
Are you a Christian?

I would like to be 50% 50% - 157 50% 50% - 157
I don't want anything to do with that! 55% 55% - 174 44% 44% - 140
Total: 314
MOG Disciple

twiistaaa wrote:

2.1 billion christians
4.0 billion other

i duno are 4 billion people really going to hell? no. ok im not christian then.
Ok where did you get your stats from? If you call yourself a Christian but never excepted Jesus Christ into your life, sorry you are not a Christian!!!!  There are too many fakes out there
+783|7003|Reykjavík, Iceland.
100% Atheist.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6706|Doncaster, UK

MOG Disciple's Sig wrote:

Joh 3:3 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God
Who's Joh?

And on topic, also 100% atheist, stop trying to push your religion on us please.

How is it a poll about pie or cheese is considered spam, but a poll about a religion which I dare say isn't even the majority religion in the world has been allowed to reach page 15?

Go figure

Last edited by DoctorFruitloop (2006-07-11 07:40:27)

MOG Disciple

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

MOG Disciple's Sig wrote:

Joh 3:3 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God
Who's Joh?

And on topic, also 100% atheist, stop trying to push your religion on us please.

How is it a poll about pie or cheese is considered spam, but a poll about a religion which I dare say isn't even the majority religion in the world has been allowed to reach page 15?

Go figure
It is Joh = John

Religion is a great topic.  DoctorFruitloop are you trying to say you are or are not a Christian, because with that name you must be an atheist. LOL
Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6753|Lexington, Kentucky
MOG, cut that out. I'd neg karma you for that if I could.
A) Bad joke
B) You're trollin.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6706|Doncaster, UK
Errr, the clues in the question pal... it's a bit of a give away where I write, and I quote (literally)

DoctorFruiltoop wrote:

And on topic, also 100% atheist, stop trying to push your religion on us please.
And if I were as devout as you purport to be I wouldn't spell the name of such a prominent figure from my religion wrong in my sig.

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6709|Southeastern USA
My real name is Austin
and Austin 3:16 sez

MOG Disciple
There i fixed it.  I apologize OK bad joke.  Feel bad being the brunt of a bad joke doesn't it.  We Christians get that a lot don't we. 

DoctorFruiltoop wrote:
And on topic, also 100% atheist, stop trying to push your religion on us please.

I have not been pushing my religion on anyone, the subject is Christianity is it not?  So that is what I am and will continue to talk about. Start an atheist forum and I won't bother you there. Unless you invite me.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6706|Doncaster, UK

MOG Disciple wrote:

Feel bad being the brunt of a bad joke doesn't it.  We Christians get that a lot don't we.
So cos you feel bad, you lash out and want other people to feel bad about being the brunt of a joke? Doesn't sound like a very "christian" attitude to me. Whatever happened to offering the other cheek and all that?

Tut tut... terrible!
MOG Disciple

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

MOG Disciple wrote:

Feel bad being the brunt of a bad joke doesn't it.  We Christians get that a lot don't we.
So cos you feel bad, you lash out and want other people to feel bad about being the brunt of a joke? Doesn't sound like a very "christian" attitude to me. Whatever happened to offering the other cheek and all that?

Tut tut... terrible!
Sorry if you felt I was lashing out, I was just making an observation.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6706|Doncaster, UK
Too late, you've ruined my day.
MOG Disciple
I gave you +1 to maybe make your day better.

MOG Disciple wrote:

twiistaaa wrote:

2.1 billion christians
4.0 billion other

i duno are 4 billion people really going to hell? no. ok im not christian then.
Ok where did you get your stats from? If you call yourself a Christian but never excepted Jesus Christ into your life, sorry you are not a Christian!!!!  There are too many fakes out there
well there are 6 billion in the world, minus the ones who claim they are christians. but even then by your standards even less of them are getting into heaven. and we still want to believe in god?

im all for personal faith. but i dont want people telling me im going to hell.

Last edited by twiistaaa (2006-07-11 09:12:54)

Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6706|Doncaster, UK
FFS, I've got a Christian giving me karma now...
MOG Disciple

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

FFS, I've got a Christian giving me karma now...
Well that seemed to chear you up.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6706|Doncaster, UK

twiistaaa wrote:

MOG Disciple wrote:

twiistaaa wrote:

2.1 billion christians
4.0 billion other

i duno are 4 billion people really going to hell? no. ok im not christian then.
Ok where did you get your stats from? If you call yourself a Christian but never excepted Jesus Christ into your life, sorry you are not a Christian!!!!  There are too many fakes out there
well there are 6 billion in the world, minus the ones who claim they are christians. but even then by your standards even less of them are getting into heaven. and we still want to believe in god?

im all for personal faith. but i dont want people telling me im going to hell.
Chill, karma makes it all better.... according to buddhists, sikhs, hindus... and nowww CHRISTIANS

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

coco wrote:

how can some of you guys not believe in Christ.i am a Cristian and i believe in Jesus all the way.how can you some of you believe in a big bang theory or monkey turning into a human,its all wrong god made us and thats what i believe now you guys can think whatever you think but i know there is only on savior which is Christ
How can the mountainous piles of evidence that indicate the universe to be over 10 billion years old (since the big bang), the clear demonstrations that life can and does evolve and the evidence that the earth is 4.5 billion years old not concern you at all?

I personally think that if you don't care about any of that and just want to believe what you want to believe that's fine. The one I really object to is the ID/creationist groups that are trying to change school science lessons to say that creationism is a viable scientific alternative to Evolution. It isn't. It's a religious belief.

Do the christians on this forum agree/disagree with trying to get it taught as science in schools?
The clear demonstration that life evolved is made by human imagination. I agree with what the discovery institute thinks. They should teach MORE about evolution in schools. Even the evidence that goes against it.

twistaa Jesus said it himself "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it."  Most people will probably end up in hell.

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-07-11 10:47:15)

+783|7003|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Hell Hell Hell....

Need I quote Blackadder again?

Heaven is for people who likes to sing, talk to god and water potplants and stuff like that
Hell is for people who like murder, pillaging and destruction through all eternity.

In old viking religion (don't know the exact name) if you died in combat you will go to Valholl where you would feast and fight every day until you died, and then be reborn the day after and repeat.

While if you died of old age or something alike, you would go to Hell, which is not hot, it's cold, considering that cold was one of the most common COD for people who weren't slayed.
FUCK YOU id neg you 500 days in a row if i could idiot, dont post religion shit on forums go to a fucking religious site and post this shit
Pope of BF2s
+355|6786|Sea to globally-cooled sea

MOG Disciple wrote:

twiistaaa wrote:

2.1 billion Christians
4.0 billion other

i duno are 4 billion people really going to hell? no. ok im not christian then.
Ok where did you get your stats from? If you call yourself a Christian but never excepted Jesus Christ into your life, sorry you are not a Christian!!!!  There are too many fakes out there
The irony of the situation is, many born-again and fundamentalist Christians are guilty of doing EXACTLY what Christ condemned the Pharisees for doing.

DC Talk wrote:

"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today
Is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips
Then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle.
That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable."
I find it genuinely sad, in a heart-breaking sense, to see Christians tell non-Christians that they are going to hell.  "Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more" (Luke 12:48).  Some people were born into Christian families.  Some were not.

Christ, a Jew, was compassionate towards the people whom the rest of the Jews condemned.  Why were these people with whom Christ surrounded himself outcasts?  Because the "upstanding" Jews understood the law to treat them that way .  Case in point-the woman caught in adultery.

Many born-again and fundamentalist Christians--believers in and followers of Christ--condemn just as the Jewish public did.  You would have stoned that woman.  By telling a non-Christian that they are going to hell is exactly the same as throwing the first stone.  Read John 8:2-11.

Being a Christian is not part of a club.  Christ wasn't saying, "Only refrain from throwing the first stone at your fellow Christians, the rest you can bury with boulders."  Christ commanded us to do the same to everyone.

The early Christians struggled with this concept of being a club.  Read Galatians 2:1-14 and compare it to Acts 15:2-21.  Peter and Paul argued with Mosaic law scholars over exactly this.  The scholars argued that only Jews would be saved, therefore all gentiles must be first circumcised before baptized.  Peter and Paul disagreed.  And we follow Peter and Paul's teaching here, not Mosaic law. 

The early Christians considered themselves to be Jews.  They believed that following Christ was the best way to be Jewish.  Consider that when you consider Peter and Paul's case regarding circumcision.  In the analogy, circumcision = being born again, to a certain extent.  This is not the passover.  Being part of your born-again club is not like the blood of the lamb on your doorway that will keep the angel of death away.

FELLOW CHRISTIANS!!  Before you hasten to judge your atheist brethren, consider Saul who was a scholar of the law and killed all those whom he believed to be bad Jews.  Yet later he converted and became a leader of precisely those whom he condemned.  If you immediately say, "you are an atheist, you are going to hell" you are not acting like St. Paul.  You are acting like Saul.  May God strike you off your horse and humble you as Saul was humbled.

EVERYONE is eligible for the kingdom of God.  Not everyone will get there, sadly.  But frankly, I'd rather be the son who told the father that he would not work in the vineyard but ended up working, rather than the son who said he'd work but then blew off the work (Matthew 21:28-32).

I am a Roman Catholic.  I believe in Purgatory.  Believing in purgatory makes it easier to accept people who are not born-again.  You see, I believe that a person who does good things but who has never heard of Christ or who has never been blessed with a conversion will not necessarily go to hell.  A just person who is not a Christian can still do the work of Christ.  How can one condemn this person?

To reject Christ out of ignorance is a sin, but it alone is not enough to condemn you to eternal fire.  Christ was compassionate on earth.  Do you not believe he is compassionate in Heaven?

I understand that the concept of Purgatory is foreign to many Christians because it is not in Scripture.  Let us not debate purgatory in this thread.  If you want to talk about it, we can do it elsewhere.  The reason I bring purgatory up is because it is a beautiful concept that gives a place for good people who have not been baptized.

Simply because you consider yourself a Christian does not send you directly into heaven.  If that were the case, none of Christ's teachings would be relevant.  All this "Love one another" bunk would have no consequence if you have a one-way ticket to paradise by saying "yes."

being baptized is being given a Mercedes with which you can get to heaven.  Some people are peddling tricycles, but if they are traveling the path or righteousness they will get there.  Simply driving a Mercedes will not get you there.  Make sure you are on the right path.
MOG Disciple

SealXo wrote:

FUCK YOU id neg you 500 days in a row if i could idiot, dont post religion shit on forums go to a fucking religious site and post this shit
Don't read this forum then.
+302|6896|Salt Lake City

G3|Genius wrote:

MOG Disciple wrote:

twiistaaa wrote:

2.1 billion Christians
4.0 billion other

i duno are 4 billion people really going to hell? no. ok im not christian then.
Ok where did you get your stats from? If you call yourself a Christian but never excepted Jesus Christ into your life, sorry you are not a Christian!!!!  There are too many fakes out there
The irony of the situation is, many born-again and fundamentalist Christians are guilty of doing EXACTLY what Christ condemned the Pharisees for doing.

DC Talk wrote:

"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today
Is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips
Then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle.
That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable."
I find it genuinely sad, in a heart-breaking sense, to see Christians tell non-Christians that they are going to hell.  "Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more" (Luke 12:48).  Some people were born into Christian families.  Some were not.

Christ, a Jew, was compassionate towards the people whom the rest of the Jews condemned.  Why were these people with whom Christ surrounded himself outcasts?  Because the "upstanding" Jews understood the law to treat them that way .  Case in point-the woman caught in adultery.

Many born-again and fundamentalist Christians--believers in and followers of Christ--condemn just as the Jewish public did.  You would have stoned that woman.  By telling a non-Christian that they are going to hell is exactly the same as throwing the first stone.  Read John 8:2-11.

Being a Christian is not part of a club.  Christ wasn't saying, "Only refrain from throwing the first stone at your fellow Christians, the rest you can bury with boulders."  Christ commanded us to do the same to everyone.

The early Christians struggled with this concept of being a club.  Read Galatians 2:1-14 and compare it to Acts 15:2-21.  Peter and Paul argued with Mosaic law scholars over exactly this.  The scholars argued that only Jews would be saved, therefore all gentiles must be first circumcised before baptized.  Peter and Paul disagreed.  And we follow Peter and Paul's teaching here, not Mosaic law. 

The early Christians considered themselves to be Jews.  They believed that following Christ was the best way to be Jewish.  Consider that when you consider Peter and Paul's case regarding circumcision.  In the analogy, circumcision = being born again, to a certain extent.  This is not the passover.  Being part of your born-again club is not like the blood of the lamb on your doorway that will keep the angel of death away.

FELLOW CHRISTIANS!!  Before you hasten to judge your atheist brethren, consider Saul who was a scholar of the law and killed all those whom he believed to be bad Jews.  Yet later he converted and became a leader of precisely those whom he condemned.  If you immediately say, "you are an atheist, you are going to hell" you are not acting like St. Paul.  You are acting like Saul.  May God strike you off your horse and humble you as Saul was humbled.

EVERYONE is eligible for the kingdom of God.  Not everyone will get there, sadly.  But frankly, I'd rather be the son who told the father that he would not work in the vineyard but ended up working, rather than the son who said he'd work but then blew off the work (Matthew 21:28-32).

I am a Roman Catholic.  I believe in Purgatory.  Believing in purgatory makes it easier to accept people who are not born-again.  You see, I believe that a person who does good things but who has never heard of Christ or who has never been blessed with a conversion will not necessarily go to hell.  A just person who is not a Christian can still do the work of Christ.  How can one condemn this person?

To reject Christ out of ignorance is a sin, but it alone is not enough to condemn you to eternal fire.  Christ was compassionate on earth.  Do you not believe he is compassionate in Heaven?

I understand that the concept of Purgatory is foreign to many Christians because it is not in Scripture.  Let us not debate purgatory in this thread.  If you want to talk about it, we can do it elsewhere.  The reason I bring purgatory up is because it is a beautiful concept that gives a place for good people who have not been baptized.

Simply because you consider yourself a Christian does not send you directly into heaven.  If that were the case, none of Christ's teachings would be relevant.  All this "Love one another" bunk would have no consequence if you have a one-way ticket to paradise by saying "yes."

being baptized is being given a Mercedes with which you can get to heaven.  Some people are peddling tricycles, but if they are traveling the path or righteousness they will get there.  Simply driving a Mercedes will not get you there.  Make sure you are on the right path.
While I've made it very clear that I am not of any religious conviction, and do not believe in God, finally a person of faith that does understand the bigger picture of what the Bible says Jesus was trying to teach.

Well said, and +1.
MOG Disciple

If you belive in pergatory what is the point in being a Christian?  Why give your life to Christ if you get to go to Purgatory?  Like you said lets not debate I just want to know why you belive in pergatory. As you can tell im not catholic.
I am all that is MOD!

G3|Genius wrote:

I find it genuinely sad, in a heart-breaking sense, to see Christians tell non-Christians that they are going to hell.  "Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more" (Luke 12:48).  Some people were born into Christian families.  Some were not.

Christ, a Jew, was compassionate towards the people whom the rest of the Jews condemned.  Why were these people with whom Christ surrounded himself outcasts?  Because the "upstanding" Jews understood the law to treat them that way .  Case in point-the woman caught in adultery.

Many born-again and fundamentalist Christians--believers in and followers of Christ--condemn just as the Jewish public did.  You would have stoned that woman.  By telling a non-Christian that they are going to hell is exactly the same as throwing the first stone.  Read John 8:2-11.

Being a Christian is not part of a club.  Christ wasn't saying, "Only refrain from throwing the first stone at your fellow Christians, the rest you can bury with boulders."  Christ commanded us to do the same to everyone.

The early Christians struggled with this concept of being a club.  Read Galatians 2:1-14 and compare it to Acts 15:2-21.  Peter and Paul argued with Mosaic law scholars over exactly this.  The scholars argued that only Jews would be saved, therefore all gentiles must be first circumcised before baptized.  Peter and Paul disagreed.  And we follow Peter and Paul's teaching here, not Mosaic law. 

The early Christians considered themselves to be Jews.  They believed that following Christ was the best way to be Jewish.  Consider that when you consider Peter and Paul's case regarding circumcision.  In the analogy, circumcision = being born again, to a certain extent.  This is not the passover.  Being part of your born-again club is not like the blood of the lamb on your doorway that will keep the angel of death away.

FELLOW CHRISTIANS!!  Before you hasten to judge your atheist brethren, consider Saul who was a scholar of the law and killed all those whom he believed to be bad Jews.  Yet later he converted and became a leader of precisely those whom he condemned.  If you immediately say, "you are an atheist, you are going to hell" you are not acting like St. Paul.  You are acting like Saul.  May God strike you off your horse and humble you as Saul was humbled.

EVERYONE is eligible for the kingdom of God.  Not everyone will get there, sadly.  But frankly, I'd rather be the son who told the father that he would not work in the vineyard but ended up working, rather than the son who said he'd work but then blew off the work (Matthew 21:28-32).

I am a Roman Catholic.  I believe in Purgatory.  Believing in purgatory makes it easier to accept people who are not born-again.  You see, I believe that a person who does good things but who has never heard of Christ or who has never been blessed with a conversion will not necessarily go to hell.  A just person who is not a Christian can still do the work of Christ.  How can one condemn this person?

To reject Christ out of ignorance is a sin, but it alone is not enough to condemn you to eternal fire.  Christ was compassionate on earth.  Do you not believe he is compassionate in Heaven?

I understand that the concept of Purgatory is foreign to many Christians because it is not in Scripture.  Let us not debate purgatory in this thread.  If you want to talk about it, we can do it elsewhere.  The reason I bring purgatory up is because it is a beautiful concept that gives a place for good people who have not been baptized.

Simply because you consider yourself a Christian does not send you directly into heaven.  If that were the case, none of Christ's teachings would be relevant.  All this "Love one another" bunk would have no consequence if you have a one-way ticket to paradise by saying "yes."

being baptized is being given a Mercedes with which you can get to heaven.  Some people are peddling tricycles, but if they are traveling the path or righteousness they will get there.  Simply driving a Mercedes will not get you there.  Make sure you are on the right path.
Well written and coherent.  It is nice to hear a Christian that understand that actions speak louder than words.  I have just one question - Where does someone who has knowledge of Christ, lives his/her life like Jesus preached, but renounces the concept of God/Christianity/religion fall into this?

MOG Disciple wrote:


If you belive in pergatory what is the point in being a Christian?  Why give your life to Christ if you get to go to Purgatory?  Like you said lets not debate I just want to know why you belive in pergatory. As you can tell im not catholic.
There is no where in the Bible that there is a pergatory theres Heaven and hell thats it. I just like to know where you catholics get pergatory from?

Last edited by Shifty (2006-07-11 10:34:50)

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