+3,611|6774|London, England
Well it's the gun that kills me most instantly, people just insta-prone and get that headshot first thing. Even me when i use that gun i get so much more headshots, even without using sights. Methinks theres something wrong there becuase sometimes i'm not even trying and i get headshots. Something wrong there...
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6826|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
I like it, I think its the best medic gun, it seems quick, its good CQC or in single shot at a distance.
+9|6724|West Deptford, NJ
At knife range the accuracy is good enough to kill a man on full auto. Anything more and you're hitting air. Very short bursts or semi auto is the only way you can kill anything. I have tried it again since the patch, since it seems they've tweaked it a bit, and it's slightly better. I still find that you can shoot a guy 3,4,5 times and he's still alive and kicking. I stick with the G36E/AK usually, or the M16A2 if I feel like raping everybody at long range (that gun is ridicuously accurate).
Missing, Presumed Dead

Whenever I play any Infantry map, Im a medic - nothing else. Not because I just end up reviving people and thats that - but because of the L85A1.
It is by far my most favourite and most used weapon. I can use it effectively prone, crouched or standing up, and at short, medium or long range. It is great on single shot for taking out snipers, especially in the tower crane on Sharqi from below.
I was really disappointed with the G36E and have used it once since I unlocked it. Everybody raves about it, but I hate it.
But I must admit, I do like the AK's for the Medic. But for me, the L85A1 is by far the best medic weapon you can get.
That is, until you get to the FAMAS for the EU which, on my terms, is equal to the L85A1. That gun is simply awesome.

Snake wrote:

Whenever I play any Infantry map, Im a medic - nothing else. Not because I just end up reviving people and thats that - but because of the L85A1.
It is by far my most favourite and most used weapon. I can use it effectively prone, crouched or standing up, and at short, medium or long range. It is great on single shot for taking out snipers, especially in the tower crane on Sharqi from below.
I was really disappointed with the G36E and have used it once since I unlocked it. Everybody raves about it, but I hate it.
But I must admit, I do like the AK's for the Medic. But for me, the L85A1 is by far the best medic weapon you can get.
That is, until you get to the FAMAS for the EU which, on my terms, is equal to the L85A1. That gun is simply awesome.
Hell yes!  I love the FAMAS too!  I so wish they'd make it available as an unlock in reg BF2!  I really like the L85A1 too, but I'm still gettting used to using it..
+917|6771|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

FFLink13 wrote:

twas my first unlock aswell, and it is a good gun.

but i do get pissed of with the accuracy of it on full auto.
the accuracy isnt that bad, its the deviation.... ....
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal

MrE`158 wrote:

I like it, for certain situations.

The single-shot and scope is great for sniping with, and the full-auto is pretty useful for really close combat.  But, the gun sucks ass at mid-range fighting.  For medium range, the single shot isn't fast enough, and the full-auto isn't accurate enough, so the guy with the burst weapon is going to take you to the cleaners.

I use it a good bit in Special Forces, especially on Surge and Mass Destruction (for sniping).  For closer maps like Warlord or Karkand, the AK is a better weapon, though.  I'll stick with the G36 for general usage, most versatile of the lot.
Ditto.  As squad leader, this is often my preferred weapon.  As squad member, I go for the G36E.
I must be using this gun wrong. Even with the single shot, as a medic I never find my self far from the bad guys, who happen to be killing my buddies and providing me with some serious team points. So I usually stick to the standard weapon. Which happen to be better @ the short and Medium range where most medics should find themselves...but what do I know.

Oh... and I don't punish for TK's
It was the first gun I unlocked and I HATED it.
Now, it's the gun I use 99% of the time.

*TS*tphai wrote:

well if im american i use the m-16 because i like the 3 round burst but if im any other i use the l85a1
Umm... why? AK-47 is much more powerful and accurate compared to the L85A1.. As is the AK-101. L85A1 IMO is just a gay gun. Not sure why, i just despise it. Not that I can't rape fools with it, no, but idk i just think its a retarded little gun.

MrE`158 wrote:

I like it, for certain situations.

The single-shot and scope is great for sniping with, and the full-auto is pretty useful for really close combat.  But, the gun sucks ass at mid-range fighting.  For medium range, the single shot isn't fast enough, and the full-auto isn't accurate enough, so the guy with the burst weapon is going to take you to the cleaners.

I use it a good bit in Special Forces, especially on Surge and Mass Destruction (for sniping).  For closer maps like Warlord or Karkand, the AK is a better weapon, though.  I'll stick with the G36 for general usage, most versatile of the lot.
I agree completely.  I like the L85A1, but it get's owned by G36 in most cases.  But the L85 sounds like it's a BB gun.  So, lately I play AK if I'm a MEC medic and L85A1 if I'm anyone else.  The AK sounds better.
It is really the best gun.  I know I've posted about it before, but it really can't be beat in any department (besides maybe the PKM).  G36E's run out of ammo too quickly and the 3 round burst sucks for close quarters combat.  The L85A1 is amazing in close quarters, and the single shot and scope are also good for long distances.   The full auto is what really seals the deal.  It is absolutely essential for maps like Warlord, where you might be fighting two or three guys back to back to back, ammo is essential, and the ability to "spray" a little bit is necessary.
M16 Ftw!!!!!!!!!!!
bunny hopping nade spammer

NuclearBlasted wrote:

It is really the best gun.  I know I've posted about it before, but it really can't be beat in any department (besides maybe the PKM).  G36E's run out of ammo too quickly and the 3 round burst sucks for close quarters combat.  The L85A1 is amazing in close quarters, and the single shot and scope are also good for long distances.   The full auto is what really seals the deal.  It is absolutely essential for maps like Warlord, where you might be fighting two or three guys back to back to back, ammo is essential, and the ability to "spray" a little bit is necessary.
the L85A1 is IMO the best gun in the game. in single shot-mode youre unvincible if youre used to the gun.
AK-101 can easly mow down this gun.
maybe on short distances, but on long-range the L85A1 is unbeatable in accuracy (exept sniper rifles).
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6815|Groningen, The Netherlands

Afrika_18 wrote:

I took it as my first unlock.  I really like the scope; I know the damage is jack compared to the AK's and the G3, but they're still 1 shot kills if its a head shot, and its better than the M16.  Overall, I think its a versatile gun with a good scope.  Can't wait to try the F2000
now that nobody can neg me, i'm gonna tell you folks that i really hate that gun
i cant hit a wall of 10 people a meter away if i wanted too >_<
bullseye (+)
the gun was good once but now it isnt accurate at all on single shot i used to use it all the time until on of the patches decreased the accuracy so now it takes about 10 shots to kill a guy it is great for close range just not long.

travisb05 wrote:

the gun was good once but now it isnt accurate at all on single shot i used to use it all the time until on of the patches decreased the accuracy so now it takes about 10 shots to kill a guy it is great for close range just not long.
sorry mate, but my experiences with that gun were different

Gamematt wrote:

now that nobody can neg me, i'm gonna tell you folks that i really hate that gun
Only a right twat would have given you a negative for that anyway
I can't believe anyone would use the L85 in close combat situations. CQC is not for medics in the first place (low armour), but if you plan to do it, then the AK101/47 is a much better choice.

valli wrote:

I can't believe anyone would use the L85 in close combat situations. CQC is not for medics in the first place (low armour), but if you plan to do it, then the AK101/47 is a much better choice.
In some SF maps, you don't have the option of using any AKs.  CQC is not for medics?  Are you serious?  Maybe they aren't the wisest choice, but their healing and reviving abilities make them almost essentially close quarters.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

NuclearBlasted wrote:

valli wrote:

I can't believe anyone would use the L85 in close combat situations. CQC is not for medics in the first place (low armour), but if you plan to do it, then the AK101/47 is a much better choice.
In some SF maps, you don't have the option of using any AKs.  CQC is not for medics?  Are you serious?  Maybe they aren't the wisest choice, but their healing and reviving abilities make them almost essentially close quarters.
Lol name one map in the entire game without an AK...idiot

Superior Mind wrote:

NuclearBlasted wrote:

valli wrote:

I can't believe anyone would use the L85 in close combat situations. CQC is not for medics in the first place (low armour), but if you plan to do it, then the AK101/47 is a much better choice.
In some SF maps, you don't have the option of using any AKs.  CQC is not for medics?  Are you serious?  Maybe they aren't the wisest choice, but their healing and reviving abilities make them almost essentially close quarters.
Lol name one map in the entire game without an AK...idiot
Try using an AK as SAS on Warlord, idiot.

Or any map with SAS for that matter.  You do realize that in SF, armies like the SAS only have a choice between two guns (and not AKs for that matter), right?

Last edited by NuclearBlasted (2006-07-10 14:45:18)

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