Germans did 911
+427|6725|Disaster Free Zone
I have the Meritorious Service Medal does that answer your question??

PBAsydney wrote:

I have 526 repair points and 555 heal points :p and over 1000 support points hehe.
Kill Assist  4,106
Heal          1,613
Revive        3,388
Support    5,187
Repair         1,069
Driver         3,349

I win :p
Gorgonnash PVP
+119|6888|Sacramento, Cal
Kill Assist  4,850
Heal 1,327
Revive 3,256
Support 3,490
Repair 1,386 FTW!!!!
Driver 2,089

Last edited by eMarine (2006-07-17 03:28:25)

+3|6678|Central Coast, NSW Australia
I always repair if I can, I need more repair points, plus its just helpful to repair the commander stuff.
+947|6556|Gold Coast
Hell no there are bound to be at least 7 guys running towards the UAV trailer and the commander jumps in and follows suit anyway. I continue nade whoring at Karkand.
noice                                                                                                        https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/awsmsanta.png
The new R.O.E. says you can get wiped if seen with a wrench in your hands...
Always make sure nobody is looking !!
With 48 repair points....no. But i never get asked and the commander can use the odd supply drop anyway so fuckit.  I've heard this is considered a wee bit cheeky but i do it all the time if i'm commander, if you've asked your team to help and they do fuck all why think twice about using a supply crate to fix stuff?
i think commander should repair his own assets
Fantasma Parastasie
I saw a real idiot commander once.. some spec ops guy was C4'ing our assets, and our commander kept dropping supply crates giving the enemy more C4. So, clever as he was, our commander decided to put C4 on OUR assets and wait for the enemy to come so he could blow them up. It took him about 3 assets to actually kill the guy too
Repair 1,356  i think i help out.

lt-grumpy wrote:

147 Hrs as Engie and 551 repair points. Spanner whore. I try to repair anything that needs it. I may be shit with a gun but if i can keep the vehicles and assets working then i think i am doing my bit to help the side.
164 hrs as Eng and over 1200 repair pts.  Your behind guy.  I know guys who have less time as Eng than me and have more repair pts than I do.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-07-17 04:03:17)

+0|6539|Ontario, Canada
I used to spend all my time as Spec-ops blowing up their assets, or as AT looking for vehicles to fire on, but lately I have enjoyed playing Engineer, and always will turn around from whatever I am doing now to repair our own assest. I just find it another aspect of the game to try and enjoy.

As commander I never expected anyone to do the same and turn around and fix it, but I have been pleasantly amazed by how often than not someone does, I would rather not waste a supply crate on it to give the spec-ops guy more C4. I know I would do the same in his shoes. That crate aswell can have plenty of better uses, like helping your armor advance forward by providing it some repairs and ammo.

  I dont know if it's just me, but i would rather waste the crate by dropping it into a bunch of enemies just before Arty come down on them.. just for those few who come out of hiding to get a heal and some ammo, to have death rained down from above.. lol
Pwned so often there's an IPO.
+29|6549|Melbourne, Australia
If I'm commader I'll go Engineer or Sniper depending on the map; if I can get a good position looking at the assetts, then I'll typically pick-up an enemy SpecOps on SatScan and snipe him.

If I'm not commander I'll respawn as Engineer to get them fixed - with a good commander they are life and death for the whole team. This may surprise, but UAV is highest priority (both for repair and destroy) because it can help so many people at once.

If I'm a squad leader, not Engineer, and I see a downed assett then I'll use my command rose (T) to accurately call a supply drop to that point so the commander can just hit "accept" without having to mess around with zooms and stuff to get the box in the right spot.

As a squad leader I'll often use the command functions and voip to explain to my lads that I need them to keep doing X while I respawn as Eng to get their Arty and UAV support back online. People are usually really good about that.

CARtillery - if I see one coming down and I'm on Stinger, TOW, Armour or AT Kit - I'll usually take a pot-shot at it as it comes down. I could be saving a friendly sniper in a good position, or SpecOps about to blow-up something important.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
If i'm dead and notice it, always. Did you know that repairing counts when ur commader, it doesn't show up in game bu u are credited the repairs.
Pwned so often there's an IPO.
+29|6549|Melbourne, Australia

oOAzraelOo wrote:

I dont know if it's just me, but i would rather waste the crate by dropping it into a bunch of enemies just before Arty come down on them.. just for those few who come out of hiding to get a heal and some ammo, to have death rained down from above.. lol
Oh man... I NEVER thought of that!

That is evil. Truly evil. Possibly more evil than carty'ing a blackhawk in flight.


Consider that tactic stolen
Wtf Padders!! Padders!!!
+18|6665|Boston, Massachusetts
y i do it seems  to help the team when the uav is operational plus some free points always help
+13|6776|Orange County, CA

KVNY wrote:

How often do you go out of your way to repair the cmndr's toys?  If i see the artillery or UAV station down i'll make a mental note to spawn as engy the next time i die and go fix 'em.  If I notice that everything is down and I dont think i'm gonna die soon sometimes i'll sucide so i can got to engy.  Earlier I was cmdr on karkand.  the enemy comdr was being an ass-hat and kept dropping cartillery on my arty guns.  I was running back and forth between the two  repairing them.  What really surprised me was that there were three other guys doing the same thing.
I do it every time if possible.  A good commander and viable assets are invaluable in winning a game.  I hate it when the team just let the assets constantly get destroyed because hey are to busy being individuals.

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