Ok, so for the pst day I have been experiencing real sound jitter when playing Bf2. You know when some real strange noises come out of the speakers and after they stop I can't hear my gun fire and than after few minutes it happens again lasting a few seconds and everything goes back to normal. It's very strange to me, becouse this hasn't been the issue for the past week, not it just started and I haven't installed or modified anything? I use Audigy 2 ZS.

Now I know, that this has been a problem before and than EA fixed it, but I want to know if it's only me or enyone else ?

A stranger in the dark

I can't really help you because I haven't heard (read) of the problem before... But I'll assist you by redirecting your post to the proper section help : Q and A concerning this site
BF2 : Q and A concerning the game...

Good luck,
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6994|Hell's prison
Try opening your case and blasting it off with compressed Air, I was having a similar issue and it worked for me.  Also just as a precaution, give your PC a cold boot, and reinstall your drivers.  Check the site for updates as well.  If this dosent work its more than likely a software problem with BF2 and your system.  Hope this helps.
I have the exact same problem and it just started happening today. I also have the Audigy 2 ZS.
Here is a video somebody recorded of the problem:
I have the same problem.  I am running 1.3 No Fraps, No Teamspeak.  This problem just started happening about a week ago.  Sometimes when I am at the selection menu for choosing a server it is so bad that it locks up the game and I will have to reboot.  Installed new drivers and the problem persists.  Using Creative Value 2 audio card.
Yeah that's the problem. I was watching the video you gave link to and it's the same problem I have. This really sux and I bet it's patch 1.4 and their stupid public testing related. EA suxx again.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6963|Teesside, UK

Toni wrote:

Yeah that's the problem. I was watching the video you gave link to and it's the same problem I have. This really sux and I bet it's patch 1.4 and their stupid public testing related. EA suxx again.
Ea can't win.  The reason EA released the beta patch was to find all these problems and attempt to fix them before the official release so they wont have the tonne of "ea suxx" and "fuck ea" threads that come out after each patch.  Would you have reather they didnt release the patch to the public and the fault went unoticed until the final release?
I too have the problem.

And I have not installed beta 1.4.

The one thing that happened this weekend was that punkbuster updated. Do we all have Auligy 2ZS cards? Also can someone try a non-pb server? Im at work now.
Don't be naive crimson. So you want to be a tester for them and not even get paid for it. It's the same crap like with all other stuff. If a company can't test shit inside it's walls and need help from the public than they must suxx all the way to the roof, so please.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6963|Teesside, UK

Toni wrote:

Don't be naive crimson. So you want to be a tester for them and not even get paid for it. It's the same crap like with all other stuff. If a company can't test shit inside it's walls and need help from the public than they must suxx all the way to the roof, so please.
I'm not naive.  I just don't expect ea to have every single cpu/gfx card/sound card/mobo etc combo in their building.  People don't seem to realize the sheer possible combinations of hardware available and expect that a piece of code should work flawlessly across the board well unfortunately thats not true.

I can understand that thinking with a console game when the equipment is identical but not pc games.  I bought Hitman:blood money the day it came out and cant play due to no sound.  No reply from eidos tech support and 2 patches later that don't address the problem all i can say is at least ea listen and sometimes try things differently if the screw up big time.  Yes the bf2 games do seem to be plagued with problems but at least ea are trying to learn from the screw ups from the last few patches.  So many people bitched last time that the patch didnt fix their faults,  while now they get that oppertunity to contribute, its not about getting payed.

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2006-07-10 14:00:10)

Ok I got this reply from PB and this worked for me. YAY!  Make sure you back up the older file in case of problems.

Note #2: I would like to work directly with you to narrow down the issue.

First: We have a new test PB Client ready which will hopefully help. Make a backup of your current pbcl.dll in the bf2/pb folder, and then replace the file with this one:
Micron I'm trying you're solution as I type this so hope it works.

OK now there is another problem - not due to the file I downloaded, becouse i haven't replaced it yet.

I try to log in and either I'm connecting like 10 minutes or get a message ''The server has closed the connection''. Anyone else or just me ?
+305|6907|Cheshire. UK

Fearnight wrote:

I have the exact same problem and it just started happening today. I also have the Audigy 2 ZS.
Same here ....started last night ... Audigy 2 ZS also
yup guess ill join the band wagon on this one. i got an audigy z value and i noticed that exact same sound happening since sunday. uninstalled sound driver then reinstalled and updated it, still no go. uninstall bf2 still no go. clean registry still no go. update punkbuster still no go. however i did try that one file someone posted earlier and was able to play 2 rounds with no problem. hope that fixed it. ive got to go work so ill try play more later on and see if that solved the problem.

ps. boy am i glad im not the only one with this problem. i was beggining to  think that my sound card was going out on me. was all ready to buy a new one. see people, it pays to SEARCH

micr0n wrote:

Ok I got this reply from PB and this worked for me. YAY!  Make sure you back up the older file in case of problems.

Note #2: I would like to work directly with you to narrow down the issue.

First: We have a new test PB Client ready which will hopefully help. Make a backup of your current pbcl.dll in the bf2/pb folder, and then replace the file with this one:
Although it makes no sense at all, this also solved my buddy's problem with sound fubars and the Audigy 4 Pro in BF2. 

Most excellent find dude!

+1|6936|New Zealand
Just to jump on aswell.

Been running bf2 with 1.3 and sound problem as stated above started two days ago. WTF.
Well to all of you with this problem, try the file Micr0n  posted link to. I was playing for three hours without a glitch.

micr0n wrote:

Ok I got this reply from PB and this worked for me. YAY!  Make sure you back up the older file in case of problems.

Note #2: I would like to work directly with you to narrow down the issue.

First: We have a new test PB Client ready which will hopefully help. Make a backup of your current pbcl.dll in the bf2/pb folder, and then replace the file with this one:
I have this exact same issue.  I installed this dll file and played around with it and it seems to be working great so far.

+1 for you every day that I don't get the issue.
Sleep Deprived
micr0n's solution fixed my sudden and otherwise unexplainable Audigy 2 ZS issues too.

Thanks. +1
+24|6985|45° 30',North by 73° 35',West
Started about 2 days ago for me as well. Playing no problems (besides CTD etc) and bye-bye sound..
+24|6985|45° 30',North by 73° 35',West

micr0n wrote:

Ok I got this reply from PB and this worked for me. YAY!  Make sure you back up the older file in case of problems.

Note #2: I would like to work directly with you to narrow down the issue.

First: We have a new test PB Client ready which will hopefully help. Make a backup of your current pbcl.dll in the bf2/pb folder, and then replace the file with this one:
Thx, it worked..
+0|6797|Bristol, UK
Have been having exactly the same problem - sudden sound glitches and ctds Unfortunately this coincided with installing the newer Nvidia 91.31 drivers so that sent me down a blind alley of full BF2 reinstalls, gfx driver rollbacks, audigy 2 ZS removal and reinstall, uninstalling Ventrillo etc.

If this works then Micr0n, you are a legend. Wish me luck...
Holy sh|t! I thought I hosed either my operating system or some hardware component while overlocking my system. This sound problem has bugged me for weeks. I have reinstalled drivers, restored a fresh image of my XP install which i had to pay $45 for and spent countless hours tweaking and whatnot. Thanks for the PB file info. I'll give that a try.

Audigy2 ZS card.

Last edited by Horsepower (2006-07-23 10:00:19)

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