Former Karkand Addict
+32|6867|Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Solar, you are forgetting that this game is about using vehicles, and other tools of war.  Just learn to get better.
+45|6932|Austin, TX
How can I "get better" when theres only 1 chopper per side on Sharqi and someone else gets there first? Will shouting louder help save me from being killed instantly by a base-raper while I wait for a jet to spawn? At least I have a chance of escaping from or destroying a tank or apc. Maybe you can explain how I can stand any chance of survival when Im on the ground with with a rifle without hiding under a brigde for the entire round. Can you explain how I can actually defend myself with one of just two stationary AA launchers that are usually miles away? Remember I only have two missles per load and even if they both hit dead-on, they still won't be able to destroy a jet before he just waltzes back to the airfield to magically repair.

Look I usually like vehicles as much as the next guy, but telling someone on the ground to get better against a  practically invinceable J-10 is like telling the Japanese to "just get better" at surviving American nuclear bombs.
Aspiring Objectivist

~Solar~Fire~ wrote:

the Japanese to "just get better" at surviving American nuclear bombs.
The Jump & prone no doubt.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

Reject_Wolf wrote:

Solar, you are forgetting that this game is about using vehicles, and other tools of war.  Just learn to get better.
BF2 infantry mode = CS = stupid boredom!!
not for me! Thanks
I love [fiSh]
Just to mention it again, the infantry only players are without doubt the best infantry players. Clans use infantry only simply for practice. Therefore the reason "get better" is the biggest bull i've ever read (next to Nikola Bathorys mimimi postings).

And one more point to add: The infantry only option is, how it says, an option. Most people seem not to know what an option is.

Nikola, why can't you just post in thread that interest you? It's not like that many people are interested in your small minded opinion.

Last edited by fierce (2006-07-17 02:12:28)

I honestly don't think it's a bad idea.  I know, half of the idea behind Battlefield is vehicles, but they are a bit overpowered.  Or at least all of the ANTI-Vehicle countermeasures are underpowered.  SRAW rockets in real life could shatter most tanks like glass in a single shot, as opposed to 3-5 for a tank.  Hell, they're not even guaranteed to take out hummers and Vodniks in a single hit. Not to mention we now have more advanced infantry weapons, such as predator missiles, which home in on vehicles, fly above them, and detonate downwards, where most tanks are least armored.  And many anti air rockets, American ones specifically, lock onto electronic signatures, not heat, when tracking a target, and have many, MANY more than 2 shots before they need to be refitted.

And don't bother, I know the next argument...Battlefield 2 isn't about realism, blah blah blah.  The point is that it's a fun, arcade style shooter where the kits are balanced to produce the best gameplay.  But it seems that with each patch, the balance of weapons gets more and more screwed up, and some weapons and vehicles are upgraded or left with their real life attributes, while others are horrifically nerfed and purposely underpowered.  Vehicles are not the difference between Battlefield and Counterstrike.  If you believe that, then you haven't played either very extensively.  Whether you like vehicles or not, it makes sense to at least include an OPTION where things could be settled based entirely on precise aim, teamwork, and superior tactics, which, in this game, are all too often overshadowed by the near invincibility of overwhelming air and armor dominance.
+151|6820|Forest Lake, Australia
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

fierce wrote:

Just to mention it again, the infantry only players are without doubt the best infantry players. Clans use infantry only simply for practice. Therefore the reason "get better" is the biggest bull i've ever read (next to Nikola Bathorys mimimi postings).

And one more point to add: The infantry only option is, how it says, an option. Most people seem not to know what an option is.

Nikola, why can't you just post in thread that interest you? It's not like that many people are interested in your small minded opinion.
lol, man, that was sooo lame of you! (as usual btw).
I am happy that you always read my posts carefully Get used to that!

btw I am sorry for the double post, I have no idea how that happened.

Last edited by Nikola Bathory (2006-07-17 02:58:48)


PCShooterNoob wrote:

I honestly don't think it's a bad idea.  I know, half of the idea behind Battlefield is vehicles, but they are a bit overpowered.
And the humans in the game are not? If EA makes it so tanks can be disabled any easier then they better induce gimp mode on the infantry where you're down after a pistol round to the leg.
To answer the OP question: since it's a server option I doubt you can mix infantry only with normal mode.

The beta 2 introduced ranked infantry mode play. Hopefully it's only to get more ppl to download the beta and act as testers for this new mode.

fierce wrote:

Just to mention it again, the infantry only players are without doubt the best infantry players. Clans use infantry only simply for practice. Therefore the reason "get better" is the biggest bull I've ever read (next to Nikola Bathorys mimimi postings).

And one more point to add: The infantry only option is, how it says, an option. Most people seem not to know what an option is.
The effects on the stat system is however not an option. That's why they should revoke the ranking status of infantry mode in the final patch. COOP and infantry mode should remain as options but not be ranked.
+27|7121|Dundas, ONT, Canada
To all of you who tried 1.4 patch. I got one question. In interview with Colin Clark he mentioned something that dolphin diving would be gone with 1.4 patch, i.e it would take a some time to get to "laser' accuracy when you go prone during a fire fight. Have any of you notice any difference with this patch?

l=l-Oneill-l=l wrote:

To all of you who tried 1.4 patch. I got one question. In interview with Colin Clark he mentioned something that dolphin diving would be gone with 1.4 patch, i.e it would take a some time to get to "laser' accuracy when you go prone during a fire fight. Have any of you notice any difference with this patch?
I doubt this valid question even gets a real reply, after all, there is bitching to be done about jets, tanks, and RPGS!
First, I really don't mind having Infantry only, though I would probably will not be playing in those servers, at least no intentionally. I am pretty sure there will be no way to tell if a map is Infantry only, and I will probably find out just after joining (same as it happened when they added the "No friendly explosives" option, where I had to blow up a friendly - or not - to find out).

Now, that being said, the Engineers and ATs will certainly be less attractive. You will probably have 50% or more of the population being medics and support. Snipers will be on the rise, and I expect to see a ton of claymore work, now that you are guaranteed that no vehicle will blow your claymores without consequence. I find it hard to think why would you not want to be medic all the time, with the G36E being so accurate. Between the heals, revives and superior assault rifle, medics will rule the battlefield.

Sad as it is, I am pretty sure (as someone mentioned in another posting) that EA/DICE is wasting a bunch of resources to implement this "feature" when they should be concentrating on fixing real known issues. On the first beta incarnation this feature had some disastrous consequences that made the "Vehicle Drop" feature look good (too much health, too little damage, invincible medics etc...). I find it extremely hard to make balanced games on maps that were designed with vehicles in them. No major 64 map that was designed with vehicles in mind will be bearable without them.
I love [fiSh]
The effects on the stat system is however not an option. That's why they should revoke the ranking status of infantry mode in the final patch. COOP and infantry mode should remain as options but not be ranked.
True, but for what do you play? Do you really play for meaningless stats you can nothing do with or do you rather play for fun? What are you going to remember, your stats or nice experiences?

I am pretty sure there will be no way to tell if a map is Infantry only, and I will probably find out just after joining
There's an option for this in the server browser.

Now, that being said, the Engineers and ATs will certainly be less attractive.
Less attractive in infantry only? Learn to use them in CQC, they for sure the deadliest CQC class.

DICE is wasting a bunch of resources to implement this "feature" when they should be concentrating on fixing real known issues.
Ever tried to modify a map? Takes you maybe one or two days to modify all maps and maybe 1-2 days more for gamechanges.
It's been suggested that infantry only maps might still have gun-less vehicles, as maps with carriers and large maps would be absolutely unplayable otherwise.  As to someone making the "human are overpowered" comment...that may very wel be the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  I mean, you could say certain kits are overpowered, but dude...shooting yourself in the leg to have gimps?  The point of what I was saying, if you read the entire post, is that regardless of skill level, armor and air can give people ridiculously unfair advantages.  The only things that can give infantry drastic leg ups over each other are, as I said...teamwork, tactics, and just being a better shot, things which there should be more of in every game.
Get your body beat.

voltage wrote:

The effects on the stat system is however not an option. That's why they should revoke the ranking status of infantry mode in the final patch. COOP and infantry mode should remain as options but not be ranked.
I agree.

Already it tlooks like 90% of the worlds servers will go to infantry only mode were everyone in using the g36e and reviveing each other.
Maps like dalian were getting a good score of 60 points using a tank and infantry will be out the window, you'll get that score from revives alone.
+45|6932|Austin, TX
So getting easy points by reviving on the ground is wrong by getting easy points but bombing from the air is right?

Last edited by ~Solar~Fire~ (2006-07-17 23:14:00)


fierce wrote:

The effects on the stat system is however not an option. That's why they should revoke the ranking status of infantry mode in the final patch. COOP and infantry mode should remain as options but not be ranked.
True, but for what do you play? Do you really play for meaningless stats you can nothing do with or do you rather play for fun? What are you going to remember, your stats or nice experiences?
But if you think stat is unimportant, then you don't need infantry mode to be ranked right?

~Solar~Fire~ wrote:

So getting easy points by reviving on the ground is wrong by getting easy points but bombing from the air is right?
For me the problem is the mixing of stat from 2 vast different play modes.

Let's say your infantry kdr is 1.0. Some of those deaths happened when you encountered an enemy on foot and lost. However, lots of those deaths is from jets, choppers, tanks, APCs, jeeps, RIBs and whatnot. That's the what the ground trooper have to face and survive. And as you probably know: if you're holding the rifle in your hands when a SU-30 drops it's cargo on you, it goes straight into the weapons table and counts as a infantry death. During you're time with BF2, you've learned to know where they are, where you can go safe from A to B to avoid them etc etc. Now, anyone playing this infantry mode will get all his kills and deaths in the same table, but the only other danger he have to face is an enemy soldier. At all times he can be sure that no APC is going to drive over him, or that he will get bombed. You don't have to be Einstein to understand how that will affect the stat. If someone today get a 10 KDR, a quick look at his stat will reveal how he got that. The stat from this new infantry mode will be completely invisible, there's no way to see how it was acquired.

I might add that I agree that the jets dominates too much, but that needs to be addressed in the normal mode.
+605|6833|San Diego, CA, USA
Download 1.40 BETA 2 and play a couple of rounds of'll see that these two ranked map options would be vastly superior:

'Vehicle-lite' ranked map option:
  o Replace Tank/APC spawns with Heavy Jeeps
  o Replace AA vehicle spawns with Light Jeeps
  o Remove Jets
  o Replace Littlebird and Attack Helicopters with Transport Helicopters

AND/OR 'Vehicle-neutered' ranked map option:
Same as above except all transport vehicles have their guns removed.

ALL kits on ALL maps for ALL sizes will be playable.  As it stands now IO is only bareable on Karkand, Sharqi and Mastuur.  Any other map its 16 or 32 size and even then any water map sucks.

Harmor wrote:

Download 1.40 BETA 2 and play a couple of rounds of'll see that these two ranked map options would be vastly superior:

'Vehicle-lite' ranked map option:
  o Replace Tank/APC spawns with Heavy Jeeps
  o Replace AA vehicle spawns with Light Jeeps
  o Remove Jets
  o Replace Littlebird and Attack Helicopters with Transport Helicopters

AND/OR 'Vehicle-neutered' ranked map option:
Same as above except all transport vehicles have their guns removed.

ALL kits on ALL maps for ALL sizes will be playable.  As it stands now IO is only bareable on Karkand, Sharqi and Mastuur.  Any other map its 16 or 32 size and even then any water map sucks.
That sounds like the best idea I've heard in a long time...besides everything they already need to do to fix the damn game.
infantry only rules teh street........but it cant be infantryonly on maps with hangarships then players would have to swim a looong distance

so the maps have to be smaller. so small that the hangarship is not on teh map;)
or i could be boats without the m249.....but boats suck:P
+605|6833|San Diego, CA, USA

Maggie_(NOR) wrote:

infantry only rules teh street........but it cant be infantryonly on maps with hangarships then players would have to swim a looong distance

so the maps have to be smaller. so small that the hangarship is not on teh map;)
or i could be boats without the m249.....but boats suck:P
Exactly...infantry only would have to have maps that are as big as the aircraft carrier in size...but actually have all the cooridors inside along the entire ship.
+11|6780|London, UK

Maggie_(NOR) wrote:

infantry only rules teh street........but it cant be infantryonly on maps with hangarships then players would have to swim a looong distance

so the maps have to be smaller. so small that the hangarship is not on teh map;)
or i could be boats without the m249.....but boats suck:P
So maybe you can only use the infantry only option on certain maps, such as karkand, sharqi, mashtuur, gulfand possibly wake? I mean, the AF booster pack will be worthless if you could disable the vehicles in it! Maybe its just meant to be an aid to servers which put in an 'Infantry only' rule, only to have some retard roll in with a tank?
+9|6777|Berlin, Germany

Harmor wrote:

Download 1.40 BETA 2 and play a couple of rounds of'll see that these two ranked map options would be vastly superior:

'Vehicle-lite' ranked map option:
  o Replace Tank/APC spawns with Heavy Jeeps
  o Replace AA vehicle spawns with Light Jeeps
  o Remove Jets
  o Replace Littlebird and Attack Helicopters with Transport Helicopters

AND/OR 'Vehicle-neutered' ranked map option:
Same as above except all transport vehicles have their guns removed.

ALL kits on ALL maps for ALL sizes will be playable.  As it stands now IO is only bareable on Karkand, Sharqi and Mastuur.  Any other map its 16 or 32 size and even then any water map sucks.
everything else would be a bad CS
I love [fiSh]

voltage wrote:

fierce wrote:

The effects on the stat system is however not an option. That's why they should revoke the ranking status of infantry mode in the final patch. COOP and infantry mode should remain as options but not be ranked.
True, but for what do you play? Do you really play for meaningless stats you can nothing do with or do you rather play for fun? What are you going to remember, your stats or nice experiences?
But if you think stat is unimportant, then you don't need infantry mode to be ranked right?

For me the problem is the mixing of stat from 2 vast different play modes. [...]
You make a valid point if you're playing this game for stats. I rather play it for fun, teamwork and winning against the other team. Honestly i wouldn't mind if Infantry Only would be unranked because, as mentioned before, i don't play for stats. I think stats are a nice addition to the game and keeps other players playing this game and it works as incentive to gain one more badge/ribbon/medal.

On the other side all these stats have a large bad side, for example the behaviour of some players to gain an award and therefore ignoring their teammates etc. Or those players who think useless BF2 stats are all in their life and they spend 30 minutes in a car, drive it into the water and repair it. Or how some players gain SF awards - they shot dozen of teargas to get an useless awards. What a waste of time and their life...

I don't know how many times you've played on an infantry only server? I do it a lot because it's a lot of fun and if i want the full action, i join a regular server and go for the tank, helo, plane or even play there as infantry.

And out of my experience i can tell you, the level of play is way higher on infantry only servers then on the regular joe schmoe public server. Simply because clans use it for practice. On Infantry Only servers you find a lot of players who got an KDR of >3 with their infantry weapons and these guys could even achieve a high kdr for example on a full KArkand server with APCs/Tanks/Artillery...

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