How do you find yourself in the ranks? I have no idea where I rank and I don't feel like looking through dozens of pages for my name
go to your stats page then rankingG3|Genius wrote:
How do you find yourself in the ranks? I have no idea where I rank and I don't feel like looking through dozens of pages for my name
mmm howzabout kicks/bans rankings tell you hu not to play with ur whos nasty
sorry bout spelling, lets just say "goon" ^^
Dont know if this is posted before, but i would like to see a ranking, that shows, who have the "Best Shock Paddles K/D" or the "Most Shock Paddle Kills"...
For the first, 100 kills and 1 hour should be required....
For the first, 100 kills and 1 hour should be required....
Thats a VERY good idea!OD-Belt wrote:
Is it possible to be able to keep track of Commander Arty kills?
I would be curious to see how many ppl get all their high kill streaks and bonus kills due to arty strikes,seeing that they count toawds global scores.
That'd just show the people who played on k/p servers - I've played a few non-ranked ones and seen people using the paddles there but never have I seen the like on a normal server.[HhB]Jonny-JX wrote:
Dont know if this is posted before, but i would like to see a ranking, that shows, who have the "Best Shock Paddles K/D" or the "Most Shock Paddle Kills"...
For the first, 100 kills and 1 hour should be required....
On 2nd thoughts, implement it and then report everyone to ROE.
Sorry, but i use the paddles at all servers...and most of my friends too...aardfrith wrote:
That'd just show the people who played on k/p servers - I've played a few non-ranked ones and seen people using the paddles there but never have I seen the like on a normal server.
On 2nd thoughts, implement it and then report everyone to ROE.
Its absolutely the same to paddle a victim, as kniving him...
And @ ROE: The gaming should be funny, otherwise i wouldn't spend so many time to BF2...and for a fair playing, i don't need the ROE. So everyone should spend his time on the server, that he/she wants....
And if K/P-servers counts as stats-padding-servers, so you could say it to all 100 ticket-servers too...only that you got more rounds and wins instead of K/P-time/kills. So this point of ROE are more than stupid....
And to know, that HARDCORE-STATS-PADDING and BUG-USING or MASSIVE-TKing isn't fair, i don't need ROE...and the most players know that too....and they had known it BEFORE the ROE....
-> 0 points for the most time
yeah that might be cool new ranking thing...Fr33zE wrote:
mmm howzabout kicks/bans rankings tell you hu not to play with ur whos nasty
yeah I definitely want to see who is the most banned xDZimiZuhu wrote:
yeah that might be cool new ranking thing...Fr33zE wrote:
mmm howzabout kicks/bans rankings tell you hu not to play with ur whos nasty
My knife K/D is always 0 for some reason..RD_The_Dog wrote:
You've got knife kill death ratio, but what about actual knife kills? Who has the most? (It'll be obvious to point out the padders)
Anyway, i think there are enough rankings, it would be stupid to ruin what you got with shit nobody cares about
Make A Granade Award...
Like 150 kills Bronze/basic then 300 kills Silver/Veteran and 1000 Kills Gold/Expert
Think that would be great
Like 150 kills Bronze/basic then 300 kills Silver/Veteran and 1000 Kills Gold/Expert
Think that would be great
i think it would be time that the north american service ribbon is updated
How long you used the M24, M95, L96A1, SVD, and Type 88.
Yes! +1 for that.RonnY[NL] wrote:
i think it would be time that the north american service ribbon is updated
I personally think that the time estimations should change...
I registered my account when the game first came out, and I finally started playing a little less than a year later, and it says rediculous time ratings for the smallest points.
How about you change it to instead of from time joined, to time played.
I registered my account when the game first came out, and I finally started playing a little less than a year later, and it says rediculous time ratings for the smallest points.
How about you change it to instead of from time joined, to time played.
add "best round" or "#kills Favorite Victim" to discover statpadder
Last edited by el.fleisch (18 years, 7 months ago)
On foot K/D.
Not sure if this is what you meant but some stats I calculate (manually) for my leaderboard:chuyskywalker wrote:
What rankings do you want to see?
I'm not terribly interested in doing boring things like "most kills with XYZ" since that's covered everywhere. Get creative.
Comradery: %time spent not "Lone Wolf";
Helpfulness: %points from teamwork+command;
Leadership: (fraction time Lone Wolf * 1) + (fraction time Squaddie * 2) + (fraction time Squad Leader * 3) + (fraction time Commander * 4); gives a number from 1-4 where someone who loners all the time is 1.00, someone who is squad member all the time is 2.00 etc. The higher the rating the higher the level of leadership you display.
Bloodlust: Kills per Round + Deaths per Round; seems to reflect how "in-there" the player is regardless of how good they are.
Currently thinking about a "Blue-on-Blue" stat, using %accuracy, shots fired, kills and TKs to back calculate how often you shoot friendlies as a percentage of how often you shoot anyone (not necessarily kills).
Also thinking of a "Whore" stat, using %time in a vehicle and %kills by that vehicle to show how dedicated the player is to that form of combat.
Sometimes the kit you play the most is not the one you are best with... so I'm thinking about an "Ability" stat (as in 'most able with'...) but I'm a tad unsure how to calculate that...will think more.
Last edited by Windrider_Melb (18 years, 7 months ago)
I play exclusively on ranked servers. Look at my stats. I've died plenty of times to shock paddles and killed with them on occasion. People use them instead of knives because they have a longer range. And before anyone goes "WTF?", they do. You can't stab a prone player while you are standing over them but you can shock-paddle them from that position.aardfrith wrote:
That'd just show the people who played on k/p servers - I've played a few non-ranked ones and seen people using the paddles there but never have I seen the like on a normal server.[HhB]Jonny-JX wrote:
Dont know if this is posted before, but i would like to see a ranking, that shows, who have the "Best Shock Paddles K/D" or the "Most Shock Paddle Kills"...
For the first, 100 kills and 1 hour should be required....
On 2nd thoughts, implement it and then report everyone to ROE.
* I wouldn't mind seeing ranks per country or a top 500 per country, i've always wondered how i stand against my fellow brits. - this could inspire people to go for points again.
* If this is easy lol how about ranks per town/street etc lol i want to be a number 1 jk'in
* If this is easy lol how about ranks per town/street etc lol i want to be a number 1 jk'in
Use the Filters Luke. There at the bottum.=WTE=MasteRMattY wrote:
* I wouldn't mind seeing ranks per country or a top 500 per country, i've always wondered how i stand against my fellow brits. - this could inspire people to go for points again.
* If this is easy lol how about ranks per town/street etc lol i want to be a number 1 jk'in
Last edited by cheshiremoe (18 years, 7 months ago)
if its possible i would like to see the tk forgive/punish stats, i would like to see if anyone forgives at all out there.
How about a stat with the top 5 players u play with the most or something like that.
#1chuyskywalker wrote:
What rankings do you want to see?
I'm not terribly interested in doing boring things like "most kills with XYZ" since that's covered everywhere. Get creative.
i'd really like to see "idle time" added to the "Time" section. this would help paint a more accurate picture as far as how many hours out of total time have been spent idling, etc. for those of us that have idled a lot (e.g., over 100 hours, i know idling adds up!), knowing how many hours out of total time 'played' were spent idling would definitely give a more accurate sense of one's stats.
"air stats." i've always wondered what the greatest number of kills i've ever gotten with a jet has been. having a total per map, per "swoop" (i.e., simultaneous kills in one pass/shot), and overall kills while pilot, and separate stats for gunner. (if there are "air stats" on bf2s or anywhere on the web, let me know. thanks. fyi, bf2s is the only stat site i visit.)
i don't think the above two are tracked yet on bf2s. many thanks in advance for your consideration.
Last edited by [PR]Wolf (18 years, 7 months ago)