
Are you a Christian?

I would like to be 50% 50% - 157 50% 50% - 157
I don't want anything to do with that! 55% 55% - 174 44% 44% - 140
Total: 314
EBC Member
+56|6815|Cambridge, England
compleatly out of context

Skruples wrote:

tell us how fantastic being a christian is?
its really good being a christian.
mostly afk
+480|6710|CH/BR - in UK

jimmanycricket wrote:

compleatly out of context

Skruples wrote:

tell us how fantastic being a christian is?
its really good being a christian.
manipulating quotes, are we?
MOG Disciple

Skruples wrote:

MOG Disciple wrote:

Shifty wrote:

Why did you bother posting that it just makes you look like an idiot.
I must agree.

Love of pasta would be a different forum post.
Apparently you both missed the point. Anyway, Disciple, I see you have completely abandoned your previous anti-homosexual position, though I expected no less given its hopeless nature. I expect it would be too much to hope to get you to admit that you were wrong.

Are any christians in this thread going to support an honest, intelligent discussion? Or just tell us how fantastic being a christian is, because I could just go to church if I wanted that.
Mod Incarnate

Konfusion0 wrote:

jimmanycricket wrote:

compleatly out of context

Skruples wrote:

tell us how fantastic being a christian is?
its really good being a christian.
manipulating quotes, are we?
quite... but thank you, Jimmany, for making my point about the christians in this thread having nothing constructive to say.
I am all that is MOD!


I love being an atheist!

EDIT:  I cannot tell you how much my life has changed (for the better) since disavowing a supernatural being's existence.  I can see the world much clearer, from an intellectual perspective.  No more do I have the fogginess of religion to cloud my judgement or to find the moral way. 

I recommend to everyone, become an atheist!

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-07-10 15:50:44)

I doubt your life changed too much for the better after becoming an atheist. I know youll say it did because other people say becoming a christian was one of the best things that ever happened to them. I bet at most you felt a sense of freedom and it cleared up the "fogginess" u had about your misunderstood religion.
+6|6663|taiwan and hong kong
lol....i guess the reason that christians are being "hated" so much now...cuz people CLAIM to be christians when they really are not BEING christians....they do all the things the bible tell them not to...and christians judge people when they're not suppose to...i know that christians tell you that they have respect for your religion/belief and you don't feel that way cause while they tell you that..they insult you by telling you how terrible you really are...i've had some christian friends that judges people from their religion...and i think that's wrong but... i myself as a christian.....i just wanted to say......there has only been one man to walk on the face of the earth and was/still is perfect....and we're only humans....
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6835|Canberra, AUS

JaMDuDe wrote:

I doubt your life changed too much for the better after becoming an atheist. I know youll say it did because other people say becoming a christian was one of the best things that ever happened to them. I bet at most you felt a sense of freedom and it cleared up the "fogginess" u had about your misunderstood religion.
I think they understand it fairly well, to be honest.

If you want to believe in something CONCRETE and RELIABLE, then religion is not for you. There are far too many hypocrises, far too many interpretations.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
I wasnt talking about they i was talking about ken. Im about 99% sure he doesnt understand christianity from what he says about it. He says he understands it better than me though.

If you want something concrete and reliable science isnt for you either.

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-07-10 18:07:00)


JaMDuDe wrote:

If you want something concrete and reliable science isnt for you either.
Thank God (no pun intended) that science isn't concrete.  Otherwise, we'd still think the sun revolved around us.  That is why science is science: the fact that it can be researched, proven wrong, and corrected.  Religion is the complete opposite: completely stable, and for some that is a plus.  For some that is a minus.  Each to their own.
+125|6738|Rochester NY USA

=SoG=PredatoR wrote:

Darth_Fleder wrote:

Proud to be a Christian.
Right there with you.
With both of you as well.
medic whore
how can some of you guys not believe in Christ.i am a Cristian and i believe in Jesus all the way.how can you some of you believe in a big bang theory or monkey turning into a human,its all wrong god made us and thats what i believe now you guys can think whatever you think but i know there is only on savior which is Christ
Mod Incarnate

coco wrote:

how can some of you guys not believe in Christ.i am a Cristian and i believe in Jesus all the way.how can you some of you believe in a big bang theory or monkey turning into a human,its all wrong god made us and thats what i believe now you guys can think whatever you think but i know there is only on savior which is Christ
I strongly doubt you understand even remotely the full depth of either evolution or the big bang theory, so I would suggest not trying to debate them.
+304|6756|New York City baby.

coco wrote:

how can some of you guys not believe in Christ.i am a Cristian and i believe in Jesus all the way.how can you some of you believe in a big bang theory or monkey turning into a human,its all wrong god made us and thats what i believe now you guys can think whatever you think but i know there is only on savior which is Christ
Then you also believe that earth 10 000 years young

Last edited by alpinestar (2006-07-10 21:18:29)

Gen. Payne
Don't jump down a person's throat just for stating their opinion.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6835|Canberra, AUS

Gen. Payne wrote:

Don't jump down a person's throat just for stating their opinion.
We do a disservice to people by not letting them know a truth.


Let's not start this again, we already know where this will end up (although topal seems to be MIA. Oh well,k me and Skruples will blow wthem out of the water again.)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
I am all that is MOD!

JaMDuDe wrote:

I wasnt talking about they i was talking about ken. Im about 99% sure he doesnt understand christianity from what he says about it. He says he understands it better than me though.

If you want something concrete and reliable science isnt for you either.
I understand christianity very well.  Like I have stated before, I was raised catholic and attended catachism until I was 16years old.  I was confirmed as a catholic.  I comprehend all the stories of the bible, all the books.  My mother has a doctorate in Christian Theology.  All throughout my teen years I was able to converse with my mom about things in Christianity that I didn't understand.  It was her guidance that allowed me to come to the decision I did.  I know MY life became much clearer and easy to live after this.  That is me.  Your life may be better after becoming Christian, mine became better after renouncing religion.  Do not tell me my life would be better off if I was Christian.  I do not like people that have holier than thou attitudes of any kind.  I structure my posts around what you (Christians) say, but I reword it towards atheism.  I do this for a reason, and you should know that.  However, somehow the validity of my statements come into question, simply because I don't agree with yours.  Why?
mostly afk
+480|6710|CH/BR - in UK

NuclearBlasted wrote:

JaMDuDe wrote:

If you want something concrete and reliable science isnt for you either.
Thank God (no pun intended) that science isn't concrete.  Otherwise, we'd still think the sun revolved around us.  That is why science is science: the fact that it can be researched, proven wrong, and corrected.  Religion is the complete opposite: completely stable, and for some that is a plus.  For some that is a minus.  Each to their own.
now, how religion is stable, I do not know. People chose what to believe, they only take whats most use to them. Alright, some people even accept the whole religion, but that is a minority...
+39|6797|OREEGONE, USA
Uber L33t Mennonite
mostly afk
+480|6710|CH/BR - in UK

it's sad that even in such a hot topic, people are still able to spam... Try to stick to the topic...

coco wrote:

how can some of you guys not believe in Christ.i am a Cristian and i believe in Jesus all the way.how can you some of you believe in a big bang theory or monkey turning into a human,its all wrong god made us and thats what i believe now you guys can think whatever you think but i know there is only on savior which is Christ
How can the mountainous piles of evidence that indicate the universe to be over 10 billion years old (since the big bang), the clear demonstrations that life can and does evolve and the evidence that the earth is 4.5 billion years old not concern you at all?

I personally think that if you don't care about any of that and just want to believe what you want to believe that's fine. The one I really object to is the ID/creationist groups that are trying to change school science lessons to say that creationism is a viable scientific alternative to Evolution. It isn't. It's a religious belief.

Do the christians on this forum agree/disagree with trying to get it taught as science in schools?
2.1 billion christians
4.0 billion other

i duno are 4 billion people really going to hell? no. ok im not christian then.
+6|6663|taiwan and hong kong

twiistaaa wrote:

2.1 billion christians
4.0 billion other

i duno are 4 billion people really going to hell? no. ok im not christian then.
i think they will...and lots of the 2.1 also will..
I think they'll mostly rot in the ground. Some will get cremated and a lucky few become fossilised. Just my opinion.
+302|6896|Salt Lake City

You know, I've seen it personally many times and it still never ceases to amaze me.  You can introduce two people and watch them get along fabulously right up until the point where you bring up religion.  If they aren't of the same belief system, that previously great relationship can go straight to hell (pun intended) in 2.3 seconds flat.

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