+163|6688|Odessa, Ukraine

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

I hate karkand with a passion. For the fact that it is unarguably the most unbalanced map, MEC has little to no hope at all when the Colonels stack the shit through USMC. Karkand can not be called a good infrantry map, tanks dominate it, just like jets dominate wake. You have only really 1 choice on that map: Play USMC or get spawnraped the fuck through you (maybe 1 in 20 games a clan or a few good players decide to play MEC, thats when its fun). I played karkand today for the first time in atleast 3 months, went USMC the first round and got a fairly decent score, MEC the next and what do I get? Spawnraped 19 out of the 20 of my deaths. My score was 25/20 then, and I was spawn-killed 19 times. I used to think that was good, spawn killing the MECs and getting my score up, but then I found sharqi. That is an infrantry map. Very rarely on the servers I play on do choppers or tanks dominate that map (good chopper pilots dont come easy, while tanks dont have too much of an effect). You dont see much spawn-raping, and MEC has as much of a chance as USMC has.

Karkand sucks. For the people who play Karkand 90% of their time on BF2, how the hell can you? Its 1 long draining process - attack hotel, attack hotel, attack hotel, cap hotel, attack suburb etc. and for MEC, spawn at hotel, get spawnraped, and so on.

And the nades! oh the nades! Don't get me started on them. Its not just at the start of the round, its at every spawn, people throw nades to the spawns at suburb, everywhere!

The only realy good part in the map is fighting from train accident -> the 2 bases to the right, good sniping.

To finish, karkand = shit. karkand = dominated by tanks and arty.

/end rant.
You just don't know tactics for both MEC & USMC . I'm not nade spammer , gaymore or tank whore but I easyly get about 60-80 points per round , KDR 2-3 and I'm satisfied with it . Now I'm improving my GL KDR till 3.00 , so I play Karkand a lot . It's pretty good map to improve any of infantry KDR's exept sniper rifle ( Mashtuur is way better for sniping )
Points ? I don't care , exept the time when I have 1-2k points left for my rank up . I become real point whore at this time :p

btw , my fav. team on Karkand is MEC .
good post man but IMS that the engineers must step up and block the spawn rape with mines.  This thread is about why people play karkand.  Ive seen it where no flag is taken the whole round because all guys are doing is fragging @ 1st flag.  IMO I think wake is rthe most unbalanced.
last days i play only gulf of oman for the aviators..  and the most only on karkand.. you get the points faster then you play other maps.. i think so..
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6622|Melbourne, Australia.

Longbow wrote:

You just don't know tactics for both MEC & USMC . I'm not nade spammer , gaymore or tank whore but I easyly get about 60-80 points per round , KDR 2-3 and I'm satisfied with it . Now I'm improving my GL KDR till 3.00 , so I play Karkand a lot . It's pretty good map to improve any of infantry KDR's exept sniper rifle ( Mashtuur is way better for sniping )
Points ? I don't care , exept the time when I have 1-2k points left for my rank up . I become real point whore at this time :p

btw , my fav. team on Karkand is MEC .
I know both sides tactics pretty well, and yes, I get on average 60-70 points a game (6 SPM) but bloody hell, little to no teamwork is involved in the map, it is every man for themselves. You get the ranks < first sarge on USMC and > first sarge on MEC, sure the tactics work, but the sides are very very rarely even. Its 1 big spawncamp fest, and the fact that the flags are so close together also contribute to this problem - Its so easy for 1 person, after they die to walk about what, 15 seconds to the spawn and park their ass down, whereas on maps like sharqi, the other side acctually has time to move out of the base and move foward, rather than be sitting (and being spawnraped) and their base.

/end rant 2.
my mum says i'm cool
i only play it because its what my mates are on and if i had a choice i would never play it at all unless its on a full rotational server. continuous is just really boring, repetitive and full of freakin losers.

people only play for points. there is no teamwork involved. armour pretty much rules the entire map and almost all of the time the fight is only over bloody hotel.

it is a waste of a map and i don't see why most people have so many hours on it especially Americans
Silver inc I can only imagine what has happened to you on this map, I have felt your pain and I feel for you.
Look  -=RD=-Volx .. he plays only karkand.. he get the points very fast

BudyFX wrote:

Look  -=RD=-Volx .. he plays only karkand.. he get the points very fast
Top 10 are all padders, spammers and whores

Last edited by srog72 (2006-07-11 04:00:21)

my mum says i'm cool

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

Longbow wrote:

You just don't know tactics for both MEC & USMC . I'm not nade spammer , gaymore or tank whore but I easyly get about 60-80 points per round , KDR 2-3 and I'm satisfied with it . Now I'm improving my GL KDR till 3.00 , so I play Karkand a lot . It's pretty good map to improve any of infantry KDR's exept sniper rifle ( Mashtuur is way better for sniping )
Points ? I don't care , exept the time when I have 1-2k points left for my rank up . I become real point whore at this time :p

btw , my fav. team on Karkand is MEC .
I know both sides tactics pretty well, and yes, I get on average 60-70 points a game (6 SPM) but bloody hell, little to no teamwork is involved in the map, it is every man for themselves. You get the ranks < first sarge on USMC and > first sarge on MEC, sure the tactics work, but the sides are very very rarely even. Its 1 big spawncamp fest, and the fact that the flags are so close together also contribute to this problem - Its so easy for 1 person, after they die to walk about what, 15 seconds to the spawn and park their ass down, whereas on maps like sharqi, the other side acctually has time to move out of the base and move foward, rather than be sitting (and being spawnraped) and their base.

/end rant 2.
Silver i don't mean to patronise you but if you hate the map soooo much then why have you played 99 hours on it?
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6622|Melbourne, Australia.

=TBG=Zoton wrote:

Silver i don't mean to patronise you but if you hate the map soooo much then why have you played 99 hours on it?
If you didnt read, I used to play it because I thought it was fun - yay my stats are going up and im spawnraping! But then I relised you do exactly the same thing every round - hotel -> square -> suburb -> train accident, each time spawn raping.

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

=TBG=Zoton wrote:

Silver i don't mean to patronise you but if you hate the map soooo much then why have you played 99 hours on it?
If you didnt read, I used to play it because I thought it was fun - yay my stats are going up and im spawnraping! But then I relised you do exactly the same thing every round - hotel -> square -> suburb -> train accident, each time spawn raping.
It took you 99hrs to figure that out [cough]slow[/cough]
+163|6688|Odessa, Ukraine

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

=TBG=Zoton wrote:

Silver i don't mean to patronise you but if you hate the map soooo much then why have you played 99 hours on it?
If you didnt read, I used to play it because I thought it was fun - yay my stats are going up and im spawnraping! But then I relised you do exactly the same thing every round - hotel -> square -> suburb -> train accident, each time spawn raping.
I realised the same after playing 80 hours . I just changed my tactics . Now I don't spawnrape , exept providing help for teammates capping flags
Lol I dont play karkand ^.~ not as much as oman http://bf2s.com/player/73905142/
Gorgonnash PVP
+119|6885|Sacramento, Cal
I play karkand now and again but not that much. I run into to many people who just want points and dont think about teamwork.  I do however love a Dragon valley, Zatar wetlands, Fushe pass, Sharqi & Wake.
The Great One
My points after one round in Karkand: 70+
My points after one round in any other map: 30-

I guess this is why I play Karkand 24/7.

I like karkand cause you don't get bombed by jets every micro-second. Stopping the usmc is very easy if you have a decent team. If you have 3 nice squads, they can stop everything. An engeneer mining the area at the beginning  stops the tanks from rushing in. And just don't go where all the nades fly.
With a decent team you can win everything. I have won several times with mec on karkand. Just try to hold all flags as long as possible. If you lose your first flag when you have 30 tickets advantage that's awesome, if you can take the flag back to get them into bleeding again, even better. All you have to do is stop their rush so all you need is a good commander who spots enemies sneaking past the usual roads and a team that knows how to defend the three routes towards flags.

It's also nice because you have a lot of action.

with 2-3 antitanks, running around, a tank has no chance. But yeah if everyone is going for medic whoring, the tanks indeed dominate.

And there is no round as unbalanced as wake. The only times I have seen usmc win is when they take all flags, or when they can cap airfield, lock you in one flag and bomb away. But 95% of the times PLA wins very easily, especially if bombing the carrier is allowed.

But besides that some rounds on this map can be really boring.
Because... first off all, there are no air, thus not half-a-team waiting for jets and heli's.
Then secondly, there are alot of places to hide, so you don't get insta killed by an armor.
And then thirdly, why most people play this map, points.

But there are bad things too...
- Nade whoring.
- Claymore whoring.
- Spawn raping.
- Armor whoring.
.... you name it.
i just hate walking 20meters and geting toasted by a jet or chopper, i dont fly much either cause i dont want to deal with the tking and the "that's my jet" whining, i also need support time and it is a great map for that
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6565|Little blue planet, milky way
I dont get why people are bitching about Karkand.... Yeah, I play it a lot too. And no... Not because I score points faster, I already have all of my unlocks, and I've had them for a while, I play to have fun, not to score points anymore.

I play other maps besides karkand, but which ones depends on my mood. There are some maps that are just plain shitty, fortunately Karkand aren't one of them.

Yes, I hate it when USMC rape at the hotel, but dont FOR A SECOND believe that MEC doesn't do the same if USMC caps the hotel. But people only GET to rape at the hotel because people are TOO STUPID to spawn at another site. And THATS what I REALLY like about Karkand... The flags are so close that you CAN DO THIS. You CAN AVOID BEING RAPED TO KINGDOM COME by simply spawning one flag back and run for 20 sec. Not 2-3-5 MINUTES of running from flag to flag, just 20 sec and you're back in the action !

While I'm no real fan of CS or all the other clones (I believe BF2 is and SHOULD be different from the other FPS games out there), I happen to ENJOY the fast paced action on Karkand. You get a chance to do a lot of damage, get the adrenaline rushing and have LOADS of fun playing the game because it's fast paced. On how many other maps do you see people die this fast ? Staying alive is fun and hard work at the same time, and getting a LEGIT 23-0 score as sniper is just too much fun not to at least try it.

I play other maps aswell, I like the city maps beacuse of the fast paced action. I dont play Mashtur a whole lot because IMO the flags are too far apart, and thre's no real "natural progression" from one flag to another like there is in Karkand, thus the infantry spreads out too thin to get any real action with flanking maneuvers and tactics employed. Infantry style (and IRL military tactics) should be/is about taking, securing, and holding a position and then moving on to the next postition. I LIKE that. Sharqi has some of this, but I usually find that if I dont play MEC, I dont enjoy Sharqi as much because I dont have any real GOAL untill the MEC forces take over a flag. I do with Karkand because as MEC the US come swarming and battle ensues within SECONDS of the map starting, and as US you're in the thick of it REAL fast as you move for the flags.

If I want some hot fast paced, lowscoring action, I go for Wake or Dalian (I think my best round on either of these is HALF what I can get on Karkand). They're both fun, Dalian in particular has lots of armor combat, which is nice, and there are no bombers on either side, so the chances of a plane taking you out in a single bomb is small (though with so many attack helos on Dalian, they can EASILY pose a problem), and with less TOWs and fewer people playing AT on Wake, it's fun to be a tanker or FAV rider there once the action comes to the island.

Anyone who thinks they can just put their head under their arm and go play Karkand, are not playing very smart. Karkand like any other map poses lots of challenging situations and requires a LOT of situational awareness. While the map is prone to spawnraping because of the relatively small amount of starting locations pr CP, I dont think of this as a problem. It's tough for the US to take the hotel from determined defenders, and it's not that hard to hold on to the rear flags as MEC because of the ease of access to transports whereby a squad can move to another flag a LOT faster than the US can do on foot (by this definition, the vehicle drop HAS given the USMC a huge advantage on Karkand, but that's just another thing to overcome). Only little teamwork is required.
Being on the US, I PERFER to take the hotel first, simply because of the sheer fun of the battle. Going for a rear flag always makes me feel like I'm cheating. But on the other hand, if you finally get to the hotelflag, and your squad spawns on you and DONT take the flag, but rather run away from it like it's poison to go to a nice spot to rape, then you feel equally dirty.

People who bitch about the US armor going straight for this or that road to spawnrape (while at the same time being able to enter battle faster becuase they dont have to drive as far as the MEC armor) have it coming to them. I cannot COUNT the amount of times I've seen the US armor standing at the edge of the city afraid to enter due to mines on the roads (gotta love the no FF on mines option, now it's actually possible to DEFEND karkand without getting kicked for TK'ing all of those senseless tankers who think the skulls are powerups). Just 1-2 engineers can make a WORLD of difference. But get used to it... MEC forces hates playing engineer (I dont understand why, I've gotten 26 AT mine kills, plus a few shotgun kills, in a SINGLE round on a fully populated 64 player Karkand server). Even the tank whores are rarely (if ever) engineers. So bitch all you want about Karkand, if you can't cut it, then your tactics is flawed, because its a GREAT map, and the "regulars" on the servers I frequent all do rather well. Regardless if they're playing MEC or USMC.

In conclusion: I like to play Karkand because I get faster and more diverse, as well as more intense infantry action on this map than I find on any other map in BF2. The faster paced action is cause for the need to employ more teamwork and superior tactics, rather than relying on dumb luck, or having the superior pilot on your team. And subsequently, on this map a single inf unit can turn the tide of battle. No other map provides the inf with that kind of power, so as a hardened groundpounder, I LOVE KARKAND !
I spend most of my time on Karkand. Its a pretty fast pace map and pretty god place to get teamwork points.
I prefer sharqi, but Karkand is good sometimes (I just stopped a 2.5 month break from it yesterday - got too old/played out) mainly for the kills.  No, not the points - the kills.

First of all I strive for at least a 1:1 ratio, which is hard sometimes - your team sucks, heli whores, tank whores, one spawn point, etc... Usually I'm above that ratio.  If I spawn and die without getting a kill 2-3x I feel bored, and want to leave. 

Karkand usually has a bunch of people just waiting to get mowed down by my RPK in a tight bunch, as well as sharqi - if I'm not flying.

Thats why I play those maps.

And if I'm going to armor whore I go to 24/7 64player Ghost Town... Best map IMO for armor whoring.
Death StatPadder
+228|6811|Human Meat Shield

dhoar4 wrote:

imdead wrote:

And no dhoar, not all of us play for points.. There is some fun involved. Ever try non-ranked? POE? But unfortunately most of us have to go to the ranked ones because thats where the majority of the servers and competition is.
But that's you.  I said some people have fun not scoring points, but EVENTUALLY you want to add points to your total.  If scoring wasn't popular, we'd see a shit load of low ranks.  You must have a pretty shit SPM to say that bullshit.  So let me give you this little piece of advice...

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
Wow, you have again proved you are an idiot. Judging idiot at that. If you had half a brain you'd realize this is a game and SPM don't matter; Anyone, ANYONE, can raise their SPM just by going to small servers and tanking or in a plane for a round or two. People play differently. SPM DOES NOT MATTER. As many of the bright people know SPM can be attained very easily.. SO you have a 2.7 or whatever, your weapons are below 1. SO that tells me you are on small 32 man servers and can't shoot; points are popular but if you paid attention you'd would have come to the realization that not only are you an idiot, but the ranked servers are where the competition is, not many people play unranked, and if they are low ranks, so what, doesn't mean they suck. You are judging way to much on this point system that its not even funny.

Child, before you start blabbing stupid shit, think before you type something especially if your weapons are below 1.

{MOD}DREW wrote:

For me, I do it because I feel that it is the best map and it is well balanced.  I'm an infantry guy, so this map suits me.  I could snipe, AT, Assult, support, or Med it all works well on this map at a very fast pace.
You answered your own question, good one.
+6|6574|Maryland, USA
Because it's just so much dang fun.
+9|6880|6,000 ft & falling......weeeee
i like karky cos the harbour is so picturesque!!  if only the sun were to rise on the shimmering water.....very beholding to the eye... perhaps next time i will swap my med kit for some paints and an easel and just sit on the bay alongside my vodnik and paint the scene....other than that  its a pretty much balanced map with armour and infantry and no gaylord chopper wads

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