wow, I've alwayus wondered...
Lol, what a cool video. I didn't know it takes that much stuff to control Bush, I always thought a PlayStation gamepad is enough.
Have you ever watched the news that involved anything about things outside the US? I'm not interested in the slightest in Australian politics, but even I know that the PM of Australia is John Howard. You don't appear to realise how stupid it makes you look when you say that Australias so insignificant, I don't know who the PM is. Why would a whole country have too much time on their hands? I doubt the whole country makes videos. If someone posted a video made by an American, I doubt you'd say that the whole country had too much time on their hands.Horseman 77 wrote:
You relize we don't even know the name of your leaders, Hell does anyone? Roflmao. Piss ant countries with to much free time on your hands, but what else are you gonna do down there ? Keep making shit videos if thats the best you can do.
EDIT: Horseman, you may also be interested to know, that that video was made by Germans, which is that language they are speaking. That's why it has subtitles.
Last edited by ghettoperson (2006-07-16 08:34:09)
well America really does have too much time on their hands..
Edit. forgot to quote
Example : look at <---mostly American videos..
Edit. forgot to quote
well America really does have too much time on their hands..ghettoperson wrote:
Have you ever watched the news that involved anything about things outside the US? I'm not interested in the slightest in Australian politics, but even I know that the PM of Australia is John Howard. You don't appear to realise how stupid it makes you look when you say that Australias so insignificant, I don't know who the PM is. Why would a whole country have too much time on their hands? I doubt the whole country makes videos. If someone posted a video made by an American, I doubt you'd say that the whole country had too much time on their hands.Horseman 77 wrote:
You relize we don't even know the name of your leaders, Hell does anyone? Roflmao. Piss ant countries with to much free time on your hands, but what else are you gonna do down there ? Keep making shit videos if thats the best you can do.
Example : look at <---mostly American videos..
Last edited by [1FR]S3v3N (2006-07-16 08:45:26)
Wow. That was pretty stupid. Not even funny. Just stupid.
I thought it was funny, too busy watching it to realize the "bush pilot" word play
Doesn't john howard own a hotel chain? I'm pretty sure my parents used to make me eat at a John Howard's after church on sundays
Doesn't john howard own a hotel chain? I'm pretty sure my parents used to make me eat at a John Howard's after church on sundays
I am an american. I don't watch the news. I don't know any country leaders. I wish I didn't know my country's leader. I am not an arrogant american. I do not think I, or the US, is better than any of you, or your country. I wish I lived in Canada for no other reason other than nationwide healthcare and Toronto is the cleanest city I've ever been to.
Edit: Oh yeah. I thought the video was funny. +1 for you.
Edit: Oh yeah. I thought the video was funny. +1 for you.
Last edited by Sin-nisterMinister (2006-07-16 09:24:34)
He is the worlds most Powerfull man Guiding the Greatest Country in the world at the most difficult time since Washintons winter at Valley Forge. You could combine any two countries and the job wouldn't be as tough.
Really love your space program, allways tune in for that!
Always intrested to see who we are feeding, catering to, protecting, guarding etc.ghettoperson wrote:
Have you ever watched the news that involved anything about things outside the US?Horseman 77 wrote:
You relize we don't even know the name of your leaders, Hell does anyone? Roflmao. Piss ant countries with to much free time on your hands, but what else are you gonna do down there ? Keep making shit videos if thats the best you can do.
Really love your space program, allways tune in for that!
It was insulting and it was intended to. We dont need insults from borderline 3rd world countries basking in the freedom we secured for them.You are the one who calls yourself a " Gettoperson" how stupid is that? Enuff saidghettoperson wrote:
I'm not interested in the slightest in Australian politics, but even I know that the PM of Australia is John Howard. You don't appear to realise how stupid it makes you look.
Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-07-16 09:39:08)
But, he's a Ninja, he can't be all bad.
Dear Horseman,Horseman 77 wrote:
We dont need insults from borderline 3rd world countries basking in the freedom we secured for them.
Try not to generalize to much. I think it would be better when you use 'I' rather than 'we'. I can't believe that the general American population as in your 'we' would make such profound ignorant statements. You're not a population, you're a person. So either state here and now that you suffer from multiple personality disorder or use 'I'.
I thought the clip was rather funny and I am sure my Prime Minister has more than one operator on the job.
Ps.: And the joke probably originates from M.I.B. an American movie if I recall it correctly.
I thought the video was hillarious, +1 for you.
For the record, I'm not Australian, if that was what you were trying to say.Horseman 77 wrote:
He is the worlds most Powerfull man Guiding the Greatest Country in the world at the most difficult time since Washintons winter at Valley Forge. You could combine any two countries and the job wouldn't be as tough.Always intrested to see who we are feeding, catering to, protecting, guarding etc.ghettoperson wrote:
Have you ever watched the news that involved anything about things outside the US?Horseman 77 wrote:
You relize we don't even know the name of your leaders, Hell does anyone? Roflmao. Piss ant countries with to much free time on your hands, but what else are you gonna do down there ? Keep making shit videos if thats the best you can do.
Really love your space program, allways tune in for that!It was insulting and it was intended to. We dont need insults from borderline 3rd world countries basking in the freedom we secured for them.You are the one who calls yourself a " Gettoperson" how stupid is that? Enuff saidghettoperson wrote:
I'm not interested in the slightest in Australian politics, but even I know that the PM of Australia is John Howard. You don't appear to realise how stupid it makes you look.
I'm not too sure as to why you're getting at Australia about this, other than that the poster is from there, as I pointed out before, the video is quite clearly German. Why don't you tell us about all the great things that America has done for Germany instead, and how those ungrateful bastards should do something better with their time than insult the worlds 'greatest country'.
My name was made from something called something called ironic humour. (or humor for you) I am not 'ghetto' in the slightest, it just struck me as a mildly amusing name.
Oh and just so you know, 'ghetto' has an h in it. Which is silent. Unfortunatly, the english language seems to be slightly beyond you.
I hope your not calling Australia "borderline 3rd world", horseman, because we're far from it, and you've hardley secured any freedom for us, no doubt America would help out if we were in trouble but that's because Australia helps America out as well, we're supporting the yanks in Iraq and we supported you in Vietnam.
Cunts like you give your country a bad name.
Sure, he has a tough job, and he makes mistakes during speaches and what not, as most people would, and people get a laugh out of it, so what? This is the case with most famous people. Our Prime Minister for example, is often made fun of on comedy shows etc... It's not meant to be taken seriously.
Cunts like you give your country a bad name.
Sure, he has a tough job, and he makes mistakes during speaches and what not, as most people would, and people get a laugh out of it, so what? This is the case with most famous people. Our Prime Minister for example, is often made fun of on comedy shows etc... It's not meant to be taken seriously.
Last edited by riz (2006-07-16 11:35:18)
Heh, that was pretty good. Nice find.
That was pretty funny. I like when he was rocking out while it was on autopilot
look who responds to 3rd world ? Next time the japs get to rape away lolriz wrote:
I hope your not calling Australia "borderline 3rd world", horseman, because we're far from it, and you've hardley secured any freedom for us, no doubt America would help out if we were in trouble but that's because Australia helps America out as well, we're supporting the yanks in Iraq and we supported you in Vietnam.
Cunts like you give your country a bad name.
Sure, he has a tough job, and he makes mistakes during speaches and what not, as most people would, and people get a laugh out of it, so what? This is the case with most famous people. Our Prime Minister for example, is often made fun of on comedy shows etc... It's not meant to be taken seriously.
Ps Picked a safe place to talk tuff. bet that was no accident either.
Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-07-16 13:09:01)
What?Horseman 77 wrote:
Ps Picked a safe place to talk tuff. bet that was no accident either.
what do you mean look who responds to 3rd world? what other country could you mean?, you're having a whinge because the Original Poster posted a video that offended you and he happened to come from Australia, and I'm from Australia and I take offence to wankers like you talking shit about my country, and I don't know what you mean by "picked a safe place to talk tough etc." but you're the dickhead causing trouble in this thread. so do yourself a favour and fuckin neck up
edit: also America helped against the japs because pearl harbour was bombed, naturally we're thankfull for any help as America is when going to war.
edit: also America helped against the japs because pearl harbour was bombed, naturally we're thankfull for any help as America is when going to war.
Last edited by riz (2006-07-16 16:38:14)
Here you go Horseman 77. Just so Bush doesn't feel so singled out...
The DVD collection of John Howard's Walks. Brought to you buy an Australian group of comedians, you see, the rest of the world isn't so arrogant that they take offence at a joke.
Oddly enough, if you are not Australian you may not understand the joke.
The DVD collection of John Howard's Walks. Brought to you buy an Australian group of comedians, you see, the rest of the world isn't so arrogant that they take offence at a joke.
Oddly enough, if you are not Australian you may not understand the joke.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Because a country that for years has been, what, 3rd on the best quality-of-life is 3rd world.Horseman 77 wrote:
He is the worlds most Powerfull man Guiding the Greatest Country in the world at the most difficult time since Washintons winter at Valley Forge. You could combine any two countries and the job wouldn't be as tough.Always intrested to see who we are feeding, catering to, protecting, guarding etc.ghettoperson wrote:
Have you ever watched the news that involved anything about things outside the US?Horseman 77 wrote:
You relize we don't even know the name of your leaders, Hell does anyone? Roflmao. Piss ant countries with to much free time on your hands, but what else are you gonna do down there ? Keep making shit videos if thats the best you can do.
Really love your space program, allways tune in for that!It was insulting and it was intended to. We dont need insults from borderline 3rd world countries basking in the freedom we secured for them.You are the one who calls yourself a " Gettoperson" how stupid is that? Enuff saidghettoperson wrote:
I'm not interested in the slightest in Australian politics, but even I know that the PM of Australia is John Howard. You don't appear to realise how stupid it makes you look.
Do some goddamn research before making swipes - most of that post is nothing but insults.
"In the freedom we secured?"
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
That was hilarious. Great job Germans! "Kopfpit" was a nice play of words.
Horseman fails to appreciate any Satire you give him, and has a hard time venting his anger out in these forums. Just give him some time or ignore him.
Horseman fails to appreciate any Satire you give him, and has a hard time venting his anger out in these forums. Just give him some time or ignore him.
The admin checks in ( he wont pull on your ears if you bob fast enuff )
PS Better ban Gunslinger B4 its to late !
PS Better ban Gunslinger B4 its to late !
Horseman, From one American to another. Bush is an idiot, just like his father. He attacks Iraq cause of WMD's they don't have, then redirects that they have chemical weapons cause they gassed their own people when our leaders gassed our own soldiers and a bunch of people not soldiers, people, mothers, fathers and children(agent orange).
Let me ask you how many countries have used WMD's on a population? In the scheme of things going on in the world I honestly don't know but I do know that the US dropped 2 atomic weapons in Hiroshima....
Anyway, The crap he pulled has nothing to do with me as an American. Hes a retard that was advised by retards with political and monetary interests in mind that it would be best for the US to get a foot hold in the middle east by taking Iraq and securing their oil.
Let me ask you how many countries have used WMD's on a population? In the scheme of things going on in the world I honestly don't know but I do know that the US dropped 2 atomic weapons in Hiroshima....
Anyway, The crap he pulled has nothing to do with me as an American. Hes a retard that was advised by retards with political and monetary interests in mind that it would be best for the US to get a foot hold in the middle east by taking Iraq and securing their oil.