Part-time Owner
LOL, my stats = 161 Hours and (drumroll)...16 Golds!!! LOL you are honestly not that bad!!! I just play for fun but it helps if your in a clan; They always help you.
Cheeky Keen
+329|6708|Kent, UK
i'm on 51 after 248 hours, does that make me 1337?

^KoB^Buckles wrote:

i'm on 51 after 248 hours, does that make me 1337?
OMG you should come play with MaCGP. We're l337

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Cursed You

Anti_-_Logic81 wrote:

Cursed You wrote:

docnutz wrote:

lol your almost as bad as my brother -----> http://bf2s.com/player/58526259/

My friend who plays over at my house.  LOL @ his kill streak vs his death streak.  He gets owned so bad.  Sometimes its from my computer freezing for a few seconds but Im like "dude you were throwing nades at an APC".  He shakes like crazy because he gets excited/scared when he gets into a firefight.  He literally jumped in my chair when he got killed by a claymore because it scared him so bad.

Funny as hell.
That is truly awesome...a guy who gets that much from a game is really enjoying it. This game did that for me when i played the demo. That doesn't happen much anymore now...the last time it happened was when I met this cool guy of higher rank who let me gun for him in a chopper. Helped me get my ribbon. 90% of the kills were from me TVing another attack chopper. Had so much fun. He's on my xfire list now.
Well... the thing is... he doesnt enjoy it... :\
+9|6666|every1 h8's Germany
U think ur a bad player?
A clanmate of my brother is like ~50 years old, gaming bf2 and his stats are shitty as hell -> http://bf2s.com/player/49008806/

860hours played and 42k points + 42 gold medals earned.

He is so dumb if you hit his helo while he is flyin, he is landing somewhere in the middle of the fight, tryin to repair his own helo and wondering why he is killed so often rofl.

Last edited by shice (2006-07-11 17:07:45)

I HAVE YOU ALL BEAT.   236 hours and 1 Gold Star!

I only play on 64 person maps, and I REFUSE to veh whore of any sort.  I don't spawn camp, grenade spam, whore.. I just run around and shoot people and HAVE FUN. 

I am usually right in the middle of the scoring.  A very good round for me is to get maybe 3rd or 4th on my team- rarely overall though.  There are simply too many people who play and ONLY look to score points, that I can't compete with all of them in regards to these magical Gold Stars that seem so important to so many people.
+9|6723|B.C CANADA

^KoB^Buckles wrote:

i'm on 51 after 248 hours, does that make me 1337?

You only score .1 points more than me per minute, we are close in overall score, yet you have 50 gold stars more than me.. that means you play on small servers where your points and veh whoring go a long way.

Last edited by [mcp]eltorrente (2006-07-11 20:58:37)

Nade Spammers Must Die
You really suck dude.

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

You really suck dude.
Thanks Bob I knew I could count on you to tell it like it is
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
someone make the inverse of this thread... most golds per time played... cuz i wanna post... but i dont wanna be a jerk or steal this thread
Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|6834|The Lou
ok, i dont want to be mean cause this guys toootally kool an awesome but heres his stats lol

+183|6824|A sunburnt country
Meh, you got nothing on me.  500hrs and only 4 Gold.  (I can't believe I am bragging that I suck!!!!!)

Gold, Silver and Bronze don't worry me one bit.  It's not worth putting up with the TK'ing losers fighting over vehicles etc so it's Infantry all the way, which means few medals. 

I can't really say I've suffered from it.  I haven't lost my good paying job and didn't get knocked back from that cute blonde last week because of it.  Come to think of it, she didn't even ask me how many pretend medals I have.

Oh and by the way, I have 5 real medals from 9 years of service.

lol, you shoulda got full credit for answer in sig... i cant even think of the antonym of pro... i guess amateur?
+6|6655|Florida, USA
or Con
Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|6834|The Lou
lol, i didnt do that... i wish i would have!!! man if a teacher was to give me that on a paper i would totally do it... and if they asked me to put a noun i would put hell, or maybe heaven... but hells way kooler to say in school, ha
im at 360 hrs and have 42 but most of them are from being cmdr. i think i have earned maybe 10. so ur doing better than me
Nade Spammers Must Die
Dammit you guys really have to get into the whoring business . Man 6 hours i can get 14 medals. J-10, Tank/Apc, Medic, RPK-74
Platinum Star whore
+365|6829|Middle of nowhere

aLi3nZ wrote:

190 Gold Medals, 88 hours play time.

I only play on 64 player karkland. At the time I used this account ([M.o.D]aLi3nZ) the server had pretty short rounds, now that the server has 300 tickets the rounds are longer. How many gold medals someone has can also depend on this.

Eg, on my new account (9th.aLi3nZ) on the same 64 player karkland server that now has 300 tickets. I have played a total 25 hours, but only have 38 gold medals.

I'm in the top 3 90% of the time btw.
wow, talk about a Karkand whore, why don't you play Daqing or something? see if your 5.2 SPM can take that

Edit: for me, i have 71 Gold Medals in 150 hrs of playing time

i don't know if that's good (i guess it is), but i also avoid 64 player servers with a passion, i like 32 player ones with high tickets, makes the rounds interesting if you ask me

Last edited by genius_man16 (2006-07-11 22:02:37)

I'm no expert, but I'll try to help.
Rules of winning without being a loser:
1. if you join a side that's losing, try your best to help it win, if you quit it, you'll still get the loss, but you won't get the points.

2. Be the guy that helps everyone and caps flags.

3. Stats whoring, cheating, spawn camping, base raping and just being a cockend should all be tried once, and once you know how it feels, never do it again, because it really isn't any fun.

4. If your stats suck, get the basics of one kit and try another. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of each kit to best know how to beat them.

5. Just because you happen to be on the losing side, it doesn't mean you can't get a gold star. Sometimes it helps. Just last week I was playing a round of ghost town and my team was getting base raped something fierce. The enemies were coming to me and I was mowing them down, trying to let my teammates spawn. We lost badly, but I had the most kills by a huge margin, and I was ground pounding.

6. Just clearing up a misconception some people have: YOU MAKE MORE POINTS PLAYING BY THE RULES THAN YOU DO BY CHEATING. Trust me, you just do.
has to be worst player ive seen on this site http://gibson.bf2s.com/player/58205341/

edit : must be because hes french j/k

Last edited by wachtler83 (2006-07-13 16:36:12)


wachtler83 wrote:

has to be worst player ive seen on this site http://gibson.bf2s.com/player/58205341/

edit : must be because hes french j/k
WTF?!1 That's crazy....like he just tries to hide in a corner or something.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
they cant possibly be seriously playing...
I <3 ak101
+307|6814|under there hayousaidunderwear

That is the worst K/D ratio in the game
+1,128|6793|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

majorassult wrote:


That is the worst K/D ratio in the game
due to the fact its a statspadding account..

the guy logs on.. and lets his buddies pad using that account..

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