 127
K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 113
K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 93
2x PentiumPro 200 MHz Intel PR440FX i440FX Dual EDO - 78
2x PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 65
Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B ApolloPro PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 53
MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 8
FPU Mandel
CPU CPU Clock Motherboard Chipset Memory CL-RCD-RP-RAS Score
>>> 2x Xeon HT 2800 MHz Unknown iE7525 Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-? 5285
2x Pentium D 820 2800 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 4376
P4EE HT 3733 MHz Abit AW8 i955X Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 3878
2x Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2000 MHz Asus A8N-E nForce4-Ultra Dual DDR400 3-3-3-8 CR1 3373
P4 530 HT 3000 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 2875
P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 2618
8x PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 2234
Celeron D 330J 2666 MHz MSI 915G Combo-FR i915G Int. Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 2104
Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 1998
Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 1893
Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 1868
Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2-2-3-5 CR1 1696
Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1606
P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 1488
Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 CR1 1363
Pentium M 730J 1600 MHz Acer TravelMate 4150 i915PM Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 1140
AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR1 1104
Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 921
Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Ext. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 804
2x PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 756
AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 702
2x PIII-E 667 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 688
Athlon 1333 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 671
2x PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 2-3-3-? 518
Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 378
Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 362
2x PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 343
Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 302
C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 CR2 296
PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 235
2x PentiumPro 200 MHz Intel PR440FX i440FX Dual EDO - 205
2x PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 172
Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B ApolloPro PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 138
K6-III 450 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC100 SDRAM 3-3-2-6 117
C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 115
K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 104
K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 87
MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 21
FPU SinJulia
CPU CPU Clock Motherboard Chipset Memory CL-RCD-RP-RAS Score
>>> 2x Xeon HT 2800 MHz Unknown iE7525 Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-? 2495
8x PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 2330
2x Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2000 MHz Asus A8N-E nForce4-Ultra Dual DDR400 3-3-3-8 CR1 2099
P4EE HT 3733 MHz Abit AW8 i955X Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 1694
2x Pentium D 820 2800 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 1512
P4 530 HT 3000 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 1343
Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 1150
AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR1 1143
Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2-2-3-5 CR1 1043
P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 959
Pentium M 730J 1600 MHz Acer TravelMate 4150 i915PM Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 869
Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 CR1 838
Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Ext. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 834
2x PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 769
AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 728
Celeron D 330J 2666 MHz MSI 915G Combo-FR i915G Int. Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 720
Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 719
2x PIII-E 667 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 700
Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 689
Athlon 1333 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 685
Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 683
Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 599
P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 562
2x PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 2-3-3-? 530
Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 385
Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 368
2x PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 347
Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 308
PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 240
2x PentiumPro 200 MHz Intel PR440FX i440FX Dual EDO - 209
2x PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 208
K6-III 450 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC100 SDRAM 3-3-2-6 175
K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 156
Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B ApolloPro PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 140
K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 127
C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 CR2 115
C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 69
MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 55
Debug - Unknown
Motherboard 63-0100-000001-00101111-111104-LINDENHURST$0ABEO09A_X2 BIOS V1.081 DATE:11/11/04
Motherboard DMIMOBO: Alienware X2
Motherboard DMISYS: Alienware X2
Motherboard Unknown
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Version EVEREST v2.80.534
Benchmark Module
Homepage http://www.lavalys.com/
CPU Queen
CPU CPU Clock Motherboard Chipset Memory CL-RCD-RP-RAS Score
2x Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2000 MHz Asus A8N-E nForce4-Ultra Dual DDR400 3-3-3-8 CR1 3883
>>> 2x Xeon HT 2800 MHz Unknown iE7525 Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-? 3449
2x Pentium D 820 2800 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 2998
P4EE HT 3733 MHz Abit AW8 i955X Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 2680
8x PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 2242
P4 530 HT 3000 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 2161
Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 2124
AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR1 2002
Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2-2-3-5 CR1 1926
P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 1629
Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 CR1 1547
Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Ext. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 1460
Celeron D 330J 2666 MHz MSI 915G Combo-FR i915G Int. Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 1430
Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 1352
AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1274
Pentium M 730J 1600 MHz Acer TravelMate 4150 i915PM Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 1242
Athlon 1333 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 1218
Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 1182
2x PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1109
Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1028
Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 1022
2x PIII-E 667 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 1009
P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 948
2x PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 2-3-3-? 760
Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 685
C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 CR2 601
Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 548
Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 530
2x PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 501
PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 344
C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 339
K6-III 450 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC100 SDRAM 3-3-2-6 336
2x PentiumPro 200 MHz Intel PR440FX i440FX Dual EDO - 301
K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 298
2x PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 265
K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 254
Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B ApolloPro PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 202
MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 110
CPU PhotoWorxx
CPU CPU Clock Motherboard Chipset Memory CL-RCD-RP-RAS Score
2x Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2000 MHz Asus A8N-E nForce4-Ultra Dual DDR400 3-3-3-8 CR1 17314
P4EE HT 3733 MHz Abit AW8 i955X Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 16086
P4 530 HT 3000 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 12174
Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2-2-3-5 CR1 11675
2x Pentium D 820 2800 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 10770
Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 10492
Celeron D 330J 2666 MHz MSI 915G Combo-FR i915G Int. Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 9809
Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 CR1 9341
AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR1 7594
Pentium M 730J 1600 MHz Acer TravelMate 4150 i915PM Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 7569
Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 7042
>>> 2x Xeon HT 2800 MHz Unknown iE7525 Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-? 6940
P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 5708
Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 5523
Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 4709
Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Ext. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 4630
P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 4102
2x PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 3413
2x PIII-E 667 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 3397
8x PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 3201
Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 3155
AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 2937
2x PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 2-3-3-? 2607
Athlon 1333 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 2457
Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 1962
C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 CR2 1886
Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1804
PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 1607
2x PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 1573
K6-III 450 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC100 SDRAM 3-3-2-6 1190
K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 1066
C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 995
Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B ApolloPro PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 942
Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 827
2x PentiumPro 200 MHz Intel PR440FX i440FX Dual EDO - 781
K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 718
2x PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 685
MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 435
CPU CPU Clock Motherboard Chipset Memory CL-RCD-RP-RAS Score
2x Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2000 MHz Asus A8N-E nForce4-Ultra Dual DDR400 3-3-3-8 CR1 23853 KB/s
>>> 2x Xeon HT 2800 MHz Unknown iE7525 Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-? 22194 KB/s
8x PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 22011 KB/s
2x Pentium D 820 2800 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 20604 KB/s
P4EE HT 3733 MHz Abit AW8 i955X Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 15574 KB/s
P4 530 HT 3000 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 12696 KB/s
Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 12678 KB/s
AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR1 12483 KB/s
Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2-2-3-5 CR1 11929 KB/s
P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 11250 KB/s
Pentium M 730J 1600 MHz Acer TravelMate 4150 i915PM Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 10065 KB/s
Celeron D 330J 2666 MHz MSI 915G Combo-FR i915G Int. Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 9611 KB/s
Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 8911 KB/s
Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 CR1 8394 KB/s
Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 8212 KB/s
2x PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 7415 KB/s
AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 7370 KB/s
Athlon 1333 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 7036 KB/s
2x PIII-E 667 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 6864 KB/s
P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 6187 KB/s
2x PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 2-3-3-? 4843 KB/s
Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 4442 KB/s
Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Ext. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 3947 KB/s
Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 3629 KB/s
Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 3325 KB/s
2x PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 3046 KB/s
Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 2357 KB/s
K6-III 450 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC100 SDRAM 3-3-2-6 2258 KB/s
PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 2206 KB/s
C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 CR2 2171 KB/s
2x PentiumPro 200 MHz Intel PR440FX i440FX Dual EDO - 2065 KB/s
K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 2011 KB/s
C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1434 KB/s
Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1284 KB/s
2x PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 1033 KB/s
K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 835 KB/s
Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B ApolloPro PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 691 KB/s
MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 409 KB/s
FPU Julia
CPU CPU Clock Motherboard Chipset Memory CL-RCD-RP-RAS Score
>>> 2x Xeon HT 2800 MHz Unknown iE7525 Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-? 2985
2x Pentium D 820 2800 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 2602
2x Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2000 MHz Asus A8N-E nForce4-Ultra Dual DDR400 3-3-3-8 CR1 2281
P4EE HT 3733 MHz Abit AW8 i955X Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 2054
P4 530 HT 3000 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 1654
8x PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 1564
P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 1340
Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 1254
Celeron D 330J 2666 MHz MSI 915G Combo-FR i915G Int. Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 1245
AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR1 1197
Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 1181
Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2-2-3-5 CR1 1141
Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 966
Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 CR1 914
Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Ext. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 871
Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 804
AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 762
P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 755
Athlon 1333 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 726
Pentium M 730J 1600 MHz Acer TravelMate 4150 i915PM Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 660
2x PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 578
Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 547
2x PIII-E 667 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 527
Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 409
2x PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 2-3-3-? 397
Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 329
C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 CR2 319
Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 266
PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 180
C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 133
2x PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 131
K6-III 450 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC100 SDRAM 3-3-2-6 127
K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 113
K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 93
2x PentiumPro 200 MHz Intel PR440FX i440FX Dual EDO - 78
2x PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 65
Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B ApolloPro PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 53
MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 8
FPU Mandel
CPU CPU Clock Motherboard Chipset Memory CL-RCD-RP-RAS Score
>>> 2x Xeon HT 2800 MHz Unknown iE7525 Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-? 5285
2x Pentium D 820 2800 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 4376
P4EE HT 3733 MHz Abit AW8 i955X Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 3878
2x Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2000 MHz Asus A8N-E nForce4-Ultra Dual DDR400 3-3-3-8 CR1 3373
P4 530 HT 3000 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 2875
P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 2618
8x PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 2234
Celeron D 330J 2666 MHz MSI 915G Combo-FR i915G Int. Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 2104
Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 1998
Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 1893
Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 1868
Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2-2-3-5 CR1 1696
Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 1606
P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 1488
Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 CR1 1363
Pentium M 730J 1600 MHz Acer TravelMate 4150 i915PM Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 1140
AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR1 1104
Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 921
Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Ext. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 804
2x PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 756
AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 702
2x PIII-E 667 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 688
Athlon 1333 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 671
2x PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 2-3-3-? 518
Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 378
Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 362
2x PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 343
Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 302
C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 CR2 296
PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 235
2x PentiumPro 200 MHz Intel PR440FX i440FX Dual EDO - 205
2x PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 172
Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B ApolloPro PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 138
K6-III 450 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC100 SDRAM 3-3-2-6 117
C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 115
K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 104
K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 87
MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 21
FPU SinJulia
CPU CPU Clock Motherboard Chipset Memory CL-RCD-RP-RAS Score
>>> 2x Xeon HT 2800 MHz Unknown iE7525 Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-? 2495
8x PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 2330
2x Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2000 MHz Asus A8N-E nForce4-Ultra Dual DDR400 3-3-3-8 CR1 2099
P4EE HT 3733 MHz Abit AW8 i955X Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 1694
2x Pentium D 820 2800 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 1512
P4 530 HT 3000 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 1343
Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 1150
AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR1 1143
Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2-2-3-5 CR1 1043
P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 959
Pentium M 730J 1600 MHz Acer TravelMate 4150 i915PM Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 869
Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 CR1 838
Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Ext. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 834
2x PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 769
AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 728
Celeron D 330J 2666 MHz MSI 915G Combo-FR i915G Int. Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 720
Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 719
2x PIII-E 667 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 700
Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 689
Athlon 1333 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 685
Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 683
Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 599
P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 562
2x PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 2-3-3-? 530
Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 385
Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 368
2x PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 347
Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 308
PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 240
2x PentiumPro 200 MHz Intel PR440FX i440FX Dual EDO - 209
2x PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 208
K6-III 450 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC100 SDRAM 3-3-2-6 175
K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 156
Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B ApolloPro PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 140
K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 127
C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 CR2 115
C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 69
MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 55
Debug - Unknown
Motherboard 63-0100-000001-00101111-111104-LINDENHURST$0ABEO09A_X2 BIOS V1.081 DATE:11/11/04
Motherboard DMIMOBO: Alienware X2
Motherboard DMISYS: Alienware X2
Motherboard Unknown
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Last edited by ilyandor (2006-06-01 22:12:39)
2GB DDR2 memory + a BFG 7900GT/GTX. I wouldn't have posted this, but the memory part has apparently not been reiterated quite thoroughly enough in all these computer threads.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-06-01 22:15:29)
wow, that performance in Everest wasn't nearly as good as I thought it was. It was beat out by the low-end A64 X2 in many cases. I would like to see it against a 4400+ or higher.
Ilyandor,Janus67 wrote:
wow, that performance in Everest wasn't nearly as good as I thought it was. It was beat out by the low-end A64 X2 in many cases. I would like to see it against a 4400+ or higher.
Run syssoft sandra. The new one has specs for the fx-57 (fx60 too I think).
Actually, that card is already in his/her price range:CookieMonster117 wrote:
If you can spare $100 more id get a 7900GTX
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications … =E145-7830
yes, but I would still never, ever order anything from tigerdirect as their customer service is terrible.cwv_8t88 wrote:
Actually, that card is already in his/her price range:CookieMonster117 wrote:
If you can spare $100 more id get a 7900GTX
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications … =E145-7830
+1Janus67 wrote:
yes, but I would still never, ever order anything from tigerdirect as their customer service is terrible.cwv_8t88 wrote:
Actually, that card is already in his/her price range:CookieMonster117 wrote:
If you can spare $100 more id get a 7900GTX
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications … =E145-7830
I'm trying to figure out why you have a server with only one gig of ram and you're worried about top of the line videocards lol.Jack Bauer wrote:
Just what I was thinking..ACB|_Cutthroat1 wrote:
Up your ram to 2gb first , ok? ok
Go Nvidia either way
thanks for all the constructive comments.
Yeah, I agree with that. My friend had a terrible time with his Alienware laptop. He had to send it back twice before it worked properly. Not really what you'd expect from a 3500 euro laptop.ilyandor wrote:
lolcyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
sadly, you'll have to send it to alienware to "upgrade" or it will void the warranty
OMFG i voided that warranty like 6months ago when i found out their customer "care" was worse than EA's...
"...send it to alienware..." LOL like to india? fuckin pakistan?
Whatever you grab, get it from a local shop so you can avoid having to pay for RMA shipment if something's wrong with the card. I recommend the 7950 over the 7900, because of the former's reported stability advantage.
However, with the G80 due out later this year, your X1300 should have some life left.
However, with the G80 due out later this year, your X1300 should have some life left.
Must be nice to afford that sweet machine and have a graphics card prob.....do you eat or pay bills? I wish I had half the cash to throw away like you.....
agreed... I mean seriously... It was a month and a half old and rotting.
hold out for the next gen DX10 cards dude !!!
Nv,s will be out soon killing the present ATI 19*** + ranage at witch time ATI will bring out there new cards too all DX10 witch your goign to need for the newest games end of this yr ........or/and the cards you have your eye on now will harf in price
Nv,s will be out soon killing the present ATI 19*** + ranage at witch time ATI will bring out there new cards too all DX10 witch your goign to need for the newest games end of this yr ........or/and the cards you have your eye on now will harf in price