Besides the fact that everytime I go to Costco I think of BF2 (Karkland anyone?), I was wondering why is it that some of you play this map almost exclusively?

For me, I do it because I feel that it is the best map and it is well balanced.  I'm an infantry guy, so this map suits me.  I could snipe, AT, Assult, support, or Med it all works well on this map at a very fast pace.


people play it for points.

I used to be one of these people, i have moved on to other maps now
Kick His Ass!
+371|6736|Howell, Mi USA
Sniping usually, but Sharqi is better. I don't understand the people with 2000hours on karstupid and 1 minute on other maps. My favorite map is Kubra, but after 2 or 3 games i need other maps to mix it up.

Last edited by Cbass (2006-07-10 15:47:54)

There is.
+1,380|6733|Devon, England
its just... karkand.

it is the ultimate map of all fps'.

altho, bloodgulch est pretty cool (halo ftw!)
It seems to be the only map that most people play. Most have the play Karkand every other map setup too which ends up in me just playing Karkand over and over.
Support Specialist
i guess some people score a lot of points on it.   i've never been on top when i played karkand, though.  taking out an entire squad on sharqi from behind is what does it for me.
Ambitious but Rubbish
Don't play it at the moment, use to alot, but all I play now is special forces.

Got a bit board with Normal BF2, special force more fun.

But when I did play guess it was for the points.
+37|6680|Chicago, Il
There are more maps?
I have 320 Hours on this map, you may think im sad but hey minus me, hahah.

The reason i play this map is because it has alot of choke points, i only play 32 player so there is only 1 APC and 2 Tanks to worry about, and is the most infrantry map there is other than mashitur.

I also like it because its a easy win all the time, every noob goes for the hotel whilst your in a humvee working your way to suburbs or gatehouse.

Other reasons i dont like other maps, is that there are planes i cant fly all that well but when i do like to have a go in plane i get 10noobs stand in front of it or i have someone put C4 all over me, same with maps with attack helo's they just rape everything, take sharqi for example MEC and USMC both get a chopper but with a good team they loose TV station and then the MEC team just rape everyone.

Dont get me wrong i play other maps aswell, but karkand is great its just a huge noobfest with the odd ocasional decent player/squad and when they meet its great fun.

I cant see what people's problem is in playing karkand only or playing karkand and other maps, we all paid our money for this game so we can all play it how we want.
excellent reply, exactly what I was looking for.  It was well thought out, well written and to the point. 


+6|6548|international waters
is a good map for some reasons
the main reason is urban warfare
1.-no chopper/plane whoring,only armor whoring but can be destroyed more easy than a plane or a heli
2.-playable for all clases
3.-has short range combat(sharki too)
4.-if is a only map server u have a higher chance to get a vehicle if r pc have a slow loading
5.-is more progresive conquer than other maps(if nobody go for a back base)hotel->plaza(i dont remember the name)->suburbs->train crash->etc

but i prefer 3 urban maps servers

Last edited by aqempty (2006-07-10 16:11:46)

+917|6660|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

JaM3z wrote:

I have 320 Hours on this map, you may think im sad but hey minus me, hahah.
lol, i dont even have 320 hours TOTAL... wow. lol

i dont like it, i am banning myself from ever playing there again, if you see me on a karkand server, come in there, TK me, and then leave saying, BF2s sent me....

then disapear.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
i also play it because i like the way you see some guy with C4 strapped to his Hummvee or vodnik driving like a maniac to find the nearest armour to blow him up with, god its so funny just watching it.
First Aid! Here!
i play it because you dont have to go a mile to the next flag only to get killed by a plane

and its easy to get a lot of pts.
+98|6700|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia

darkcrystal wrote:

i play it because you dont have to go a mile to the next flag only to get killed by a plane

and its easy to get a lot of pts.
same here i hate walking 20km up the road only to get bombed by a jet.
Hockey Nut
+243|6572|Boston, MA
I like it simply because I'm an infantry guy. That an it's basically just big fire fights everywhere you go, it gives you the sense of a real war in a city. There's just a ton of ways to get to one place but you can only really get there from head on, there's not much flanking and I think it's more fun to just try to shoot people and stay alive. That and I really hate those people who whore the planes and helicopters, I don't really mind the tank whores. I just don't see what the fun is with flying around in a jet and bombing places, it just never appealed to me. The main thing I even use planes for is to just get from point a to point b really fast and to do stunts.
Paddles/Plane Whore
+28|6603|Australia, NSW
i play wake no plane whoring happens to me, as i am in the j-10.

i find that i can easily get way more points on wake than karkand, i dont see how its the big point whore map

btw, planes r one of the funnest things in bf2- just my opinion- but so is jihad jeeping
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6717|Canberra, AUS
Because they're the only populated servers.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
i am a infrantry man myself but i hate karkand.
i get a lot of point in karkand dont get me wrong.but everytime i killed someone i get shot by a apc or tank always the same.i never have a clean streak at karkand.
and the other thing tanks and apc raping the hell out of spawnpoints.
karkand isnt fun anymore.
i like sharqi or mashtuur.mashtuur the most becausse i can avoid the tanks easily.and then get soldier to soldier combat.in karkand is it to busy to be tactical.you just trow grenades at the first spawnpoint for mec.
i hate it no skill involved.totally no skill.
+151|6577|Forest Lake, Australia
I play it because it's a smaller map.  On all the other maps, everyone is very spread out, makes it a lot harder to heal/revive/resupply or repair team-mates.  For the people who say "I've gotten over Karkand", it was never something to get over...So what if we play all our hours on the one map...If you don't like it, don't play Battlefield.  I mix it up.  I enjoy the occasional Wake or Dalian or Mashtuur.  But I feel at home at Karkand....
+151|6577|Forest Lake, Australia

royster86 wrote:

i am a infrantry man myself but i hate karkand.
i get a lot of point in karkand dont get me wrong.but everytime i killed someone i get shot by a apc or tank always the same.i never have a clean streak at karkand.
and the other thing tanks and apc raping the hell out of spawnpoints.
karkand isnt fun anymore.
i like sharqi or mashtuur.mashtuur the most becausse i can avoid the tanks easily.and then get soldier to soldier combat.in karkand is it to busy to be tactical.you just trow grenades at the first spawnpoint for mec.
i hate it no skill involved.totally no skill.
That's a very noobish thing to say.  YOU obviously have no skill if you can't perform in there.  I got 47-0 on foot in Karkand.  Is that not a streak?
I play karkand because i hate running/riding/flying half way across the map just to get to the enemy.
Professional Noob
karkand is great if you can find a perfect 40 people,32-size map server. not so much sharqi...gets messy around the construction base. I play karkand for hopes of teamwork.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
I used to be a karkand nub who only cared about points..... then after 180 hours I realized how overplayed and retarded the map really is and haven't been on a 24/7 Karkand since
The Last Black Winegum
Mmmm! Winegums
+52|6648|Lancashire, UK
I love de_Dust2,  ...errrr.......I mean Karkand..

It's easier to play lone-wolf if there's no-one I know on-line,  and no-ones forming squads,    and it's like Black-Hawk Down.

without any Black-Hawks, ...... er... coming down.

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